Read Promise of Paradise Online

Authors: Tianna Xander

Tags: #Adult, #Erotic Romance, #Paranormal, #Shapeshifter, #Menage

Promise of Paradise (6 page)

BOOK: Promise of Paradise
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He left her sitting on one of the cushioned stools. Nadya couldn’t help but stare at the man’s dream. What must it be like to see one’s dreams forming in reality? Just looking at the inside of what she knew to be his dream, Nadya felt she knew a little more about Luc and Gabriel.

It was obvious they were old souls. Just looking at the old style of the store told her that much. They were gentlemen. Neither of the two men had been anything but gentlemen since they’d met, damn it.

She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. What could she do to convince him that she was attracted, that she wanted him to make love with her, even if it was just for one night?

One thing was certain, it wouldn’t be forever. Nadya was grown up enough to realize that men just didn’t fall in love at first sight and hot guys like Luc and Gabe didn’t fall in love with frumpy forty-something women at the drop of a hat. Still, she wondered what he would do if he came back into this room and found her on the bar just waiting for him?


Chapter Twelve



Luc searched the store but found nothing. He’d been certain he had smelled something when he was outside. Now, all he could think about was the fact that Nadya liked the store. He could tell by the look in her eyes that she’d been impressed with the way they’d put it together.

That alone was a turn-on. Now, just thinking about her sitting next to the long bar, its gleaming wood beckoning him to throw her on the top and make her his in every possible way. He knew that Gabe wouldn’t mind if he was the first to make love with their mate. They had spoken about this very thing a multitude of times over the years. All that mattered to either of them was that they were able to make her theirs.

His cock hardened behind his zipper just thinking about what he wanted to do. He wouldn’t, of course. It was too soon. He needed to give her time to get to know them before he jumped her like some hormone-driven adolescent. Still, the thought
a tempting one.

He’d just stepped out from the stairwell that led to their second floor living quarters when a noise caught his attention and he looked up to see Nadya laying on top of the bar—naked.

His mouth went dry. His cock jumped behind his zipper as though trying to force its way out through the thick denim covering it. His gut clenched at the sight of his beautiful mate spread out on the bar, looking like a succulent buffet.

Time slowed as he approached her. It was as though he, and everything around him, moved in slow motion as he watched her push her long hair back, exposing the full curve of her breast with its berry red nipple peeking out at him.

Slowly, he took in every delicious inch of her curvy body from the top of her beautiful head to her feet, pausing, of course, at certain points of interest in between.

He licked his lips, his tongue tasting her as he breathed in her sweet scent. This was what he’d dreamed about over the past week. This was what he wanted more than life itself. A mate, their mate lying in wait for his possession.

“You’re awfully quiet.”

Luc could hear the reservation in her voice. He could smell her fear, her hesitation. She was afraid that he would reject her. Silly woman. Didn’t she know that she was everything he had ever dreamed of having?

“I’m just staring in awe at female perfection.”

“Yeah, right.” She started to cover herself, no doubt thinking that he made fun of her.

“Don’t!” Luc held out his hand. “Don’t cover yourself now that you’ve let me see all of your beauty.” He took a deep breath as he finally drew close enough to touch her. “Gods, you’re beautiful.” He took in her full breasts, her rounded middle and her wide hips. She had thighs made for riding a man and he had every intention of settling between those thighs and taking them both to another kind of paradise.

“Do you really think so?” She looked worried, as though she expected him to think she looked anything but gorgeous to him.

“Yes. I think so and Gabe will, too.”

“Gabe!” She started to sit up. “He’s not here, too, is he?”

“No.” Luc chuckled. “It’s just you and me, darlin’.” He leaned down, pressed a small kiss against her forehead and cupped one perfect breast in his hand. He brushed the hardening nipple with his thumb as he kissed her eyes and her cheeks before finally settling his lips over her mouth.

If he’d thought he’d lived in Paradise before, he’d been wrong. Paradise was the woman in his arms, mewling her pleasure as his hands skimmed over her silky flesh.

