Read Rain Falls Online

Authors: Harley McRide

Tags: #bad boys, #new adult contemporary, #womens fiction, #menage mfm, #menage action adventure, #bikers romance, #motorcycle clubs, #new adult romance, #new age menage

Rain Falls (4 page)

BOOK: Rain Falls
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“My father, he refused to come to the wedding. He said Zane was an asshole who was hiding shit, but I didn’t believe him. I was dazzled by the three-carat diamond he gave me as an engagement ring. Zane told me my father was just trying to break us up because he was threatened by him. He fed me a bunch of bullshit, which I used to rationalize why I didn’t listen to my father. Instead, I cut him out of our lives and didn’t even invite him to the wedding. Instead, I allowed Zane to take care of everything. Looking back, I get how he was controlling, but I let him, I allowed him to do that. So when I found out what Zane really did, I could have left, I could have told someone, I could have done a million things, but no, I was weak,” Rain said disgustedly. “I just let him explain, threaten, and then I followed orders so I didn’t cause any waves. All because I didn’t have enough courage to do a damn thing.” She could feel the tears coming down her face, but she ignored them.

The others were listening intently, Rain was afraid to look at Shady because the next part was where it was going to get dicey.

“I buried my head in the sand and just went about my life, hoping Zane wasn’t the monster I perceived him to be. Hoping he was telling the truth, all because I didn’t want to give up my lifestyle. Then it all came crashing down around me when I came home again and this time there was another man there and another woman. However, this time I listened and didn’t barge in. I listened to the whole disgusting transaction. The girl was only eighteen, barely legal, the man Zane was talking to said she was too old. I almost threw up, but he said he would take her so she could look after the younger ones. Zane laughed and said he was getting a shipment of the younger sort in a few weeks. I threw open the door and took pictures of the man, the girl, and Zane, yelled at them I was turning them in, screamed I was going to the police,” Rain said through her tears.

“What did he do?” Freedom asked softly and Rain turned to her and tried to talk. At least she knew Free might understand a little, after all, her father had put her in a bad position as well.

“Beat the shit outta me, broke my nose and five ribs, punctured a lung, and broke my arm, then told me to mind my own business or I would end up on the next auction block, then walked out the door and left me laying on the floor. I called my mom, she didn’t answer. I called my sister, she said she was too busy. I had no one else, so I called my father and he came and got me. Took me to the hospital, arranged for plastic surgery and for me to disappear, all without question,” Rain said.

Freedom nodded. “Honey, I am not quite sure why you would think we would look at you different because of this. I mean, so you were rich and spoiled, shit happens, and that is not who you are now.”

She heard the others murmur in agreement and then she dealt the final killing blow, the one she knew was going to change their minds.

“The last day I walked in, when he beat me. He was meeting with Reyes Sr., I have the picture still in a lock box, Zane didn’t get my phone, I fell on it and he was too pissed from chasing me. I knew what he was doing, I knew right when you said the man’s name, my father had identified him but couldn’t touch him because he wasn’t in the US,” Rain said quietly and took a deep breath. “My father is General Rick Tang.”

The silence in the room was palatable. She turned to see the look on Shady’s face; there was no expression, nothing.

Chapter Three


Shady stood and Rain flinched a little. Her leader, friend, older sister said nothing to her. Instead, she turned and walked into one of the bathrooms and they heard her vomiting.
Fuck, not good

Harmony was silent as were the others, only Freedom reached out, clutched her hand, and gave her support. Yeah, one out of five sucked big time. She really hated that Free was going to be put in the middle. She knew her, Free would stand against all of them if she thought it was right. The others pretty much held a grudge.

Finally, Shady walked back into the room and put her hands on her hips. “I get why you didn’t tell us about your past when you came here. I can even understand why you didn’t tell us right off the bat when you heard Reyes’s name, but Rain, what the fuck? Why would you wait until all this shit was over to tell us this crap? We could have planned better, maybe taken them all down, maybe saved more women and young girls. FUCK!” Shady screamed loudly. “Even when we found out about my shit, everyone understood, why the fuck were you holding this shit in, everyone would have understood. Now you put us in a shit position, we have to go to the guys and tell them this shit, give them something new to fucking worry about because now we have yet another fucking drama in our midst.”

“I didn’t tell you because I expected you to do something about it, Shady. I told you because I wanted to be honest with you. No one knows where I am, my cover is clear,” Rain said calmly but feeling like her heart was being torn out of her chest, she hated to let her family down.

“Do you think that matters? So was mine! Did you ever stop to think about the others that your husband sold, did you think of the families, you know, like my daughter? Rememebr her, was she one your husband was involved in selling? Do you even know?” Shady yelled and Rain cringed. She didn’t, and she also knew this was why Shady was going to be so pissed at her.

“Shay,” Harmony said quietly.

“No,” Shady said. “Not right now, I need to think,” their leader said, turned, and left the room. Rain lifted her chin and even with the tears streaming down her face she walked out with her head up. No matter what happened to her, she wasn’t going to ever be that woman again. She had come too far, if they asked her to leave it was fine, she would go, but she would not beg to anyone. She fucked up, she knew it, and she was paying for it. She needed to talk to Kink, as she walked down the stairs she pulled out her keys and didn’t look at anyone as she left the compound again.

