Read Reckless Abandon Online

Authors: Heather Leigh

Tags: #Adult

Reckless Abandon (2 page)

BOOK: Reckless Abandon
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Chapter 2


I knew that I had been separated from Hunter and Derrick right away. I would have heard Derrick’s ass complaining about some shit. Where I was held, it was quiet, too fucking quiet. I was sitting, my guess, on a chair. I knew that I was in the Devil’s MC clubhouse, the faint bass of the music hit, vibrating the floor under my feet. So this meant I wasn’t on a ground level. I heard the sound of a deadbolt unlocking, and heavy boots entering the room that I was in.

“Took you long enough, I’m getting lonely here,” I shouted out to Jax, I knew he was there. I heard his deep laugh.

“You have no reason to be here, Moretti. We already discussed little Nikki.” I hated that fucking nickname he’d given her.

“She doesn’t belong here, or to you.”

“Oh yes, she does. The fact that you’re here as well, it’s like a Condemned Angels

“You have a problem with my club, my family, you talk to me. Not her. I’m fucking settling this shit.”

“I can’t let her go. She has responsibilities now in this club.”

“Fuck that, like what? Being the MC’s entertainment?”

“No, my personal entertainment.” I strained against my restraints.

“I’ll fucking kill you if you touch her, I swear it.” My wrists and ankles were tied to the chair I was seated on, the plastic zip ties started to cut into my skin, but I couldn’t have given two shits.

The door to the room opened again; there were scuffling footsteps and a pair of heels. The hood was ripped from my head; I quickly blinked to adjust myself to the dark room. The scene before me was that pesky redhead, holding Nicole by the back of her head. She knocked the back of Nicole’s knee, which caused her legs to buckle from under her. Nicole fell forward onto her hands and knees; a cry escaped from her lips as her head was yanked back to look up at me.

“Nic.” Her name rolled off my tongue, I didn’t even realize it. Her big blue eyes watered as she was held in Eva’s grip.

“Isn’t that something? I have something you want, something that you love. Isn’t that a coincidence?” Jax was eating this shit up.

“She belongs to me.” My voice bounced off the walls of the room. Nicole’s eyes went big, as if she couldn’t believe I just laid my claim on her.

“He loves her.” Eva face went soft and unreadable before curling into an evil grin. What was that shit about?

“Like I told you before, Nikki is Devil’s property, no one else’s. Do you want to know what it feels like to have something happen to someone you love?” Jax stepped up to Nicole, and I pulled my wrists further against the ties that were now drawing blood. 

Eva stepped back, releasing Nicole, and Jax took over the grip on the back of Nicole’s head. She was knelt before him, and Jax had a sickening smile splayed across his face.

“Get off me!” Nicole shouted, as a few tears fell from her eyes.

“Shut the fuck up!” Jax slapped her across her face, resulting in Nicole crying out; she let her head hang down, her hair curtained her face. I felt my veins bulge as I flexed my fists and my neck go hot as I yelled out loud.

Jax knelt down in front of Nicole; he swept her long hair aside, cupped her face, and raised her chin. The blood seeping from her freshly busted lip had me fucking livid. Jax’s hold on her chin tightened as he tugged her face forward to his. He kissed her. Jax fuckin’ kissed my Old Lady.

Nicole’s sounds of struggle filled my ears. He finally pulled away after he fucking assaulted her mouth; his face was covered in her blood. Nicole spit in his face, and Jax handed out another slap across the face.

“Get the fuck off of her!”

Jax looked over his shoulder at me as he stood.

“Unzip my pants,” Jax ordered Nicole, while he still held eye contact with me.
You gotta be fuckin’ kidding me.

“Hell fuckin’ no! Fuck you!” Nicole yelled up at him from the ground.

I felt my jaw clench. This was a sick fucker.

“I said unzip them, bitch!”

Nicole’s eyes shot over to me. I looked down at my lap, shook my head, and then looked back up at her. Fuck. She had no fucking choice. Nicole’s small shaky hands unhurriedly rose to the front of Jax’s jeans.  The sound of his zipper had me clenching my jaw and breathing deeply through my nostrils.

