Resisting the Billionaire (15 page)

BOOK: Resisting the Billionaire
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Chapter 15

When I called Marcus to let him know Jake was taking us out
to dinner, he sounded a little too excited for my comfort. Again, I wondered if
I was making a mistake in letting Jake get involved so deeply into our lives.
If I got hurt, I was a big girl and I knew the risks going into this
relationship. I wouldn’t be able to stand it if my brother got hurt as well.

As if he knew the direction of my thoughts, Jake put his
hand on my bare thigh and squeezed. “Stop overthinking everything.”

The selfish side of me fought with the responsible side.
Finally, I pushed away my concerns and decided to enjoy our time together. I
had to talk to Marcus when we were alone. The key to building a relationship
with my brother, I had come to realize, was to treat him like an adult and
include him in decisions that affected us both.

After I changed– and put on panties– Jake took
us to a mom-and-pop Chinese restaurant, which made the most amazing pot
stickers. He made me blush when he teased that the stir-fry was not up to my
caliber. Marcus loved having another male to talk to about his interests and Jake
was incredibly patient with my brother.

“Marcus, your sister and I are dating. Are you okay with

I choked on a water chestnut. I had not expected him to talk
to my brother about us like this.

Without looking away from my brother, Jake patted the middle
of my back while I guzzled my water.

Marcus’s thin shoulders shrugged. “Sure, I knew that a
couple of weeks ago.”

Say what?

“When you went to my principal’s office with her.”

Jake and I both gaped at him.

Marcus looked at us with a mix of superiority and disgust.
“Come on. I’m a kid, not stupid. Why would your boss drive you there unless
there’s something personal going on? And why would he offer to move us into a
luxury apartment?” As if he hadn’t dropped a bombshell, he looked over at me
and asked, “Cora, can you pass me the sweet and sour pork, please?”

I handed him the plate, my brain still catching up to his.
Sometimes his intelligence was a bit terrifying.

Jake sat back in his seat. With admiration in his voice, he
offered, “When it’s time for college, pick whichever one you want and I’ll make
sure you get a full scholarship.”

My chopsticks fell to the table and I made a sound of
distress. That was five years away. Jake wasn’t going to be around that long.

Jake’s eyes narrowed at my expression and he leaned over and
gave me a hard kiss. His hand held the back of my neck possessively.

… just
I was okay with you two dating doesn’t mean I want to see you kissing.” Marcus
made a gagging sound.

Breaking away, Jake sat back and grinned. He kept his hand
on my neck, his fingers playing with the baby hairs on my nape. “Sorry, buddy.
You’re going to have to get used to it. Do you have a lot of homework this

“I finished most of it after school.” Marcus made a face and
then confessed, “I have one history paper due on Monday.”

“If you finish your paper by tomorrow, I will take you and
your sister sailing on Sunday.”

Marcus was practically vibrating with excitement. “Really?”

“As long as Cora proofreads it and approves, then yes.”

Marcus pumped his hand into the air and I laughed at his

Saturday was a lazy day. While Marcus was doing his
homework, Jake hung out in our tiny apartment. He brought his laptop to do some
work, but he told me he just wanted to spend time with me. It was sweet and undemanding.
Once Marcus was done with his paper, I read it over and then we went out to
dinner again, this time to a pizzeria.

Jake and I managed to gross out Marcus a few times with our
kissing. I placed the blame squarely in Jake’s lap because the man couldn’t
keep his hands and lips to himself. I never took him to be an affectionate
person in public, but I guess I never knew him that well to begin with.

Of course, I didn’t fight him too hard. I hoped that over
time, his effect on me would wear off some so that I could think straight. I inadvertently
muttered that out loud and Jake smiled like a cat that swallowed the canary.

