Rapture (McKenzie Brothers) (5 page)

BOOK: Rapture (McKenzie Brothers)
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Chapter 7




Who the hell are they telling him to keep his zipper up with?
Relief washes over me at Sebastian’s words…did he really just admit to keeping his zipper up for five months? Is that because he met me? Is it because I’m the only one he wants? I try to hide the smile that’s threatening to break at my joy over that revelation. It shouldn’t and he certainly shouldn’t feel like that towards me when he thinks I’m attached to his brother.

Clearing my throat while gazing up at Sebastian
, I say, “We’ve finished if you all want to come back inside.”

Turning tail, I start to walk back towards the
living room where everyone is still having a good laugh with Lily at the presents she has just received.

The men are in for a shock when they catch site of the bounty
set out on the table for all to see. Poor Michael, he’s going to get some teasing from his brothers when they catch sight of the more racy gifts: handcuffs, crotch-less panties, nipple care gift set and let’s not forget the florescent pink ‘rampant rabbit’ vibrator, which was my gift.

When Lily first opened the gift
, I thought Pippa was about to have a heart attack when she realized what the gift was, until she started to laugh and made a comment about Michael ending up frustrated as hell until after the babies were born. For a split second, everyone went silent before we fell about in fits of laughter, which we tried to calm down a bit before we sent Lily into labor.

Arriving back in the living room
, I come to an abrupt stop when I spot the ‘rabbit’ slap bang in the middle of the table, out of its box looking ready to go.
. When I left the room it had been to the side in its box, but now there was no chance it would be missed by anyone.

Feeling arms wrap around me from behind, I realize it was either that or be knocked over.
Well that will teach me to stop suddenly. Feeling the body pressing up against my back and the smell of his cologne, it’s Sebastian who holds onto me.

His breath is hot against my neck as he
groans into my ear sending needles of lust straight to my core as he pulls me closer. Turning my head to face him, I watch as he removes his eyes from the pink object and meets my gaze. All I want to do is turn in his arms, seal our lips together and press harder against his aroused body.

“Holy fuck.”

The spell between us is broken by Ruben’s choice of words. Sebastian slowly starts to remove his hands from me leaving a trail of heat behind.

I take a few steps forward and practically wilt into t
he sofa, my legs feeling like Jell-O, no longer able to hold me up.

“Ruben Elias McKenzie,” Pippa
shouts making me jump. “You are not too old to have your mouth washed out with soap and water.”

Looking bashful, Ruben
replies, “Yes ma’am. Wasn’t expecting to see…well, you know.” Ruben waves his arms around in the direction of the table.

Michael f
inally seems to find his tongue. “Can’t wait to play.”

He saunters over to Lily with a sexy grin on his face, which matches the one on Lily’
s. I overhear him whispering words of love to his very pregnant wife and I find myself longing for someone to do the same with me. I catch him eyeing the goods on the table, which makes me chuckle. They’re going to have some fun once the babies arrive – in more ways than one.

’s hand falls onto my shoulder and I glance up to where he’s standing beside my chair. He gives me a reassuring smile and we watch his brothers walk over to the table for a closer look. Lucien directs sly glances towards Sabrina who exchanges a nervous grin with him before coming to sit on the sofa beside me.

I’ve watched Lucien over the past few months mainly because of Lily’s attachment to him and he really does treat her as a sister and sometimes comes across as the overbearing big brother, which can be amusing.
I’ve also seen him when he thinks no one is watching him and he looks lonely. From what I’ve picked up from Ramon, he hasn’t had any sort of female company since his accident, which is sad because he has a lot to offer. Even with the scars on one side of his face and neck, he is a handsome man who looks to have a great physic not to mention a loving heart, which his family see all the time. Especially when he’s around Lily.

Perhaps Sabrina just needs time to settle i
n to her life here in Lexington. After all she’d grown up in Virginia before going to England with her parents.

“We’ll leave soon,” Ramon whisper
s in my ear. I’ve forgotten he’s standing behind me with my thoughts all over the place while trying not to think about Sebastian and how it felt to be in his arms, pressed against his front with his cock growing against me.
! Don’t go there.

Without looking at Ramon, I take hold of one of
his hands and squeeze, “Okay.”

Letting go of his hand
, I watch Ramon walk off towards Ruben before I turn to Sabrina whose been watching our exchange.

“How are you finding your way around Lexington?” I ask hoping to draw her out a bit. To hear Lily talk about Sabrina I never
would have thought she’d be shy, but she is.

“I love Lexington. It’s been about ten years since I
was last here with my parents and nothing’s changed much, at least from what I remember. My father was here to purchase a horse that he’d been after for a while,” she smiles at what must be a fond memory. “He was so determined to have this particular horse, Sultan. He was black as the night and ruled the stables,” she chuckles. “What about you? You’re not from around here.”

I was born in Montana, but lived most of my life in Canada until I moved in with Ramon a while back.”

Despite Sabrina having my complete attention, I can feel Sebastian’s
eyes on me, begging me to turn and look at him. Why today? We’ve been together on numerous occasions since we met, but it’s never been like it is today with him. The heated looks and panty wetting touches. Something’s changed and I’m not sure what.


I blink and realize Sabrina has been talking to me while I let Sebastian distract me again. “Sorry, what did you say?”

She smiles.
“I asked you how you met Ramon, if it’s not too personal a question.”

Shaking my head, I reply, “No, it’s fine. We met when Ramon was up in Ca
nada on a McKenzie building project that my brother, Noah, was also working on. We all just hit it off…the rest, as they say, is history.” I offer a small smile and hope she hadn’t noticed the catch in my voice when I said ‘Noah.’

