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Authors: Dante

Purgatorio (144 page)

BOOK: Purgatorio
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“This new Hollander translation deserves to sweep the field.…Robert and Jean Hollander, both practicing published poets, have produced an English text of remarkable poetic sensitivity while never traducing the original Italian or pretending to supplant Dante’s poem with one of their own. They have given us
The Inferno
in English, not a modern poetic medley on themes by Dante. And Robert Hollander has supplied precisely that kind of commentary the student or general reader needs—an economical and graceful edifice of explanatory notes resting firmly on a foundation, massive and deep, yet invisible and therefore not distracting to the reader’s eye, of the erudition of a lifetime’s study of the medieval Italian poets.”

—John Fleming, Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Princeton University


Crushed into Honey: Poems

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The Woman without a Shadow

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Dante’s Epistle to Cangrande

Boccaccio’s Dante and the Shaping Force of Satire

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The Dartmouth Dante Project (founder and director)

The Princeton Dante Project (founder and director)

BOOK: Purgatorio
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