“Make love to me, Luc. I won’t expect anything past tonight, I promise. I just want…I

“What if
want something past tonight?” he asked as he rested his forehead against hers. His breath came in harsh gasps. Never had a woman affected him the way this woman had just by existing.

He wanted to strip himself bare and take her here and now, but he had to wait. He had to know that she would at least consider accepting them as her mates. Otherwise, they would only subject her to the pain and suffering of the
el calor
—if what had happened in the elevator hadn’t already done so.

“I could only dream that you would want something more than a one night stand.” She laughed. “But I’ve always been realistic and I know that you have the rest of your life ahead of you. What would you want with a woman who is fast passing her prime?”

“I want to love you, to
love with you. To share you with my triad mate, Gabe, and make children with you.”

“What are you talking about?” She tried to sit up, but he had her pinned, just where he wanted her. He leaned over her, his chest pressed against her breasts, his breath fanning her ear.

“I’m talking about forever.” He shrugged. “Well…as close to forever as anyone gets, I suppose. I’m talking about a mating bond between the three of us. It’s the way we do things here.”

He stared deep into her startled violet eyes. “That is what I want. It’s what Gabe wants, as well. We want the right to love you, to protect you and to give you children. Will you give us that right?”

Nadya stared at him, her beautiful eyes wide. She blinked once, twice, and then licked her lips. Reaching up, she twisted a lock of her dark hair and he wanted to smile at her little nervous gesture, but didn’t.

Here she was, lying naked on his brand new bar and she wasn’t worried about her nudity, but rather, she worried about the fact that he wanted her for more than one night.

He’d just begun to hope that she would say yes, when her brows drew down and she grew stiff in his arms. “I don’t believe this crap.”


Chapter Thirteen



What kind of stupid woman did he think she was? Why did he insist on playing this game and saying that he wanted her for more than just sex for a night or two? She’d already said she was willing. Why didn’t he take her up on her offer?

She stifled a sob when she realized that this was his way of turning her down. He didn’t really want her, which was why he insisted that he did. It made a weird sort of sense, if she thought about it.

“I don’t know why you can’t just say you want nothing more than one night. I already told you that I understand that a man like you wouldn’t want to be stuck with someone like me. After all, how many movie stars do you see dating fat or homely women? It’s not as though some of them haven’t been attracted to big beautiful women. I’m sure they have, only the damned media won’t leave them alone about the frumpy, dumpy woman they’ve been dating. Like it’s anyone’s damned business who they fall in love with.”

She had been ready to put her clothes back on and leave, but then a mean streak she didn’t realize she had, raised its head and she smiled. “Okay. You say you and Gabe want more than one night. You say that you want me forever. Put your money where your mouth is, sugar, and prove it.”

“Then you’ll stay?”

He looked so damned hopeful, Nadya almost believed it was what he really wanted. Besides, she gave a mental shrug. If it
was what they wanted, all the better for her. She could think of a lot worse things than falling in love with two gorgeous shifters who thought she was the best thing that had ever happen to them.

“Sure. Why not?” she replied, calling his bluff. “I can think of a lot of worse things that I could do than living with two hot guys who insist I’m the most beautiful woman they’ve ever seen.”

“You won’t regret it,” he said as he started stripping his clothes off, revealing one of the hardest, beautiful male bodies that she’d ever seen. “I promise you won’t regret a minute of it.”

Her mouth dried as he unzipped his jeans and his large cock sprang free. He slid his pants down over his hard-muscled thighs, bent and pulled his boots off before stepping out of his pants. When he finally stood before her in all of his naked glory, Nadya came to realize that he’d been serious.

He wanted her forever. Gabe wanted her forever. Together, they both wanted her to stay and make a life with them. Just like her friends Milla and Alexa, she had two men who wanted her to live with them and effectively be wife to both of them.

Her face heated as she thought about what all of that meant. It meant making love with them both—at the very least, one at a time. What if they wanted to make love with her at the same time, could she do it?
she do it?

“Tell me you haven’t changed your mind, darlin’.” Luc breathed the words against her ear.

“No.” Nadya shook her head. “I haven’t changed my mind.” She wanted this. She wanted him, even if it was for only one night. All of their tomorrows would take care of themselves. “I want you. Now.”