Knight bent over the man’s back and continued his tattoo. Charro was a Savage but a Nomad just like him. They had a lot in common and they had run into each other plenty of times on the road and in town. In fact, all of his tats, Knight had done. Even though they were from different clubs, they had partied together and they had formed a friendship.

Now that the clubs were joining, it made their relationship better. They were brothers now.

“So, any women over there that are hot?” Knight asked. He knew who he preferred, and couldn’t get out of his head.

“Hell yeah, all of ‘em, bro. There isn’t but a couple that would be up for your fast fuck though. Most of those bitches you’ll need more than once to get out of your system.”

“What the hell you sayin’? I couldn’t get the job done in one go?” Knight grumbled on the defense. His head was fucked up with the blond haired, blue eyed bitch who he just couldn’t stop thinking about.

Charro laughed, “You don’t know bitches like these. They’ll have you eating their pussy and thanking them after.”

“Fuck. I gotta tell ya, I do know a chick like that and I am trying hard to forget her. I just need an itch scratched, you know?” The bell over the door chimed and Knight turned to glance over the partition wall. The top of Rain’s head bobbed back toward Kink’s room and he jerked. They heard Rain’s voice, and Knight bit back a string of cuss words. Fuckin’ A, he just couldn’t catch a fucking break with that chick, she was going to be the death of him.

“There’s a fine piece of ass right there,” Charro laughed. “That one’s gonna take more than one guy to break her, and even then I’m not sure there’s enough rope to keep her wild ass tied.” At hearing Charro’s words, Knight tensed. A twinge of jealousy shot through him, but the idea of having her hot little body stuffed with cock so full it turned her bitching into moans, made him adjust his dick.

“Yeah, not sure you wanna go there, dude,” Knight laughed.

“Oh yeah? Why is that?” Charro asked curiously.

“Been there done that and the chain that attaches with that pussy is strong,” Knight grimaced.

Charro looked at him closely and then turned back and looked at the wall thinking. It was almost like he could see Rain through the barrier and was assessing what he thought.

“You know, some chicks just need a firm hand.” Charro grinned. “Or maybe four firm hands.”

Knight snorted and then dipped the needle in ink and went back down to do another section of line work when they heard voices. It was Rain talking to Kink, and his machine stopped buzzing. Charro didn’t seem to mind, being as he was straining to hear the conversation just as much as Knight was. So they stilled and eavesdropped.

Rain found Kink alone, he was between customers and she figured it was now or never. He’d greeted her with a hug like normal, and even though she knew good damn and well he knew what she had to say wasn’t gonna be good, he didn’t push. So she fell into the same song and dance she’d revealed for the girls, including their conversation and leaving off with the fact she may or may not be hanging around much longer, by the decision of the Ladies of course. Also she left out the part about her father, Kink would know who he was immediately. Rain felt lost and hoped Kink would understand, she needed someone now.

Kink had remained silent, letting her go through the entire story before he commented. The look on her face and her defensive posture meant she expected him to have the same fucked up reaction as Shady. Shady…well was Shady. She was a bitch. Her temper flared before any emotion could register. It was a built in mechanism to protect herself, which she’d learned at an early age. He could see the reason for Shady’s reaction, but didn’t necessarily agree with it. They all came from shit, and all of them made shit poor decisions on how to handle them. Hell, he’d had his own shitstorm they’d all stepped in to clean up. That’s what the club did—it had your back no matter what. If someone got in trouble, the others dealt. That was one lesson the Ladies would need to learn, and learn quick—of course, the Warriors all needed to be in agreement as well. It was gonna be like walking a minefield with this situation, after everything that happened over the last few months, everyone was running on emotions and not thinking logically all the time. “Get your shit. You’re stayin’ here,” he snapped, knowing he was going to need to go and talk to Creed and Fork before this got outta hand.

Rain looked at him with a funky expression, and waited for him to elaborate. He didn’t. So when irritation clouded his features, she felt her own temper flaring. “What the hell do you mean I’m staying here?” She had no desire to be here, if they were going to ask her to leave, she needed to get the fuck out. Rain already had a few ideas about where she was going to go.

“I mean, until we can figure this shit out and get things situated, pack your fuckin’ bag and get your ass back to the backroom. I’ve put a bed and TV back there. There’s a full bathroom with a shower. We need a meeting. Then, we need to discuss a few club fundamentals with your
. Plus, I need to talk to the guys about this shit, regardless of what you think, we will deal with this shit. Muther fucker does not mess with one of ours, don’t care when it fucking happened.” He sounded pissed, and she dreaded having to pack up and leave them all behind, but listening to him, that was what she was gonna have to do. This was the closest thing to belonging she’d ever felt, and while she appreciated Kink’s anger for her, she wasn’t going to set herself up to be kicked out. She didn’t quite understand why, if he was ready to send her packing, did he want her here?

“Don’t bother. I’ll hit the road tonight,” she said finally, she needed to do it now, before they got in too deep. This would be a mess considering how well known her family was.

BOOK: Rain Falls
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