Marcus and I woke up early on Sunday, excited about the
prospect of sailing for the first time. Jake picked us up in a sedan instead of
his two-door Bentley and drove us out to the harbor. He had a sixty-eight feet
yacht that was shiny and sleek and cost more than most people made in a

The evidence of his wealth discomfited me, but Marcus didn’t
share any of my apprehension. My brother was enthralled with the vessel and all
the instruments on the bridge. “This is so cool!” Marcus leaned down to study a

“Captain Lawrence, I think we have a budding sailor on our
hands. If you won’t mind giving Marcus the dime tour?” Jake suggested and the
middle-aged captain was happy to oblige.

I was about to follow when Jake dragged me in the opposite
direction. “Jake, I want to see too,” I protested.

“I have something else to show you.” He opened up a door and
yanked me into a cabin.


A hungry kiss cut me off and before I knew what was
happening, my back was against the wall and Jake was stripping off my shorts
and panties. Then his fingers were stroking my damp folds. I was instantly
aroused by his urgency. He released my lips and I gulped in much needed air.

“You’re already wet for me baby. I need you.” With a few
spare motions, Jake tugged off his pants and hiked my legs around his hips. My
ankles crossed reflexively at his lower back. His cock was hard and throbbing
against my slit and I mewled at the scorching heat of him.

“Please, Jake. I need you.”

“That’s what I want to hear, baby. Use your hands. Put my
cock where you need me.” He pulled his hips slightly to allow my hand to reach
between us.

I took a few moments to savor the feel of his hot shaft.

“Fuck, baby. We don’t have much time. Put me in your sweet

Placing his bulbous head at my opening, I pushed him in a
few inches. My body clenched on his head.

That was all it took to destroy his control. His hips
slammed into my pelvis, plunging his full length into me.

!” I screamed as a powerful
orgasm dragged me under. My inner walls contracted tightly on his thickness.

Jake moaned and then cursed. “I’m sorry baby. Brace

I didn’t know what he was apologizing for until he withdrew
from my pussy and then punched back into me. Hard. He did it again and again,
every withdrawal tugging on my inner flesh. It was raw and fast and so sexy I
came again on the fifth thrust.

He growled and followed me over the precipice, his release
jetting deep inside me.

When we both came to, I whispered into his ear, “Didn’t you
promise to make it to a bed next time?”

Chuckling at my teasing, Jake replied, “You’re too damn
sexy. It was your beautiful ass in those shorts that did it.” He shook his head
mournfully. “I didn’t last five minutes.”

I hid my smile in his shoulder as he carried me into the bathroom
and cleaned us up. I liked the idea of being able to make him lose his self-restraint.

Luckily Marcus had been too excited about the workings of
the yacht to miss us. We spent the day enjoying the sun and wind in our faces.
Afterwards, Jake took us out again for dinner. We almost felt like a family and
it was wonderful and scary at the same time.

At the end of the night, Jake gave me a chaste kiss and




By Monday morning, I was still walking with my head in the
clouds. I smiled at Alana and she inclined her head. Ever since our encounter
in the bathroom, she had been less cold– I wouldn’t say friendlier–
but I didn’t feel icicles forming on my nose when she looked at me now. We
would never be friends, but it was nice not to be enemies.

There was a white paper bag on my desk. I cautiously peeked
in and smiled slowly when I saw the chocolate croissant inside. I supposed this
was Alana’s olive branch. I couldn’t remember when a pastry tasted sweeter.

When I walked into Jake’s office to go over the day, he
immediately reached for me and I danced out of range. “
Not at work, remember?”

He looked like a little boy who had lost his favorite toy.
“I knew I shouldn’t have agreed to those ridiculous conditions. Can’t I kiss
you good morning?”

I was torn because I wanted to kiss him too, but I stood
firm. Once I budged, Jake would be relentless until he got everything he wanted.
“They’re not ridiculous. And from your reaction just now, they’re necessary.” I
waited until he went to his side of the desk before I sat down.

We went through his calendar and I stood up to leave. “Oh,
did Jason find anything yet?”

Jake shook his head. “Not yet, but he’s the best in the
business. If there’s something there, he’ll find it.”

The security breach kept nagging at me. I knew nothing about
cyber security, but I just had a gut feeling that this would turn ugly. Knowing
Jake’s ruthlessness when it came to business, he’d annihilate whoever dared
betray him.

