Read Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1) Online

Authors: Rachel Ryan,Eve Cassidy

Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1)
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Chapter 10


As we make our way to the waiting car and driver that Travis organized to take us wherever we want to go, I find myself walking behind Ava, mesmerized by the movement of her hips. She looks beautiful tonight. Her hair is swept up into a pony tail and the halter top she's wearing scoops dangerously low in the back exposing a lot of smooth, flawless golden skin. Damn! I drag my eyes away from her back and try to focus on something else as we all climb into the black limo.

Finding myself sitting next to Ava I struggle not to reach out and touch her thigh as it rests against mine. The air between us is electric and I'm sure she feels it too, as she keeps glancing at me with a shy smile on her pretty face.


The ride to the nightclub is short and I'm wishing we had chosen another club further away so that I could enjoy her closeness for a little longer. As the car pulls up out the front of the large club we all pile out and make our way to the door. There is a line a mile long of people waiting to enter, but obviously Travis has called to let them know we are coming as one of the doormen ushers us in. We make our way up some stairs and over to a large lounge area. We order a round of drinks and shots of Tequila as we discuss the show and how great it felt.


After a few rounds of drinks and about five shots of Tequila each Tori stands up and tells the group she needs to dance. Grabbing Ava and Emma's hands she drags them down the stairs and onto the large dance floor. They find an open space and begin dancing to the techno music that is playing. My eyes are drawn to Ava once again as she sways her gorgeous hips to the beat, her body moving in perfect timing with the music. Damn, that girl's got some rhythm. As the guys sit around me still chatting about the show, I down another shot of Tequila. I want to join in the conversation and celebrate with the guys, but I just can't tear my mind or my eyes away from Ava. I'm seeing another side to her personality tonight. She really seems to be letting her hair down. I'd love to be out there with her running my hands all over her body as she moves those curves. Fuck it! I stand up and the guys all stare up at me with curiosity in their eyes.

"I'm going dancing!"

I ignore the laughter from Luke and Hunter and the frown from Brody as I make my way down to the dance floor. Strolling up behind Ava it's like she senses my presence as her movements still and she turns slightly to look at me.

Leaning down close to her ear I say "Dance with me, Dundee?"

Without turning around her hips start to move again as she slowly inches back further so that her ass is rubbing up against my thighs. She reaches back a hand and rests it on the front of my thigh as I curve my body to hers and we start to move together. She keeps her right hand on my thigh and with her left hand she reaches up to grip the back of my neck, gently pulling my head down toward hers.

I nuzzle my nose into her neck and smell her amazing scent as I whisper in her ear. "Baby, you are so beautiful."

She moans softly and her fingers dig into my thigh as she wiggles her ass even closer. I feel my dick responding to her touch, and she must be able to feel it too but she doesn't pull away. Placing my hands on her thighs, I slowly run them up over her hips and across her stomach. Her shirt has raised a little from her lifting her arms up, so when my hands run across her stomach they are met by a small patch of smooth, silky skin and another soft moan escapes her. She feels so good. I've never been this turned on with me and the girl both fully clothed. I don't think I've ever been this turned on at all. I slide my hands back to her hips and quickly spin her around to face me. Her eyes meet mine and I can't hold back anymore. I dip my head down as I stare into her beautiful glowing eyes. She stills for a second as she seems to be internally processing what is evidently about to happen between us. I beg her with my eyes not to pull away. Suddenly, she lifts her head and our lips meet. The kiss is soft at first, and fuck her lips are amazing. She sighs into my mouth and I feel her run her tongue along my bottom lip and flick at my lip ring. Fuck me! The kiss is no longer soft as I grip her hips tighter and my tongue plunges into her, tasting her sweet little mouth. She runs her fingers up through my hair and a groan sounds low in my chest. This seems to spur her on more and her tongue starts caressing mine deepening the kiss. This is the most amazing kiss ever. I need to stop it though before I strip her clothes off and explore her sweet little body in the middle of the dance floor. I slowly pull my mouth from hers giving her lips one last little lick and stare down into her face. As she slowly opens her eyes, I take in the flushed cheeks and the hungry look of desire in her eyes.

I whisper again "Even more beautiful when you're turned on." She wraps her arms around my neck and rests her head on my chest. I wonder if she can feel my heart still racing after that amazing kiss.


We stay that way, gently swaying our hips together for the next few minutes. I'm scared to let her go because I don't know if I'll get the chance to hold her like this again. I look up and notice that Tori and Emma are watching us with huge grins. Tori gives me the thumbs up sign and it's then that I notice Brody standing behind Emma. He grabs hold of her hands and pulls her in close to him as he starts dancing with her. He glances at me and I give him a smile which he seems to ignore as he turns back to Emma.

