Read Return to Dark Earth Online

Authors: Anna Hackett

Return to Dark Earth (3 page)

BOOK: Return to Dark Earth
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Next thing Nik knew, pain raced through his
body. His muscles contracted, his teeth clicked closed. He fell to
his knees, one hand fumbling at the side of his neck. A Tase

He heard his brothers yelling, then they,
too, dropped down beside him, jerking violently from the electrical
volts running through them.

Damn Institute.
On that final
thought, Nik blacked out.

Chapter Two

When Nik came to, he saw Galen rifling
through Nik’s backpack. When the man pulled the idol out of the
bag, he studied it with a raised brow before showing it to the
others. Then he shoved the statue at one of the other agents and
barked out some orders.

Nik closed his eyes for a second and willed
the nausea from the Tase away. His thoughts turned to Galen Ryant.
He’d once been a good man. The best. Until Nik had uncovered what
he’d been doing.

Rough hands grabbed Nik, yanking him from
his thoughts and hefting him to his feet, an agent on either side
of him. His brothers received the same treatment.

They were marched unceremoniously through
the jungle.

Once they’d cleared the treeline, Nik
spotted a sleek shuttle sitting in a flat clearing. A small crowd
of people stood in front of it, all watching their approach. The
Institute logo was painted prominently on the ship’s side. The
Institute was always well funded. His jaw tightened. Not all of it

They were released, and Nik worked hard to
stay on his feet. The effects of the stun had almost worn off, but
he was still feeling a little lightheaded.

“You tased them?” An outraged female

A woman pushed through the agents. She was
tiny, five feet tall, with a compact, little body and a fall of
sunny-gold hair. “I asked them to convince you to talk with me.”
She glared at Galen. “This was not what I had in mind, Agent
Ryant.” She drew herself up and managed an embarrassed smile. “I’m
Dr. Avril Luma-Smythe. It’s an absolute pleasure to meet you, Dr.
Phoenix. I’m so sorry it had to be like this.” Her smile lit up her
pretty face. “I studied your papers on Terran History for my

He blinked. He recognized her name. She was
one of the new assistant-directors at the Institute. He studied her
harder, looking past the cute face and earnest energy. She was
young for the role, which either meant she was very smart and good
at her job, or corrupt. She would have been a new intake in the
final years before he left…or was fired, depending on who you
talked to.

He cleared his throat. “I wish I could say
it was nice to meet you.”

“Yes. Well…is there anything I can get for
you, or your brothers?” She glanced at the glowering Dathan and
grinning Zayn. “I know the effects of the Tase are

“We’ll take our acquisition and then we’ll
be leaving,” Nik said.

She eyed the idol one of the agents was
still holding. Her eyes widened. “A gold statue of the Inca sun
god, Inti? My gosh, if it’s real, it’s worth a pretty e-cred. But
the archeological value is immense.” She crossed her hands in front
of her body. “Look, let’s just table that for now. I need to talk
with you about something else.” She tilted her head, her pretty
blue eyes glowing. “I’ve tried to contact you numerous times but
you wouldn’t return my calls. I was getting a little

“I’m sorry, Dr. Luma-Symthe, you seem nice

She smiled. “Thank you. And please, call me

She really was a cute thing. In a different
lifetime, he would have been interested in talking history with
her…and coaxing her into bed. “Avril, I’m not interested in
whatever the Institute has to say. Even if they picked someone
attractive to pass on the message.”

She blushed prettily. “I have a job for

“I left the Institute’s employ. Surely you
know all the sordid details.” He wondered if she was up to her
pretty neck in it all, too. He hoped not.

“He was fired,” Dathan added

Nik shot his brother a scowl.

“I don’t care about the past. The Institute
needs your help.” Her expression turned serious. “I need your
help.” Her voice lowered. “I need someone I can trust with…precious
pieces of history.”

Dammit, his interest was piqued. He knew she
was alluding to the dark elements within the Institute who didn’t
give a damn about protecting history.

He drew in a breath but stayed silent.

Buoyed by his lack of pushback, she kept
going. “I’m mounting an expedition.”

