Reunion (Hunter's Ridge Book 3) (9 page)

BOOK: Reunion (Hunter's Ridge Book 3)
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His lubricated finger worked its way inside her, causing another moan. Working it slowly in and out of her passage, he bent forward and pulled a nipple into his mouth, taking tiny nips at the delicate bud. Her body responded instantly, her pucker clenching around his finger as if to draw it deeper, her hand moving to the back of his head, holding his mouth to her breast. Another finger joined the first, her gasp loud even as her hips rocked back and forth at his thrusts.

Lifting his head, he gazed up at her. "I know it is not yet Christmas morn, but I want you to open a gift."

Her entire body was suffused with a soft pink, her tongue licking along her lip as he removed his fingers from inside her. He handed her a box wrapped in white paper and tied with a red ribbon. "Open it, little one. Let's see what you think of your new toy."

Louisa removed the wrapping and gasped when the item was uncovered.

Edward smiled as she met his eyes, knowing that though she might not consider it a toy, he'd thoroughly enjoying playing with it. "Do you like it?"

It was a plug, one that would fill her well and yet not be uncomfortable if held for a long period of time. The end was decorated with a large enamel blue bead, shaped like a rose just beginning to open. Two letters were painted onto the center.

"L and F, for Louisa's Flower," he explained. "Are you ready to wear this for Papa's pleasure?"

Handing him the plug, knowing exactly where he meant to play, she answered, "Yes, Papa. Thank you."

Edward was truly pleased and moved to kiss her mouth, his tongue dueling with hers until she was breathless. "Thank you, my love."

Greasing it, he first bent to place a kiss on her loosened ring and then slowly pressed the plug into her bottom. Despite having him playing before the insertion, Louisa still squealed when the largest part forced her muscle to stretch uncomfortably.

"Shh, little one, relax and let your bottom swallow its toy." He watched her face as she flushed and nodded, pressing the plug home when she obeyed. Twisting it to make sure it was seated quite well, he sat back to admire it. "Beautiful; a flower to hold wide open my own little lady's precious flower." He spread her legs a bit further and returned his mouth to her quim. His tongue worked its way inside her, licking her cream, his teeth taking small nips of her sensitive lips and her throbbing clit. One hand moved to play with her breasts, the other to play with her plug until she was panting.

"Papa, please… oh, may I come for you Papa?"

Lifting his head, his chin and lips glistening with her cream, he gave his answer. "Yes, my love, come for Papa, come very, very hard."

Taking her clit between his teeth, he plunged the plug deep into her bottom as he bit down and his wife, his little one, screamed as her body erupted into orgasm. Her muscles clamped down around the plug, her cream flowing from her as her hips began to shift, the intensity of her climax causing her to whimper. Edward did not release her clit or the nipple he held between his fingers, tugging and twisting, his teeth nibbling, his free hand fucking her flower with her plug until she screamed again, her entire body convulsing, her hands moving to his shoulders as she bent forward, her legs jerking with her second culmination.

He lapped at her core, his tongue gentle, his fingers moving to gently soothe her nipples. He continued to administer soft licks and kisses until she relaxed again, her head thrown back against the seat.

Kneeling back, he unbuttoned his fly, releasing his cock which had been pressing against its confinement. He moved to sit on the seat and pulled her atop his lap, her legs on either side. "Put my cock in your cunny, Louisa. It's Papa's turn to fill you."

Her soft whimpers told of her discomfort as she obeyed, her body slowing moving down his shaft. "I feel so full, Papa," she gasped, as he helped her until her plugged bottom was sitting on his thighs.

"I can feel your little plug pressing against my shaft," Edward said, the membrane separating her quim from her back passage so thin as to make the sensation incredibly pleasurable.

After he was fully seated inside her, she clutched his shoulders as he began to lift her up and down his shaft. He plunged deeply into her, her walls tightening around his cock at every stroke as if reluctant to release him to plunge again. Her titties bounced and her nipples swelled as he fucked her, his hands moving to cup her bottom, his fingers pressing against the beaded flower.

"Oh… oh, Papa," she moaned as she rocked back and forth, her pleasure spiraling up until she was begging to spend once more.

