Read Restless Spirits Online

Authors: Shyla Colt

Tags: #Contemporary: Paranormal, #Suspense, #Multicultural

Restless Spirits (4 page)

BOOK: Restless Spirits
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“Damn, you’re so tight.” He pushed back in with two fingers, and she gasped. Longer and thicker than her own, his reached different spots. He began a gentle pace. She rocked with him, bringing her hands up to encircle his neck.

“That’s it, baby. Enjoy this moment. It’s all for you.” She rolled her hips, cursing the confines of her jeans. The languid speed brought her higher and higher. Her body went stiff. A tremor ran through her body. Her muscles clamped down on his fingers.

“Come for me, all over my fingers.” His husky encouragement pulled the trigger, and she let go.

“Pierce.” The world faded to white as the haze of passion overcame her.

“Lift your hips, baby.” His words registered on the edge of her consciousness, and she obeyed. Cool air licked at her heated skin. She hummed. Her eyelids fluttered open, and she moaned at the sight of the bronze Roman god in front of her. Pierce tossed her jeans to the ground. Muscles rippled in his arms and chest. Stripped down to his black boxer briefs, he was a feast for the eyes. Lean and stealthy, like a panther, he stalked over to the bed.

“You back with me?”

“Yeah. I’ve never had that happen before.” She laughed, embarrassed.

“You keep stroking my ego, and my head won’t fit through the door.” He massaged her thighs as he slid between her legs and bent to nip at her belly. His teeth tugged her skin, and she moaned, spearing her fingers through his baby-fine hair. He worked the top up her body. She lifted her arms to help him, and seconds later it joined the pile at the end of the bed. He cupped her breasts.

“Damn. You know how long I’ve wanted to get my hands on these, D?”

“Why don’t you tell me?”

He chuckled. “I like that, using my own words against me.” He licked a path down her cleavage, and she moaned. Senses overwhelmed, she deferred to his lead. He had who knew how long to plan exactly what he wanted to do.
And damn, was he doing it!
The latch on the back of her bra gave, and he sucked a nipple into his mouth. He pulled the bra down the opposite arm, pulling back only to rip the barrier away.

“You’re so fucking beautiful.” He pinched her left nipple. She scraped her nails down his back and explored his supple skin with her fingertips on her journey back up to his nape. The rumbling in his chest told her he liked the nail play. She pressed harder, and he released her breast to capture her lips. They ate at each other’s mouths, nipping and sucking as their teeth knocked. Hunger unlike any she’d ever experienced exploded, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, locking her ankles as she rolled them over.

Astride his hips, she rubbed against the thick dick that strained against his briefs.

“You can’t have all the fun.”

His eyes darkened, and he gripped her hips.

“Oh, I’m happy to let you take over.” He thrust up, and she mewled. “Are you going to ride me?”

She nodded. “Until you come.”

“Jesus.” His licked his lips, and she grinned, reaching down to smooth her hands over the six-pack. His muscles jerked under her palm, and she continued her hip swivel. She tweaked his nipples. He bucked his hips. “I think we’re wearing too many clothes.” She moved down his legs and stood at the end of the bed. Careful to take her time, she peeled her underwear down her legs. Propped on his elbows, he burned her with his intense gaze.

Her core throbbed, and her swollen breasts and clit begged for satisfaction. She sashayed over to the bed and bent, hooking her thumbs into his waistband, and revealed his cock. Wide, long, and weeping precum from his red mushroom-shaped tip. Discarding the material, she gripped his base and sampled the creamy substance. She hummed, torn between teasing him ruthlessly and satisfying them both. She took him into her mouth and bobbed, once, twice, and released him with a pop.

“Condom?” She arched an eyebrow.

“Wallet on the nightstand.” She scrambled over to the stand, retrieved the golden square, and opened the foil and returned, slipping it over his length. His chest rose and fell rapidly, and he grunted. She knelt on the bed, and he gripped her thigh, pulling her up into his lap. She grasped his base and slid onto him. The burning stretch filled her with pleasure riding the thin line of pain.