Don’t go there, Niklas
. The past was
the past, and often it was best left buried. He knew that better
than anyone. “Not interested. Sorry.”

She kept going like he hadn’t spoken. “I’ve
hired outside help…some retrieval specialists.”

He arched a brow. “You mean treasure

“Right.” Her mouth twisted slightly, as
though he’d said a bad word.

“Still not interested.” Although he had to
admit, he was curious what would motivate the Institute to hire
treasure hunters.

She smiled. “Even in an expedition to

Nik stilled. He heard Dathan and Zayn gasp.
Everything inside Nik went quiet. Earth had been a long-held dream
of his. One he’d given up on when he’d left the Institute.

“An expedition to Earth would be too
expensive. It’s a hell of a long trip and there’s nothing left
there.” Destroyed by a war and the ravages of millennia. “And it’s

The Galactic Ruling Council lets no one near
the planet.

Dr. Luma-Smythe straightened and smiled
again. “I have the permits already.” She reached out and touched
his arm. “It’s been kept very quiet, but a new space-time
distortion appeared recently. One that forms a bridge right into
Earth’s star system.”

He felt like he’d been hit in the gut by a
hard punch.

“I’d really like you on the expedition,” she

. He stood there, aware
everyone was staring at him. Dathan’s gaze was moving around like
he was having a seizure. It was clear he didn’t like the idea.

“I know Earth is a radioactive mess, and
there have long been rumors that it’s…dangerous, thanks to those
early expeditions. Well, the ones that returned. This trip won’t be
easy or anything like a regular Institute dig.” She spread her
hands out. “That’s why I fought to be able to hire treasure hunters
who are more experienced with…expeditions like this.”

Nik assessed the facts. He had the knowledge
of Earth’s history and the treasure-hunting experience. The chance
to see Earth, to hunt for her treasures, versus working with the
very people who destroyed his career. Finally, with a heavy heart,
he shook his head. “The Institute cannot be trusted. Sorry, but
it’s a no.”

The astro-archeologist’s shoulders sagged,
the light going out of her eyes. “I understand. But if you change
your mind, let me know.” She motioned to her agents who headed back
toward their shuttle.

“Excuse me?” Dathan swaggered forward. “Our
treasure. Seized legally under Statute 700-135 of the Artifact
Retrieval Act.”

Nik ran his tongue over his teeth. Dathan
hated quoting statutes.

Dr. Luma-Smythe smiled. “Of course. Agent
Ryant, please return the idol to the Phoenix brothers.”

Galen did not look happy, but reluctantly
handed the idol to Niklas. Their eyes met and Nik forced the pain
of looking at his former friend away.

Nik, Dathan and Zayn watched as the
remainder of the Institute crew boarded and the shuttle took

“What the hell was that all about?” Dathan
said. “The Institute wanting to hire treasure hunters? Galaxy’s
gone crazy.”

Nik kept his gaze on the shuttle.

“You made the right choice, Nik,” Zayn said.
“Getting involved in Institute business would only get sticky.”

Z was right. But still…Earth. The chance to
set foot on her soil, to see the remnants of the world that had
seeded so much life in the galaxy. It was a hard thing to turn

Cranky, hot and aching, he turned away.
“Come on, let’s get back to the
.” He wanted a
shower, and then to lock himself away in his cabin to sleep.

No snakes, no booby traps and no


Nik snapped awake, a hard pressure bearing
down on his chest.

A dark shape loomed over him. Someone was
straddling his chest, pinning his arms to his sides. He started to
move, but then he felt the prick of a blade at his throat.

He focused on his attacker, just a dim
shadow against the white blur of stars at interstellar speed
outside the window of his cabin on the

A long, lean shadow wearing full-body, black
light armor.

And he smelled her. Synth leather and

“Nera,” he growled.

She tilted her helmeted head, then pressed a
button on the side of her neck. The visor retracted, leaving a
clear view of the most stunning face he’d ever seen.

Nera Darc—beautiful woman and deadly
treasure hunter.

