Ravaged by Her Weretiger Prince (Steamy Paranormal Weretiger Shifter Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Ravaged by Her Weretiger Prince (Steamy Paranormal Weretiger Shifter Romance)
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A few days passed and I was—as expected—kept on call to deal with anything to do with the tiger. Not that I was complaining.


Over those couple of days, I’d begun to develop a kind of bond with him, a deep connection that I never thought I’d feel while working in a dump like that. When the other keepers had left for the night, I would sit next to the gate with him and talk, those eyes staring deeply into mine whenever I spoke, listening, and dare I say it—understanding—every word I said. That tiger had become the friend I had never been able to find while working at that horrible zoo.


“You don’t seem too dangerous to me, I said with a smile one night, my fingers diligently scratching behind his ear as he rubbed his head against my hand. The truth was I’d never met a more affectionate animal my entire time working as a zookeeper, and every time I saw him, I couldn’t help but feel happy—content in knowing that at least I could make someone feel good.


My eyes fell to the collar that I had been instructed by the strange man and Harvey to leave alone on the threat of losing my job. But the longer I had watched the tiger, the more I saw how much the heavy metal thing pained him to wear it. He would scratch and pull at it when he thought the keepers weren’t looking, but no matter how often I tried, I couldn’t convince Harvey to let me remove it.


“Fuck Harvey,” I muttered, standing up suddenly and catching the mad look I’d gotten in my eyes as they were reflected in the thick Plexiglas. “This is horseshit, and I’m not going to let you suffer just for the sake of my own shitty job.”


Pulling up the thin metal gate, I ducked into the enclosure, my eyes constantly locked onto the tiger as he backed away slowly, almost if he knew how crazy this all was. I knelt down, holding my hand out to him as an offer of affection, which he readily accepted as he padded forward once again, nearly knocking me over as he rubbed his head against my body.


“I’m going to get that thing off of you, okay?” I said, sliding my hands underneath the heavy collar and looking for the clasp to undo the binding. It wasn’t overly difficult to find, but the markings on the collar were strange; a menagerie of symbols lining every inch of the metal, culminating in a picture of a tiger’s head, its mouth opened in a terrifying roar.


As I slid my finger along one of the ornamental tiger’s teeth, I let out a yelp of pain, drawing my hand back as a drop of blood ran down the side of the collar.


The collar’s multitude of symbols flared suddenly, then faded, leaving only the burnished metal of the collar behind before it unceremoniously fell from around the tiger’s neck and hit the floor with a clatter.


The tiger backed away from the collar as though it might strike him, a roar escaping from his fanged mouth as he edged himself into a corner. His body thrashed and he hunched over, a pained yowl resounding from his throat. Before my eyes, his body shrank and contracted, his skin rippling like flowing water.


I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Slowly, the fur that had once covered the tiger’s body vanished, its paws shrinking and the pads of its feet elongating into thin, dexterous fingers.


I stared, mouth agape as what had once been an enormous tiger instead became a man, hunched over and naked before me. I could feel my heart fluttering, my mind trying to wrap itself around what it had just seen, unable to choose between screaming in panic or comforting the man who had been an animal moments before.


Slowly, I made my way over to the man, kneeling down and laying my hand on his now-hairless shoulder. He felt so warm, and I could feel his pulse pounding throughout every inch of his body. At the my touch, he seemed to relax, the tension in his muscles leaving him as he lifted his head to look at me with those familiar green eyes.


“Don’t be afraid,” he whispered. “Please.”


“Who are you?” I asked after a moment of stunned silence. His skin was tanned, kissed by the sun in all the best ways, and beneath that, I could feel the rippling muscles of a man who was no stranger to using his raw, instinctual power. I couldn’t help but find myself instantly attracted to him—who wouldn’t be, with those gorgeous, high cheekbones?


“My name is Prince Jacob,” he said, and I began to realize that his accent sounded similar to the men who had brought him here.


“No fucking way,” I muttered, looking him up and down once again. I couldn’t deny that if there was ever a prince in my life, I’d hoped he had a body like that.


“I assure you, I am telling the truth,” he said, a blush crossing his cheeks as he noticed the way my eyes had wandered over his
naked body. “I was transformed into that animal by a rival to nullify my claim to the throne. A man who would tear down my family’s monarchy and make himself a dictator of my people.”


“He made you a tiger?” I asked, still unable to understand how the hell any of this was possible. “How?”


“An old brand of magic from a dark time before my family ruled our country. He cursed me with that collar to keep me from taking my place as ruler, and used the resulting chaos to take control himself. He is an evil man.”


“This is all a little much to take in,” I said, taking a few deep breaths as I felt my heart begin to race. This was the kind of thing you’d expect from some weird TV show, but to have it happen in real life? In


“I know it seems strange—it is very strange—but I must thank you, somehow. You have saved my life and my people by releasing me. You have shown me such kindness in my captivity, such love—”


“Love?” I asked, biting my lip as our eyes met. Now my heart was racing for a completely different reason. “I mean, you were being mistreated. How could I just stand by and not help you?”


“You are a good person,” he whispered as he reached up to touch my cheek. His skin felt like fire, burning me all the way to my soul. I closed my eyes and couldn’t help but revel in his gentle touch. “And I would be lying if I said I had not developed feelings for you as you cared for me.”


