Read QUEENIE BABY: On Assignment Online

Authors: Christina A. Burke

QUEENIE BABY: On Assignment (19 page)

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I went out and told Anne Granddaddy’s latest demands. She rolled her eyes and grabbed Uncle Grover’s sleeve. “Listen to me, old man,” she said in her best retired teacher voice. “You go in there, apologize, and tell him you two are even. Got it?” she demanded.

For once, Uncle Grover had nothing to say. He nodded meekly.

Rick went out to get the car and I took the opportunity to text Mark with an update on Granddaddy and to check in on Max.

Me: Gd is going 2 b ok

Mark: Good news!

Me: How’s it going there?

Mark: Made it back here and we’re fine. Max wants to know if he can use your pillow.

Me: :) Thanks again.

I still couldn’t believe Mark had agreed to watch my dog and get my car back to my place. He was something else. I said goodbye to my family. My sister came up beside me and put on her coat. “Hey, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

I rolled my eyes at her. “Like you ever do anything,” I said with a laugh.

She looked hurt. “I do things.”

“Sorry,” I replied, “I didn’t mean it that way.”

“Yes, you did,” she shot back. “And you’re right. I don’t do anything exciting. But at least I get laid on a regular basis.” She laughed and said, “See you tomorrow.”


I WOKE TO the smell of coffee. The dark roasted promise lured me from my cozy cocoon. The sun was bright. I reached for my phone. Almost nine. Six hours of sleep was a record for me this week. I glanced around Rick’s spartan spare bedroom. No pictures or knickknacks, but the mattress was perfect and the high thread count sheets were luxurious. Probably his mother’s doing. I hadn’t noticed much last night as I zombie-walked into the room and fell face down on the bed. I do remember taking the time to change into an old flannel shirt of Rick’s before passing out.

My phone rang. I didn’t recognize the number, but it was local so I answered it.

“Git me outta here,” a mumbled voice demanded.

“Granddaddy?” I asked. “I can barely understand you.”

“’Cause they stole my dad-burn teeth,” he said. “Now git me outta here!” he demanded.

“You can’t leave until the doctor says it’s okay,” I soothed. “But I’ll be there soon.”

I could hear Anne in the background ordering him off the phone. “I need some jerky,” he whispered like a junkie to his dealer. “Please, for the love of Pete, bring your Granddaddy some jerky. And don’t tell Anne.”

I wasn’t sure how he was going to eat jerky with no teeth, but I didn’t want to disappoint him. “Will do,” I promised. “I’ll see you in an hour or so.”

There was a knock at my door. I glanced around for something else to put on and then thought what the hell. It’s not like he hasn’t seen me dressed in less before. Rick handed me a steaming cup of coffee with plenty of cream and just a touch of sugar. “You remembered,” I said with a smile.

“Of course,” he replied. “How’d you sleep?”

“Great! The best sleep I’ve had in days,” I said sipping on the coffee.

“I’m making some breakfast,” he said. “Any requests?”

“Bacon,” I said suddenly starving, “I would love some bacon.”

“Wow,” he chuckled, “bacon gets you that excited. I may have to trade in my cologne for some bacon grease.” He leaned in to grab me around the waist.

This could get dangerous. I dodged him. “Not so fast,” I said. “I need to get ready to go to the hospital and you’re making breakfast. No one said anything about any other activities.”

He sighed and put his hands up. I grabbed my clothes and purse and headed for the bathroom. Once inside, I leaned against the door. Close one, I thought. I was feeling vulnerable, and horny. A bad combination. I glanced around the bathroom. Tiled floor, large glass shower, soaking tub. Sweet. “You’ve done an amazing job on this place,” I called.

“Thanks,” he said from the kitchen. “Been working on it nonstop since I got back.”

The two-bedroom, one-bath bungalow situated at the back of Rick’s parents' potato farm used to belong to the farm manager. When he retired, the Ellis’ hired a manager who already had a home, so the house sat vacant for a couple of years. I had never been inside before, but it had looked rustic and outdated from the outside.

