Punishing The Slave Girl (8 page)

BOOK: Punishing The Slave Girl
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Vidar pulls out of my mouth and puts me on my back. Magnus, Ulf and Bjorn have all receded into the shadows of the bedroom, to watch their leader from afar. He comes at me again, his cock like a magnificent weapon destined to never lose it's power.

I try once more to struggle away, a little bit of fight left in me.

'I knew you weren't really a Queen', Vidar says, as he impales me on his cock. I feel it sliding up inside me, the full length of it more than I ever thought I'd be able to manage.

'Nothing but a whore', Vidar says as he begins to fuck me slowly, purposefully. 'Nothing but a slave girl.'

I moan at the sensation of it, the power of his manhood. His virility. It's overwhelming.

'Say it', Vidar insists.

'I'm a whore', I mutter, the words catching on my lips.

'More', Vidar says, his speed increasing. I feel him close to my heart, ready to explode out of my chest. Almost at my neck.

'I'm a slave girl', I stutter.

'Again', he orders. 'Louder.'

'I'm a slave girl', I say.

'Louder!' he commands, fucking me as fast as he can now.

'I'm a slave girl', I shout proudly, looking directly into his eyes.

'Fuck', he says, but it's already too late. I can already feel it coming for me. I feel it rip through the upper half of his body, kick out through his thighs in darting spasms he's barely able to control, and eventually explode out of him in great bubbling gushes of pleasure, filling my hole completely. It's so powerful and so relentless, I wonder if he's ever going to stop. His grunts are guttural and leave him in short controlled bursts like steam escaping from a boiling pan, his muscles sinewy and taut across his chest, his eyes wide and purposeful, as though this moment and this moment alone is the one he was put on this earth for,
pivotal event in a life otherwise devoid of them.

He growls and pulls me into him. 'Slave girl', he says again, the words measured and delivered with care. Perhaps even affection. My legs are wrapped around him, my ass off the ground and rested on his knees. My hands are spread out on the bed, trembling slightly. It is a long time before he stops convulsing. Before his body returns itself to normal.

When he is finally, fully spent, he unlocks my legs from around my back and pushes me into the bed.

'Ours', he says, smacking his chest with the flat of his palm. 'You belong to us now.'

'Yes', I say, exhausted. Racked with pleasure. Still feeling it buzzing through me.

'Magnus will be your warrior. When we leave, you will ride with him. Do you understand me?'

Our eyes find each other from across the room. Magnus smiles.

'Yes', I say to Vidar, while I nod to Magnus.
'I understand.'

'Good', Vidar says. 'Then we are done in here.'

I watch the men dress, words shared in their own language. When they are done, Vidar hammers a fist on the door to our chamber, ready to alert the guards. The doors open only a moment later. Something is said again in the language that I don't understand, and I see the guards smile towards me. Vidar, Ulf, Bjorn and Magnus file out into the corridor, Magnus the only one to look back towards me. I am about to ask them whether I should go with them, when the guards come into the room.

'Not you', one of them says, 'You stay right there.'

As they close in on me, gather me up in muscled arms and force me insistently back towards the bed, I see more Vikings collect by the now unguarded door, curious to see what's happening inside the King's chamber.

With their leader satisfied and a hierarchy of order respected, a long queue of horny Vikings begins to form at the end of my bed, each man eager to share the spoils, as word gets out of the former Queen now forced to work as a sex slave.

I lie back, close my eyes and take it like a champion.




About The Author


CHERA ZADE loves writing sexy, sordid stories that sizzle through history. And she's always working to give you more hot sex with hunky historical heroes that will satisfy your rough and riskiest cravings. From English to Farsi, Ancient Rome to the Orient, Chera's imagination gallops through the histories of humankind.
Having discovered a penchant for entertaining Saudi sheiks and Princes with her talented tongue, she became a favorite and much seen fixture at the Camel Races from Dubai to Karachi. Plus, she spins a mean yarn, just like her namesake!



