Read Releasing Kate Online

Authors: Cyna Kade

Tags: #Romance

Releasing Kate (6 page)

BOOK: Releasing Kate
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She went into the bathroom. Still unsteady, she undressed and took a shower. She finished her after-work routine and left the book lying in the living room. She knew she should move it, but she simply didn’t want to touch it.

He had no right to give her such a gift but as she tried to sleep, the ache in her pelvis demanded attention. She couldn’t satisfy herself. She tried her hand. She tried her dildo. She tried a vibrator and finally had an orgasm. Yet she still felt fevered and unsatisfied.

Finally, she surrendered. She got up and grabbed the book. She opened the cover and saw the inscription Michael had written.
You might find page fifty-four interesting. I know who you are and someday you will realize you want to meet my terms. I anticipate that day.

The inscription promised and threatened at the same time. She shuddered, thinking about his collection. She didn’t think she would ever reach the point of allowing him the freedom he demanded. She could resist his gentle, insistent seduction. To do otherwise was unthinkable, but would it hurt just to look?

Kate hesitated, fingers trembling,
she turned to page fifty-four and gasped. It was a picture of her. She looked closer and realized the background and the garments indicated an earlier age. And could it be? Yes! The woman was wearing Kate’s necklace. The necklace had been found in the car wreck. The stolen car had contained no other clues to Kate’s ancestry. Was it possible? Was this woman related to her? Did Michael know her family? She shoved aside the disturbing thought that her relative might be part of the mysterious clan to which Michael occasionally referred.

Kate frowned as she turned to the table of contents and realized that the book detailed every aberrant sexual act she could think of, as well as a few she’d never imagined. She flipped the pages. Not only did the book contain pictures, it contained detailed descriptions as well.

How dare he? She knew that all she had to do was destroy the book yet was somehow unable to let it go. She felt her cunt clench at the thought of being in some of the positions depicted in the book. She insisted to herself that she did still have control even though she was no longer sure she wanted it.

The book haunted her that night. Had it always been like that? Had there always been a blending of violence and sex? Kate understood that rape was an act of violence, not sex. Rape was pure masculine domination with no thought for the woman. It was not sex. It was violence. Michael did not want rape. He wanted cooperation.

Why did she find the book and his statues so erotic? They promised adrenaline rushing through her body, turning off her head. They promised feeling without any social restrictions boxing her into a lifeless corner. Kate admitted she found the concept more and more seductive. How often did she just feel? How often did she turn her mind off? How often did she forget to worry about how others saw her? How often did she stop the internal dialogue that constantly monitored her every action, analyzing and evaluating?

Michael promised she wouldn’t worry about that when she was with him. She didn’t like the thought of pain but increasingly she found Michael’s promise seductive and nearly irresistible. What would happen during sex if he actually could turn off her thoughts? If for once in her life she could just feel and give expression to those feelings? She wanted to know.

Chapter Six


Kate spent Saturday unsuccessfully trying to get erotic thoughts of Michael out of her head. She imagined what Michael would do to her. She dreamed of his lips on hers. She dreamed of his hands holding her down. She dreamed of surrender and the pleasures it would bring. She ached for his hard touch.

She finally forced herself out of bed on Sunday afternoon. She was just trying to decide whether to add more hot water to her bath when the doorbell rang. She wanted to ignore the summons but the person on the other side of the door started knocking so she climbed out of the bath and pulled on a robe.

“Just a minute,” she shouted as she started toward the entryway. She looked through the peephole then cracked open the door. She didn’t take off the security chain.

“We need to talk,” Michael said, his voice low, husky and insistent.

“About what?”
She was not at all happy that the sound of his voice curled through her abdomen and caused warmth to gather low in her pelvis.

“About your family,” he growled. “Let me in.”

Kate debated refusing his order but she wanted to know why that woman looked like her and why she was wearing Kate’s necklace. “Let me take the chain off,” she said. She closed the door and did so. She stood behind the door as she opened it to let him enter her apartment.

Kate clutched the robe closed, nervous even though she knew she was perfectly decent. She waved toward the living room and said, “Make
comfortable while I get dressed.”

He blocked her path. “Don’t bother, I want you naked.”

Kate stared at him, shocked by his blatant statement. Feeling a bit like Alice, she stammered, “What—”

“I’ve waited months to make you mine. That’s more than I’ve ever had to wait before. I’m through waiting,” he said as he reached out, grabbed the collar on her robe and pulled her close. “You know you want me. With your ancestry you have no choice,” he whispered.

She put her hands on his chest and pushed. “Wait a minute. I’ll get dressed and then we can discuss this.”

“There is nothing to discuss. You know you want me,” he said. “Stop fighting me,” he demanded as he captured her head. “Let me satisfy you.”

Michael gently nudged her lips open and plundered her mouth with his tongue. Kate enjoyed kissing but she’d never been kissed quite like this, as if she were a treasure to be savored at the same time ruthless ownership was declared. Michael’s arms imprisoned her body, pressing her tightly against him.

