Read Resignation Online

Authors: Missy Jane

Resignation (3 page)

BOOK: Resignation
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“Look, Darina, this doesn’t have to go anywhere. I know
you’re just coming out of something heartbreaking. Why not let me hold you
while you heal? We’re both adults. We can enjoy each other for a little while
with no strings attached. When you get sick of me and decide to move on I’ll be
okay with it. I swear.”

She still looked uncertain, but hadn’t stepped out of his
arms yet. He took that as a good sign.

Please say yes.

Finally, she looked into his eyes with a smile and that was
all the answer he needed. He kissed her more thoroughly and she started rubbing
against him again. He had to back away in the name of self-preservation.

“Kitten, if we’re going to continue we need to find a
drugstore.” She seemed to come out of a daze at his words and looked down at
herself uncertainly. “Darina?”

“Yeah. Let’s, uh…let’s go to my place. I don’t live too far
from here.”

Sol held in his roar of triumph as she turned away to get
dressed. He tucked himself back into his pants and straightened his clothes,
admiring the view as she bent over to pick up her panties. He watched her get
dressed and his blood boiled as he imagined removing every piece all over

* * * * *

Darina’s confidence began to slip as she drove the few
blocks to her loft. Sol’s pickup truck filled her rearview mirror, ratcheting
up her nervousness.

What am I doing?

He seemed like a really nice guy and he was sexy as hell. He
probably had women throwing themselves at him on a nightly basis. Sure he just
wanted sex like any man, but should she make it so easy? He didn’t seem like
the type to participate in office gossip, but after Marc she had to be careful.
Her heart couldn’t handle another crack much less an all-out assault right now.
After being so alone for the past few months, it might be nice to keep Sol for
a little while.

I just want someone to hold me again.

She pulled into the parking garage and found two empty spots
on the second level. After cutting the engine, she took her time gathering her
purse and by the time she reached for the handle the door was opened for her.
She looked up into Sol’s smiling face.

“Hey, beautiful. Looks like you’re close enough to walk to

She smiled back and gave a little laugh as she took his
hand. “In this humidity? I’d have to take a shower as soon as I got there.”

He pulled her out of her small Honda and into his arms.
“Mmm, that puts delicious images in my mind.”

Her cheeks burned, though she realized it was ridiculous to
be embarrassed in front of a man who’d already seen her naked.

“Get your mind out of the gutter, Sol.”

He nuzzled her neck and placed a warm kiss beneath her ear.
“I can’t help that you’re irresistible. Now point me in the direction of the
closest drugstore.”

She looked away from his hungry gaze. “That won’t be
necessary. I have some.”

He raised a brow but didn’t comment as she closed her door
and headed away from the cars. She tried to appear calm and controlled, hoping
he wouldn’t realize just how nervous he made her.

He probably thinks I do this all the time.

They reached the skywalk connecting the garage to the
building of lofts across the street, and walked over in silence. His hand
warmed her lower back as she fished keys from her purse. A set of glass doors
and a flight of stairs later, and they stood before the door to her private
domain. She fought to breathe as she let them inside and heard Sol close and
lock the door.


Sol stepped into Darina’s loft and let out a low whistle. It
was no less than he’d expected, resembling a spread on a magazine cover.
Everything matched, from the sienna-colored sofa set to the abstract prints on
the peach and tan walls. The entire open floor plan spoke of class and style
and seemed utterly Darina. He wasn’t surprised.

She is so out of my league.

“This is nice,” he said quietly.

She looked around as if noticing it for the first time and
shrugged. “Thanks. It’s home, for now.”

“For now? You plan on moving?”

She walked farther in and he followed her to a set of stairs
hidden behind a wall of black-and-white photographs.

“Perhaps. I can’t honestly say I’ll be at Wellington much

His steps faltered and he nearly plowed into her back, but
caught himself on the rail.

Please don’t say you’re leaving town.
“Do you already
have another job lined up?”