Her platinum-blonde hair was cut short,
feathering around her face. High cheekbones, lush lips and eyes of
innumerable colors—like a multi-hued nebula.

She had a long, gently-curved body to go
with the face, and he’d given up trying to work out all the ways
she was trained to maim and kill. He’d seen her use Tase stunners,
laser pistols, sniper rifles, throwing stars and, of course, her
signature sword. She favored her throwing stars and sword, though,
and was dangerous with both.

“Niklas. Heard you had an eventful day.”

Her voice was cool. She could have been
talking about star charts for all the emotion in her.

But something inside him told him there was
heat in her, buried deep.

“Why are you here?” he asked. He managed to
look around her to the desk built into the wall. Above it was a
small mirror that covered up a high-tech safe where he’d stashed
the Inca idol. Thankfully, the mirror and the safe appeared

She moved her knees and they jammed harder
into the sides of his chest, making it hard to breathe.

“I’m curious. I want to know what the
Institute wanted with you.”

His gaze narrowed. Nera was not curious. She
was smart, calculating and cunning. If she was after information,
she had something planned.

“None of your business.”

She increased the pressure on her knees
again and he hissed.
. He could feel the warmth of her
through the skintight suit she wore. His cock was hard as a rock.
Anytime she got near him, it went out of control.

He’d tried to tell himself about a thousand
times—she was a rival, she was dangerous. Hell, she’d tried to kill
him and his brothers numerous times. He frowned. He knew her well
enough now to know that if she really wanted him dead, he’d be
dead. He let his eyes close. He was so wrong in the head when it
came to this woman.

The blade was back at his throat. A slight
prick. His frown deepened. No, it wasn’t a knife—it was her

“I want to know, Niklas,” she said

His cock jumped and he cursed mentally. Why
her? Why couldn’t he be attracted to some easy, comfortable woman?
He liked them smart, sure, and Nera was definitely that, but
someone like Avril Luma-Smythe would have been a far better choice.
A safer choice.

Nera’s nails dug deeper. “Don’t force me to
hurt you.”

Instead, he wanted this dangerous,
untouchable and complicated woman. God, he even liked it when she
hurt him. “We both know you won’t do any real damage.”

“Are you sure?” her voice was a near

No, he wasn’t sure about anything when it
came to her. She was an enigma. And if there was one thing Niklas
loved, it was a puzzle that needed solving. It was why he’d become
an astro-archeologist. He’d wasted hours after hours researching
her. Trying to find where she’d come from, her past, where she
lived. Anything.

Instead, he’d found nothing.

“You aren’t the bitch you let the galaxy
think you are.”

She didn’t make a sound, but suddenly, she
was off him and he was yanked up off the bed.

. Nik stumbled and spun. A fist
slammed into his stomach and he grunted. He grabbed for her, but
she was quick and all he felt was air.

A kick landed on his side and this time he
growled. She wanted to prove she was a badass, fine. But he wasn’t
going to let her beat him up.

On her next kick, he grabbed her foot and
twisted. She leapt with incredible grace, spun and got free of his
hold. She moved again and in the darkened room and with her armor,
he lost sight of her.

He turned in a circle, tensed, ready for

A weight hit him on the back. He stumbled
forward, and long, slim legs wrapped around him. Tight. Damn, she
was strong. He gripped her thighs, trying to pry her off, but she
was all muscle.

Hot breath on his ear. “You move
surprisingly well for an astro-archeologist.” As she spoke, her
lips brushed his ear.

His cock was so hard it was heading toward
painful. He dragged in a breath, trying not to let her muddle his
head. All he wore was a pair of dark sleep shorts. If she looked,
she’d hardly miss his body’s reaction to her.

“You don’t have the body of an academic,
either.” She reached around, and dragged her nails across his bare

“I’m a treasure hunter.” He’d left the
tatters of his career behind. It had almost killed him to do it, to
leave the thing he’d loved most. The thing that had given him a
lifeline out of the shithole of his childhood. But he’d had no
other option.

And he didn’t regret it. He loved working
with his brothers. He liked the life they’d made for

BOOK: Return to Dark Earth
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