Rescued (Book One of the Silver Wood Coven Series): A Witch and Warlock Romance Novel (4 page)

BOOK: Rescued (Book One of the Silver Wood Coven Series): A Witch and Warlock Romance Novel
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She glanced at Michael, who looked as bleak as she felt.

“If you’re not Wiccan, what are you?”

“I belong to the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon,” he said, and steered her around a corner.

The name sounded terribly familiar to Summer, but not in a good way.

“Is that a veteran’s association?”

“No.” His mouth twisted. “We are more commonly known as the Knights Templar.”

Summer almost tripped over her own feet. “Excuse me. You’re what?”

“You heard me.” He gave her a sour look. “Stop gaping at me like that.”

“Michael, even
I remember that Templars were wiped out in the Dark Ages.” When he shook his head, she frowned. “Okay. So what does that make you? A priest, or a monk?”

“We regard ourselves as warrior-priests.” He stopped at an intersection and waited for the light to change. “My parents gave me to the order when I was an infant. I honor them with my service to the Almighty.”

“By hunting witches.” Of all the professions she imagined Michael to have, being a priest was not one of them. “So why aren’t you wearing a robe or a collar or something to warn unsuspecting women to avoid throwing themselves at you?”

“We Templars rarely have much contact with women.” He took hold of her arm to stop her, and peered across the street. “He is here.” He turned to her and slipped a small card into the front pocket of her backpack. “That is the number for my mobile. Call me only if you are in danger and you can’t find Atwater.”

The prospect of leaving Michael finally hit home. Summer wavered, caught between panic and nausea. She swallowed past a constriction in her throat.

“Won’t you let me stay with you? You’ve got enough room at your place, and I won’t be any trouble, I promise.”

His expression softened. “You belong with Atwater and your people. They can protect you, and help you become what you were meant to be.”

Summer tried hard to keep her tears from welling, blinking them away.

“It’s because you’re a priest, right?”

“It is what I was meant to be.”

He took hold of her hand and led her across the street to the front of the hotel.

Summer saw a dozen men in front of the hotel, but when a tall, dark-haired man stepped out of the shadows she somehow knew instantly that he was Atwater. He moved with the same silent, lethal efficiency Michael possessed, and he was just as alert, his eyes scanning the faces around him before he approached them. His build was less bulky than Michael’s but no less intimidating, for he had a purposeful fluidity in his movements that reminded Summer of something silent and deadly slicing through the water, like an orca.

“You took your time, Paladin.” The Wiccan’s voice had a pleasant, melodic quality that sounded as silky as Michael’s voice was rough. He didn’t hesitate to extend his hand toward the other man. “What did you do, stop for souvenirs?”

“You complain too much, Pagan.” Michael clasped Atwater’s strong forearm as he did the same, something Summer had only seen done by actors playing ancient warriors in a movie. “You must take her from the city at once. I am not the only hunter in this sector.”

“Watch for my flame trails.” Atwater turned to Summer. “I’m Major Troy Atwater from the Magus Corps, Miss Summer. I’ll be transporting you to Silver Wood coven in New Hampshire.”

“It’s just Summer.”

She had never seen a man with such heavenly blue eyes, which perfectly matched the glints in his silky mane of shoulder-length black hair. His features were equally striking, and just looking at the sensual fullness of his mouth made her own lips tingle. The fact that she was so strongly attracted to him should have made her feel ashamed, or even angry with herself. But instead her head was swimming. She was torn at leaving Michael, had nearly begged him to keep her. Yet the man to whom he gave her exuded a calm power that summoned something deep within her. The nearness of Michael behind her and this new man in front of her stoked a new desire. Somehow standing between them was exactly the place she should be.

“Why do I have to go so far away?” she blurted out.

Atwater exchanged a silent look with Michael.

“The Templars and our people are enemies. If his comrades discover he’s been harboring you, he will be regarded as a traitor––and Templars hate traitors even more than us.”

Summer’s throat tightened as she turned to Michael. “You didn’t tell me that.”

“It is of no consequence now. Go with Troy, and be happy, my Beauty.”

He touched her cheek briefly before he nodded to the major and walked away.

