Rekindle The Flames (The Men of CLE-FD Book 4) (22 page)

BOOK: Rekindle The Flames (The Men of CLE-FD Book 4)
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Ryan worked hard around the house on his day off. He
bathed the dog, cleaned the house, and mowed the lawn. He even managed to get
dressed, so when Megan got home from work, they would make their dinner
reservation.  He decided she was right; they did need to get out and mingle
with couples their age, and he looked forward to their date nights.

He went to the window when he heard her car pull into the
driveway. He checked his watch; she was on time as usual.  “Hey, baby. How was
your day?” he asked as she walked through the door.

 “It was okay. Wow, you cleaned the house,” she answered,
looking around. She kissed him on the cheek instead of the regular kiss she
would usually give him.

He noticed her slouching body language as she moved away
from him. Ryan cleared his throat, and she focused on him again. Her eyes were
void of their usual sparkle. He hated that the dullness was back. He hoped she
wasn’t falling into another depression after working so hard to overcome the
last one. “I was off today and wanted to help out around the house.”

“The yard and the house both look very nice.  You’re a
great husband, Ryan.”

“I appreciate you saying that.  So, hurry and change
clothes so we’ll make our dinner reservation.  I’m ready to eat.”

“Alright, it will take me a second to change.” She dropped
her purse on the table and walked slowly to the bedroom.

Ryan followed behind her to make sure she picked up the
pace.  Instead of her changing clothes, she laid across the bed on her stomach
with her head tucked between her folded arms. He shoved his hands in the
pockets of his trousers. He ditched his normal wear for dress pants and a
button down shirt for their date night.

Rubbing his temples he exhaled. “If you had a hard day at
work, Megan, we can stay home and order in or I can cook for us.”

“It’s not that,” she mumbled.

“Do you want me to guess what’s bothering you? Even
though, I’m tanked out of guesses.”  He was getting angry.  He hated that she
used the silent treatment instead of just talking to him.

“Ryan, I’m pregnant,” she blurted out.

His mouth fell open, and a gasp escaped. “Pregnant? When
did that happen?”

She sat up on the bed, drawing her knees to her chest.
“Oh, I don’t know. Could be the night you tied me to the bed and had your way
with me.”

He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Wow, pregnant.” The
word bounced around in his head as if it was a foreign object.

“Yes, pregnant,” Megan confirmed for a second time.

He rocked on his heels. There was a difference between
wanting a child and knowing a baby was actually on the way; it had him feeling
scared. The responsibility of having a child would be humongous and, because
Megan had had a miscarriage, probably stressful. He would worry about every
little ache and pain she had.

“Ryan, I’m scared. I want this baby. I can’t have another
miscarriage and keep my sanity.”

He sat on the bed, taking her in his arms. “I want this
baby too, Megan.” He pressed his hand to her flat stomach. “I can’t believe my
baby is in there,” he said, smiling from ear to ear. “I’m going to be a dad.”

Megan put her hand over his. “And a great one. I love you,
and baby loves Daddy, too.”

The sound of that made his heart thump. He pulled her to
him.  Her eyes became heavy-lidded as his mouth hovered over hers. His lips
lightly brushed against hers before taking her into a full kiss, letting their
tongues meet. He broke the kiss. “We’re going to have a kid. A beautiful little
human we created.”

“Are you really happy about this, Ryan? It will be tight
money-wise. I know my dad will try to pad our bank account. I don’t want him to
do that.”

“Baby, don’t worry. I’m your man. I’m going to take care
of us. We won’t go hungry or be without a roof over our heads. You just
concentrate on the bun in the oven and let me worry about the rest.”

Her eyes twinkled. “Okay. I’m putting my trust in yours
and God’s hands. I feel better now that I know you’re excited that I’m

“I’m overjoyed, Megan. I can’t wait to tell the guys at
the firehouse.”

“Jon probably has heard the news already. Gabby made me
take the test.”

“Remind me to thank her, too. My first job as an expectant
father is to make sure you eat. I have to get some weight on you.”

Megan rubbed her stomach. “I am hungry. I have a taste for
something gooey and greasy.”

He rolled his eyes and groaned. “The strange cravings are
starting already?”

