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Authors: Ellen March

Promises (10 page)

BOOK: Promises
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he sat opposite Max and waited to hear the ulterior motive for his visit. She knew her brother well. There had to be a good reason for him to take time out of his hectic schedule. And it wasn’t passing the time of day over a drink. Squinting at the sun that glared into her eyes, she picked up her sunglasses and slipped them over her eyes.

Val wants you to be maid of honour,” He said in a rush. Before she had a chance to refuse, he continued, “I know you don’t like being the centre of attention, but for once, please try and have some confidence in yourself. You can do it, I know you can.”

he was already shaking her head. “No. Sorry, Max, but I really don’t want to.”

, Lexi?” He deliberately used her pet name. “For me? I’ve never asked you for anything, just this one little thing.” His eyes begged her to give in. “You know that Val doesn’t have any family, and her friend Di just broke her leg and can’t walk down the aisle.” He paused, studying her. “Plus, you know that Fiona is running this wedding and has planted the seed. You’ve got to be maid of honour and she won’t take no for an answer.” He took her hand, linking his fingers with hers. “It means so much to Val, to both of us. It will be the icing on the cake.”

, I don’t see how I can. I mean, it’s next month.” With relief, she pulled her trump card. “You’ll never get a dress made in time.” She couldn’t buy clothes off the rack. Her chest was at odds with the rest of her body and anything that claimed to be “fitted” did not fit her.

I’ve already had a word with the dressmaker. They know it would be a rush job. So the answer is yes?” He leaned forward on the chair, his whole body urging her on, trying to tip her over.

“You owe me big time for this
.” She took a shaky breath. “Okay, I’ll do it.”

Max leapt to his feet and pulled her into a
crushing bear hug. “I love you, Lexi!”

Solomon walked out into the garden
at that precise moment, his actions stiff and jerky. He’d decided not to head down to the shops after all, and now he was doubly glad. A muscle ticked along his rigid jaw and he rolled his shoulders, flexing his muscles. “Aren’t you going to introduce us?” he asked. He pinned Alex with an icy glare.

“This is Max
.” Remembering the scene with Tanya, she decided to omit any explanations of the relationship.
Let him sweat,
she thought.

Her brother turned to
greet the tall man, who appeared to be staring at him with pure hatred.

Max has called in to discuss the wedding.” She smiled up at her brother and linked an arm through his, thoroughly enjoying herself. However, she paled when Sol took a step forward, his fists clenched and balled.

,” he growled. His pupils glowed black and he swung his heated gaze from one to the other.

is getting married next month.” She emphasized the word
, deciding to put Sol out of his misery. The harshness of his expression made her uncomfortable, and his soft eyes snapped with unrestrained fury.

closed his eyes briefly and his body relaxed. Grinning sheepishly, he held his hand out.

Nice to meet you.” Glancing towards Alex, his dark gaze promised retribution.

* * *

With a worried sigh, Alex waved her brother off and wondered how the hell he’d coaxed her to be maid of honour. The prospect made her feel physically sick. With everyone’s eyes on her she’d end up a shaking leaf and spoil the day. She wandered back to the patio and slumped down dejectedly in her chair.

“What’s up?” asked S
ol, stepping over the wall and sitting beside her.

, this flaming wedding. I’ve just agreed to be maid of honour!” She shook her head, twisting her fingers together.

? Most women I know would love the chance.”

, I don’t like people looking at me,” she tried to explain. “I don’t feel comfortable with the attention.” The words trailed away. She didn’t want to elaborate or she’d end up in floods of tears, feeling sorry for herself. It was a fear she’d always had—one that, no matter how hard she tried, she hadn’t been able to conquer.

stared at her as if she’d said she was contemplating flying to the moon. Taking her by the hands, he pulled her over to stand in front of him. “Are you serious?” he asked.

“Of course I am
!” She was glad she still had her shades on because she felt a treacherous chain of tears forming.

“Hey, I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met in my life
.” Gently removing her sunglasses, he saw the glittering tears trickle down her pale cheeks. He wiped them softly away with his thumb. “What are these for?”

“I’m just being stupid
.” She moved to turn away, not wanting him to see her weakness, but he held her close.