Summer stared after him, while her stomach knotted so tightly she pressed her hand to it.

“This isn’t right. He can’t just go like this.” She stared up at Troy, who was studying her face. “He wanted me to stay with him. I could feel it.”

“Lady, you’re radiating so much power right now soon everyone within a three-block radius is going to want you to move in with them.” Troy took her arm and guided her away from the front of the hotel. “Michael has been alone for…a very long time. He’s used to it, and it’s what he wants. Now I need you to put a lid on your ability before you start a riot.”

Summer saw some of the interested looks she was getting from everyone they passed.

“I could do that?”

“I’m one of the most powerful warlocks on the east coast, with body wards that can deflect even the most lethal spell, and even I want to take you home and chain you to my bed.” When she gave him an irate glare his beautiful mouth stretched into an unrepentant grin. “There, that’s better than looking like you just lost your best friend.”

“I think I just did.” She glanced back over her shoulder, but Michael was gone. “How do I put a lid on my whatever-it-is?”

“Your power is linked to your emotions, so calming down would be a good start.” He stopped by a brand new, dark green Jeep and unlocked the passenger door, holding it open for her. She hesitated. “We really do need to get out of here before another hunter picks up your trail, or that cop over there decides to shoot me for stealing the love of his life.”

Summer saw a patrolman across the street giving Troy an ugly look, and how he had his hand resting on his sidearm.

“Right.” Reluctantly she climbed in and buckled her seatbelt.

Troy went around and got in behind the wheel to start the engine.

“Michael told me you were swaying humans in the park to show you compassion. When did the desire compulsion drop into the mix?”

As he pulled away from the curb she had two abrupt, warring urges: to throw herself at Troy, and to jump out of the Jeep and run all the way back to Michael’s apartment.

“I don’t know what you mean.”

He reached over and took hold of her hand, and drew it to the side of his strong neck, pressing her fingertips against his skin so she could feel the frantic thud of his racing pulse.

“This is what I mean.”

Summer felt a shivery thrill, and an aching need to move her fingers down so she could pull the edge of his shirt free from his jeans and slip her hand inside it.

doing that to you?”

He nodded. “Me, Michael, and anything male that comes near you, I imagine.”

“That’s never happened before now.” She took her hand away and stared at it. “Back at the apartment there was a moment…we kissed. But if Michael’s a priest, that had to be me, compelling him to do it?”

“Probably.” Troy merged onto the freeway. “When Michael became a Templar, he took a vow of celibacy.”

She heard the odd shift in his tone. “You don’t approve.”

“I think it’s unnatural,” Troy admitted. “But sex is as sacred to all Wiccans as it is profane to the Templars. Probably another reason we don’t get along.”

“Well, I’m sorry I did that to you,” Summer said. “I’ll try not to in the future.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’ll take about five hours to drive up to Silver Wood, so why don’t you lower your seat and take a nap?” Troy suggested. “I’ll wake you up when we get close.”

“We need to stop at one of those big box stores on the way,” she said. “I need to pick up some necessities.”

“Silver Wood will provide whatever you need,” he assured her.

“Does Silver Wood have a nice selection of lingerie?” Summer asked sweetly. “Because I’ve been wearing and washing out the same bra and panties every day for the last three months, and at this point, new underwear is not only necessary, it’s a deal-breaker.”

Troy chuckled. “Yeah, I guess it would be.”


STOPPING AT A store for Summer to make her necessary purchases took only fifteen minutes, and by the time they reached New Haven, she had fallen asleep. Once Troy cloaked her with a sound-damper spell, he took out his mobile and called in to Magus Corps headquarters in Boston.

“Major, according to the roster you’re supposed to be on leave,” the duty officer told him.

“I am, but there’s been a complication.” He quickly related the situation and what he knew about Summer without mentioning Michael Charbon. “I’m transporting her to Silver Wood for evaluation. I’ll stay there with her until we can determine the cause of the memory loss and where she is in her development, but I’d like to consult with Artephius on some details.”

“I’ll transfer you.” The officer put him on hold, and after a short interval the line clicked and a stern, querulous voice answered it. “You know what they say about warlocks who can’t relax or take time off. They turn into me.”