"Shit! I didn't see that coming"

Ava stirs in my arms and lifts her eyes to mine. "What?"

I nod over to Brody and Emma, who are now making out in the middle of the dance floor. Ava stiffens in my arms and I'm unsure of what I'm seeing in her eyes as she looks back at me. "Can we go and sit down? My feet are starting to ache."

"Sure." I hold her hand in mine as we walk back to where Luke and Hunter are still sitting, with Tori following behind us. They look as shocked as me at the sight of Brody and Emma sucking face on the dance floor.

Hunter looks amazed "What the fuck is happening? Is that all you have to do to get a chick? Dance with her?"

Tori giggles and replies "I'll dance with you Hunter."

Luke chuckles as Hunter jumps out of his seat and drags Tori back to the dance floor. "Well, I'm going to get wasted and find myself a dance partner." Luke chuckles again as he stands up and strolls toward the bar leaving Ava and me alone. "Do you want another drink?"

"Um… I don't think I should drink anymore. Maybe iced water."

I signal to a waitress and order the iced water for Ava and a beer for myself.

Ava looks up into my eyes and says softly "I'm sorry I attacked you out on the dance floor." Her face falls as she looks down at our hands still joined and resting between us on the booth seat. I reach up to her chin and gently lift her face so that her eyes meet mine again "Baby, you can attack me anytime you want. That kiss was hot…and hopefully it won't be the last." She blushes and tries to look down again but I lean in and catch her lips with mine. This kiss isn't as frenzied as the last one, but it is just as hot and I find myself staring into her eyes as we kiss. Once again I break the kiss before I get carried away, but this time I lean down and rest my forehead on hers. "What have you done to me, Dundee? I can't stop thinking about you. I feel like I should be thinking about the show and how well it went, but all I can think about is you." She stares into my eyes and then suddenly leans back in for another kiss. As our tongues stroke each other again I pull her up and she lifts a leg over me so that she is straddling my lap. I should care that we are in the middle of a very public nightclub, but I don't. All I care about is this beautiful girl who is now sitting in my lap and blowing my mind with another teasing kiss. I pull my lips from hers and she lets her head fall back slightly as I kiss my way down her neck and lick her collar bone while running my hands up and down her smooth back. I'm lost in the passion of the moment, but suddenly hear someone clear their throat. Ava pulls away and we both look up to see Brody and Emma collapse onto the couch opposite us. Ava looks slightly embarrassed as she slides off my lap and back onto the seat, taking a sip of her iced water.

Emma looks very apologetic "Sorry to interrupt, but we needed a break from dancing. It was starting to get very hot down there." I smile and look over at Brody to see him watching Ava with a strange look on his face.

"It seems like it was getting all hot and heavy up here too." As he says the words, he seems to frown a little. What the fuck is his problem?

Just then Hunter and Tori stroll toward us looking very disheveled and flushed. I watch as Tori tries to straighten her dress and smooth down her hair, obviously their dance turned into a little more as well.

Ava squeezes my hand and asks "Is everyone ready to head back to the bus? I'm quite tired."

"Sure, let's get out of here." I reply as I stand up and pull her up behind me. We locate Luke and we all exit the club and climb into the waiting limo.


The limo pulls up in the parking lot and everyone climbs out.

Emma looks at me as she says "Thanks for inviting us out, guys. It was fun."

Looking down at the ground I can't stop the rush of guilt that floods my body when I think about how I used her tonight. When I stepped onto the dance floor earlier, the last thing I expected to see was Jeremy kissing Ava. It physically shocked me. I knew they had some chemistry but I didn't realize it would turn into something more so quickly. Before I had even thought it through I grabbed hold of Emma and took out my jealousy on her. I don't know what I was hoping to achieve, but it just made me feel low as fuck. She seems like a lovely girl, I'd hate to lead her on and let her think there was going to be more between us. I force a smile onto my face and look over at Ava to see her watching me "Yeah" I say keeping my gaze locked on her. "It was good. Well goodnight Ladies. See you all tomorrow." Just as I'm about to step up onto the bus I glance back at Ava to see Jeremy take her hand and walk her toward her bus.

I flop down onto one of the plush leather couches on our bus and Luke sits down beside me. Hunter heads to the bar fridge in the small kitchenette and comes back with a beer for each of us. He places one on the small coffee table, stating "Got one for Stone, but it might be warm by the time he's finished with Ava."

Feeling the anger rise in my chest I warn "Don't fucking speak that way about her Hunter. She isn't like that."