Reaching up, she pulled his head down to hers. Their lips met in a heated kiss. Luc skimmed his hands over her body, heating her flesh, despite the cool air in the room. Her nipples stiffened to hard, almost painful points. Nadya sucked in a deep breath when his mouth covered one hard bud, drawing it into the moist warmth. His tongue lapped over her sensitive flesh as she moaned and writhed beneath him.

One strong hand slid down her torso to the junction of her thighs. His fingers slipped through her slick folds. Her body hummed, blossoming with every stroke of his fingers against her flesh.

The attraction and sexual tension between them was different—something new. It was stronger than anything she’d ever felt before. What if there was something to this thing the others told her about? What if there was such a thing as a pre-destined mate and she was a mate to both Luc and Gabriel?

Her body hummed with need and she couldn’t wait for him to drive his cock deep inside her over and over until she screamed. Being near the two handsome studs made her horny beyond belief and, though it made her feel like a dirty old woman, she wanted them both with a flood of carnal sensations that shocked her.

Cool air kissed her skin when he pulled away and stared down at her. The expression in his eyes was so intense, goose bumps covered every inch of her body. He wanted her. He
wanted her. It was obvious to her now.

His pupils were dilated. His eyes hooded and glassy, proved his arousal. “You’re so beautiful.” Reaching out, he brushed her shoulder, his hand sliding down over her breast, down her torso to her sex. “I can’t believe we found you.” His eyes darkened, his arousal obviously growing. “You have no idea how long we have waited to find you.”

“Later.” Leaning up on her elbow, she cupped his cheek. “You and Gabriel can tell me about it later.” Nadya smiled. “Right now, I have other things in mind.”

She did, too. Not once in the last ten years had she felt this way about another human being. Now she felt it for two. Hell, she was almost certain Luc could make her come with his kisses, alone.

Luc grinned, raised a brow and gave her a slight bow. “At your service, my lady.” Walking to the end of the bar, he grasped her thighs in strong hands and pulled her toward him, until her butt rested on the edge, her legs dangling off the end. “But first, I’m going to rock your world.”


Chapter Fourteen



Luc stared at his mate’s startled expression. Her feet rested on the end of the bar, her knees parted just enough to see her beautiful face and astonishingly violet eyes between her legs.

“Um…I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why not?” He waggled his brows with a grin. “You smell delicious and I can’t wait to taste you.” She looked nervous. He couldn’t imagine why. Didn’t everyone love oral sex?

Shifting his gaze, he stared at the creamy skin of her labia peeking out from between her legs. “You wax.” He smiled, meeting her gaze. “I like it.”

She shifted, pressing her legs together. Gently, Luc reached out and cupped Nadya’s rear in his hands, lifting her toward him. Leaning forward, he took a deep breath.

Nadya smelled wonderful, that much was true. He couldn’t get enough of her sweet scent. If they lived a thousand lifetimes together, he didn’t think he would ever get enough of it, of her. She was their mate and he thanked every god he could remember for finally bringing her into his life.

Slowly, he leaned closer, gently pressing her legs apart. Once again, taking in her sweet scent with a deep inhalation, he slowly swiped his tongue over Nadya’s slick flesh.

Shifting in his hands, she groaned. “Don’t do this, Luc. I’m not ready.” Her legs parted more with no encouragement from him. Her movement belayed her last request. She might think she wasn’t ready, but her body told him otherwise.

“Why do you wish me to stop?” He gave her one long lick from bottom to top, pausing at her clit to pull it into his mouth, sucking it lightly.

Nadya bucked, her body going rigid. She groaned, her head thrashing against the hard wood of the bar.

“That doesn’t look like you
want me to stop.” He flicked her clit with his tongue. “You don’t want me to stop, do you?” He sucked her clit into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue as he continued to suck it lightly.

Slowly letting her succulent flesh slide from his lips, he looked at her. She was gorgeous with her head thrown back, her chest laboring to draw air into her lungs, her entire body quivering with the need to come. “Tell me to stop and I will.”

BOOK: Promise of Paradise
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