“That’s it, baby. Take it all.” She wiggled her hips, working her way down, and he sat up, latching on to a breast. The feel of his teeth on her sensitive peak and his massive cock reshaping her insides to fit him plunged her into a river of lust. His strong arms wrapped around her back. They moved together in a wild frenzy, creating friction as he drove deep. The slap of skin and the scent of their mingled juices as they came together were a dark seduction. His fingers bit into her flesh, and she leaned back, lining him up with the tiny bundle of nerves that made colors burst behind her lids. The pressure built up, and the wave swelled.

“Gonna come,” she managed to say between ragged breaths.

“Fuck, yes, D. Do it.” He pounded into her, and she clamped down on him like a vise. He gave a primal roar as he flooded the condom with heated liquid. Exhausted and fully sated, she collapsed onto his chest, inhaling the scent of salt and male. The feel of his fingers trailing down her back lulled her into a light sleep as she focused on the syncing of their hearts and the rise and fall of his chest.

“You okay?” The gentle whisper of his voice touched her.

“So much more than okay.”

He chuckled. “Me too. I’ll be right back.” He rolled her onto her back and pulled out, leaving the bed and walking to the bathroom. She studied the sleek form of his back and knew they’d never go back to being just friends.

Chapter Four

“Where are we headed now?” The excitement in Demi’s voice made him smile. There were no morning-after regrets, and they started the day with a shared shower and a mouthwatering plate of Belgian blueberry waffles and cream.

“The library to do research, of course.” She grinned.

He shook his head. “So easy to please, D.”

“You did a good job planning, but don’t get cocky.”

“Oh, I learned my lesson about that last night.” He reached across the console and ran his hand up her thigh, massaging the smooth flesh left bare by her blue-jean shorts.

“You keep that up, and we’ll be getting busted by the cops again. I don’t know if I can swing a warning two days in a row.”

Pierce smirked and moved his hand to rest just above her knee. Now that he’d placed his cards on the table, he wanted to spend every moment he could taking full advantage of the ability to touch her whenever the urge hit him. The optimist in him believed things would work out, but he knew Demi well. She shied away from commitment at every turn. One weekend might not be enough.

“I guess I’ll be good then. Roman always puts the case first.” He winked.

“Yes, but remember once it’s solved he knows how to…relax.” Her suggestive tone spoke volumes.

“Now who’s the tease?”

She leaned over the console and rubbed his knee. “We both know I’ll deliver.”

He cleared his throat and shifted in his seat and started the car. This new side of Demi was addictive. She pressed along his side, and he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her to him as they pulled onto the main road.

“How cute is this place?” Demi said as they pulled into the parking lot. The small brick building was a throwback to days gone by.


“Shut up. I know I’m being girlie. This trip is just so cool. I have to geek out to the fullest.”

“You geek away. I think it’s sexy.”

She glanced over at him, and her hair tumbled over one eye. He smoothed the errant pieces behind her ear, marveling at the thick softness. “I think your intelligence and confidence are the sexiest things about you.”

“Pierce.” She looked down, and he grasped her chin, bringing her head back up to meet his gaze.

“I mean that, Demi.”

“I know. It’s just hard to wrap my head around the fact you see me that way.” She smiled and shrugged.

“Then I’ll have to keep telling you until you know it to be a fact.” Her brown eyes turned liquid. “You must know how amazing you are, D.”

She pulled him toward her like a magnet. Their lips met. She opened, allowing him to explore the sweet cavern of her mouth. The lingering flavor of blueberries and cream danced along his taste buds. Moaning, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He tilted his head, plumbing her depths. Emotions swelled inside him. This was what he’d dreamed about and longed for. He knew they’d be electric and right. Like two puzzle pieces, they clicked. When the need for oxygen rose up, he pulled back, breathing hard as he drank in her dazed expression.

“Wow.” She placed a hand on her neck.

“Agreed.” He ran a hand through his hair and blew out a breath. “I think we could both use some fresh air.” He unbuckled his seat belt, removed the keys from the ignition, and stepped outside. The time it took to round the car allowed him to calm his hormones and refocus on the mission. Now that they’d experienced paranormal activity, he wanted to get to the bottom of it. Opening the door, he held out his hands, lacing their fingers as he helped her step down and shut the door. She fit under his shoulder as if tailor made. He willed her to see the truth. Demi had turtle-like tendencies. When things got too real, she tucked back in her shell.

