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Authors: Aliyah Burke

Ravish (3 page)

BOOK: Ravish
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He hated the pain he’d put her through and wished he
could go back and make it so that never happened. She deserved so
much more. Then and now. The problem was, now that she was back in
his life, he didn’t know if he could let her go a second time.

“May not have a choice here, Brody,” he said as he
made his way to the nearest picnic table and sat on the top.

He tipped his head back. After years of being in the
Hollywood area, the silence and peacefulness he got sitting there
in Tourin Park took him back to childhood. Days of running free,
open spaces, Friday night games at the high school. Waterfalls and,
of course, Hermione.

They’d been a couple since middle school, but he’d
had a thing for her since kindergarten. He accepted that life
wasn’t always fair. Especially in this situation. He had no one to
blame other than himself. They’d been homecoming king and queen on
their senior year.

“I can’t begin to imagine how hard it must have been
for him to face everyone.”

“Didn’t you ask her?”

Brody opened his eyes to find Vance Hendrickson
walking toward him in his unhurried stride.


The man smiled. “I’d heard you were back in town,
man. I figured one spot you would go would be here at some point.
Saw you when I was on my way by. How the hell are you?”

Brody slid off the table and embraced his best friend
from childhood. “I’m good. I’m good. How about you?”

They sat back on the picnic table. “Things are good
for me. I own Old Man Tucker’s garage now. Renamed it Vance’s Auto

“Congrats. I remember you in automotive class; even
then, you impressed the teacher.”

“What can I say, it’s my calling. And, there are
rumors about you. Where’ve you been?” Vance’s slow and unhurried
drawl was another reminder of the difference in paces going in
Cottonwood Falls versus Hollywood.


The man at his side whistled. “No shit? Have I see
you in… You look an awful lot like Alton Rivers.”

His smile was more sardonic than anything. “We’re one
in the same.”

“Goddamn. I thought he—you—were a bit familiar.
That’s great for you, Brody. Or do you go by Alton?” He waved a
hand. “Either way, congrats. So what are you doing back here? Here
for Hermione? I know you were rambling about her when I walked

Brody explained why he’d returned to his friend.
Vance never gave him shit for leaving or a hard time for his reason
he’d chosen now to return. As they talked, he noticed the
differences in their dress. He wore designer clothing while Vance’s
jeans were torn and grease stained.

The man was comfortable and confident in his skin.
But then, Vance had been that way growing up. A laid-back country
boy who stood fast by his beliefs. And friends.

Vance had been picked on a bit in school for his
lisp. Brody for being skinny. In elementary school, that forged a
strong bond between them, which had lasted through high school.

Brody picked at the corner of the table. “Do you see
her any?”

“I was to be your best man. She came to me and asked
me two things the after you missed the wedding.”

He scrubbed his head. “And?”

Vance blew out a breath and shifted his booted feet
on the wooden planks beneath. “She asked me if you were okay. And
if I would return the ring to you. I told her I didn’t know since I
hadn’t spoken to you and didn’t know where you were. So, she gave
me a small pathetic attempt at a smile before returning the ring
and walking out. Hell, only in the past couple of years has she
come to my garage to take care of her car. So, no, I don’t see her

“I’m sorry.” He flicked the wood away.

“Can’t say I wasn’t pissed at you for your actions,
but I got over it. To stand up that woman and leave without a word
to anyone, including your parents because I asked them, you must
have had one hell of a reason.”

“I thought so. At the time.”

“How long are you here for?”

“Honestly, I’d planned on being here no more than a

“And, now that you’ve seen Hermione?”

“How’d you know I’m not involved with someone?”

“Besides the way your voice gets all moony when you
say her name. You’ve been asking me questions about her.”

More wood picking. “I never stopped loving her.”

The chime of a cell phone had Vance holding up his
hand. “Hang on. Yeah?” Some muttering. “Sure thing, I’ll be right
there.” More low drawls and mutters. Then, he ended the call. “I
have to go. That was Sarah Mallery. She’s about to give someone a
lift to my garage. I have to get to work.” He hopped off the table.
“It was great seeing you again.”