I returned to my desk and tried to catch up with all the
work I had left over from Friday. It was hard to believe that it had only been
three days since Jake and I came together so explosively in that empty
apartment. My whole life felt topsy-turvy since that moment.

The day was crazy and Jake and I had to eat lunch at our
desks. At the end of the day, I went to say goodbye and Jake had already shut down
his computer.

“Are you done already? You’re normally still working.” In
the whole time I’d worked for him, he had never left earlier than I did.

“I want to drive my girlfriend home. And to dinner.”

“Jake, you don’t have to do that! I’ve been taking the El
since I was a little girl. I’m fine. And
no more eating out
for a little while
. You’re spoiling us.”

“I want to spoil you.”

I shook my head. “No.”

“You’re going to make me eat dinner by my lonesome?”

He was acting like a forlorn puppy, but I hesitated too long
and he took advantage. “Good. We’ll pick up Marcus and have Japanese.”

It warmed my heart that he automatically included my
brother. “How about I cook something at home instead? It’s probably healthier.”

As if he had been angling for that the whole time, Jake nodded,
put his hand at my back and started to walk out of the office.

“Jake,” I hissed. “We can’t go out at the same time.
Everyone will know. I’ll go down first and meet you at your car.”

He really did not like that plan, but didn’t have a choice.
He almost snarled at me when I ducked my head in the car so nobody would
recognize me.

During the week, eating at my place became the routine.
Sometimes we bought take-out, but more often than not, I preferred to cook a
healthy meal. Jake seemed to enjoy what I made and praised my efforts. And
Marcus accepted Jake’s presence in our lives easily.

I almost cried the first time Marcus mentioned our mom
casually in a conversation. He had refused to talk about her in any meaningful
way since her death, but as Jake was sharing some stories about his own mother,
Marcus interjected with one of my mom’s many sayings. Almost effortlessly, Jake
was able to get my brother to share some childhood memories. Hope surged. It
was a sign that Marcus was healing.

Because Jake was trying to get more things done so he could
leave on time, he had been working through his lunch hour, but on Friday
morning, he told me to keep my lunch hour free.

I was excited to have some alone time with him. Other than a
few stolen kisses after dinner, we hadn’t been together since we went sailing.
The man was turning me into a sex fiend because I swore my body was feeling
deprived. Not that I thought we were going to have sex in a restaurant, but it
would be nice to hold hands and kiss him when I wanted.

At eleven thirty, I heard a gentle voice say over my head,
“Oh… you’re just perfect.”

I looked up in surprise and saw a well-dressed older woman
studying me with interest. With faded blonde hair, she must have been in her
fifties, although she looked much younger. Other than the few laugh lines
around her eyes and mouth, she could have passed for someone in her early
forties. She oozed elegance from the top of her silvery curls to the tips of
her low-heeled beige pumps.

As soon as I met her blue-green eyes, I jumped to my feet. Only
one person could have those eyes. “Oh!” I winced inwardly at my moronic
reaction. “I’m sorry, you must be Mrs. Weston. I’m Cora
Mr. Weston’s assistant. I’ll let him know you’re here.”

“Please call me Susan, dear.” Her smile reminded me of her
younger son. Now I could see where both of her sons got their looks.

I thought I heard her mutter something about “the boy
needing help if he was still Mr. Weston,” but since it didn’t make any sense to
me, I ignored it. I picked up the phone and called Jake. “Um…your mom is here.”

He already hung up before I finished the sentence and was
out of his office. “Mom! You’re early.” He moved toward her with his arms open

“After your phone call, I couldn’t wait!” She laughed

I almost started crying at the mother-son greeting, all of a
sudden missing my mom. They embraced each other, love clearly binding them
together. Susan Weston was a little taller than me, but her son still dwarfed

“Let’s go to lunch,” Jake said to his mom and my heart sank.
I was disappointed, but I understood. Of course, he’d want to have lunch with
his mom when she was in town. We could always have lunch next week.

BOOK: Resisting the Billionaire
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