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Authors: Rebecca Lynn

Tags: #Iris

Release (38 page)

BOOK: Release
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watched her intently, his jaw dropped slightly.  She almost giggled. 
She retrieved the bowl, then sauntered over to him, straddling him on the sofa,
and placing her breasts right near his face.

skimmed his hands over her heels, up her calves, thighs, then gripped her
buttocks.  “You have no idea what you do to me, Ryann.  Honestly,” he
breathed, resting his lips on the pulse of her neck.

think I have an idea,” she purred, as she wiggled herself on his erection.

grabbed her hips to still her.  “What are you going to do to me?”

smiled.  “Feed you.”

wrapped her fingers around a juicy strawberry, then dipped it in the chocolate
and whipped cream, and coated his mouth with it.  She put the berry in her
mouth and bit, then leaned forward and licked the cream off his lip, finishing
by popping the rest of the berry in his mouth.

turn,” he said, as he reached his hand in the bowl, and dipped his finger in
the chocolate and cream, then rubbed it on her nipple.

she murmured.

captured the nipple in his mouth, and sucked it clean.

began squirming, feeling the tug deep inside her.  He reached down and
pushed his sweatpants down, taking himself out.  When he looked at her
again, she almost burst into flames.

need to be inside you, baby.  I can’t wait…”

pushed up onto her knees, then positioned herself over his shaft, and rubbed
herself along his tip.

grabbed her hips and pushed her down onto him, gritting his teeth, and grunting
his approval.

yeah.  That’s much better,” he said, his voice gruff.  After a moment
of adjustment and a whimper from her, he said, “Where were we?”

took another strawberry, covering it with the sweet decadence of chocolate and
cream, and ran it down his neck, following the line with her tongue, suckling
and cleaning him.

took the strawberry from her fingers with his mouth, then imprisoned her
fingers while chewing the strawberry, licking and sucking at her hand.

had begun to move, and at this point she needed to move with him.  She put
the bowl down next to him on the sofa, careful not to topple it over, and
wrapped her hands around the back of his neck, rocking gently on him.

he breathed, his eyes closed.

ground onto him and circled her hips, guaranteeing her own pleasure, and began
to pick up speed.  He helped her along by using his hands to move her up
and down, and adding more force with each thrust.

escaped from deep inside her, while Jeremy rubbed his chest along her nipples
to heighten her pleasure.

for me, Ryann,” he whispered against her lips.  “Come for me…”

moment later, she did, milking him with her orgasm, and he came right after her
with a groan of his own.

were both breathing heavily, and while she rested her head on his chest
listening to the drumming of his heart, she turned her head to kiss it,
whispering, “I love you…”

wound his hand into her hair, and pulled her head back so they could look into
each other’s eyes.

smiled and said, “Yes, you do.  And very well, I might add.”  Then he
got serious.  “I love you,” he whispered.  “Saying the words are
getting easier and easier for me.  I know it’s only been a few weeks, but
I honestly can’t remember life before you…before I loved you.”

reached up her hand and stroked his face.  “I never thought I would be
this lucky again.  To find another man to love me.  But you do. 
And…I’m so unbelievably happy, Jeremy.”

kissed her possessively, and carried her to the bedroom, prepared to make her
happy again.


Chapter 29


The next morning, Ryann got her period, which she had
been expecting since it came so regularly due to her being on the pill. 
It put the brakes on their lovemaking in the morning, so they both decided to
go for a run.

their five miles, they both headed off to work, and slipped into a fairly
domestic routine for the next couple of days.  They would go to work, she
would paint at lunch, Manny would pick her up at the end of the day, followed
by Jeremy, they’d make or order dinner, and then settle in to do a little work
on the sofa in front of the TV.

and Thursday nights ended with Jeremy giving her a foot or back rub, easing her
tired, crampy body, and she’d end up falling asleep in his arms.  It was
wonderful.   If she wasn’t sure of it before, she definitely knew now
that Jeremy’s feelings went beyond the physical.  Any man who got her a
heating pad, and let her curl up next to him on the sofa with her hair in a
messy topknot, and bloated and achy, definitely wasn’t just interested in her

Friday morning, Ryann got in touch with Tabitha.  The night before, when
Ryann had asked Jeremy for his mother’s number, he was curious, but didn’t ask
for details as to why she had wanted it.

the reason why she’d wanted it, was to show Tabitha the painting she had
completed.  She couldn’t wait to show it to her, first because she had
promised her at her showing that Tabitha would be the first to see her work
when she was ready to show it.  And secondly, she couldn’t wait to tell
her the meaning
the painting.

showed up at the Institute at noon for Ryann’s lunch break, and went up to the
studio where Ryann had told her to meet her.

can’t wait to see it, Ryann.  Thank you so much for calling me,” she said

looking forward to your feedback…”

with that, Ryann led her over to the covered board with the watercolor paper on
it, and removed the cloth.