"Hey, chill, Dude. I was joking. I know she isn't like that. Stone on the other hand…"

I don't even want to think about what could be happening between them at the moment so I take a large mouthful of beer and try to block that image from my mind. A few seconds later I hear someone on the stairs of the bus and see Jeremy heading toward us with a huge grin on his face. Fuck, he looks so happy. I need to snap out of it and start feeling happy for him instead of feeling sorry for myself.

Jeremy sits down on an armchair to my left and grabs the beer off the table. We all watch him waiting for him to say something. He downs half of his beer then looks over at Hunter "What the fuck happened with you and Tori. You disappeared for ten minutes and when you came back it looked like she'd just crawled out of bed." Glancing at Hunter I see the lopsided grin spread across his face. "Who needs a bed?"

Jeremy chuckles and glances at me shaking his head "And you, you sly dog."

I look down at my beer and shrug my shoulders "It was only a kiss."

"Yeah, okay. Emma seems pretty keen, though."

Shrugging again, I try to discourage this direction of the conversation. "I'm not interested. She's a nice girl but……"

Luke joins the conversation "What about you and Ava? Things were getting pretty heavy with you and her, Stone. She sure is fine."

Jeremy smiles to himself as he stares down at the floor. "She sure is. There's something about this one." He glances up at me. "I really like her."

I stare into Jeremy's eyes and realize that he seems to be telling the truth. Maybe he does really like her. "I'm really happy for you, Bro." After saying this I realize I really do mean it. I do want my friend to be happy, and if Ava makes him happy…"By the way, I think the feeling is mutual."

His eyes snap up to mine "Do you think so?"

Pushing down the jealousy again I reply "Sure, didn't you see the way she was watching you all night?"

Jeremy smiles again looking very proud of himself. "I hope you're right, Dude."


The next morning I wake before the sun's up. I try to go back to sleep, but my stupid brain just keeps replaying the events of last night over and over again. Throwing the blanket off me I decide a run might help to clear my head a little. I search through the drawer below my bed, trying to make as little noise as possible, and pull on some black shorts and a grey t-shirt. After locating my running shoes, I pull them on and head outside. I have no idea where I'm going, but it will be nice to see a bit of San Francisco. Jogging at a medium pace I head north. About five minutes later I spot a familiar figure fifteen meters ahead of me. Is that…? "Hey! Ava?"

She stops suddenly and turns around at the sound of my voice "Hey Brody?"

Speeding up until I reach her side, I frown at her slightly "What the hell are you doing out here by yourself? Don't you realize how dangerous is it out here for a girl on her own?"

She stares at me with a blank expression on her face. "Well?" I say, waiting for her reply.

She puts her hands on her curvy hips and her eyebrows draw together.

"Excuse me! I am not a girl. I am a grown woman and if I want to run around San Francisco, I do not need your permission."

Rolling my eyes I let out a sigh

"I didn't say you need my permission, I just want you to be careful."

Inching closer to me she holds her head high

"Why do you care? You've hardly spoken to me at all since we left L.A!"

I run a hand through my hair and stare deep into her golden eyes.

"It's not intentional. I'm sorry." Stopping before I reveal my true feelings to her, I turn around and start walking back toward the bus. Looking back to see if she's following me, I see her standing there with a sad look in her eyes.

"What's wrong?"

She looks down at the ground and I hear her soft voice "I thought we were friends.

When she looks back up at me, the sadness in her beautiful amber eyes makes me feel like a total asshole. Walking to her slowly I place my right hand on her shoulder and bend slightly to stare straight into her eyes.

"We are friends, Ava. I just… I haven't had many female friends before. Sometimes I act strange, but I promise you it isn't because I don't want to be your friend. I really care about you, Ava."

Is it my imagination, or is she slowly inching her face closer to mine. Nervously, I run my tongue along my bottom lip and her eyes snap down to my mouth. She reaches a hand up to cover mine that is still resting on her shoulder and when she touches me I feel warmth spread through my body. Her slightest touch has my heart racing and my breathing labored. How does this girl cause this reaction in me? Does she feel it too? I'm guessing from the way she is still staring at my mouth like she wants to devour it that she does. Suddenly an image of Jeremy's face pops into my mind. Fuck! What am I doing? I quickly drop my hand and take a step back away from her. She blinks her eyes a couple of times and then her eyes drift away from mine and she looks down at the ground again.

"Come on. Let's go for a run." I start jogging backwards and wait for her to follow me. As we run along, side by side, I mentally remind myself that the sexy, gorgeous girl beside me was hooking up with my best friend last night. She is definitely off limits!

BOOK: Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1)
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