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Authors: Ashe Barker

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Rich Tapestry (24 page)

BOOK: Rich Tapestry
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“Oh no, you should dance. It’s a wedding, and everyone has to dance at a wedding.” Rosie sounds excited. She’s just arrived at our table, Barney on her heels. She tugs at Dan’s sleeve. “I’ll dance with you, Uncle Dan.”

“I’ll hold you to that later. For now, could you take Barney outside please? He’s not really allowed in here. And as for you, Miss Jones, are we dancing?”

“Are you asking?” I smile at him, my mood lightening.

“I’m asking.”

“Then I’m dancing.” He stands, holds out his hand.

I take it, and find myself drawn onto the dance floor. I’m not surprised to find Dan is an excellent dancer, another accomplishment to add to a growing list. His hold is possessive, comforting, assured but not restrictive. We whirl and glide through the crowd of other guests, and I seize the opportunity to wave to Ashley as she passes in Tom’s arms, and again in Nathan’s.

We’ve had no opportunity to chat today, and I don’t expect we will. I’d been hoping to have more time with her though before she goes off on her honeymoon. There’s still so much we need to catch up on.

“Have you enjoyed your day so far?” Dan’s breath tickles my ear as he leans down to whisper to me.

“Yes. Very much. I’m so glad Ashley contacted me.”

“Me too. So you enjoyed all of it? No second thoughts?”

He’s referring to the events of this morning. And yesterday on the steps to Black Combe. And the consequences yet to be addressed. I look up at him to meet his gaze and shake my head. “No. None.”

His smile is warm. “None so far. That’s good. And later? After we finish here? I know I came on strong yesterday and you were feeling pressured, taken by surprise. I need you to understand that I’m not going to force anything on you that you don’t want. Really don’t want. You can say no. Always.”

“I do know that.” I think. I’ve yet to say no to Dan and make it stick. But I don’t intend to try it tonight. “I accept what’s coming. I trust you. And I want you to understand that I really am sorry for what happened. For all of it.”

I’m referring to my bizarre behavior at the club all those months ago as well as the debacle yesterday, though I’m hoping Dan won’t press me too hard to explain. Not here. Later perhaps, when we’re alone.

“What’s coming? Mmm, that’s one way of putting it. I think you’ll survive, though. I’ve not spent much time with you this afternoon. I’m sorry about that but it’s been a bit manic.”

“I know. And it’s okay. I came to this wedding on my own. I don’t expect you to…”

“You may have come here alone but you’re not alone now.” Dan interrupts my flow of words, and I fall silent. Considering. He steers us towards the edge of the dance floor and into a secluded niche beside a huge potted palm. He tips up my chin with his fingertips and brushes his lips over mine.

“You were Ashley’s guest in the first place, now you’re mine. Okay?”


“Just…mine.” He lowers his head to kiss me again, and there is no further conversation.

By seven in the evening I’m seriously flagging. Guests are starting to disperse, but there’s still quite a crowd as we all troop outside to watch the fireworks. I’d expected Ashley and Tom to disappear off on honeymoon somewhere, but they’re still here. According to Eva, Tom wants to oversee the initial stages of getting his wind farm scheme off the ground, so they’ve delayed their honeymoon for a couple of weeks. I’m glad, happy to have an opportunity to get to know Ashley all over again. Now that we’re back in contact I intend to keep in touch, but emails and Facebook are no substitute for good old face-to-face girlie chats.

I’ve no firm plans for returning to Cumbria, but I suppose it’ll be fairly soon. I’d wondered about scrounging a lift back to Kendall with Freya and Nick, but it seems they’re also staying for a few more days. Nick intends to be at the wind farm meeting. I’m not sure my welcome will extend that far, after all, I hardly know Nathan and even if I am Dan’s ‘guest’ it’s his brother’s house I’m staying in. What I do know is, I’m in no hurry to be away.

I wonder how long Dan will be here for?

My phone pings in my tiny clutch bag, signaling the arrival of a text. I’m surprised. Apart from Ashley, and now Freya, no one has my number. And they’re both standing on either side of me. I reach into my bag to pull out the phone.


Time to go.


What the…? It’s an unknown number. Well, in fairness all numbers are unknown as far as my phone’s concerned. I peer at the message, then look up and glance around me. No clues. Nothing.

Another ping. I press the little orange icon to reveal the new message.


Behind you. Nathan’s car.


I turn. Dan is lounging against the bonnet of Nathan’s sleek black Porsche, the driver’s door open. His phone is in his hand as he watches me from under lowered eyebrows. My stomach lurches, my pussy contracts, moistening. That look, pure Dom. He won’t be kept waiting.

I turn to Freya. “I need to leave. I’ll see you soon.”

“What? But, where…?” She stops signing as her gaze follows mine. She sees Dan, and knows the score.

“Right. Later then. Have fun.” She reaches up to kiss my cheek then turns back to the fireworks.

Fun? Maybe. Eventually. But first…

I walk slowly over to the Porsche, as Dan moves around the bonnet to open the passenger door.




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About the Author



Ashe has been an avid reader of women’s fiction for many years—erotic, historical, contemporary, fantasy, romance—you name it, as long as it’s written by women, for women. Now, at last in control of her own time and working from her home in rural West Yorkshire, she has been able to realize her dream of writing erotic romance herself.


She likes to write about people, relationships, and the general cock-up and mayhem that is most of our lives. She often writes about places she’s known but her stories of love, challenge, resilience and compassion are the conjurings of her own imagination, with a hefty dose of kink to keep it interesting. We all need to have a hobby.


Ashe loves to craft strong, enigmatic men and bright, sassy women to give them a hard time—in every sense of the word.


When she’s not writing, Ashe’s time is divided between her role as resident taxi driver for her teenage daughter, and caring for a menagerie of dogs, rabbits, tortoises, and Colin the hamster.


[email protected]


Ashe loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at



Also by Ashe Barker


Carrot and Coriander

The Dark Side: Darkening

The Dark Side: Darker

The Dark Side: Darkest

Sure Mastery: Unsure

Sure Mastery: Sure Thing

Sure Mastery: Surefire

The Hardest Word: A Hard Bargain

The Hardest Word: Hard Lessons

The Hardest Word: Hard Choices

Paramour: Re-Awakening

Jolly Rogered: Right of Salvage

What’s Her Secret?: The Three Rs


Totally Bound Publishing




BOOK: Rich Tapestry
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