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Authors: Elizabeth Carter

Ravage (2 page)

BOOK: Ravage
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I hesitated before replying. “Not exactly.”

“Why do I get this sinking feeling that you are going to tell me that it’s not much better than the washrooms?”

I laughed.

“The nearest one is a couple of miles away, if you want one that is decent. We have one that is within walking distance. It’s new, but it’s just the bare essentials.”

He glanced out the window observing the heavy snow.

“Right now the bare essentials sounds a hell of a lot better than being stuck in here.”

“Only one problem, they are probably already booked up, with the cancellation of flights.”

He took a swig of his beer, “Could this night get any worse?”


He glanced back up.

“As the owner employees a friend of mine, I think I could pull a few strings. I’ll take you over there when I’m done my shift if you like? I only have an hour left.”

“Really? You think you could do that? I mean I would make it worth your while.”

“In more ways than one,” I muttered under my breath walking away to serve a drink to another customer.


I shook my head, flashing him a wicked grin. He squinted. He caught it, yep, I went there fella. A little bit of flirting didn’t hurt anyone and it went a long way in this place, and anyway the odds of meeting another guy of this caliber under these conditions was like trying to catch lightning. It was too good to pass up, and I was going to see how far I could go.

It was true I did know someone who ran the front desk; he’d bartended here for a short while before applying for the position. However, we didn’t exactly get along, but I wasn’t going to let that cat out of the bag. I would iron out the finer details later.

“Lincoln Salvatore,” he offered his hand. It was warm, firm and for a second I lingered in his grip considering what other parts of his body were firm.

“Olivia Wilde.”

He arched an eyebrow. His lip slightly curled. Here it comes. He hadn’t been the first to make note of my last name, and no doubt he wouldn’t be the last. I knew he was thinking about it. Though unlike others, he didn’t return a dry, heard-it-before line like most of the douches that tried picking me up. I had considered changing it or coming up with something really off putting, but screw it. Maybe one day it would work. Maybe tonight?

“So what do you do Lincoln?”

“I’m in business acquisition.”

“So you travel a lot?”

“You could say that. I scoop in and buy up businesses, turn them around and resell.”

I wiped down the counter.

“Businesses that are flailing?”

He took a sip of his drink. “Sometimes. More often than not, the original owners have more money than sense. For them it was an ego trip. All about the looks.”

“And you’re not all about the looks?” I eyed him carefully.

His lip curled into a wicked, sexy grin. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m like anyone else. I like the shiny appeal of a new product, but I can see the potential in people’s assets, often when they can’t see it themselves.”

She nodded. “Really?”

“Take you for instance. On the surface, if you don’t mind me saying you are extremely attractive. You have a youthful appeal and you use it to your advantage.”

“And you would know, how?”

“It’s not rocket science. You think all these men at the bar are interested in drinking?”

“Enlighten me.”

Without looking around he began pointing out people.

“The overweight guy, looks like he’s liable to choke on his donut in the corner isn’t on the phone, he’s eyeing you up. The jock at the end of the bar, chose that spot because it gets a nice view of your ass each and every time you bend down to retrieve a cold one. The three suits at the far end are taking bets on who is going to bed you tonight. How am I doing?”

“Why ask me, you’re the expert here.”

“Because you already know what I’m saying is right. See that’s the mistake all these chumps take. They assume because you have a nice rack, a wicked body… if you don’t mind me saying…”

“Go ahead.” I smiled, enjoying his fresh banter.

“They assume that you don’t have the brains to back up what you have in front. But that’s why none of them, including the group of Italian models sitting in the waiting room are going to score with you tonight.”

“How do you know, I might screw the shit out of lard ass over there.”

“Because you like a very specific type of man. As do I like a very specific type of woman.”

A grin spread across Lincoln’s face. I leant against the bar.

“Well don’t stop now. You are on a roll. Keep going, what kind of man do I like?”

I had to admit, conversation was flowing smoothly, hell, everything about him was smooth. I never gave off any signs of desperation. In fact, there was a strong likelihood if I didn’t tell him that I would fuck him in a heartbeat, he would go about his business with little regrets. Which only made me want him more.

“In the bedroom or outside?”

“Are you offering?”

“You know what I mean. But put a pin in that question and I will answer later.”

“No, I mean do want the specific type of man that appeals to you in the bedroom or outside?”

“Is there a difference?”

He studied me for a moment before replying.

“Without a doubt. See most assume that if guy is clean on the outside, he’s not dirty behind closed doors.”

“Are you?”

He smirked.

“Can I get a drink?” a voice called out. It was one of the guys from the group down the end. I ignored him again. He had requested three times but this was just getting good and I wasn’t about to have some fuckwit screw it up. Now had my boss been here breathing down my neck I would have been on it, but there wasn’t a chance he was getting in here tonight, and these goons would be gone by tomorrow. Come to think of it, I wasn’t going anywhere either. I hadn’t given a second thought to the fact that with all the flights delayed and all in and out roads blocked by the storm, I was going to need a place to sleep, then again — a place to fuck might be better. No, tonight was mine and I was going to take full advantage of it.

“Well? Are you?”

“I could say yes, but words mean very little. Now I could show you, but that depends….”

“On?” I asked.

“How dirty you want to get.”