He followed her up the stairs to the second level where a
short iron rail surrounded her small bedroom. She hesitated and threw an
uncertain glance at him over her shoulder.

“Um, yeah. There’s a firm across town that made an
impressive offer. I’d be a fool to say no, especially with…what’s going on.”

He walked over to the queen-sized bed in the center of the
room and looked down at the royal-blue bedspread. He sat on the edge and
removed his socks and shoes, then removed his tie as he turned to look at her.
She was watching him while she disrobed, and he couldn’t help the wistful pang
in his chest at how comfortable it felt to undress in a bedroom with her.

“Are you hungry?” she asked, as she unbuttoned her blouse.
He smiled and raised a brow, making her laugh. “I meant for food, Sol. It’s
late and I haven’t eaten anything since lunch.”

“Dinner sounds good, but only if I can have dessert first.”

She blushed and turned around as her skirt dropped to the
floor. “I should take a shower.”

Her uncertainty worried him but he ignored it for the

Just let me have tonight, please.

He stood and walked over to her, unbuttoning his sleeves
before wrapping his arms around her waist. Her soft skin warmed his chest as he
nuzzled a spot behind her ear.

“Hey, if you’ve changed your mind just say so. I promise I
won’t be angry. Disappointed, yes, but never angry. Not at you.”

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, leaned her head
against his chest and closed her eyes.

“Tell me you aren’t thinking terrible things about me for
letting you have me so easily. I swear I’ve never done this before.”

He chuckled and nipped at her earlobe. “Kitten, I would
never think badly of you, I swear. Considering I’ve wanted you for months, I
certainly don’t think you’re easy.”

She opened her mouth as if to comment, but then closed it
again quickly. He watched her expressive face go blank.

What thoughts are running around in that beautiful head?

His blood stirred as he inhaled the lavender scent of her
hair, and he fought to control his natural reaction to her. The primal urge to
hold her away from the world and anything that might hurt her burned through
him. He wanted to be selfish, keep her for himself and enjoy everything she had
to offer. He wanted…everything, but knew she wasn’t meant for him.

She sighed and he gave her a slight squeeze before slowly
releasing her to take a step back. When she straightened and wrapped her arms
around her waist, sadness emanated from her and he nearly took her back into
his arms.

“Got anything in your fridge I can use to make dinner?” he
asked instead.

She smiled at him with doubt in her gaze. “You cook?”

“I’m a man who lives alone. It’s cook or starve. I can only
handle so much fast food.”

She laughed as he rubbed a hand over his stomach.

“There should be some vegetables and chicken in there.”

“Perfect. Why don’t you take a shower while I make dinner? I
promise to run up here and grab you if I set the kitchen on fire.”

Her smile brightened. “Should I be worried?”

He grinned and shook his head. “Nah… You have a fire
extinguisher, right?”

When she finally laughed some of his tension eased. He
ushered her into the bathroom and stopped at the door.

“Just relax and let me take care of you tonight, okay?”

She paused, but before she could answer he pulled the door
shut. He stood there holding the knob with his forehead pressed to the cool

You can’t keep her, you idiot. This is just for tonight.

He straightened and headed for the stairs, hoping he could
keep things between them light and friendly, but knowing the pangs in his chest
were only going to get worse.

* * * * *

Sol’s voice drifted through the humid air as Darina stepped
from the shower.

“Dinner’s ready. Are you done?”

She started to pull back but forced herself to stop.

I’m being an idiot. I want this.

She’d been arguing with herself through the whole
thirty-minute shower, indecision still heavy on her mind. The last thing she
wanted was to upset Sol after the way he’d made her feel in her office.

I’ve never been a tease before. I’m sure as hell not
going to start now.

She took her time pulling a towel from the wall rack as Sol
opened the door. Cool air brushed her wet skin, making her shiver, but she
still didn’t rush covering her nakedness. His gaze was like a physical caress
beginning at her toes and slowly moving up her bare torso to meet her eyes. She
stared back daringly, wrapping the towel around her thick hair rather than her
body. Sol’s throat moved as he swallowed before stepping fully into the
bathroom. He’d left his shirt off and she spied an impressive bulge in his

“You know, my mom always told me I had to eat dinner before
having dessert. But now that I’m an adult, I get to decide what to eat first.”

