Read Red, White and Sensual Online

Authors: Bec Botefuhr,Dawn Martens

Red, White and Sensual (8 page)

BOOK: Red, White and Sensual
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I stare at him. “This is a dangerous game, not onl
y are you taken, but you’re a very powerful man…”

“It’s not unkn
own to the world that powerful men have mistresses’, Miss Walters. I’m no exception.”

“You do this often?” I snap, hurt.

“No, I don’t. I have, occasionally, taken another woman to my bed but no more than once.”

“Why me?”

He strokes a finger over my cheek. “You fascinate me, and I want to be inside you, quite possibly more than I’ve wanted anything in my entire life.”

I swallow and run my tongue over my bottom lip. “I still think this isn’t a good idea.”

“Maybe not, but we’ll just have to wait and see. Right now, I have to go.”

He stands and his hand rubs over his crotch. The sight is so erotic I can’t tear my eyes away. Seeing
him pressing his own arousal with that big hand is just…well…it’s fucking sexy. He notices my stare and smiles.

“If you keep looking at me like that, Miss Walters, I won’t have any restraint.”

I swing my eyes up to meet his and the lust I see in his gaze has my skin heating and my cheeks flushing.

“Now, I have to go,” he murmurs, staring down at the bulge in his jeans once more. “Well, as soon as this goes away.”

A giggle bursts from my throat and I quickly smother it with my hand. He gives me a lazy, lopsided grin.

“Is something amusing?”

“No, sorry.”

He smirks and then stares back at his jeans. When he’s mostly satisfied, he turns and walks to the door.

“I’ll see you Monday, sweet girl.”

Then he opens the door and steps out. I hear a squeak and a moment later Raine steps into my room, flushed and gaping. Marcus looks over his shoulder at me once more, then he disappears and I can hear the giggling down the hall as he moves down them. Raine shuts my door and turns to look at me.

“Was that…”

“Yes,” I say, sheepishly.

“Why was Marcus Harrison in your room and why did he have a boner?”

I snort and then begin giggling furiously. It’s the only cover I have.


She throws her hands on her hips. “Explain, fast!”

I cover my eyes and mumble, “He just…well…”

“What did he just do?”

I stare over at her. “He just…made me….”

“Oh god, don’t you say he made you come.

I sigh and shake my head. “What am I doing
, Raine? I can’t seem to stop myself when he’s around.”

“This is a dangerous game
, Sierra, you need to stop him.”

“It’s not that easy.”

“Make it that easy!” she snaps.

I groan and nod, there’s no point in arguing with her. She’s right anyway.

“I know, I’m going to put it down hard on Monday.”

“You shouldn’t even be going back Monday!”

I stare at her, then shake my head. “I’m not quitting.”

She shakes her head and then storms towards the door. “You’re making a mistake, Sierra.”

Then she leaves and the sound of the door slamming is all that’s left. I sigh and cup my face in my hands. What the hell am I doing?


To say I am
nervous when I arrive at work Monday, is an understatement. I don’t want to face Marcus, because I don’t know what to expect. I have to stop this, it’s only going to end in some serious heartache and pain. Taking a deep breath, I step into his office. He’s at the desk, chatting on the phone. When he notices his door opening, he looks up and his lips curl. Dammit, this isn’t going to be easy. I give him a pitiful wave and rush into my office, shutting the door.


I open up my computer and begin downloading the emails. While I wait, I dial Rose to see if there’s anything new I should know about. She goes over any changes made on the weekend. As she speaks, my door opens and Marcus walks in. I try to avoid his gaze, but he makes it impossible when he stops right in front of my desk. If I stare at what’s in front of my eyes, I will get an eyeful of a seriously impressive groin, so I’m forced to look up at him.

, Rose, I’ll come and see you later.”

I hang up the phone an
d keep my gaze locked on Marcus’. You can do this Sierra, just tell him no. His brown eyes soften as he slides them over me and then walks around the desk. Oh god. Tell him no now, right now…this second. He grips my chair and scoots it back, then he leans himself against the desk right in front of my computer. Great now my face is pretty much touching his groin, good move Marcus. Well played.

I peer up at him and he’s looking down at me with a hungry expression. It hasn’t escaped my notice that his black suit pants are now tight and bulging.

“Can I help you, sir?”

He grins and leans down. “If you insist on calling me sir, we might as well make the most of it.”

“No, we won’t, Marcus.” I say quickly.

He chuckles and strokes a piece of hair from my eyes.

“Did you have a nice weekend, Miss Walters?”

“Except for the rude interruption by an arrogant man, yes.”

He smirks again. “How rude of him, I hope he made it worth it?”

I smirk now. “Not really.”

“Is that a challenge, because I do enjoy challenges?”

Of course he does.

“No, Marcus, it’s not,” I say. “Now if you don’t mind, you’re blocking the path to my computer, where there is a lot of work waiting for me.”

“You really are playing hard to get, aren’t you sweet girl?”

I roll my eyes and look back up at him. “No, I’m simply doing what comes natural around you.”

He grins and surprises me by crouching down in front of me. His fingers trace light paths up and down my thigh as he speaks.

“Would you like me to put you in a better mood?”

“No…” I whisper.

He’s so close, I can smell him and oh god, I want to kiss him.

“No? Are you sure?”

His finger slides up higher and begin inching up under my skirt. I swallow, feeling my cheeks heat. He just grazes my sex and puts pressure on my sensitive spot, when I speak.

“Y-y-yes, I’m sure.”

At my words, he stops rubbing me and moves his hand away. My body screams at me, my sex is aching and desperate for those fingers. God damn me and my stupid, logical brain.

