Real Men Wear Pink (A Destined to Change Short Story) (Destined Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Real Men Wear Pink (A Destined to Change Short Story) (Destined Series)
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“What the hell is wrong with you?” Emma yelled from the other side of the fire. I realized when she did that that my arm was wrapped around Michelle Anderson. When the hell did that happen? I dropped my arm and stepped away. I was officially too damn drunk to be at a party.

“Missus, I’m so sorry.” Emma was running toward her car.

“Don’t call me that. Go back to the slut. I’m sure she’ll “practice” with you.” She jumped into her car. I grabbed the door before she could slam it in my face.

“I’m drunk, baby. I thought it was you. I don’t even like her. I fucking love you.”

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. “Please don’t drink anymore tonight. Please,” she begged.

“I promise. Now, please get outta the car.”

She did as I asked and we walked back to the bonfire. We cuddled up against an old bale of hay and laid there, watching everyone else act like fools. Well, for awhile.

“Eric, man. Get your ass over here.” Darrin called from the back of his truck. Emma looked up at me and shook her head. I went anyway.

“I’ll be right back,” I promised as I walked away. Darrin had a cooler in the back of his truck and it was full of booze. He handed me a bottle of whiskey.

“Just one shot, man. Come on. Or are you too pussy-whipped for that?” He was taunting me. Even in my drunken state I knew that, but it didn’t matter.

I opened the bottle and started chugging it down. It burned like a son of a bitch, but I didn’t stop. Before we left the back of the truck, I’d drank half a bottle. I was completely shit-faced. I don’t remember much after that. I remember Emma yelling at me as I puked in the pond. I kinda remember Declan screaming at me about not puking in his truck. I remember watching Emma leave and feeling like a total ass for ruining her night.

What happened next is still a blur. I heard breaking glass, crunching metal, and screaming. Lots of screaming. I was sober now. I woke up and Loralei wasn’t in the truck. Declan was beside me. His head was covered in blood and laying on the dashboard.

“Declan! What the fuck? Declan are you okay? Wake up!” I screamed at him as I shook him and tried to wake him up. I had to get out of this truck. I kicked the driver side door open and pulled Declan out with me. I could see Loralei lying ahead of us in the field. I laid Declan down on the street and went to check on her. I turned her over. She was breathing and had some scratches on her face.

I heard Declan moan so I ran back over to check on him. His eyes fluttered a little bit. He finally looked up at me. “Eric, where is she?” His eyes were darting all around. He was trying to find Loralei.

“She’s okay, man. I checked on her. Her face is scratched up, but she’s okay.”

“Go take care of her. I’m not gonna…I’m not gonna be okay, man,” he said. I was crying. I grabbed him by the shoulders.

“Don’t say shit like that, Dec. You’re gonna be fine. We’ll all be fine.”

“No, Eric. I’m not fine. I know.” A tear streamed down his face. “I need you to promise me something, man.”

“Anything, Dec. Anything.”

“Promise me you’ll take care of her and keep her safe. Make sure she finds someone to love.”

“Damn it, Dec. Stop talking like that,” I begged.

“Don’t let her be sad for me. This is how it has to be. Tell her I loved her.” And with those final words, I watched the life drain from my best friend’s eyes. He took a deep breath and he was gone. I’d killed my best friend. I’d taken away his future. All because I’d been too damn stupid to quit drinking. I made a decision at that moment. I would never have another drink. Ever.

I stood sobbing over Loralei. Praying to God for her to wake up. Praying for her to forgive me for what I’d done. When she woke up and screamed, “DECLAN!” I cried even harder.

I would never be able to forgive myself for what happened that night when I was sixteen years old.


Coming Soon

Also Available From This Author:


Four Letters

In Four Letters you’ll lea
rn all about three couples...


Sterling and Skye~
Skye is a spoiled little rich girl, who has never had to do more than bat her eyelashes at her father to get whatever she wanted. When she received her degree, her plan was to open an art gallery catering to the uber rich. The last thing she needed was a man getting in her way. But, there’s just something about Sterling. He’s an alpha male that gives her what she’s always craved, the ability to let someone else take control. Could Sterling be the man Skye needs to help her relinquish control and change her spoiled ways?

Asher and Lilly~
When Lilly was a small child, her parents were killed in a fire. Since the loss of her parents, she’s never truly felt loved or safe. Now that Lilly’s dream of becoming a teacher has come true, she worries that her dream of finding Mr. Right might not. That all changes the day that Asher literally runs into her in the park. Could Asher be the man to make Lilly feel safe and give her the happily ever after she’s always dreamed of?

Tanner and Adlee~
To say that Adlee had a rough childhood would be quite the understatement. When she was barely ten years old, her mother killed herself, leaving Adlee in the care of her stepfather, Paul. Paul was not a nice man. When Tanner walked into the café she was working at and witnessed the way Paul treated her, he knew he had to step in. Could Tanner be the man to prove to Adlee that she is worthy of love and help her regain her self respect?

Read Four Letters to see how all of these lives are intertwined...


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~About the Author~

Lisa M. Harley~

I grew up in a really small town in Missouri. Very similar to the fictional towns I write about. I moved to the big city right after I graduated. I work full-time and I am mom to a beautiful little girl.

I started writing in October 2012 when a group I am a member of had a prologue contest. I didn't win the contest, but everyone who read my prologue asked for more of my story. I decided I had to finish it and get these characters that were in my head out on paper. During the writing process it became clear that these characters had a lot to say.  So I realized my story was really a series:

he Destined Series

Destined to Change (Available Now)

Destined to Succeed (Available Now)

Destined to Forgive (Coming Soon)

Destined to Rock (Coming Soon)

Destined to Overcome (Coming Soon)

Also Available from this Author:

Four Letters (Available Now)

I am a really boring person, so this bio is super short! This is really about all there is to know about me. Sad, isn’t it. lol

I love music and honestly couldn't write without my Spotify playlist. I am kinda obsessed with frogs (not real ones) and office supplies are my downfall! I could spend my whole paycheck at the stationery store...boring, didn't I already say that? lol

Also, I am slightly addicted to Facebook. Please message me...I would love to hear from ya’ll.

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BOOK: Real Men Wear Pink (A Destined to Change Short Story) (Destined Series)
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