“That’s it,” Jax coaxed her.

Nicole pulled out his dick from inside his pants. The sick fucker was already hard for his own sister. I’m going to fucking kill him. She went to say something, but hesitated.

“I know you are anything but shy, you better get your hot little mouth on my dick or your boyfriend dies.” Eva started to walk over to where I sat, and stood behind me. I abruptly felt the cool metal barrel against the back of my head.

Nicole’s eyes went dark, and she leaned forward, guiding her mouth to her hand that was currently resting on his dick. My eyelids shut right before she made contact.

“Christ, your mouth is made for sucking dick. I’m sure you already know that, Moretti,” Jax’s voice taunted me. I opened my eyes to see Nicole staring at me while she proceeded to give him head. Motherfucker actually had the balls to hold her hair back so I could get the full effect.

Jax rapidly gripped a handful of her hair, which caused Nicole to wince in pain, and her eyes shot up to him.

“Eyes on me! Don’t be pretending that you have his dick in your mouth. You’re sucking
dick, bitch.” A tear escaped the corner of her eye as she held eye contact with him. Jax’s head fell back as he thrust his pelvis towards her face, causing her to gag. Nic’s one hand shot to his thigh, trying to push him backwards to keep herself from gagging, but Jax kept her put.

“Fuck yeah baby, just like that. You’re going to make me come so fucking hard, and you’re going to swallow it all too.” Just as he finished his sentence, the grip on Nicole’s hair tightened as Jax shoved his dick further down her throat, getting his release. As soon as he pulled out of her mouth, Nicole sat back on her heels, and stuck her fingers down her throat. She threw it all up. Good girl.

“Take her out.” Jax nodded to Eva as he tucked himself back into his pants.

Eva obeyed and gathered Nicole off the ground.

“Fuck you, I’m not leaving him.” She struggled in Eva’s arms.

“Nicole,” I warned her.

“Better listen to your man, Nicole,” Eva’s said softly in her ear. My jaw clenched. Fuck, I just wanted to grab Nicole and take her away from this shit. Nicole glanced at me before shutting up and walking away.


That redheaded bitch guided me by my cuff-bound wrists to a room down the hall with no window. She shoved me down onto the bed by my shoulder.

“Fuckin’ watch it, bitch!” I yelled up at her, while I shrugged her hand away from its current location.

“You better watch that smart ass mouth of yours, baby girl.” She firmly held onto my jaw, while her eyes scanned my face. “So, which one are you fucking?”

“Excuse me?”

“Which one are you fucking, Jeremy or the other one? Or both?” She grinned down at me.

“What’s it to you?” My chin jutted upward.

“Just curious to see if I can take one for a little joy ride, which one would you recommend?”

“Fuck you!” I spit up at her, but she jumped back in time to avoid getting hit.

Eva stepped back up to me, my head was pulled backwards and sharp pain ran over my scalp.
Fuck, I’m going to be bald by the end of this shit, I swear to God.

“You. Will. Respect. Me. You. Little.Cunt.” She yanked my hair back with each word.

I was silent.
Fuck you, bitch. Calling me a cunt? Ha, just you fucking wait.

“There…that’s better.” Eva released her grip on my hair. “I’ll go and make sure the boys have a proper welcoming to the Devil’s clubhouse.” Her chocolate-colored eyes sparkled with amusement. Her red-painted nails pushed a piece of hair behind my ear; she leaned down and kissed my lips. The blood rushed to my ears, adrenaline pumped through my veins. I kept completely still, watching her every move.

As Eva approached the doorway, she looked over her shoulder and called, “Maybe I’ll even let you watch.” She winked at me and left the room. I heard the sound of a deadbolt clicking into place.

I released the breath that I held in. My lungs burned. I was ready to fucking kill that bitch. I threw myself backwards onto the bed, and let out a frustrated scream.