“What can I say? I’m eating for two.”

“You can eat for two, but it will be healthy food with
some mild sinful temptations thrown in once in a while.”

Megan turned up her lip. “I won’t like it, but I’ll do it
for the baby. I’ll be ready to go in five minutes.”


The Happily Ever After

Big brown eyes stared up at Ryan; the faint smile on the
baby’s face made his heart flip in his chest. The baby wiggled in his arms,
yawned and snuggled against him.  Her little body almost became lost in his
muscular arms as he held close to him.

“You are going to spoil her rotten,” Megan said gently
caressing Madison’s face with her finger.

“I’m supposed to spoil her rotten; she’s daddy’s little
princess.” He kissed the top of the baby’s head.  Wisps of brown hair covered
her head as he inhaled that new baby smell.

“You’re going to be late for your shift, Ryan. Give me
Madison so that you can go to work.”

“Just one more kiss and I’ll go.”

Megan raised a brow. “One more and that’s it.”

He laid the baby in the crib and covered her with a soft
pink blanket.  Megan had redone the spare bedroom in pink, blue and purple.
Ryan lingered in the bedroom, watching his daughter sleeping.  He was a happy

Megan dragged him out of the bedroom by the arm. “I know
you don’t want to be away from Madison, so how would you like it if we dropped
by the firehouse later today?  You can show her off to those that haven’t been
to see her already.”

Ryan put his arms around his wife.  “I’d like that.  So,
um, has the doctor given you the green light, yet?” he asked with a raised

She giggled. “Madison is only three weeks old, Ryan.  We
won’t be doing that for a minute.”

He dropped his head back and groaned. He opened her robe
and scanned her body. “Damn, baby, this is killing me!” Megan’s body had filled
out nicely following her pregnancy that went smoothly.

She made little circles on his chest with her finger,
peering at him through her lashes. “It will be worth the wait; I promise.”

Just as he kissed her neck, Madison began to cry.  Ryan
let his head fall to Megan’s shoulder. He released a sigh.  It was happening
just as Orlando said. He chuckled and zipped Megan’s robe. “Want me to get her
before I leave?”

“She’s probably hungry and I have to handle that chore. 
You go to work, and we’ll keep the home fires burning until you return. Hey,
remember we love you and be careful.”

He caressed the side of her face with his hand. “I’m so
lucky to have you and Madison in my life.  We fought, Megan.  We fought for our
marriage and rekindled the flames of our love.  I love you, baby.”

She hugged him tight. “Yes, we did, and I’m the lucky one.
I have a real family now with you, me and Madison.  Dad wants to be a part of
her life, and I want that too.”

“Mr. Jones should be a part of Madison’s life and so
should Eddie.”

“Of course, Eddie will be a part of her life. Everyone
that is important to us will be significant to her, even if I have to swallow
my pride and accept Lolita.  I still have my fingers crossed that Eddie will
come to his senses about her.”

“Baby, she isn’t a bad person and Eddie is crazy about
her.  They seem to be happy together. We should mend the fence and do more
stuff with them.  I mean you will see them together since his always at her

“Yeah, you’re right.  I’ll be the bigger woman and offer
the olive branch first.”

“That’s my girl,” he said kissing her. Herman nuzzled Ryan
in the back of his thigh breaking their embrace. “Oh, we can’t forget Herman. 
He’s a part of our family too.”

“Yes, Herman is a part of our family. We love you too,
boy,” Megan said rubbing the dogs head.

Madison cried harder, and Herman whimpered.  He pushed
Megan in the hip. Ryan chuckled. “I have to get to work and Madison is waiting
for breakfast.  You’d better get to it before Herman drags you in there.”

“Right! I’ll call you later, baby,” she said giving him a
quick peck on the cheek.

Ryan took his coffee thermos from the counter and walked
outside. Taking a deep breath of the crisp spring air, he looked up at the sky
and mouthed.
Thank you, God


Thank you for reading
Ryan and Megan’s story.  I hope you enjoyed it.  Be on the lookout for the next
installment of the Men of CLE-FD.

BOOK: Rekindle The Flames (The Men of CLE-FD Book 4)
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