Brody stood, as well. “Thanks.”

“One day, you’ll have to tell me how the fast life
is.” They shook hands. “Swing by if you’re around for a while.” He
strode off toward the decked out three-quarter ton Dodge dually,
only to stop and pivot back. “If you hurt her again, I’ll kick your
ass.” He wheeled back around, climbed up in the cab, and started
the engine with a wave.

Brody accepted the warning and returned the wave as
the diesel rumbled off down the road. “I really should leave her
alone.” Key word was

Seeing her once more, in person and not in his
memories, had reawakened the emotions he’d believed he’d moved
beyond when he left Cottonwood Falls.
Ran away is more like

He made his way to his Escalade and headed back to
town and his childhood home. His mom had insisted he stay with
them. All the while, he wondered what Hermione would be like in
Hollywood. Would she like the fast life?


She pounded along the path, inhaling deeply the fresh
air that accompanied the early hour. This time of day had always
been her favorite.

When she and Brody had been in school, they’d gotten
up early to walk together, just time for the two of them. She shook
his memory away, determined not to allow the promise of a
spectacular day to be ruined with the thoughts of what had

She rounded the corner and slowed to a walk. This
spot was her private sanctuary. On an outcropping, one overlooking
the falls that had given the town its name. There were three
cascading falls coming down beside one another, the large pool the
water fell into was surrounded by tall, mature cottonwoods. The
road leading up to the spot was also lined by more cottonwoods and
gave the area a wide array of colors during the autumn season.
Another of her favorites.

“This is still
place, isn’t it? I
remember how much you loved it here. Especially in fall.”

She fisted her hands briefly as her world was rocked
on its axis as if an eight-point-six earthquake had hit beneath her
feet with the mere sound of his voice.
I should have known he
wouldn’t allow me any peace.

“It used to be my place,” she said, her words cutting
and cold. “
to bring me peace.”

“Passion, too, I recall.” He crouched beside where
she stood

The numerous times they’d indulged in one another and
made love here flashed in her mind. She slanted her gaze to him and
bit back a groan. His light blue sleeveless shirt allowed her to
ogle his defined muscles in his arm. He dragged his fingers along
the ground. His shorts were tiny running ones and did nothing to
cool her heated body. They boy had matured into a man she couldn’t
help but imagine what it would be like to smooth her hands over the
rippled muscles wrapped by that dark chocolate skin.

Part of her wanted to rail at him, but she didn’t
have the energy to fight with him. And, while she was hurt still by
his actions, she’d grown and knew better than to hold on to the
grudge. It was done. What good would it do her to be pissed off all
the time? That only took energy from her. Hands on hips, she walked
in a tight circle to both calm down and give herself something to
I can’t dwell on the fact this is where we’d been the day
he’d asked me to be his wife.

Touching him is something to do.
“Times long
past.” She paused and stared out over the view.

“Nothing is ever too far for a memory,” he uttered.
“How did you know it was me as Alton Rivers?”

“The first time I saw you was in
. The scene you had with one of the girls they flashed
the camera over your ass, and I saw the triangle birthmark you

“That was my second movie.”

“Congratulations,” she said in a cold tone.

“She didn’t mean anything to me. I never forgot you,
Hermione. Or the times we shared with one another, here, down at
the falls, and other places around Cottonwood Falls. Never. No
matter how the days ticked by or what I was doing. You were always
part of my thoughts.”

She tensed at the realization he’d moved right behind
her. He smelled better than she recalled along with the faint hint
of his sweat. She ground her teeth and bit back her whimper.

“I’m sure you’ve not spent the past ten years
reliving high school rendezvous.”

One finger trailed over her exposed arm, causing her
breath to hitch even more.

“You’d be surprised what I’ve been doing for those

“In order to be surprised, I’d have to care.” She
stepped away from the intoxicating caress from one finger.
damn finger.