exclaimed softly.  “Oh, Ryann.  This is beautiful…”  She looked
Ryann in the eye.  “Really.  You should be so proud of this.”

painting was of a red iris, sitting on her dining table.

always been so impressed with artists who use watercolor,” Tabitha began. 
“It’s so much more difficult to do than oil, I think.  With oil, you layer
the colors on top of each other.  With watercolor, as you know, you have
to think backwards.  Start with where you want the negative space to be,
then add the color around it.”  Pause.  “It really is gorgeous. 
And I love the red of the flower.  You don’t often see red irises.”

took a deep breath, and said, “Jeremy gave that iris to a housewarming
gift,” waiting for Tabitha’s reaction.

turned back to her quickly.  “He did?!”  She chuckled.  “Well,
go Jeremy!  Looks like I didn’t do such a bad job raising him after all.”

reached out her hand and took Tabitha’s.  “You did an exceptional job of
raising him.  I…do you mind if I share a story with you?”

squeezed her hand in return, and said, “I would love to hear it.”

told her of the background of the iris flower, as well as the history with her
first iris painting and the white flower given to her by Brent…then,
unbeknownst to Jeremy, the significance of him giving her the second iris, this
time in red.  It was Ryann’s plan to give the painting to Jeremy as a
gift.  By the end of the story, Tabitha’s eyes were misty.

Ryann,” she whispered, then hugged her.

Ryann cleared her throat, and got teary herself.  After a moment, she
said, “I’m so in love with your son.”

beamed and wiped at her eyes.  “You have no idea how thrilled I am to hear
you say that…have you told Jeremy?”

nodded and smiled shyly.

what does he say?” she asked in typical mother fashion.

says he loves me too.”

squeezed her hand again.  “He’s not just saying it, honey.  Believe
me when I tell you, I have
seen Jeremy react to a woman as he does
to you.  I knew you would be different from the first moment I saw you two
together at my showing.”  She paused.  “He…met with me for dinner
before leaving for Chicago.  Did he tell you what we talked about?”


I’ll let him be the one to tell you, but suffice it to say, it was all about
you…and it was all wonderful.  This might be sadistic on my part, but
watching my son fall in love, and question himself, his desires, his wants in
life…basically watching him struggle?  Has been the best time of my life.”

let out a gut laugh, “Jeremy might disagree.”

laughed out loud.  “Right?  How horrible am I?!  I was just so
thrilled to see him take to you so quickly and passionately.  And I
already love you like the daughter I’ve never had.  I’m so proud of him
for choosing you.”

sniffled, and cried, “You’re turning me into a mess!”  She dabbed at her
eyes with her hand.  “Thank you…for everything.   For being
so…wonderful and welcoming to me.  I can’t wait for my mom to meet you
tomorrow.  You guys are going to get along great.”

clapped her hands, “I can’t wait either.  What a great time we’re all
going to have!  So, when are you going to give him the painting?”

night after everyone goes home, after the fireworks.  I’m going to touch
up some last minute things today, and leave it here, then sneak out a bit
during the party tomorrow and get it so I can sneak it back into the
brownstone.  That way, he’ll be distracted, and won’t know I’m gone. 
Manny’s picking him up first tonight, so I won’t be able to put it in the car
without him noticing.  Plus I want to make sure it’s completely finished
and dry.”

somehow, I think he’ll know when you’re gone tomorrow, but I can help distract him,
if need be,” she smiled.  “You should ask Manny to drive you tomorrow.”

a good idea.  I’ll get him alone at some point to ask him…thank you for
coming today to look at it.  I wanted you to see it first.”

I said, I’m honored, sweetie.  Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.” 
Tabitha gave her a big hug, then waved as she headed out.

wanted to ask Paul for his feedback as well, then she would be ready to give it
to Jeremy.

couldn’t wait.


Manny picked both Ryann and Jeremy up after work, they ran to the store to get
some steaks, and made it back to the brownstone by seven.  They put away
all of the food, and decided to order a pizza, neither of them wanting to cook.

they finally sat down and cuddled on the sofa with their food, they both put
their feet up on the coffee table and sighed.

good to sit, doesn’t it?” he asked.

she moaned.

are you done with your period?”

looked back at him and smiled.  “Tomorrow…you’ve been very patient, Mr.

have, haven’t I?  I should get some sort of reward or something, don’t you

because you surviving without sex for a whole three days must’ve been
excruciating.” She took another bite of her pizza slice.

excruciating…especially when I could be fucking the hottest woman in
Manhattan…not to mention the woman I love.  The fact that they’re both one
and the same, makes it even harder…if you know what I mean.”  He wiggled
his eyebrows.

smiled at his double entendre.  “Poor baby…you’ve been taking such good
care of me.”

put her slice down, and got on her knees in front of him, moving herself into
position between his legs.