“You’re not stupid.
You’re a sexy, beautiful woman who I want to make mad passionate love to.” He smiled in encouragement.

“You don’t need to lie to get me into bed
.” The statement and his sweet words brought an idea to mind. “Come on, and no wisecracks about the state of my bedroom.”

, I wouldn’t dare.” Her tiny hand nestled in his and he gave it a small squeeze. “And trust me, Alex, I’m not lying.”

, you are, but it’s sweet of you,” she insisted, shrieking when he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. His palm hit her backside with a loud thwack.

“And that’s for leading me on back there
!” Laughter rolled over him as he took the stairs two at time and kicked the door to the bedroom open.

, were you jealous?” Her breath left her in a whoosh when he tossed her onto the bed.

gazed down at her and grinned. “Nah, of course not. Why would you think that?” He couldn’t help but notice that her breasts juddered enticingly.

h, whatever. It serves you right after flirting with Tanya.” She lay back and winced. Digging a hand beneath her, she pulled out her vibrator.

“I wasn’t flirting, I was being hunted
!” He pulled his T-shirt over his head then raised his eyebrows when he saw what she held. “And you won’t be needing that tonight.” He took the pink monster and tossed it on the floor.

!” She leaned back on her elbows, unzipped his jeans and slid them down. He wore nothing beneath, and she feasted her eyes on him, unconsciously licking her lips with anticipation.

“Stop looking at me like that
,” he warned. The bed dipped where he joined her, and he tugged at her clothes till she was naked. He propped himself up on one elbow and examined the length of her, shaking his head. “You’re perfection personified.”

reached out to cup his chin. Her thumb edged along his shaded bristle, loving the coarse texture. Taking his hand, she kissed his knuckles one by one before placing his palm on her breast. She coaxed it in a circling motion, her small hand covering his larger one. All the while, she looked into his eyes, closing them only when she felt the gentle squeeze of his hand. His head dipped to suckle her and he flicked his tongue across her nipple. She urged him on by grasping the back of his head, relishing the silky texture of his hair.

Solomon groaned
at the feel of her hand spinning down his chest. It trailed in a languid, seductive walk over his stomach, seeking his heavy erection. Caressing him, she slid her hand sensuously up and down, her actions coming faster. He stilled her hand and sat up against the headboard, pulling her on top of him before crossing his arms behind his head.

gave him a quizzical look.

“You want to be in charge tonight
,” he explained. “I thought I’d leave this up to you.”

Accepting his challenge
, Alex ogled him as she sat astride his body. She glanced down at his impressive erection and hovered temptingly over him, just short of touching, and measured the play of emotions that flitted across his face. Since he’d put her in charge, she knew damn well the route she wanted to follow.

liding in slowly and teasing her way down his body, she trailed a row of tiny pressure spot kisses across his chest and stomach. Daring to sneak a glance, she met Sol’s eyes, which burned with hot passion. In a sweet, unhurried shimmy, she ran her hand down his length. Her tongue licked and flicked across his cock, teasing, tantalizing, running back up to circle crazily around his eye.

he heard his gasp, felt his hands on her head pushing her down. Alex welcomed him thrusting into her mouth. She took him deep, her hands gripping his hips tight as he pushed into her. Shaking her head when he tugged at her, she continued her assault, wanting him to come in her mouth. She wanted to experience what she’d read about. Needing to taste him again, she heard him grumble out loud as he shuddered into her. His spunk spurted hot and urgent, coating her tongue. His hand continued to stroke her hair during his final short thrusts. At last she looked up, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

“You taste good
, Sol.” She smiled up at his shocked face.

Solomon stared down at her.
He opened his mouth to speak, yet nothing came out. His dark gaze sparked over her. Instead, he slid his arms around her and pulled her up against his chest. Alex screeched when he flipped her over onto her back.

“You don’t know how glad I am you like oral
,” he breathed, his tongue tracing the lines of her lips. He pushed her mouth open, thrusting inside. “Now it’s my turn.” Moving against her throat, slaking and nipping, he felt her smile.

skimmed along her body, stopping to suckle her nipples, unable to pass ‘go’ without touching, and softly kneaded her breast. He skated with slow precision, his tongue creating luscious patterns on her belly. Flicking into the dip of her stomach, he let his hands trace a path over her hips and across her thighs. He grinned when her legs opened wide. “Wanton bitch,” he muttered against the softness of her skin.