I put my hair up in a ponytail and took a quick shower. I had enough toiletries in my purse to make me presentable. Too bad I was stuck wearing my clothes from last night. Stage-wear didn’t look so great the morning after. The black pants looked fine, but the gold blouse was done for. I put Rick’s flannel shirt back on and tied the tails in a knot at my waist. After a swipe of lip gloss and some eyeliner, I was ready to face another day in this wacky week. The smell of bacon wafted through the air as I walked down the short hallway to the combination great room and kitchen. A cheery fire blazed in the large, stone fireplace. The refinished hardwood floors and pine paneling made me feel like I was in a secluded mountain hideaway instead of four miles from Dover, Delaware.

“That smells wonderful,” I said leaning over the breakfast bar and trying to swipe a piece of bacon.

Rick swatted at my hand with the spatula. “Patience,” he said and poured me some more coffee.

“I love this place,” I said. “It is so beautiful.”

Rick beamed. “I’ve enjoyed working on it. It’s helped keep my mind off everything.” I watched Rick fry the bacon and plate up the eggs. His movements were efficient and graceful. He looked delicious with his wavy dark hair and day-old beard. I could definitely get used to watching him in the kitchen. I had a flash of him without his shirt on leaning over me in my sister’s van.

I was feeling a little flushed when he put a plate full of bacon and eggs in front of me. “You okay, Diana?” he asked with a twinkle in his eye. “You look a little feverish.”

Just getting hot over you, I wanted to say. But then, of course, I would have ended up flat on my back on one of the very comfy beds. I glanced over at the fireplace. Or maybe in front of . . . Reel it back in, Diana. “I’m fine. Just a little worn out from this week,” I said. I dug into my food. Bacon and eggs had never tasted so good.

He nodded in agreement, picking at his plate. “It’s been a strange week.” He met my eyes for a moment. “But I wouldn’t change a thing about it.”

I looked down. “When did you learn to cook?” I asked.

“Why did you change the subject?”

“Because you’re giving me that look,” I said.

“What look?”

“You know the one,” I said. I crammed in a few more bites of eggs.

He leaned back in his chair. “Are you referring to the ‘I’m so happy you’re back in my life’ look or the ‘I want to get you naked’ look? ‘Cause I think I was giving you both.”

I threw my napkin at him and got up to take my plate to the sink. He laughed and grabbed my elbow as I was walking by him. “If you want to talk about looks,” he whispered against my ear, “then how about that one you gave me when I was in the kitchen. I think I know which look that was.”

I pulled away and scraped my plate off in the trash and set it in the sink. “Okay, I admit I find you attractive. But that doesn’t mean we should just jump into bed together or jump back into a relationship again. There are reasons why we broke up twelve years ago.”

“Yeah, I was an asshole. I admit it. I didn’t realize how much of one until I saw you sing last night. Give me another chance now that I understand,” he said turning on the stool and grabbing my hands. He pulled me in close and tucked his legs around the back of me effectively trapping my body against his. His mouth covered mine and I moaned against his lips. He had always been a good kisser. Now he was damn amazing.

I pulled myself away. “This can’t happen,” I said breathlessly.

“Why not?” he whispered against my lips. His warm hands slipped inside the flannel shirt.

I moaned again. He pulled me closer. I was straddling his knees. He reached around and lifted me onto his lap. Face to face with all the good parts lined up just right. My legs involuntarily clinched around his waist. Our lips met again. His tongue penetrated my mouth and sent shivers through my body. He wrapped his arms around me and stood up. He carried me to the couch in front of the fireplace. STOP THIS, my brain shouted. NOT A CHANCE, my girlie parts shouted back.

“God, I want to be inside you,” he growled and nipped at my neck.

Something suddenly clicked. NO HICKIES, my brain shouted. “Stop,” I breathed. “I can’t.”

His lips were on mine again and he murmured, “Give me one good reason why.”

I blurted out, “Because I met someone else this week.”

His shocked expression was the only warning I got before he dropped me unceremoniously on the couch. “What the hell, Diana!” he shouted, pacing in front of the fireplace. “Who? When? Jesus Christ!” he shouted again and walked out the door in his bare feet.