“Very well, Miss Walters.”

Then he stands and leaves. What? Seriously? Oh my god!

“Bastard,” I grumble.

He responds with a deep, throaty laugh, before shutting my office door and leaving me aching. That’ll teach me to play with someone more determined than I am.


Marcus spends most of Monday in meetings and I’m grateful for that. My mind is playing serious tricks on me because a part of me actually wants to feed him a piece of his own medicine and show him a submissive is something I can never be. I smile thinking about walking out and giving him something to think about. God, what is wrong with me? I shouldn’t be playing this little game with him.

I continue until three pm when Marcus finally comes back in. I can hear him on the phone in his office and my body tingles with the urge to go and show him he’s playing with the wrong girl. Maybe if he sees I’m not the submissive type, he will get bored and find someone else to taunt. I’m standing before I even know what I’m doing. I walk out and Marcus looks up at me as he continues chatting. I walk around his desk and his eyes widen as I step in front of him and slide my bottom onto the desk.

He stares up at me, looking a little shocked. Oh yes, Marcus, two can play at this game. I smile and run my fingers up the skin on my thigh. His eyes drop down to the bare skin that begins showing more and more as I inch my skirt up. When my panties are showing, I slide my fingers across the silken fabric and let out a moan as they graze my sex. Marcus’ eyes widen and he looks up at me with lust.

“I’ll call you back,” he snaps to the person on the phone.

He slams it down onto the table and reaches for me, but I grip his hand.

“See, here’s the thing, you and me are alike in our need for control. You’re very wrong about me, sir, I’m not a submissive and I never will be. This,” I say, pointing to my body. “Is mine and mine alone.”

His tongue slides out and he licks his bottom lip before standing and taking my shoulders in his hands.

“While I appreciate what you’re doing,” he murmurs, leaning in close. “It won’t work. I get what I want, no matter how hard that want fights…”

I stare up at him as he begins pushing me backwards, slowly my back gets closer and closer to the desk.

“I want this,” he growls, stroking my thighs as he pushes me down. “I want every luscious inch of it, and I will get it.”

“What makes you so sure?” I whisper.

“Because I can see the want in your eyes, and I know how much you’re craving me.”

“I will never submit to you.”

He grins and runs a tongue over my neck as my back hits the desk. “You already are.”

I whimper when his fingers find my panties. He grips them and tears them off in one, quick swipe. His hand supports my head as he gently places it down onto the wood and stands, moving his gaze down my body until he stops at my spread legs and exposed sex. Then, he drops to his knees. I jerk when he widens my thighs further with his hands. Oh god, is he really going to…

His tongue slides through my sex and finds my clit and I cry out so loudly
, it shocks me. He puts my legs over his shoulders and puts his hands on my hips, tilting them slightly so he can slide is tongue deeper into my throbbing sex. I groan and squirm as he teases my clit with firm, hard little flicks that have my blood roaring. He removes one hand from my hip and he traces it down over my backside and up to find my slick entrance. He slips a finger inside me and I thrash, sending pens and papers scattering on the floor nearby.

Oh, god, more,” I rasp, not recognizing my own voice.

He brings me to the edge, my body is ready to explode and fuck,
it feels good. Then suddenly he stands, letting me go. I cry out and squirm as cool air hits my now hot flesh. My bottom, which was supported by his hands, is now tilting towards the floor and it pulls me off the desk. I land on my knees with a thump and look up at the man standing in front of me. The look on his face is pure determination and dominance. My mouth opens as reality washes over me.

He leans down and grips my chin, forcing me to meet his eyes. “Next time you try to play my game, little girl, be sure you know what you’re doing. If you try that again, I’ll put you over my knee and spank you. Consider that a warning.”

Then he walks away and leaves me panting and completely stunned. I force myself to my knees and stare at the door he walked out of. This is going to be an interesting few months.


I don’t see Marcus again after that. By the time dinner comes around, I’m debating if I want to go. Knowing
it’s part of my job description, I sigh and shower. I’ll eat and leave, I’m not conversing with him about earlier. Eat and leave. Eat and leave. I pull on a light blue summer style dress and some sandals before messily tying my hair up and making my way down towards the dining hall.

I do wonder where the President
eats. If this is where the Speaker of the house eats, perhaps it’s where the President eats too. Maybe they have different times or something? The table and room is certainly big enough for a large dinner party, but Marcus is always alone while eating. Perhaps by request. I still haven’t seen Chayne eat with him. That woman seriously needs to re-check how she deals with her relationship.

When I walk through the doors, I see Marcus sitting at the head of the table. He’s wearing a dark suit, but he’s taken off the tie and the first two buttons of his white shirt are undone. Holy…shit. I force my eyes away from the patch of light olive skin
on his chest that peeks out. Damn. When he sees me, his eyes seem to change. They go from relaxed and casual, to hungry and lusty. Well thank god we’re alone, because that stare would certainly drop some forks or...panties.

I take my seat, two away from him
, and pick up the glass of wine already poured before looking over at Marcus. He’s smirking at me now.

“Still in a mood, I see?”

“Not at all,” I smile, although I’m sure he can see it’s fake.

“So much tension for such a young lady.”

Oh he wants to play that game does he? I meet his gaze and murmur, “No tension here, I dealt with that in the spa earlier.”

His brows shoot up and I cheer inside.


I shrug and take a sip of
wine, his next words have me choking on that wine before it’s even half way down my throat.

“I left that little pussy so wound up, I imagine it would have been quite an enjoyable release for you. If you do it again though, I will punish you.”

BOOK: Red, White and Sensual
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