[Ravage MC 03.75] - Rattle Me (7 page)

BOOK: [Ravage MC 03.75] - Rattle Me
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“Most miscarriages happen before thirteen weeks and you’re almost there. There is still a risk up to twenty, but it is substantially lower. However, there is a risk with any pregnancy but with the way that everything sounds right now, I have every reason to believe you are on the road to a perfectly normal pregnancy.” Air swooshes out of my lungs that I didn’t realize I was holding. Dr. Hernandez’s words are comforting.

“Can I record it?” Angel’s question catches me a bit off guard. People do that?

“Absolutely. You have your phone?”

Angel nods. “GT, grab my bag.” I hand it to her as she rummages through it, pulling out the device. She pushes a button and records the beautiful sound coming through the room. I will never get tired of hearing that sound.



I heard the baby and it’s beautiful, so beautiful I had to record it and I’m sure I’ll listen to it over and over and over again. It’s the sound that I was so scared I wouldn’t hear and when I did, warmth like no other flowed through my body.

I hop out of the car and head toward the door. Taking two steps in, I’m gripped around my waist and pulled back by strong hands.

“Where do you think you’re going, Angel?” he rasps in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I rest my head on his shoulder as his hands move from my hips to my breasts, kneading them. God I love when he does that. “We have some celebrating to do.” He nips my ear with his teeth and my body ignites. We walk slowly.

His lips and teeth cascade down my neck leaving small bites in their path, the burn in my belly grows to combustion just from his touch. He walks and my legs follow as he continues his assault on my goose bumped flesh. Behind me, the door slams shut, giving me a small jolt.

He walks over to the couch and stops, his heat leaving my back, my body shivering from the cold. The clank of a belt and the rustle of clothes beside me have my eyes turning to this beautiful specimen of a man. His pecs and abs are so well defined, his arms strong. His dick stands at attention and I lick my lips.

“You want my cock, baby?” he asks, pulling me flush with him. “Too fucking bad. Not now. Strip.” He sits on the couch in front of me, watching my movements with hooded eyes. His hand reaches out to his cock and he slowly strokes it up and down.

I quickly toss my clothes, noticing a bead of pre-cum escapes the top of his shaft. “Come here.” I walk up to GT and he leans forward on the couch and stops me. His lips gently kiss my stomach, making my heart swell. “Love you,” he whispers, “now I’m fucking your mommy, so be good.” His eyes travel to mine and a smirk crosses his lips.

I cock my hip. “Really, GT?”

He leans back on the couch. “I am what I am. Get up here and ride me. My cock aches.”

“Aww. You poor baby.” I straddle his thighs and give him a fake pout. “Let me see if I can help.” A soft smack comes to my right ass cheek and I fake a yelp.

I slowly lower onto him, taking him in inch-by-inch. His groans spur me on. I love having this effect on him. Once seated, GT lets me have control. I use my knees to help me move up and down and place my hands on his shoulders to stabilize myself. I grind down on him and his eyes roll back in his head. I smile. I add some hip rolls and squeeze my muscles, pulling him further into me, and he groans, loud. His head falls back against the couch. I lean over and kiss him. Soft and sweet. My orgasm builds and I find my hips moving more on their own accord, not punishing, but powerful.

“You there, babe?” His grunts fill my thoughts.

“Yes.” I throw my head back, the rush of the orgasm causing my limbs to stiffen and shake.

GT stills and then “Angel” is groaned from his lips as his dick releases inside my body. I bend down and kiss him unmercifully. God, I love him.



The party that night at the club was much bigger than I anticipated. I played the baby’s heartbeat to anyone who would listen and danced my ass off. I was so tired that I ended up passing out in GT’s room at the clubhouse. I hadn’t been there for so long, but it was like coming home. The previous anxiety I had was washed away. I love my family.



I can’t believe how fast the past sixteen weeks have gone by. I officially have a baby bump! About two weeks ago, I woke up to GT nuzzling my stomach, which led to some truly wonderful orgasms, but when I got up from bed and looked in the mirror, I burst out into happy tears. When he rushed to my side, I turned sideways and showed him. He dropped to his knees on the spot, kissing my stomach profusely. It is a moment that will be seared into my mind forever. Pure Bliss.

Working in the office at the garage has been great, but since everyone knows I’m pregnant, they tend to treat me like I’m breakable. I do my best to let it roll off my shoulders, but sometimes it wears on me a bit too much. Plus, I miss working on cars. Harlow has been, well, Harlow. Overbearing and take charge, ordering me to rest and take it easy, even coming to the garage office and yelling at me to put my feet up. Sheesh. I love her, but I do not need a drill sergeant.

I have been doing yoga every day and it does help with the stress. It’s still here and some days are worse than others, but it has been better for the most part, I think.

Today, I am supposed to take the day off from the garage office to rest, according to GT, but as I pace the house, I need to get out of here. I know he’s just looking out for me and doesn’t want me to overdo it, but come on, I file papers. And there is tons to get done. I hop in my Chevy and head to work. GT is working today, but I’m not sure where. He doesn’t tell me about the business of the club and I’m fine with that, as long as it doesn’t concern me. I stay out of it.