Kate felt his arousal. She felt his blatant physical strength. She felt her control slipping as Michael’s tongue plundered her mouth and one hand pressed her ass forward as he ground his cock into her pelvis.

Instead of surrendering Kate pushed against his chest.

He let her go. “Why are you still fighting? We both know you want me.”

Kate backed away from Michael’s intensity. “Not like this.”

“Anyway I choose. I claimed you as my woman the first time I saw you. I told you I was attracted to you. You know the sexual tension between us has been building since the first time we met.”

“But no one owns anyone anymore,” Kate stammered as she thought back to that first night. She’d assumed he was just using that expression to back off the unruly patient. She’d had no idea he’d meant every word.

He laughed—a full-throated expression of enjoyment. “For someone as experienced as you, you really are naive and innocent,” he said while stalking around her living room, examining her book and video collections. “No pornography?” He shrugged and turned back to her. “Tell me,” he said, his voice soft, “did you like my present? Where did you hide it?”

Kate glared at him. “You had no right to give me something like that!”

“I know your sexual experience is limited. I wanted to remedy that deficiency.” He walked toward her. “I already know you haven’t been fisted. What about bondage?
Anal sex?
Oral sex?” he fired a rapid series of questions at her.

She felt her face flame. Even oral sex had left her cold. Indeed, until he started the list she hadn’t realized just how she’d limited her explorations. She liked to think she was experienced. In Michael’s world, she was a novice.

“Have you at least gotten out of the missionary position?”

Kate was too stunned to answer him. Standing was an effort. His gift and his statuary collection had made her realize how inadequate her sexual experiences were. Still, to have him bluntly state what she’d been missing embarrassed her at the same time it set her on fire.

“In many ways you’re still a virgin.” He smiled as he glided behind her. His scent enveloped her as he gently circled her waist with his arms. He guided her back against him. She could feel his penis, large and throbbing, against her back. He moved a hand to caress her cheek and he whispered in her ear. “Good, I like that you don’t know your own body, that you won’t be able to fight me because I’ll blow all your senses.”

“Get out!” she yelled, upset that he might be right. She tried to move away from him but he held her tight.

“You think you are sexually liberated. You take your pleasure where you find it. But I bet you never, ever, give up control and let your partner lead. You really don’t know what you want. You only know what society tells you
right. Kate, you belong to a different society, one where our needs aren’t ignored.”

His voice slithered into her chest, echoing deep and mesmerizing her.

“How many real men have you met?” He licked her earlobe.

She shivered as a thrill went down her back. She struggled not to arch against him as her knees threatened to buckle. Need expanded her nipples and she longed for his touch. Yet she couldn’t ask, not without losing herself. She couldn’t want pain, could she? Anger replaced lust or lust fueled her. She wasn’t certain. Neither was she sure with whom she was angry. Regardless, she tried to kick him but he was too fast.

Suddenly, she was on the floor, her wrists shackled over her head, trapped by one large hand. His other slipped beneath her robe and wandered freely over her body—everywhere except her nipples. He crushed his torso down on her. Kate struggled to breathe. She gazed at him, stunned by his physicality.

None of the men she’d played with in the past had ever really let her feel their full strength. Michael didn’t hesitate. Kate found herself facing, for the first time ever, a man who was not afraid to use his strength. He held her helpless.

Kate should have been afraid. Instead, she found herself helplessly turned on by his strength. Kate groaned and halfheartedly struggled to free her hands but he held her easily. She didn’t want to admit it to him—hell, she didn’t want to admit it to herself—but the fact that she couldn’t move, that she couldn’t fight, that she could barely breathe, that he wasn’t hurting her, just holding her still, was driving her crazy.

“Surrender,” he said softly. “You know you want me. You know you want to feel what my toys can do. You know you want to feel my fist deep in your vagina, creating sensations you thought were impossible. You know you want to surrender to my physical strength. You know—”

“Stop it!” Kate whispered. “Get out! Get out! Get out!” she repeated breathlessly.

He laughed and Kate wanted to tear out his eyes.

“It’s not me you’re angry with,” he whispered. “It’s yourself because your body wants all the sensations I can give you if we can only turn off your mind. Believe me when I say I am quite capable of turning off your mind but I won’t do it until you give me permission. Give me permission,” he murmured. “Say it. Say you surrender,” he said as he rose a little, pushed aside the neckline of her robe and flicked one of her nipples.

“No!” Kate screamed, no longer able to think, gripped by a clenching wave of lust. How could one movement of his fingers send her so deeply into arousal?

He waited until she lay still, exhausted by the intensity and violence of her lust, then he murmured, “Surrender.”

“Forget surrender,” she gasped and countered, “let’s just have sex.”

“We could do that but then you’d miss out on one of life’s greatest experiences. Giving up all control is a powerful aphrodisiac,” Michael claimed.

Kate shook her head, “Surrender isn’t necessary.”

“It is for me. Tell me you surrender.” He reached down and slipped one finger into her slit. Kate tried to move her clit against his hand but he stayed just out of reach. The one finger in her cunt wasn’t nearly enough stimulation, she wanted more.