Alex laughed, her hands
brushing through his hair, coaxing him on. Her stomach curled with delight when she felt his lips tickle and suckle against the inside of her thigh. His tongue slid across her crease, washing against her lips. He nipped and sucked her clitoris, his fingers rhythmically pushing inside. Slowly he drew them out.

Sol looked up at her
and, meeting her gaze, he leisurely dipped a finger into his mouth, savouring her, tasting her, before lowering his head once more. He held her head tight in his hands as she arched into him, thrusting against his mouth. He nibbled and laved her clit till she was rocking against him furiously. Finally shuddering and whimpering aloud, she let her hands fall limply to the side, her breathing laboured.

“Oh Sol, what the hell did you just do to me?” she gasped

“Honey, I’m beginning to wonder myself,
but rather what you’re doing to me.” Sliding up to join her, he held her close, fiercely kissing her open mouth. He thrust his tongue inside, invading her.

Alex could feel
him hardening once more.

he was more than ready for another round. Straddling his hips, she slowly sunk down, taking him deep inside her, inch by delectable inch, loving the way he closed his eyes as if in pain, until finally she was full. Curving her back, she began to rock against him. A band wound around her. It was his arms, holding her tight. Bending his head, he slicked his tongue across her breasts in one long, pleasurable lick. She shivered, her stomach experiencing the strangest of scrunching. Placing her hands on his shoulders, Alex welcomed the ache that spiralled down inside, moving up at a rapid speed as she rubbed herself against him. Responding to his plunging thrusts, she felt perspiration moisten her body. Throwing her head back, she whimpered and groaned. Her body fell apart, crashing and splintering into a million shards.

my God!” She leaned against him, enjoying the possessive play of his hand on her back.

“You can say that again
!” Sol sighed raggedly. Far from satisfied, he was developing such a hunger for her that he began to wonder if he’d ever have enough.



lex rolled over and flung her arm out. Feeling it connect with a mass of solid flesh, she forced her eyes to open and found herself staring straight into Sol’s handsome face.

,” she mumbled sleepily, wondering what time they’d managed to fall asleep. It felt as if she’d only just closed her eyes. Yawning, she snuggled into the crook of his arm. She rested her head on his chest, comfortably dozing and enjoying the touch of his hands soothing her shoulder. “What’s the time?” she asked, unwilling to move.

“Don’t know
, don’t care.” He lay on his back, his arm loosely draped around Alex’s shoulder, his fingers rotating in soft, twirling circles. He nuzzled her head, planted a soft kiss, then wrinkled his nose as her hair teased his cheek. He sucked in the musky scent of sex that hovered over them both.

,” she agreed with a slight nod of her head. Then the distinct sound of a door slamming echoed throughout the house. Their peace and quiet came to an abrupt halt at the sound of her mother’s voice.

, where on earth are you?” The high-pitched whine reverberated around the house. “I hope you’re not still in bed. The day’s half over!”

Alex’s eyes flew ope
n. “Oh my God, please say it isn’t her!” She sat bolt upright, almost hitting Sol in the face.

He felt the void where she’d been nestled against him.

“My mother!”
groaned Alex, holding a hand to her forehead.

“So, you’re past the age of consent
.” He admired her curves as she flung the quilt back and clambered over the clothes littering the floor.

, trust me, she’ll take one look at you and decide you’re father material!” Trying to find something to wear, Alex bent over, her peach-shaped ass tempting him. It was stuck high in the air as she rummaged through the clothes that covered the floor. Her heavy breasts hung down as though begging to be contained. Clearly she was oblivious to his melting gaze.

The words suddenly registered.

material?” His head jerked up in horror.

, see? I’ve got your attention now.” She slipped a loose, plain baggy T-shirt on, not bothering to rummage for a bra. “My mother is obsessed with my reproductive system.”

, I’ve got to agree there.” Solomon leaned back against the pillow.

She shook
her head in disbelief, a small smile curving her lips. “Well, she wants grandchildren, and that means I have to get pregnant. And trust me, who or what doesn’t come into it as long as the result is a baby.”