Ravishing The Slave Girl (excerpt)


Darius is the first to reach me. He comes slowly, like a cat approaching wounded prey. He puts his hand on my ankle and shifts my leg slightly to the side. As he gets nearer, he runs his hand up the inside of my leg, inside my dress. It passes my knee and dances along my inner thigh. I hold my breath as I wait for it to test my sex. Darius pauses briefly, his fingers only a whisper away from the soft tissue of my pussy lips. I look up to him, my breath held and my stomach somersaulting knots. Darius smiles and removes his hand, lifting my dress high, so the other men are all able to see me. He smoothes the dress down between my legs, feeling the outline of my pussy momentarily, before he continues his assault, his huge hand sliding across my breasts and up towards my neck. He tilts my chin upwards so I can look him in the eyes.

I'm going to give you something to put in that pretty little mouth of yours', he says. 'Don't stop sucking it until I say so.'

Yes master', I say.

Benham is the next to peel off the pack. While Darius works to remove his loincloth, I see Benham settle himself on the bed between my legs. It isn't long before Cyrus joins in too. He moves to the right of me, and immediately begins to explore my form, his hands seemingly all over me at once. I don't know where to look. Benham is rolling up my dress carefully, while Cyrus seems to want to greedily tear the whole thing off me in one go.

Gently', Seth says while he watches, Kaveh stood alongside him. 'Prepare her for me. Don't ruin her.'

I watch Darius remove his loincloth. I've seen naked men in my village before, some even at the point of arousal, but none of them that looked anything like this. Darius's cock is almost twice the size of anything I've seen before, and thick enough at the base that I can't wrap my hand around it. Knelt next to me, he pulls my hand to his member, encouraging me to explore it.

You want to put on a good show?' Cyrus says, so desperate to release my tits he's looking for a way to tear the fabric. I turn to him momentarily, only to have Darius force my attention back to his cock. 'Show us you know what you are doing', Cyrus continues.

I want to ask 'how?', but common sense gets the better of me. This is my chance to prove I'm worth something and I know if I don't seize it I may not get another go.

Rip it', I say to Benham, while I hold Darius's cock at bay, and I eyeball an onlooking Seth.

Benham doesn't need to be told twice. With huge hands he takes a firm grip of the silk, and in seconds he turns it to rags.

Very good', Seth says, clapping excitedly. 'Much better.'

'You want me?' I ask the group, finally regaining the confidence that marked me out as a troublesome teen. 'Then you'll have to take me.'


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Also By Chera Zade
(my full catalogue is available



Brigette: Taken by Vikings
Conquered by Vikings
The Slave Queen
Ravished by the Vikings
Vinland Revelries: Taken by the Vikings

Vinland Revelries: Taken by Hill Vikings

Surrendered to the Vikings

The Vikings Conquered Bride

Corrupted by the Vikings

Vinland Revelries: Taken by the Vikings: The Hunt

Vinland Revelries: Taken by the Vikings: At Sea

Punished at the Pillory
Sacrificed for Spring
Servicing the King's Men
For the King's Pleasure
Paying the Price: Taken by Knights

Ravished by the King's Guard

Streched on the Rack

The King, the King, and I

Pounded by the Outlaws

Double Pleasure for the Knights

Lanced by Two Knights

Punished in the Iron Maiden

Beneath Two Lords

Spanked by the Master of the House

Debauched by the Baron

One Night with the King

Ravaged at the Fortress

Snatched by the Prince & His Men

Taken by Bandits



The British are Coming

All the King's Men

Ravished by Redcoats


Classical World

Given to the Gladiators
Reward for the Gladiators
The Handmaiden: Taken by the Gladiators
Claudia: Plundered by Praetorians

Claimed by Caligula

The Heiress: Taken by the Gladiators

The Socialite: Taken by the Gladiators

Gifted to the Gladiators

Pounded in Pompeii

Plaything of the Gods


Prehistoric World

Corrupted by Cavemen

Arabian Nights
Stuffed by the Sheik's Caravan

Stuffed by the Sheik's Caravan: Part 2

Stuffed by Thieves



Lady is a Wench

Pummeled by Pirates

Pounded by Pirates

Plundered by Pirates

Jailed & Nailed: Plundered by Pirates 2



Medieval Group Punishment Bundle

First Night: Medieval Erotica Bundle

American Vikings Bundle


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BOOK: Punishing The Slave Girl
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