“How was your date?”

She stopped herself from asking what date seconds
before it slipped free from her mouth. Dampening her lips, she gave
an offhanded shrug. “Wonderful. We ate, drank, and talked. Did
other things.”

“Other things?” The deep rasp of his voice was a
bloody aphrodisiac.

Her pussy grew slick, and her nipples pebbled. “Yes.
Other things.”

He spun her around and slanted his mouth over hers.
“Tell me something, Hermione. Does he know of the way your body
trembles when I lick your tattoo?”

Her breasts were heavy with want of his touch. She
remembered the first time she’d shown him the butterfly tattoo. The
amount of attention he’d showered upon it had turned her into a
mess of quivering muscles.

“That’s not the tattoo which makes me tremble
anymore,” she said before she could control her tongue.

He wrapped her close in his embrace and dominated her
mouth. She squeezed her eyes tight and just allowed herself to be
taken away by the emotions roaring over her. She may be foolish for
letting him do this, but she couldn’t negate how much she craved
him and his touch.

He spread his palm over her belly and dipped below
the waistband of her running pants. The outline of his hard cock
pressed into her, as well. She dug her fingers into his shoulders
and the muscles playing there.

“Shit,” she called out when he pushed two thick
fingers inside her waiting pussy. Her hips bucked, trying to draw
him in deeper to her heat.

“I’m going to make you come on my fingers.” The
promise in his tone was like a drug to her.

All she could do was nod and whimper. He worked his
fingers inside her, thrusting, scissoring, driving her crazy. Her
back bowed, and she came hard around him as his thumb worked her
clit in a way only he’d been able to do.

His kiss engulfed her released cry, and he slowly
lowered them to the ground. He gentled the kiss and began nibbling
along her lips. She dragged her lids up and focused on the man
above her. Right now, he was the man she’d given her heart and
virginity to all those years ago.

“Brody,” she whispered, reaching up to twine her arms
around his neck.

His stormy brown gaze bore into her as he continued
to work his fingers inside her slit. She squeezed her eyes shut
again and just allowed the moment to carry her away. He drew free
of her and removed her pants then her panties.

At the press of the broad head of his cock at her
entrance, she opened her eyes slightly. His jaw set, tense with
control, he pushed inside her with a fluid stroke. Muscles that
hadn’t been used in a while gave way to his thickness. A moan of
pure pleasure slipped free of her throat.

“Fuck, you’re tight, Hermione.”

And, he was bigger. Thicker. Longer. She maneuvered
her hands below his shoulders then up, so she could dig her fingers
into the muscles over the top of them. Drawing him down closer to
her, she buried her face into the side of his neck and wrapped her
legs around his waist.

Brody began to move. Slowly, at first, allowing her
to adjust to his size. They didn’t speak to one another, just
allowed the actions to fall together. The familiarity of his body
on hers took her back to all those stolen moments. She struggled to
keep the painful memories away. Thankfully, his touch, so potent,
superseded anything else.

He braced his hands on either side of her and picked
up his pace. Used to dancing with him, she responded instinctively.
Undulating and rolling her hips to get the most of what he was
offering to her. Pleasure spiraled up from within her, beginning at
the bottom of her feet. He moved one hand to rest on her hip, his
grip proprietary.

“Look at me,” he rasped.

Somehow, she managed to tear her lids open and meet
his demand. She found herself falling into his gaze and knew it
wouldn’t take any time at all before she was lost in it. She tried
to pull away, but he refused to release her stare. He forced the
connection as they both crested the pinnacle together. His cock
jerked inside her, filling her with his seed.

“I’m going to find out all these new tattoos you have
on your body.”

There was promise in his words. She knew, if she
opened her mouth, angry words would spill, so she kept her lips
pressed tight and just allowed the euphoric emotion that came with
having sex with Brody to cocoon her.

His cock flexed again and grew hard inside her. She
raked her nails down his back and groaned when he moved his arm
behind her knee, lifting her leg.

BOOK: Ravish
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