“Oh, I see.
Well, why not tell her you don’t want children?” He scrubbed a hand across his eyes, trying to work out what the problem was.

It’s not that. It’s the
I can’t do.” She hopped around the room, pulling a sandal on. Her head shot up in horror as the door flew open.

“Alexandra, what on earth?
” Fiona’s attention turned first to her daughter then to the good looking stranger in her bed, a sheet covering his obviously naked state. Alex’s face glowed, a deep red heat radiating off her cheeks.

, you could have knocked first!” She shut her eyes and waited for Fiona to embarrass her.

“What for
? I’ve never known you to have company before.” She smiled with approval at Solomon.

Sol asked, glancing at Alex with a lecherous leer.

He b
riefly took the short, dark-haired woman’s measure.

fixed her sharp hazel eyes on him and moistened her thin red lips. Her hand came up to pat her immaculately cut bob. It was an interesting blend of browns due to her bottle fetishes. Each time she dyed her hair it refused to come out the same colour.

“Come on, I’l
l make you a cup of tea,” Alex said, pushing her mother towards the door.

“Two sugars please
, honey,” Sol said. “I’ll be down as soon as I’m decent.” He laughed at the murderous look she threw him.

* * *

Fiona sat at the breakfast bar in the small kitchen. “You didn’t tell me you were seeing someone,” she said.

“I’m not.
We’re just friends.” Alex filled the kettle and pulled three mugs down. She knew damn well that Sol would stay to witness her discomfort.

Fiona raised an eyebrow.
Just the one. It was an art she’d perfected over the years. “Very friendly, I’d say. Where did you meet?” She settled in for the interrogation.

“He’s my new neighbour
.” Alex handed her a mug, sensing at once when Sol’s large body appeared. She turned, relieved to see him fully dressed for once. “I was just explaining how we met.”

“Really?” he choked

“Yes, when you moved here
?” She stressed the words and gave him a pointed look.

It’s nice to see that my daughter has got a boyfriend at long last,” said Fiona. Slowly, her gaze followed him from the top of his dark head all the way down to his shoeless feet. Liking what she saw, she patted her hair.

“Sol isn’t my boyfriend
!” corrected Alex with determination, grinding her teeth. She knew her mother wasn’t going to give in. She was like a dog with a bloody bone.

“You youngsters probably call it another name now, but ok
ay, ‘dating’ then.”

“We’re not dating
.” And, she thought, that much was true. Dating implied doing things together, like the cinema or eating out, not eating in, literally. Thinking about what he’d done with his mouth, and how, she felt a shudder rack her body.

, whatever you want to call it, I approve.” Fiona turned and looked up at the dark-haired man. “My daughter hasn’t got any manners. I’m Fiona, her mother, and you are?”

. My friends call me Sol.” He melted her with a smile.

“You don’t know what it means
to me to see Alexandra with a man friend.” She cast a quick glance at her daughter, daring her to say anything. “She’s been living here for over six months with no date in sight. I really don’t know why she’s so fussy.”

!” warned Alex, her face flaming with embarrassment. This was way too much information.

“I mean
, she’s not getting any younger. And, as far as looks go, well ….” Fiona gave her a sympathetic look.

’s eyes darkened and his voice sharpened. “There’s not a thing I’d change about Alex.” He raised his hand to gently touch her shoulder. “She’s perfect for me.” He flashed Alex a wicked grin.

“Can we stop talking about me
as if I’m not here?” said Alex, grinding her teeth and wondering what her mother really wanted.

“I hear
you’re refusing to be maid of honour,” Fiona said, moving onto the next argument with a noticeable glare.

Alex realized
her mother wasn’t aware of her brother’s visit. “Actually, I’ve changed my mind.”

“You have?
Well, about time!” She turned to Solomon. “We should invite your new man. That is, if you’re not doing anything then?”

Don’t be silly, of course he is. Aren’t you?” She shot Solomon a desperate glance, then added as an after-thought, “And he’s not my man!”

gave Fiona a sunny smile. “I’d love to come.”

“You don’t know the date yet
.” Alexandra glared, daring him to change his mind. No way did she want him invading her family event.

“Next month, well
, actually, two weeks time,” Fiona said as she flipped through her diary.