“I… Well, um…” I stammered, opening my eyes to find those gorgeous green orbs staring into my soul. I felt heat rise in my cheeks—and between my thighs. “This is very… sudden. I mean, we hardly know one another. You were a tiger a few minutes ago, and I—”


Jacob pressed his lips against my own, softly at first, but as I felt myself relax his kiss became much more passionate. I could feel his hands sliding over my legs, raising gooseflesh wherever his fingers trailed. I let out a soft moan against his lips before he pulled away. I couldn’t help but whimper at their absence.


“Jacob,” I whispered, staring into his eyes as the heat from his touch set shivers throughout my body. I could feel my need rising, a wetness spreading between my smooth thighs as I felt his hands sliding up under my polo. “We—this is…”


I tried to protest, though in my heart I couldn’t deny that something so spontaneous had piqued my interest, exciting me beyond anything I had felt in my entire life. This was the fantasy I had always dreamed of, and now it was right here within my reach.


“Let me show you how very grateful I am to you,” he purred in my ear, laying me down on the floor as he pulled my polo up and over my head.


My skin rose in a field of goosebumps as it met the open air, but the sensation of cold gave way to the warmth of my responsibility-turned-lover’s touch as he crawled on top of me, his naked body pressing down against my own.


Already I could feel the hard press of his erection through my shorts, throwing fuel on the fire of my ever-growing arousal. My pussy was slickening in preparation of what I could only hope was to come. I knew there were questions I needed answered, things I had to asked, but in that moment, I could only think about fulfilling the fantasy I had longed for all my adult life—a strong, confident lover taking me in the most incredible, mind-boggling, out-of-this-world way.


I let myself relax beneath him, sliding my legs up around him as I looked down to catch a glimpse of the rigid shaft I desperately needed between my legs.


He was enormous, bigger than any man I’d ever been with before him. I let out a gasp, wondering if a cock that size could fit within the tight confines of my body. It was definitely something I was willing to find out.


Jacob leaned in and pressed his lips to mine once more, and I wrapped my arms around his neck as I squirmed against his rigid abs, desperate to feel his burning touch against my skin.


I arched my back as he slid his hands behind me, working to remove my bra in only a few seconds. I smiled up at him as it loosened, slipping from my arms before Jacob tossed it away from us. There were no barriers between our hearts anymore. Our chests were bare. All that existed in that moment was Prince Jacob and I.


My shorts came next. I undid the button myself and shimmied them off of my hips and down my thighs, along with my troublesome, soaked panties clinging to my nether lips. We both lay there, Jacob’s naked body pressed against mine, our lips locked together in a long series of needful kisses that all melted into one another. All the while, I felt his swollen member pulsing against my thigh, begging to sheath itself deep inside my soaked flower. I writhed beneath him as his lips found my puffy, sensitive nipples.


“Please, Jacob,” I whimpered. “Don’t make me wait! I need it.”


“As you command, my princess,” he purred, a grin turning up the corners of his lips. Eagerly I spread my legs, wrapping them around his back as Jacob pressed his tip against my tight opening.


His cock breached the warm cavern of my pussy, working deeper with all the gentleness I could have ever hoped for. I closed my eyes, reveling in the sensation of his thick shaft pushing past my slick lips and into uncharted territory. I’d been with men before, of course, but not like this. None of them had possessed even half the prowess—hell, half the girth!—as my tiger prince did.


To say that he was big was a gross understatement. The fact of the matter was that Jacob was
I cried out with each slow thrust until he had slipped himself all the way inside of me and lay buried up to his base in my thrumming sex.


I laced my arms around him, digging my nails into his skin as I wriggled my hips against his own. He held himself still within me, letting me become accustomed to the thickness and pulsating swells of his magnificent cock. Our lips met in a hungry, desperate kiss as my body rejoiced in our closeness. My nipples hardened into pink diamonds, begging for attention.


As though he had read my mind, Jacob dipped his head down and began to flick his tongue against one of my puckered nipples, rolling it between his lips as I let out a loud moan. My back arched and I squirmed my hips against his once more, grinding down on his thick rod, begging to feel him moving, swelling, thrusting within me.


“Jacob!” I cried as he used his hand to toy with my other breast. “Take me!”


He snarled from somewhere in his throat, his mouth leaving the pert little bud of my breast to once again press his lips against my own. He tasted so good, like saffron and spice and the sweetest honey. Then he began to move his hips, slowly at first, sliding back and forth with the ridge of his tip hitting that perfect spot with every motion he made.


My eyes rolled back into my head from the sheer ecstasy of it all, my breasts heaving as I let out a cry. The feeling of Jacob inside of me set my body on fire, every sensation heightened by the excitement of fucking in my own place of work. I could have been worried that someone would come in, that they would see me on the floor, my legs spread wide with a strange man driving himself deep inside of my wanting puss—but that only seemed to make me even more excited.


I locked my ankles behind Prince Jacob’s back, making sure his body was nice and close to mine as he worked that thick cock deeper and deeper into my pussy. I bit my lip, chewing hard as I felt the tightness in my womb beginning to grow, making me squirm and writhe beneath his rippled, muscular body.


“Amber,” he moaned, closing his eyes as his once-steady rhythm began to break. I could feel him enlarging within me, the sensation bringing a smile to my face. I knew exactly what would come all too soon if he continued.


Part of me—a dark, lustful part—craved the feeling of him spilling his royal seed into my pussy and making it his, claiming me like the animal he had been only moments before. He’d brought out the wild creature inside of me, and it could only be sated once I had his essence inside me.

BOOK: Ravaged by Her Weretiger Prince (Steamy Paranormal Weretiger Shifter Romance)
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