“At first I thought you were with Sebastian, he can’t t
ake his eyes from you,” she shrugs her shoulders, “but I’m not that good at recognizing these things anyway.”

My stomach drops. Does she really expect me to comment on what sh
e’s just said? God, I hope not.





Checking out the items on the table, which have been given to Lily, and I suppose Michael, isn’t such a great idea, especially with the bright pink thing, in the middle of the table. In all my sexual experience, I can honestly say I’ve never seen one in bright pink. Not that I was shocked by the toy, I mean I’ve even used some on willing partners in the past, but
, bright pink!

I hold my tongue at making a crud
e comment towards Ruben who really is into ‘toys’, which aren’t just for the light-hearted. But, hell, standing here looking at the collection, all I can think about is having Carla under me, naked, handcuffed to the headboard of my bed while I use the strawberry flavored nipple gel on her large breasts and the pink vibrator to bring her to orgasm before I slip inside her.

Reaching down, I
discretely rearrange my dick in my jeans, which is ready to burst at the images in my head. I hear Lucien chuckle beside me, which I ignore before turning my back to him and the table to glance at Michael, who’s watching us. Probably making sure we don’t borrow anything he wants to play with.

, I make my way over to them and ask, “How’s my beautiful sister doing,” before leaning over and kissing Lily on the cheek. Crouching down in front of her, I look at her deeply. She’s beautiful and more so with her pregnancy in full bloom.

“I’m fine. Thank you Sebastian
. What about you? You seem distracted.”

I quickly glance at Carla then back to Lily who looks as though she can see every damn thing going around in my head right now.

“Don’t be worrying about me. I’d say you have your hands full with my brother.” Taking hold of her hand, I keep it in mine as I rest them in her lap.

Hey, brother, stop mauling my wife. Go and get your own,” Michael grumbles from beside Lily.

Winking at Lily, I respond, “I already have my woman right here.” Laughing, I kiss Lily on the knuckles before I release her
. “I’d check Ruben’s pockets before he leaves.” I grin as Lily starts to laugh, placing her hands on the top of her belly.

“I’m sure our brother doesn’t need to borrow Lily’
s, um, things,” Michael replies.

“Why on earth would one of your brothers want t
o borrow anything of Lily’s?” Mom asks coming up behind Michael before walking around the chair to wrap her arm around my waist.

Now I know why they say, boys never grow up, because all I want to do is make this situation worse for my brother and watch him squirm under mo
m’s scrutiny just like we’ve done on too many occasions to count, but I hold my tongue and wait for him to come up with an answer.

Lily comes to his rescue though.
“They’re referring to the handcuffs.”

Hmm,” Mom lets out a breath, “you boys think I don’t know what sex is. Not only have I given birth five times, I’ve also read Fifty Shades of Grey.” She winks at Lily, who looks ready to burst into laughter as Mom walks away to join Dad and George by the window, who look deep in conversation.

Spotting Carla sitting chatting to Sabrina, I decide
it’s time to leave. I want my brother’s girl with a passion I’ve never felt before and being around all those sex toys, having images shooting through my head, is frustrating the hell out of me.

Slipping out from the living room
, I walk out onto the porch before I remember I brought a jacket with me so turning I head back inside. Reaching for the handle of the office where my jacket is, I push the door open and find Carla who clutches her jacket against her, when I walk in and close the door behind me.

“What is it with you and small rooms,”
I say trying to make light of the fact we’re the only ones in the room, although I’m not sure why I closed the door. “You leaving?”

Carla licks her lips before replying, “
Yeah, Ramon has some work to do.”

I nod my head and retrieve my jacket from the peg as Carla tries to slip past me.

“What about a goodbye hug,” I ask. This is nothing unusual as we always say goodbye, the only difference this time is that we’re alone, usually we’re standing at the front door and throwing hugs around left, right and center.

“Okay,” she agrees and takes the step needed to stand
directly in front of me.

Dropping my jacket, I take hold of her shoulders and bring her flush against me and feel her arms go around my waist.
In my arms she sighs against me as I pull her even tighter into my embrace.

“Carla.” I close my eyes and breath
e in her scent, thankful that I can have these five minutes with her. I caress up and down her back feeling her quiver under my hands as her hand starts to caress south down my back. Having her hands on me has me rock hard, which I’m positive she can feel and with her hand caressing over my ass, my cock jumps as I hear her moan. I catch my breath.

“Sebastian, why does this feel so good? Being in your arms
. Never wanting to let go.” Pulling away abruptly, Carla picks her jacket from the floor, looks at my groin before turning away with a flush along her beautiful cheekbones. “I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry, but I need to leave.”

I reach out and
take hold of her arm, preventing her from slipping away. “You didn’t say anything I wasn’t thinking. Don’t be embarrassed Carla. I’m not sure what we’re going to do about this thing between us, but we can’t just ignore it. Not anymore – please Carla. Let me talk to my brother. You can’t be in love with him when we have, whatever this is.”

Pain fills her eyes and her lips go tight fighting the emotions overcoming her as she
replies, “We have to ignore it.” Breaking free of my hand, she gives me one last, heart wrenching glance before she races from the room.

What the fuck!

Without another thought, I grab my jacket and storm out the door just missing Ramon, who looks surprised before I ignore him and walk out onto the back porch to try and catch my breath. Resting my arms on the porch railing, I breathe deeply as I hear the door open behind me.

“I’m not going to ask what that was about
, but we’re heading out so I’ll catch you later,” Ramon says to my back.

I glance over my shoulder and meet his worried eyes, “Okay.”

He doesn’t move and continues watching me. “Are you okay?”

“I will be.”

BOOK: Rapture (McKenzie Brothers)
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