Chapter 3


I quickly locked the door after I exited the room, just as Jax instructed me to. I hope I was believable. If they knew who I really was, I would be six feet under. The Condemned Angels have been fucking my whole flow up. But, with them here, it will keep Jax distracted. Just as I was about to walk away, I heard Nicole yell out. Poor thing, she doesn’t even know the half of it. Now, for the second part of my to-do list, check up on the other guys that came in with Jeremy. My stiletto heels clicked on the hardwood floor as I made my way down to the basement of the clubhouse. The smell of chemicals barely stung my nose; I was used to that shit.

I passed the room full of women wearing only their panties and bras.  They wore surgical masks as they were cutting up bricks of cocaine. The girls only wore their skivvies so the dusting of cocaine in the air wouldn’t be traced on their clothing. The Devils were smart, but not as smart as my boys.

There were a series of rooms in the back, dim-lit hallway. It gave me the fucking creeps being down here. The hallway light flickered as I searched for the key to my next stop. I swiveled the keys on the ring as I swung my hair over my shoulder. I stepped into the room, and a broad back and shoulders faced me. Big muscular arms were cuffed at the wrists behind his back. The sheer size of the man was stirring things up in my lady bits.
Focus, Eva.
Thick jean-clad thighs sat apart, and his head full of dark hair was hung low.
Asleep. Fucking figures.

“Wakey, wakey!” I slammed the door shut and his head shot upwards, resulting in a groan of pain.

“Fuck off.” His voice sounded sexy as hell.

“That’s no way to speak to an Old Lady.” I started to walk around to face him. His head sluggishly rose.

“Or do you mean, it’s no way to speak to my wife?” Hunter made eye contact with me.

I gasped as my hand shot to my chest, I was in shock.

“Hunter. What the fuck are you doing here?” I said in a voice just above a whisper, I glanced upward to confirm the door was closed.

“I should be asking you the same fuckin’ question, Eva.” He raised his square chin; I saw the muscles working on his jawline.

“Please tell me that this isn’t real, that this isn’t fucking happening.” I started to pace. Don’t think I missed Hunter’s eyes traveling over my body. My black bandage-styled dress fit me like a second skin, and I knew I looked good in it. He must have taken a liking to his new view.

“You look like you got yourself into a real fine mess.” Hunter winced in pain trying to adjust his shoulders. “A little help?”

“Are you serious?” I stopped in my tracks and slapped a hand on my upper thigh, frustrated as hell.

“It’s the least you can do, considering…” he trailed off and his dark eyebrows shot upward.

“Shhh, don’t you even fucking think it. You trying to get me killed?” I rushed to sort through the keys for the small one I was looking for. Pulling at the hem of my dress, I crouched down behind him, fumbling with the lock. I tried to avoid touching his hands, but that went out the window as I unlocked the cuffs. His skin was hot, and he smelled the exact same as I remembered, like cedar and man.
Don’t ask me what man smells like, but it’s fucking delicious. God, he looks good. Damn him!

“Me? Are you trying to get yourself killed? Don’t you remember our last conversation?” Hunter was pissed.
Of course I fuckin’ remembered.
That night my heart broke, I lost everything we ever had, I lost the love of my life.

“Yes,” I stated, as I released the cuffs from his wrists. I didn’t expect him to move so quickly. He shot out of the chair, knocking me back on my ass. Before I knew it, he had me pinned to the cold cement floor as he straddled my hips. One hand rested on my throat and the other gathered my wrists above my head. I thrust my hips upwards against his.

“Then what the fuck are you doing here? With him?” Hunter shouted in my face.

“You know exactly why.” I stared up at him with glossy eyes.


Christ, I nearly forgot how good she felt underneath me. She looked fucking stunning. That bright ass red hair was splayed out all around her, checks flushed and her big tits nearly spilling out of her tight dress.

“You had the opportunity to get out, Eva.” I pushed down on her wrists.

“I know that! I didn’t have a choice. After all the shit we had, I had dirty hands, and this is me cleaning them.” She looked me square in the eye as if to challenge me.