"My, you are a greedy little lady aren't you, my love?" he teased as he continued to guide her movements. "I believe you can wait until Papa fills you."

"Please, I-I don't think I can."

"Try, little one, try to come with your Papa." He pulled the plug from her bottom before beginning to stroke it in and out, as his cock did the same inside her quim. "Ride Papa, Louisa, ride Papa's cock, ride your new toy."

She began to move on her own, rocking her hips and lifting up and down, pressing her bottom down onto his cock and pushing against the plug in her bottom. He felt his cock swelling and his balls drawing up. "Good girl, now come with Papa."

He plunged deep once more and erupted even as her head was flung back and her scream of pleasure filled the air. He moaned as her muscles milked him, the sensation the most incredible one in the world as she drew every drop from him. She collapsed against his chest, her soft mews and quivers drawing a smile from her husband as he held her close. It was several minutes before he felt he could move again, and it was only the goose flesh he saw pebbling her skin that reminded him of the chill in the carriage.

He lifted her from his lap and moved her into the makeshift crib. After wiping himself clean and tucking his cock away, he removed the toy from her bottom and slid the thermometer inside with ease. He smiled at seeing her arm reach for her doll. He removed the thermometer and her temperature was normal, so he rolled her onto her back and used the cloth to clean her. After applying both cream and powder, he lifted her legs and slipped a nappy beneath her bottom. She moaned as he bent to kiss her quim before pinning the diaper securely and pulling on a diaper cover. Sitting her up, he pulled her nightie over her head. Lifting her again, he took her back onto his lap after getting a bottle of milk from the wicker basket.

Cradling her against his arm, he pressed the nipple into her mouth. Sated and spent, Louisa made no complaint as she suckled.

"I love watching you suckle," Edward said, running the pad of his fingertip down her cheek. "Tonight you will take two bottles; one of milk, and one of flesh." The sound of her sweet moan was almost as delicious to hear as it would be to see her lips stretched around his cock that evening. His embrace and the rocking of the carriage drew her into sleep before the bottle was empty.

Edward pulled it from her lips and pressed her dummy into her mouth. She never made a sound as he returned her to her crib and tucked the quilt around her. He patted her bottom and bent to kiss her cheek.

"I love you, Louisa, sleep well."

She smiled in her sleep, secure in her crib as the carriage continued their journey.




Chapter Six


Edward was making notes on a pad of paper when he became aware that his little one was stirring. She'd slept for almost three hours, and he'd spent his time going over figures and notes. They'd stop tomorrow afternoon so he could meet with a potential client who wished to expand his business into other areas of England. Edward would need to decide whether he believed the client's wares would be welcomed in various markets before he agreed to help finance the endeavor. Pushing aside thoughts of the upcoming meeting, he watched as Louisa squirmed in her crib. Her legs churned under the quilt and he bent forward and patted her back. "Let go, little one, Papa is here to take care of you."

His words caused a soft whimper and yet he continued to rub her back. He felt her stiffen and give another whimper, then felt her body relaxing. Accepting that using a nappy still caused her discomfort, he bent over and kissed her cheek. "That's my good girl. Papa is very proud of you." She didn't awaken but did turn onto her side, her doll in her arms. Edward returned to his work until she stirred again.


"Hello, sleepyhead," Edward said as he put his work away. He removed the fastening of the netting, allowing it to drape to the floor. Opening her carpet bag, he removed the items he'd need and pulled the quilt from her. Seeing goose flesh pop out along her exposed skin, he rubbed his hand over her bare leg. "Let's get you changed and dressed, little one. Papa doesn't want you to catch a chill."

He was very proud when she didn't fuss, suckling her dummy instead as he quickly removed her nappy and cleaned her. Removing her nightie, he dressed her in her clothing. After folding the bedding, her placed her on the seat and handed her a banana out of the basket, as well as her bottle. "Finish both and then you may read or play," he instructed.


Louisa ate the banana first and simply toyed with the bottle. While it had been quite wonderful being held on his lap as he fed her the milk, being required to finish it herself was hard. When he settled onto his seat opposite her, she took a chance and stood, moving to climb onto Edward's lap.