Pulling up to the garage, I park my car in its normal spot and Tug comes up to the car. “Hey. How ya doing?” I ask, smiling and getting out of the car. My normal jeans have gotten a bit tight and I had to get some of those stretchy ones that look like shit so my confidence has waned a bit.

“I’m good. How’s the little one?” He always asks about the baby; it’s like he’s taken over the big brother/uncle role to the max, but I love it.

“The baby is good. Growing.” I swear I felt a flutter in my stomach this morning, but chalked it up to indigestion. Keeping food down and not having my stomach roll has been a full time job in and of itself. I rub my stomach happily. “How are things with Blaze?”

“Really fucking good.” He smiles his handsome smile. I’m so damn happy those two got together. “Thought you had the day off today?” Damn men are always keeping tabs on me.

“Was, needed to get out of the house.” He seems a bit off, but I don’t think much of it. Lately, all the guys dote on me in some way, shape, or form, which is so not like them.

“All right. I’ll see ya in a bit.” His eyes dart over to the club doors, but I don’t see whatever he’s looking at. I look at the bikes, seeing GT’s there.

“Is GT here?”

“Yeah, he’s in a meeting.”

I shrug, there’s nothing new about that. “All right, I’m gonna get to work.”

“I’ll see ya in a bit.” I move over to the garage and after hellos and explanations of why I’m there, I get to work. The stack of papers on Ma’s desk will keep me busy most of the afternoon.

Needing some fresh air, I step out of the office and walk over to the side of the building. There’s a nice bench there where Ma and I sit to chat sometimes. The clubhouse door slams loudly, and I glance that direction.

A beautiful brunette wearing shorts barely covering her finely- shaped ass and a top that leaves little to the imagination of her perky tits, steps out of the clubhouse. GT’s on her heels. He wraps his arms around her and kisses the top of her head; the smile on the woman’s face is huge.

Tug sprints up to them, blocking my view, and the woman steps back as GT looks over Tug’s shoulder, eyes wide. My heart falls to the floor and suddenly the breakfast I had this morning wants to make a reappearance. I turn, rushing to the bathroom, locking the door, just in time to puke my guts out in the toilet. The porcelain is cold under my hands, thank goodness my hair is up in a bun or it would be covered in puke.

I heave over and over again, this time nothing coming up but bile that burns my throat. My eyes water, but it’s not just from retching. I should have known something was up, should have read Tug better.

Banging on the door, GT yells, “Open the fucking door, Casey!”

He uses my real name so I know he’s pissed. I shake my head as if he can see me. Looking down at the mostly male-used toilet, I flush it and quickly stand, then wash my hands profusely.

“Open it now!” He bangs hard, the door cracking a bit under the pressure.

“Hang on.” I splash water on my face and inside my mouth, spitting several times. I check myself in the mirror and the haunted look in my eyes even freaks me out. I splash more water, grabbing paper towels and wiping my face. Thoughts of the whore that cleaned GT’s room flash through my head and the heartache that happened with Mia invades me. My hands begin to shake and I choke back tears.

I will not jump to conclusions. I will let him explain before flying off the handle, but I need some space right now. I need to get away.

Throwing the paper towels in the trash, the pounding continues as I open the door. GT’s face is etched with anger and the vein in his neck is pulsating. He begins to talk, but I hold up my hand.

“I know there is an explanation for it but I need a break. I’m going home and getting in the bathtub to calm down. When your day is over, come home and talk to me.” His eyes bore daggers into mine and my gut aches.

“What the hell are you doing here?” he growls as if this is my fault.

What the hell? I wasn’t the one kissing some woman outside the clubhouse when you thought I wouldn’t be around.

?” I clip and move to walk out of the door, which he blocks, making me stop. Damn man.

“You are supposed to be home resting,” he accuses, his arms crossing over his chest in an attempt to intimidate me. He should know by now that shit does not work.

“I wanted to come to work. I can do that, ya know? Just cause I’m knocked up doesn’t mean I can’t do all the normal things, remember what the doc said?” I huff. “Please move. I want to go home.”

“It’s not what you think, Angel. Don’t fucking go home and start having all that shit run through your head. I’m not fucking that woman.” I say nothing, just stand there waiting for him to move. “Are you listening to me?” he forges on, gripping my shoulders and pulling me against him. “I. Did. Not. Fuck. Her. I swear it. I haven’t been with anyone but you.”

I look into his eyes and inside the anger, which I don’t understand, is the truth. “I know,” I whisper. “I just want to go home and sleep. I feel really tired all of the sudden.”

“Your ass had better be home when I get there. Don’t you fucking think of taking off on me.” Pain is evident in his eyes and I know he’s remembering before. I wouldn’t do that to him. Not now, not ever again. I’ll let him explain.

“I’ll be there.” He bends down, kissing me on the lips, and part of me wants to cry. Didn’t he just kiss that other woman on the head with those same lips? He releases me, but I don’t look up at him. I sidestep him and gather my things, heading to my car. I don’t look back; I don’t look anyone in the eye. I keep my head down as I move. I just want to go home.

BOOK: [Ravage MC 03.75] - Rattle Me
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