“Fuck!” I shouted in her face, and she flinched; the long hair beside her face blew over her neck and down her chest. My eyes followed the strand.

“My face is up here, you know?” I smiled wide.

“Not the first time you’ve told me that.”  I leaned closer to Eva, her breathing all of a sudden got deeper, pushing her perfect tits closer to me.
My mind drifted to that first night when Eva and I met, when our shit storm began.



I had been with Hell’s Rebels, celebrating my patch-in at the local strip club, Bottom’s Up.

Eva was waitressing that night, I can’t imagine what she saw in me, but something that night was the spark that ignited it all.

The boys and I had just arrived at Bottom’s Up, we got comfortable for an entire night’s worth of celebrating, entertainment, and definitely some pussy pounding afterward. We settled into the plush red velvet couches that circled the base of the stage, Chase already had a few waitresses at our beck and call. One of them being Eva. Hell yes, I looked the girls over- picking my pussy for the night. Rubbing my hands together, my eyes did all the work. Fuck, if I wasn’t Hunter and the Three Bears tonight. The first was too skinny for my liking; the second chick was too tall.

Then, there was small but mighty Eva. She stood there, arms crossed, wearing the club uniform of black thigh-high boots, black fishnet stockings that led to her black leather booty-shorts and a matching cropped leather halter top, that made her tits look fucking amazing. Eva had the radiance of a fucking goddess with her dark eyes, thick lashes, olive skin, and full lips that I was already picturing around my dick. What I would guess as full D-cup sized breasts, toned abs and killer fucking legs rounded out the goddess package. Damn, didn’t her just standing there, looking pissed as all hell, make my dick hard. She watched as I drank her body in.

“I have a fucking face, you know!” Eva said in a hard tone. She uncrossed her arms, and placed them on her perfect hourglass shaped hips. It took a second for me to register that she was actually talking to me, and with such disrespect. That was the moment when I knew I was fucking doomed because I wanted her,
. “It’s up here!” She pointed her finger upwards, but I was still too focused on the middle parts of her.

“Oh, I like this one.“ I darted my tongue out and licked my bottom lip. I watched her eyes flicker down to my mouth. No reaction on her face. Odd, that never happens. She will make this fun tonight.

“’This one is off limits, I’d rather go blow my brains out than be caught up with you, biker boy.” Eva formed her two fingers and her thumb into a gun and pointed that said “gun” at her own temple. She pulled the “trigger” and laughed as she flung her then dark brown hair over her shoulder.

Goddamn, I loved me some good chasing.

“Yeah, why don’t you get that stick out of your ass, and then I can replace it.” I smirked up at her scowling face, and the MC brothers were laughing their asses off. They knew me too well; Eva was just my type.

As she opened her mouth, a veteran server cut Eva off.

“That’s enough, Eva. You don’t ever disrespect the club like that again, do you understand me?”

“You’re going to be the lucky lady that takes care of me tonight, Eva.” I fucking loved the way her name tasted on my tongue. I could only imagine how good she would taste. Her chest expanded with the deep breaths she took. Eva spun on her heel and walked away from the group. Goddamn, did I mention that ass? I bet I could bounce quarters off that bad boy.

Within the next ten minutes, I had tucked a couple singles into the G-string of some chick’s ass. The stripper that was currently shoving her tits in my face offered me my first “patch-in” private dance.

“I don’t normally do private dances, but for you…,” the curvy blonde whispered into my ear, “I’d give you one hell of a show, baby.” I felt her bare tits graze my arm as she pulled away. Just as I was about to respond, a small hand with a beer bottle slammed down on the table next to me, beer splashed up onto my arm and the topless dancer in front of me.

“What the fuck, Eva!” the broad screeched as she wiped her hands over her tits.

“Oh please, Ruby, like you didn’t just give a private dance fifteen minutes before they arrived? Plus your little shows aren’t all that you think they are. It wouldn’t be ‘one hell of a show’ for him, guaranteed. You couldn’t even give me a lady boner.” Eva smirked, popping that curvy hip out, and rested the brim of her serving tray on my table.