His wicked grin was all the warning she got before being
pulled against his chest and into a breathtaking kiss. The towel slipped from
her fingers but she barely noticed. All of her attention centered on his busy
fingers as they danced up and down her body. She pulled back to catch her
breath and his lips moved down to her throat.

“Sol…the food will get cold.”

The protest sounded weak even to her but he just chuckled.

“And you have a microwave, kitten.”

She whimpered in response as he sucked one of her hardened
nipples between his teeth. He lifted her from the floor without releasing her
nipple, and turned to place her on the bathroom counter. It was the right
height to perfectly align his cock with the ache between her thighs. He rubbed
against her and switched to her other nipple.


She groaned and leaned back against the large mirror running
the length of her bathroom counter. As she threw her hands out for support, one
fell into the sink and she glanced over, spying the small cabinet above it.

“Sol, wait…let me…”

He straightened from torturing her nipples and the heat of
his gaze left her panting.

“What? Tell me what you need.”

She licked suddenly dry lips as a shiver ran up her spine.
“Condoms. I have them…in the cabinet.”

He turned to look where she was pointing and reached for the
cabinet. The small glass shelves were mostly empty, an unopened box of large
condoms holding pride of place in the middle of the top shelf. Sol took it out
and placed it beside her leg before turning his full attention back to her
breasts. Staring down at them, he unbuckled his pants and asked, “Now where was


He wanted to laugh as small bumps broke out over her skin,
but held his amusement when she took over opening his slacks. His cock was
already straining against the material and he groaned as her finger brushed
against it.

“Careful. I’m about ready to explode as it is.”

She released a breathy laugh and slipped her hands into his
underwear, sliding her soft palms against his hardness in a slow tease. He closed
his eyes and grabbed the edge of the counter for support. It felt so fucking

I could do this all night.

Using hands and feet, she slipped his slacks and underwear
past his knees, leaving him to step out of them on his own. He did so quickly
before pulling her body flush with his, her hot sex warming his erection.

He started kissing her neck as he spotted her ripping open
the box of condoms from the corner of his eye. Luckily she was thinking
straight because he had all he could handle keeping her steady in his arms.

Fuck, baby, hurry. First time’s gonna be fast and hard.

He tried to calm his impatience, wanting to take things slow
and easy, but she had his pulse speeding and his blood boiling in his veins. No
woman had ever gotten him this hard this fast and he didn’t know how to temper
his arousal.

“Darina, I need to be inside you.”

That was the best he could do to warn her. She responded
with a breathy moan and rolled a condom onto his cock. Without waiting for
further permission, he grabbed her ass in both hands and aligned his cock with
her entrance before sliding into her wet warmth.


He froze for a second of fearful indecision as her inner
walls clamped down on him.

Oh, baby, tell me I didn’t hurt you.

“Sol…you feel so good…”

Her panting words of praise were all the encouragement he
needed. He sent a silent prayer of thanks that his impatience hadn’t hurt her,
and began to move.

“Your body fits me perfectly. Like a fucking glove.”

He thrust in and out with a light grip on her hips. She wrapped
her legs around him, holding him tightly with ankles crossed against his back.
She surprised him by sucking on his throat and he closed his eyes in bliss.

“Oh fuck…”

He groaned and thrust harder, sliding her back and forth
across the counter. He barely registered the movement when she released him to
grip the edge of the granite top but he noticed the better leverage

“You okay, baby?” he asked.


They were both panting and moving in tandem to reach an
explosive climax. Nothing had ever felt so good, so right. He released one hip
and filled his palm with her plump breast. She bit down lightly on his chest in
response and he pinched her nipple between two fingers.

BOOK: Resignation
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