His arms tightened around her. "Need Papa to feed you, little one?"

"Yes, please."

Without a word, he took the bottle and, once she'd settled in the cradle of his arm, pressed the nipple into her mouth. It didn't take long before she finished the milk and he sat her up. Louisa kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Papa. I like it when you help me."

"I enjoy it as well, little one."

After a bit, she was content to return to her own seat and continue reading her book as Edward worked. He'd opened the curtains and they could see the passing countryside, the sight of houses growing rare as they traveled further away from the city. By the time the sun was sliding beneath the horizon, the carriage was pulling up to another inn.

After speaking with Mr. Gordon, who found the small valise they would use for this evening's needs, Edward handed him the carpet bag and took Louisa's hand. The inn was neat and tidy and after securing rooms, they all went upstairs. The room they'd share was not large, but everything was spotless. Mr. Gordon placed the luggage inside and assured Edward that the horses would be taken care of and he'd be ready to depart whenever they wished.

"That's fine. Make sure you have a good meal as well a good night's sleep," Edward said, pressing some notes into the man's hand. Gregory tipped his cap and left them alone to freshen up before dinner.

Louisa looked around the room. "There's no water closet, Papa."

"There's one down the hall. Do you need to potty?" When she hesitated, he took her face between his palms. "Or would you prefer a nappy?"

"No, Papa. Will you take me to the potty?"

He nodded and took her hand. At the end of the corridor, they had to wait as another guest used the facilities. When the woman exited, Louisa wondered what she would think when she and her Papa entered the small room together. She could feel her face flush with heat as her Papa led her to the toilet and reached beneath her skirt to pull down her drawers before lifting her onto the seat. Remembering that not only was he her husband and her Papa, he'd also changed her wet nappy only hours earlier, she did her necessary and obediently spread her legs so he could wipe her clean.

"We'll get you bathed before bed, but your rumbling tummy tells me it is time to eat," Edward told her.

He washed his hands, helped her wash hers, and led her back to their rooms. After he'd released her hair from its braids, she stood as he ran a brush through the thick locks before plaiting it again. Though she was normally changed into a new dress before dinner, he explained that traveling necessitated different procedures. He simply retied her pinafore and brushed lint from his jacket before taking her hand.

Dinner was just as good as lunch had been. They ate pork chops with cranberry chutney, green peas and fresh rolls. She was once again allowed tea as her beverage, and felt like quite the grown up as the staff ensured that the service was excellent. When asked if they would care for dessert, she was delighted when her Papa gave an order for a slice of cake. It was served to him and she watched as he filled his fork with a bite. As he lifted it to her lips, she was instantly transported back to Miss Summers' school, where he'd fed her like a baby. Looking around the room, she hesitated to open her mouth.

"Do you not wish to eat any cake?" Edward asked, transferring the fork to his own mouth. "I assure you it's quite delicious." He ate another large bite.

"I can eat by myself, Papa," she whispered, the closeness of other diners making her afraid they'd hear her words.

He didn't speak; simply lifted his eyes to hers as he took another bite. The cake was almost gone as he continued to enjoy it, and she squirmed on her chair. Louisa finally nodded, "Please, Papa, may I have a bite?"

A forkful was presented to her mouth and she took the bite. It was delicious, and when no outcry of improper table manners was screeched by the other diners, she accepted another. Edward bent forward and wiped her mouth, where a bit of icing clung to one corner. Before sitting back, he spoke softly. "Who are you?"

Confused at the question, she shook her head. "You know I'm Louisa."

"Your full name, please."

"Um, Lady Louisa Michelle Wintercrest."

"And who am I to you?" he asked.

"Lord Edward Wintercrest, my husband and my Papa."

"Are you ashamed of either your roles or mine?"

"No, Papa, I'm not ashamed. I just—no, Papa, I'm proud to belong to you."

Nodding, he sat back and gestured with his hand. "These people are strangers, Louisa. They do not know you, nor do they care about you. I suggest you remember who does care, and who has promised to take care of you in all ways. It hurts me to think the woman I love is embarrassed when her Papa wishes to share a treat."

BOOK: Reunion (Hunter's Ridge Book 3)
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