“Fuck you, you little cunt!” The fucking claws came out. Fuck yes, someone get the pool of Jell-O ready!

“Ladies.” I started to rise out of my seat. “Did you just say lady boner? ” I laughed while shaking off my wet hand. 

“I’m telling Reese.” Little blondie stood and rushed to the back.

“Fuck,” Eva grumbled under her breath as she grabbed her tray off my table. I grabbed the brim of the tray closest to me, forcing her body to jerk back in front of me.

“You just spilled beer all over me, sweetheart.” I tightened my grip as Eva tried to tug back the tray. Like her small ass could do something. 

“Fuck you. I’m not your sweetheart. You think you guys can just roll on in here ‘cause you have your little fuckin’ patches sewn onto your little Girl Scout vests and think you’re God’s gift to women. I say, ‘fuck that shit’.”

I released my grip, only to grab the part of the tray that was firmly planted against Eva’s chest, right below her full breasts. She wasn’t expecting that, and lost her balance. Eva stumbled in her heels in my direction, her lips parted as if to say something, but I beat her to the chase.

“You listen and you listen good. These patches protect your sorry ass and this fucking town. Why don’t you show some fucking respect?” Her eyebrow cocked as she looked up at me. If I didn’t know any better, she looked as if she enjoyed me talking to her like that.

“Fuck you, biker boy,” Eva managed to say through gritted teeth. I pulled the tray away from her. Eva had glanced down, as if to realize her safety net just disappeared. I gripped her wrist and pulled her towards the bar. Reese stood behind the bar, stacking clean glasses. She had quickly glanced up to scope out the floor, and then back down for a second before her head immediately shot back up to see me dragging Eva beside me.

“We need a private room, NOW,” I roared.

“The fuck we do, get your hands off me!” Eva pushed against my arms. Good thing I wore a sleeveless shirt under my cut tonight. My tribal tattooed sleeves were on display, and Eva’s hot little hands splayed over my wide biceps.

Reese just grabbed me a key from under the bar, and tossed it to me without question.

“REESE!” Eva yelled over her shoulder as I led us down the back hallway. 

I glanced at the key to see the room number and stopped at a room with a metal three on the door. I used one hand to unlock it. As soon as I had that shit opened, I tossed Eva’s ass in there. She gained her balance on her tall heels. I need to fuck her in those…now.

“I swear to God, you don’t want to fuck with me right now, biker boy.”

“I’m no boy, baby. I can assure you of that. You have one hell of a fuckin’ mouth on you, little girl.” I pushed her to sit down on the leather couch. I liked being rough with her, ‘cause I knew a bad bitch like her could take it.

“So fuckin’ what?” Eva attempted to stand, and I pushed her back down by her shoulder. Her eyes narrowed up at me.

“You ready to apologize to me?” I took a step closer to her, Eva’s head tipped back and she kept eye contact with me.

“I believe the question is, are you ready to apologize to me?” Her hands gripped the edge of the cushion on the couch.

“Ha, baby, you got it all twisted.” I rubbed my hand down the short beard on my chin.

“You ‘MC guys’ are all the same.” She did cute little air quotes.


“Meaning, you’re all fucking assholes.” She crossed her arms, and looked away from me. That’s when it hit me; she must have had some beef with a brother of some sorts.

“What’s his name?”

“Excuse me?” Her brown orbs found mine.

“Who has your panties up in a bunch?”


“Say what?” I walked over to the wet bar and poured us both a bourbon on the rocks.

my panties up in a bunch?” She emphasized the past tense in her statement.

“Oh…in the past, huh? What happened, did he hurt your sensitive little girl feelings? Poor Eva.” I mocked her in a sweet baby voice.

“Fuck off.” Eva went to stand again, but I denied her of that. I pressed down on her bare shoulder to keep her ass planted there.

BOOK: Reckless Abandon
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