This evening was looking up with every passing minute. She was innocent, it was written all over her face, body movement, gestures, and her curiosity. It was rare, pure and so few women had it, but it was unmistakable and perfect for training. Innocent ones were like little pups attaching themselves to their mother’s tit. The hunger that an innocent one has is far different to those who have been around the block, even once. I could sniff it a mile away. An untouched pussy might as well been a radio station as hers was sending out a signal and I had just tuned in. Truth is, sex changes a person. You could see it in a person’s face.

They are never the same. Good or bad, it doesn’t matter. Sex changes everything and this woman had it. She was good at hiding it, and no doubt these horny fuckers sitting around the bar, probably thought her lack of interest was because she was playing hard to get. But that wasn’t it. No, she was waiting. Any other woman would have snapped up a few of the men that I had seen her speaking with before I strolled in, but not her. She had a fantasy, and I was more than happy to fulfill it, along with a few other things.

She was smoking hot, fresh faced, had breasts to die for, and well her innocent ass. That was a goldmine, and I planned to extract from it. She sucked in those beautiful pink lips of hers over her teeth, contemplating my question.

“I guess you’ll have to wait and see,” she replied.

I smirked, wondering what she knew about sex. I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that she hadn’t had sex. How could someone with curves and a mouth like that go this many years without someone stepping up to the plate and at least taking a hit. The thought of going down on her sent a thrill through me. Breaking her open for the first time would be like cracking into one of the hundreds of vintage wines that I collected. Only the taste of her would be far sweeter.

I could feel my cock getting harder with every passing second.

There is a moment in baseball as there is with every woman. A line in the sand so to speak, in which you know the difficult work is over. The ball has been knocked out of the field and there’s no chance in hell that the opposite team is going to change the final outcome.

This was a moment like that.

As she continued serving and talking, I knew I had her. She hung on every word I uttered, and the more innuendoes I threw in the brighter her eyes got. She was a curious one for sure. As she filled a glass from the tap, I glanced out the window. The entire building looked as if it was moving within the flurry of snow.

And there was me thinking this was the worst place to be stuck on New Year’s Eve.

When that clock struck twelve, the big ball wasn’t the only thing that was going to drop. I glanced back at her ass, as she reached down for two bottles of Heinken. I wondered for a second, was she wearing a thong? As I stared, still bending over she glanced back. She flashed a sexy smile. Damn she was hotter than hell. Oh she knew what she was doing. Innocent or not, this girl had learned a trick or two hanging around these guys with their tongues hanging out.

“So how long have you been working here?”

“That sounds awfully similar to the pickup line delivered by the Jock earlier this evening,” she said.

“I thought we established, no pickup lines are needed. You’re coming back with me to the hotel, motel or whatever the damn thing is,” I said.

“A little presumptuous to assume that my flirting means I’m agreeing to your dirty demonstration?”

I shrugged. “But you admit you are flirting?”

“Of course, how do you think I land the big tips here?”

I smiled.

“Like I said, I call it my inner sex intuition.”

“All right, I’ve got to hear this one.”

“We all have it, just few develop it.”

She chuckled.

“And what kind of vibe are you picking up from me?”

I watched her lick her bottom lip and I felt my pulse begin to race. I imagined for a split second stripping her naked, having her stand before me while I circled her like a lion. Having her get down on all her hands and knees, and watching from behind as she prowled like a lioness. She was mine tonight, one way of the other.

“You are ready. No priming is needed. Your pressure cooker is about set to explode. Though I’m not quite sure you’re ready to serve up what you have to offer.”

She fixed her eyes on my studying my face.

Without saying another word, she strolled to the far end of the bar. She glanced back as if making sure she had my attention. She leaned in close to the jock, muttered something in his ear and then kissed him on the mouth, biting his lip and pulling it. The guy looked entirely shocked. All the while keeping me in her line of sight. It turned me on. It pissed me off. I wanted to clear out these assholes and take her right then and there. When she returned, she arched an eyebrow.

“Ok. But that’s a kiss. Nothing really.”

Her eyes squinted.

She went to return to him, when I grabbed her wrist. It must have caught her off guard as she glanced down then at me.

“I get your point. Listen, when are you done here?”

“Another twenty minutes.”

I nodded. “Ok, well I’ll have one.”

“Coming right up.”

“No, I mean… a kiss.”

“Oh no. That was just for example. Tommy is an old college friend. He’s game for anything, even if he has been trying to get into my pants since college.”

“Fair enough.”

I got up to leave.

“However, we do have a stock room out back. Five minutes?”

I smiled, turning slowly back.

As she finished up serving a few other customers, I downed my beer, tossed my suit jacket over my shoulder and strolled into the backroom. It was a tiny setup. A few metal shelves full of beer, wine and boxes of snacks. There was a private washroom. I leaned against one of the shelves. I had been with women all types of places: planes, washrooms, hotels, vehicles, boats, metal containers, doctors’ offices, in fact I’d lost count of all the places, but this was a first.

I heard the sound of her heels. Without looking back, she closed the behind her. Locked, she leant back against it.

If the energy between was visible, I imagined molecules and atoms bouncing rapidly, speeding up, and shooting an infinite number of wild colors. I watched as her chest rose and dropped. Moving toward her, it felt like two stars spinning in each other’s atmosphere, a colossal mass of power that at any moment would collide.

BOOK: Ravage
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