Inside the library, they headed up to the desk where a kindly matron with laugh lines around her kind brown eyes, curly white hair stood. Dressed in a throwback flower print sundress, she conveyed the sense of stepping back in time.

“Good morning, ma’am. I was wondering if you’d be able to direct us to some information about The Eagle Inn.”

“Oh, we have shelves dedicated to the hotel. Is there something in particular you’re looking for?”

Pierce glanced at Demi, who shrugged and turned down the corners of her mouth.

“Anything about the paranormal events that have taken place.”

“Oh, you’re staying there, right?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“So you must’ve run into something.” She raised a shapely brow.

“We think so,” Demi said.

“Mhmmm.” She nodded and walked around the desk. “Follow me. I have some popular books with well-documented events. Are you two paranormal investigators?”

“No, ma’am. Just curious,” Pierce said.

“Hmph. You know what they say about curiosity. It killed the cat.”

“Did you have something happen there…Mrs. Katherine?” Demi said.

“No, but I’ve lived here my entire life. You hear enough stories, and you know there has to be a grain of truth to it all. Now, I don’t think the entity is evil per se. I just don’t want it trailing me home and wreaking havoc.”

“Has it done that before?” Pierce asked.

“Some say so. I think it might’ve been a convenient scapegoat for a dalliance. He got caught by his wife with his pants down, literally, and said the ghost of the Eagle Inn did it. The worlds rolled off his tongue easier than ‘I’m an adulterer.’”

“Ouch.” Demi winced.

“Exactly.” Katherine turned down an aisle in the center of the library. “This is where we keep the paranormal books, and these two rows are exclusively dedicated to The Eagle Inn. I’ll pick out some of the best ones, in my opinion, and then I’ll leave you two young people to it. If you need anything, I’ll be here for the rest of the day.” She plucked three books of various sizes from the shelves, handed them to Demi. “Happy reading.”

* * * *

“Okay, we’ve been at these for a couple of hours.” Demi shut the book she’d been looking at and turned to face Pierce. “What’s the verdict?”

“My opinion? I think maybe it’s a kid, or a lady in white, because most people seem to think it was a feminine presence.”

“That’s true. Some thought they heard a young woman’s voice.”

“But what would be the violent or tragic situation? You’d think something of that magnitude would be documented.” Demi wrinkled her nose.

“Maybe she suffered in silence?”

“Yeah, that would piss me off more than anything. Never having my story told while I remained trapped in the place that had brought me so much sorrow.” Demi sighed and shook her head.

“You feel sorry for her?”

“Yeah, I mean, the spirit’s never hurt anyone. Scared the shit out of them and tried to get their attention, yes. But maybe she just wants to be heard?” Demi tapped her lips, intrigued.

“What do you think we should do next?” Pierce leaned back in his seat, stretching his arms above his head.

“I don’t know. I guess it’ll depend on the walk-through tonight. Ask questions and see if she answers?”

“Sounds like a plan. In the meantime, I think we should take a break. It’ll be lunchtime soon, and I saw a place I know you’ll love.”

Demi glanced down at the small stack of books and back to Pierce. “I’m game. One more word, and my head might explode.”

“Pierce.” She couldn’t hide her excitement when they pulled in front of the old-fashioned-style soda shop in the center of town. The balloon lettering on the dusky pink awning over the building read SUSY’S SODA SHOPPE. Identical font was scrawled across the window in gold.

“You like it?”

“I love it. Oh, my God. This might be the best trip I’ve ever been on.” She unbuckled her seat belt and scrambled out of the car before he could walk around to open her door. She ignored his laughter and drank in the beauty she spied through the large glass window. Rows of wooden shelves lined with candy and glass cases with treats of all shapes and sizes made her mouth water.

“Wow, this is straight out of Willy Wonka.” Pierce wrapped an arm around her waist, and she forced herself to relax and enjoy the closeness. Pierce wasn’t some guy trying to get into her pants. She could trust him. They moved forward, and she snuggled into his side, giving fear a swift kick to the shins. She’d allowed her mother’s death and her father’s response to it to scare her so much she refused to try her hand at love. The time to grow up and move on had arrived. They opened the door, and a bell jingled. Dressed in white shirts with black aprons over them, the women behind the registers greeted them with bright smiles.

“Welcome to Susan’s. Have you been here before?”

BOOK: Restless Spirits
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