I held my head in my hands. Why didn’t I just go to Ashley’s? This was all my fault. Rick was a wonderful person and I was just leading him on. I guess . . . but I was so attracted to him. And I could see a future with him. He was ready to settle down, my family loved him, and he had come a long way around to accepting my music career. Honestly, if Mark wasn't in the picture, I wouldn't be so conflicted. Or would I? I wanted to go forward with my life, not rehash an old relationship to try to make it palatable again. Argh!

I glanced out the window. Rick was working off some steam chopping wood. Still in bare feet. My phone started vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out and checked the number. Now? Really?

“Hi,” I said brightly. “How are things going there?”

“Why do you sound weird?” Mark asked.

“I don’t,” I said keeping one eye on Rick outside. “I mean, I’m not. I’m fine. Going over to see Granddaddy and then home. How’s Max doing?”

“Well,” Mark said hesitantly. “I’ve never had a dog before and Max’s communication skills are not so great.”

“What happened?” I asked.

“I took him for a walk, but I didn’t bring the scooper and bag. He pooped in Mrs. Kester’s flowers,” he said.

“Oh, no,” I winced. “You’ve got to clean it up. She’s going to freak!”

“I’m getting to that part,” he said. “So afterwards I came in to get the supplies and by the time I found everything Mrs. Kester had already found the poop.”

“Did she call the police?” I asked.

“No,” he said with a chuckle. "She, uh, decorated your car with it."

"What!" I shrieked.

"Calm down," he said. "I'm going to take it through the carwash before you get back."

"So she smeared dog poop all over my car?" I asked incredulously.

"Actually, she wrote I'm going to get you Diana and your little dog too!" he said trying to stifle another laugh.

Wow, that must’ve taken a lot of poop. "I think the old witch is actually crazy," I huffed.

"Well, I think you may have had something to do with that," he said adding, "Just a thought."

Good grief. Now I was in a war with the Wicked Witch of the East or was it West? I glanced up to see Rick walking towards the door with a load of wood.

Better wrap this up. "Well, thanks again. So much," I said. "I'm leaving to see Granddaddy in a couple of minutes and I should be home in the early afternoon. So is our date still on?" I asked as Rick struggled to open the front door.

Mark said, "That depends."

"On what," I replied.

"Any new hickies?" he asked.

"Nope," I said.

"Any activities that could have led to hickies?" he asked.

"Nope," I said crossing my fingers behind my back. Rick dropped a load of wood in front of the fireplace making a lot of racket.

"I take it he's in the room," Mark said dryly.


I heard some grumbling and then he said, "I may be a complete idiot, but let's do this. I'll see you this afternoon," he said and hung up.

I put my phone back in my pocket and looked up at Rick who was busy stacking wood and ignoring me. His feet were still bare and now were more than a little dirty.

"I'm going to take a shower," he announced and headed for the bathroom leaving a trail of footprints. I wiped up the footprints first and then I cleaned up the kitchen while he showered. I marveled at how neat and organized everything was. Nothing like my kitchen. I would love to have a beautiful organized kitchen like this, but it would be wasted on me.

Rick came out twenty minutes later looking like he was ready for a photo shoot. Shaved smooth and smelling fabulous. Wow, hard to believe I passed on that this morning. Maybe I would have made a good nun, I mused. He brushed by me and grabbed his coat. "Ready?" was all he said.

I wanted to leave this on better terms. But what could I say? Oh, gee, Rick, if I hadn't met this other complete stranger this week you might have had a chance of getting me naked on your couch this morning.

I decided to try. I put my hand on his arm. "I'm sorry," I said sincerely. "I am just as surprised as you are. I didn't expect this," I waved my hands ineffectively around and sputtered, "this situation. I haven't been on an actual date in almost six months. And in one week I've reunited with my sexy ex-boyfriend who appears to have matured a lot faster than I have," I said giving him a smile. "And I've met someone else who is completely new to my life and interesting and I'm attracted to that combination."

"Looks like you're in the catbird seat," he said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

Rick brushed my hair from my eyes, watching the sunlight catch the golden strands. He said softly, "You let me know when you figure out what you want. I'll be right here."

I sighed and pulled on my jacket. I didn't want to end this on a sad note. God, what a mess!

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