“Have you ever wondered how many orgasms you can have before you lose consciousness?”

“Right now, I’d be happy with one,” she retorted.

“Then give in. Most women don’t find my attentions disagreeable,” he said. “Why are you still fighting me?”

Imprisoned by his body, shaken by the intensity of his assault, Kate was disturbed that he could arouse her with a mere touch.

Part of Kate was excited beyond caring. Yes, he was strong. Yes she wanted to know what he could do. Yes she wanted to be in his power. Yes she wanted him to force her surrender. Yet even as her body surrendered to his will, she said, “Get out!”

Michael simply laughed and moved off her.

She felt a wave of disappointment as he stood and pulled her to her feet. Her knees trembled. Her whole body shook. Was he really leaving? Did she want him to leave?

He pulled her back into his arms.

Kate sighed, part of her delighted and excited that he wasn’t yet done.

He gently moved his lips over hers, softly comforting her. By the time he intensified the kiss and she recognized his intent to conquer, he had imprisoned her in his arms.

Unlike most men, he didn’t try to hold back his physical strength or mask it in any way. He was immovable and all encompassing.

Kate couldn’t escape.

He drew back a little.

She moaned as he ended the kiss.

Then his finger was between her lips.

Kate tried to draw back but he held her firmly pressed against his length. His finger worked its way between her lips and entered her mouth like an advance scout checking defenses. Meanwhile, his lips played along her cheek and at the corner of her lips.

His finger was hard and demanding as he explored her mouth. She couldn’t stop herself. She licked the intruder. His finger and her tongue danced as he continued his explorations. Then he exerted downward pressure and forced open her mouth for his.

He removed his finger. His hard lips descended on her mouth and his tongue invaded. He took her air. Kate’s knees melted.

Michael swept her into his arms as faintness overcame her and she dissolved in Michael’s physicality. No man had ever picked her up before. The sensation of being carried by a strong man overwhelmed any remaining trace of resistance.

Michael’s mouth never left hers as he unerringly made his way to her bedroom.

How does he know which door? Aren’t I too heavy for him? What will he do next?
The random thoughts raced through Kate’s head. She needed a moment to catch her breath but he didn’t give her that moment.

He laid her on the bed and then he covered her with his body. Still never leaving her mouth alone, he caressed her face as his lower body pressed against her pelvis and held her immobile. She felt his erection—his very large and hard erection. One hand moved across her cheek then down her neck, pausing briefly against her racing pulse. He moved along the neckline of her robe, parting it as he went, giving his hands access to her nipples, now peaked and anxiously awaiting his attention. Not only had he conquered, he’d seduced her cooperation.

He’d gained the loyalty of her body. Her mind said
! Maintain some semblance of dignity in defeat. Her body said
? She whimpered and moaned. Again, he avoided touching her nipples although he was close, so close, when suddenly he stopped.

He gently caressed and nibbled her lower lip then pulled away from her. Fixing her with an implacable stare, he asked, “Should I stop?”

“You bastard!” she exploded, with no thought as to future employment.

He smiled. “I won’t continue unless you tell me it is okay, that this is what you want. That you agree to sex on my terms.” His gaze wandered over her nipples like a caress.

Kate knew the kind of sex he wanted and struggled to pull her thoughts together. She should say no. She tried to say no as she met his eyes. She could see the darkness just under the surface. She could feel his thin veneer of restraint. She could feel his power—power that depended upon her submission. She didn’t want to say yes. Her mind hung back when her body’s desires were clear. It frightened her that her body was his ally—so easily, so fast.
Too much, too fast.
“No,” she moaned. “Go away.”

Michael laughed. “Oh, but I didn’t say I’d leave, just that I would stop…and I have.”

It hit her then. It didn’t matter if she said no. Her body betrayed her and he was in control. Her awareness must have shone in her eyes.

“Continued resistance will just prolong your surrender. You know that. You want me. You will surrender to me…eventually.”

Kate found it difficult to breathe as his torso crushed down on her. Yet her body wanted this. Her body wanted him to take her violently, with no discussion. Her mind screamed foul. She was horrified that dominance could excite her. She was aroused and she liked it—no, she loved it—and she was starting to crave his dominance.

“I won’t succumb.” Kate didn’t expect him to give up but when he stood, it nearly undid her. His withdrawal was devastating.

Gazing down on Kate with something akin to respect lurking in his eyes, he said, “Wage war with
. You know where to find me when you are ready to explore your hidden depths. Let the games continue.”

“Wait! Tell me why that woman looks like me! Why is she wearing my necklace?” She waved toward the book on the nightstand.

He smiled. “You’re not ready yet,” he said before he turned and left.

Kate really hadn’t expected him to leave. She wanted him back and cursed her weakness. She lay paralyzed on the bed as she heard him exit the apartment. Finally, sluggishly, she went to the door and put on the security chain. Moving to the living room, she poured a shot of brandy and downed it in one fiery gulp.
Get a grip
, she told herself, even as she went back to the bedroom and masturbated to an unsatisfying climax.

BOOK: Releasing Kate
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