What’s this?” he murmured.


watched his eyes glitter while she undid the belt on his slacks, then slowly
lowered the zipper and pulled his pants down over his hips.

let out a sigh.  “Baby, don’t get me wrong.  I absolutely do not want
you to stop, but you really don’t have to do this if you’re not feeling…”

sentence trailed off into a garbled moan, as she reached into his boxer briefs
and pulled out his very hard cock.  God, he was a beautifully formed
man.  So long and thick.

licked her lips.

reached out and took the pizza slice from him, anticipating it was going to
slip from his hand momentarily.

she put it on the coffee table with hers, he buried his hands into her hair,
and kissed her aggressively.  His tongue plundered and dipped, licked and
sucked.  When he finally began nibbling on her lower lip, she pulled back,
gave him a sultry look, then leaned down and licked his entire length.

let out a controlled breath.

continued looking at each other, as she licked up the length, then reached her
hand in to stroke at his sac.

Ryann,” he whispered.  “I need to see my dick in that gorgeous mouth of
yours...don’t make me wait much longer.”

smiled and ran her teeth up the length of his shaft, then while looking him in
the eye, wrapped her lips around the head of his cock.

was breathing heavily, letting out incoherent moans, and gripping her hair.

love when you fuck me with your mouth.  It feels fucking amazing…

made an ‘mmm’ sound, as if she was enjoying a scrumptious treat, letting the
vibrations run over his tip and his shaft, as she swallowed more of him into
her mouth, her tongue undulating along the sides.

was groaning in earnest now, watching her mouth, while she was watching his

reached her hand down to the base, and fisted him, moving him up and down into
her mouth while she sucked.  She was so turned on knowing that she could
bring him such pleasure.

Ryann…I’m going to make you come so bad after this, baby.  I don’t care if
you have your period…Aahh,
…that’s it…Aahh…I’m gonna come,
baby.”  He was trying to give her ample opportunity to pull away, but she
held on fast and sucked for all she was worth.

then he exploded into her mouth, grunting through his teeth.  She kept
sucking and swallowing, and he kept yelling…until he was completely spent.

hands were still in her hair, now massaging her scalp, easing the pain he may
have caused when he was gripping it.  But she thought it felt
incredible.  She adored it when he loved her freely, without worry, and
surprisingly, she loved the small bite of pain that always accompanied their
lovemaking.  She never wanted him to hold back.

looked at him with a satisfied smile on her face, and licked the final remnants
of his ejaculate off the tip, watching his overly sensitive cock jump when she
did so.

here,” he demanded and dragged her up his body, then devoured her mouth, eating
and sucking at her, tasting him on her lips.

going to fuck you senseless tomorrow night, woman.  You better be
prepared, because when your period is over, I’m going to go at you for
hours.  You won’t be able to walk for days.”

bit her lip.  “Promises, promises,” she whispered against his lips.

you better believe it… until then, take off your panties.”


you wearing a tampon?”


take off your panties, and turn around.”

was still wearing her long flowy skirt, along with the tank top she wore to

faced him and reached under her skirt, and pulled down her panties, then turned
her back to him, wondering what he was going to do.  She could hear him
moving slightly on the sofa.  Her heart rate accelerated.  She had
never had an orgasm while she had her period, and wasn’t sure about this.

reached out his hand and rested it on her butt.  “Come back here and sit
between my legs, baby.”

sat down between his legs, and he pulled her back onto his chest.


nodded.  “I’ve just never…done this while having my period.”

nuzzled the side of her face.  “Well, just for the record, I’ve never done
this either.  But I want to make you feel good.  And I don’t see why
I shouldn’t.”  He moved the hair away from her neck and sucked
there.  “Will you let me make you feel good, baby?” he whispered in a sexy

breathed out a “Yeah.”

forward, baby.”

did, and he pulled her tank top up over her head, then he unclasped her bra and
took that off, as well.  He began to massage her back, her shoulders, her

spoil me, Jeremy,” she moaned.

like that?”   He bit softly at her neck, and she let out a soft gasp
as goose bumps raised on her flesh.

hands went down her arms and pulled her back against his chest, placing her
hands next to his legs on the sofa.  Then he reached his arms over hers,
trapping her arms, while he began to touch her breasts.

head fell back on his chest, and she let herself drift on the erotic sensations
coursing through her body.  She was so turned on, and knew if she hadn’t
been wearing a tampon, she would feel the wetness from her arousal.  She
liked it when he didn’t let her made the experience feel dark and

“I love touching
you.  I love watching you get excited,” he said quietly.  He lightly
pinched her nipples, and began pulling them gently out from her body. 
“Are they sore?  Does this hurt?”

“No,” she

“I love your
tits…you hate that word…sorry.  You have gorgeous breasts,” he whispered
in her ear.  “They’re so responsive.”

BOOK: Release
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