“Count me in
.” Finishing his tea, Sol put his mug down. “Guess I’d better get going.”

“What are you doing for lunch
?” asked Fiona out of the blue.

Solomon shrugged his shoulders
. “Nothing, why?”

“Leave Sol alone
,” warned Alex.

, I thought you could join us. We can get to know each other, now that you’re joining the family.”

was experiencing a serious coughing fit. She winced as Sol slapped her on the back, nearly knocking her off her feet. “Okay, okay, take it easy!” she snapped, her eyes watering, convinced she’d have a bruise.

, honey, I didn’t mean to hit you so hard.” His wicked chuckle echoed around the small room.

We’ll see you in, say, an hour’s time?” Fiona smiled as she glanced between her daughter and the tall man. Her eyes dropped down to his crotch and widened in approval at the size of his clearly defined package.

Sol nodded
as he pulled a surprised Alex in close. Wrapping his arms around her, he seared her with his lips, feeling her hands automatically snag around his neck.

to hold you till later,” he whispered with a wink, catching a brief glimpse of Fiona’s shocked face.

* * *

Solomon soon realized Fiona’s driving was abysmal, which was probably why he was in the passenger seat and Alex was hiding in the back. Gripping the door handle, he swore that he’d never get in a car with her again. He wondered how the hell she managed to get anywhere in one piece.

here are you taking us?” asked Alex. She’d had just enough time to shower and change before Solomon had returned.

Solomon grinned
. He was keen to see something of the area and wasn’t averse to getting a free meal. He also wanted to discover how much of a bitch her mother really was, to witness her behaviour first hand. So far he’d only heard about her. He’d already taken an intense dislike to her because of the way she treated Alex.

“The Corner
. I called in on the way back the last time I was down. Very nice, too.” She swung the motor into the large parking area awash with cars and slammed on the brakes.

, never been here before,” said Alex. “I haven’t been anywhere much since moving here.”

tepping out of the car, Alex stood and stretched. She wasn’t big but there wasn’t much room in the back.

Solomon looked
on, wishing she wouldn’t arch her back like that. He noticed another man admiring her assets and shot him a glare. While he was here she was strictly off limits to any other male, he decided with a wave of arrogance. Moving close to her side, he looped an arm around her small waist.

Come on, you two love birds,” scolded Fiona, bringing up the rear. Her lips formed a secret smile.

ex sneaked a sidelong peep at Sol.

is black T-shirt was moulded to his body, and the pale jeans he wore clung to heavily muscled thighs. Sol strolled alongside her, seemingly oblivious to the excitement he was generating. His attention was focused on Alex, while his hand rested on the small of her back. He linked his fingers through hers, glancing down before giving them a reassuring squeeze.

What will you have to eat?” Fiona asked, giving the menu a brief glance. She was a creature of habit. “I’m going for the trout.”

“Think I’ll have the plaice
,” said Alex. “Sorry, I can’t do with eating something that’s looking back at me!”

Solomon burst out laughing until
he caught her glare. “Okay,” he said seriously, “I think I’ll opt for the steak. Got to keep my strength up!” He wished Alex had worn a different top. It was far too low, clinging with the tenacity of a barnacle to her skin. He squinted and noticed how the dark nubs of her nipples prodded against the thin material. He just prayed she wouldn’t fall out. For someone who didn’t like attention, she surely dressed for it, he thought, strangely irritated. He wasn’t happy with the attention she was attracting, even though it was obvious she had no idea. He knew he was being unreasonable and acting totally out of character.

,” said Fiona, addressing them both. She rested her chin on her raised hands. “What type of contraception are you using?”

Solomon choked on his
drink. He couldn’t believe the question she’d just asked. Alex had shut her eyes in despair.

, it’s none of your business,” she said, wishing not for the first time that she could have a sex life without it being analysed and torn apart. Which was why she was committed only to ‘Roger’ and her sexy books.

really don’t see why you bother. I mean, condoms? Well, it’s like wearing your best stilettos with your socks on. Don’t you agree?” She fixed her gaze upon the potential father of her grandchild.

“I don’t know.
Never worn stilettos, with or without socks,” he countered, unable to believe her audacity. Alex had warned him, or had tried to, but this woman was something else.

BOOK: Promises
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