Troy grinned. The old warlock had helped found the Magus Corps, so he wasn’t exaggerating––and due to his great age, there was no one among their ranks more familiar with oddities and aberrations among their kind. “I’m sorry to disturb you, Arte, but I need your expertise on how to best deal with a foundling. She’s an untutored witch whose ability appears to be in flux.”

“Are you annoying her, too?” the older man asked. “That generally ramps up power levels among females.”

“The flux is not in intensity. It’s in effect,” Troy said. “She seems to be a green witch who generates a proximity field with a strong compassion compulsion. When I met her, however, I felt physical and emotional desire for her.”

Arte grunted. “That’s certainly refreshing. Witches are usually the ones groveling at your feet. To what degree did it affect you?”

“I’m still fighting a fairly vicious urge to carry her off, mate with her and spend the rest of eternity guarding her and getting her pregnant.” He sighed. “This shouldn’t be happening. Aside from the fact that I have no desire to take a mate, I’m carrying full body combat wards.”

“It’s not her ability that is arousing your inconvenient yearning,” the old warlock said. “Our particular gifts are bestowed at birth. They can be diminished or strengthened, but they cannot be altered or supplemented. It’s more likely that you’re dealing with a spell she’s cast, or a curse that was placed on her.”

“She can’t cast spells yet, and even if she could I’d sense it.” He glanced over at Summer’s peaceful face. “Why would someone curse her to be desired by any man who comes near her?”

“Think about it,” Arte told him. “With such a lure she’d be constantly pursued and fought over no matter where she went. She’d have to live in an abandoned monastery just to get any sleep. Rather a nasty curse to use against a female.”

Although what the old warlock said made sense, Troy still wasn’t convinced.

“This wasn’t happening with her before tonight. What would trigger that kind of curse?”

“There’s the usual assortment, but I’d wager he fixed on her own desire as the catalyst,” Arte said. “The moment she felt an attraction to someone, it would activate. Did she show any particular regard for you when you met?”

Troy frowned. From her behavior he knew Summer had definitely been attracted to Michael, but from the moment he’d looked into her gorgeous eyes he’d sensed her interest in him as well.

“She may have. What would be the motive behind such a curse?”

“Revenge. This sort of malicious magic is quite common among vindictive cast-off mates, and obsessed, spurned lovers.” He uttered a sigh before he added, “It’s an unconscious, pathetic cry for attention as well. Along the lines of, ‘If I can’t have you, then every other man in the world should know my suffering.’”

Troy wanted to find whoever had cursed Summer and introduce the bastard to a whole new world of pain.

“How do I dispel it?”

“Find the Wiccan responsible and persuade him to give you the curative,” the old warlock said. “If he refuses, you could try killing him, but that doesn’t always work. He may have crafted the curse to become permanent upon his death.”

“It may be a while before I can identify him,” Troy admitted. “She’s lost all of her memories.”

“I imagine the nasty little bugger who cursed her also wiped her mind to protect his own identity,” Arte said. “Until you can restore her memories, you’ll have to compel the curse to go dormant again.”

That made him think oddly of Michael. “How do I do that?”

“If her desire activated it, then her satisfaction should render it inactive.” The old warlock chuckled. “Give her pleasure, Major. I’m sure you’re up to the task.”

That he was. Troy felt his cock swell at the prospect of burying it between Summer’s legs.

“I’ll consider that option when I’ve known her for a little longer than sixty minutes. Is there another way?”

Arte made a tsking sound. “Always the gentleman. You might cast a body ward over her, and see if it acts as a barrier. Or isolate her away from all males. Good luck, Major.”

Troy thanked the old warlock before he switched off his mobile and took a side ramp into a deserted rest area. Once he parked he looked down on his beautiful, slumbering passenger before he climbed out and walked away from the Jeep.

Putting nearly one hundred yards of distance between him and Summer didn’t entirely dispel the yearning inside him, but it tempered it to a more manageable level that would allow him to focus on the ward. He glanced at a water fountain outside the restrooms, and checked the parking lot once more before he dropped his own body shielding and summoned his elemental power.

BOOK: Rescued (Book One of the Silver Wood Coven Series): A Witch and Warlock Romance Novel
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