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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

Private Pleasures (4 page)

BOOK: Private Pleasures
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Andy oiled his hands again, but this time worked on my toes, rubbing each one individually. He moved over my instep and finally across my calves and thighs. He stopped and poured more oil onto his hands, letting it drip off his fingers before massaging it into my folds, making sure he didn’t miss any of the little crevices. He circled my clit. I let out a sigh.

I raised my hands above me, feeling the oil and my cream marry. He parted my pussy lips, slipping an oily finger inside me, taking me by surprise and making me come.

“Slow down, Natasha. Enjoy.”

He finger fucked me, and I closed my eyes. I tried to make it last, but I’ve always liked the reward better than the build-up. I came again, this time squeezing his finger between my pussy walls.

“Turn over,” he requested after pulling out of me.

I flipped onto my belly, resting my face on the oval padding and looking downward at a TV screen showing a man and a woman fucking. I was so involved in watching that I almost didn’t feel his hands sliding over my ass until he spanked me.

It hurt at first, stinging, burning as he hit me again. However, I soon relaxed and got used to the pain. I watched the couple in the movie and the discomfort turned to pleasure when I found myself coming each time his hand made contact with my skin.

I shook, the table shook, and then he fingered the rim of my anus, tickling it and causing me to come over and over again.

I was falling, spinning, and the room grew lighter, and I found myself tethered to a bed with a canopy above it. Two men lay on either side of me. They were naked, and touched me, sliding their hands slowly and then quickly, parting my legs and touching me until I cried out.

One of the men slid his cock into me, thrust into me for a few minutes and then the other man took his place. He did the same until both took turns with me until I found myself falling into what felt like red velvet touching my body. It tickled me, and as I cried out, enjoying my release, I realized I’d let go of the lever and my session was over.

My heart raced. Todd stood on the other side of the glass. He smiled and walked into the chamber.

“I take it you just visited the sensory room,” he said.

I lifted off the machine, feeling relaxed and very stimulated. “The best part so far,” I said.

“Just wait to see what’s in store for you tomorrow.”

Chapter Eight


Every day had become an adventure, and I wondered if in the end, and if the Earth didn’t right itself, that perhaps people would live their entire lives through virtual reality to escape the drudgery and fear.

I found myself back on the island during the following day’s session. The drapes billowed outward from my room. I walked out onto the patio, seeing the swimming pool close by. No one else was there so I decided to skinny dip. Something I hadn’t done since Joel and I had been on our honeymoon in Jamaica. In fact, this place reminded me a lot of the hotel and setting. Maybe the team had managed to access some memory in my brain and recreated it for me to relive.

I walked across the grass, the dew and blades going between my toes. I reached the edge of the pool and couldn’t decide whether or not to lower myself slowly into the water via the steps or just dive in.

I chose the latter and went under the water. After I came up, I wasn’t alone. A man swam by me, catching me with his leg.

“Sorry, I didn’t see you there,” he said.

“It’s okay. I didn’t see you either.”

“Did I hurt you? Maybe I should check out your body.” He pulled me in close, running his hands over my thighs and butt. “Lovely skin,” he said.

Joel had always thought so too.

“Have you ever fucked in a pool before?” he asked.

Actually, I had. With Joel and on our honeymoon. Late one night while no one had been around.

He massaged my breasts as I clung to him, wrapping my legs around him, his erection brushing against my bush. Soon we kissed, fucking as if we knew another asteroid hurtled its way toward Earth, and this time it wouldn’t be so lucky.

I clung to him, wishing time travel, and not the virtual kind, was possible. I’d backtrack to our honeymoon. Joel would be alive. I’d have a human to caress me. Someone I could hold on to who was real.

He spun around, thrusting hard and deep. We sank under the water together, me having more orgasms the lower we went. We hit the concrete bottom, and when I came up, he was gone. Darkness had fallen, and I danced with him under the straw canopy while a band featuring guitars and steel drums played. We gyrated around in time to the music. He suddenly pulled me in close, making me laugh just as I had when Joel had done the same thing on our honeymoon.

Also copying Joel, he suddenly picked me up and carried me to the open patio doors of the room. He walked into it, over to the bed and placed me onto it. Lights flicked throughout the room. I looked at everything—the open patio door, the candles. I heard the sound of the ocean beating against the shore. Every single detail was the same as it’d been on our honeymoon.

I looked up at the man who carried me and suddenly he was Joel. He was back. I ran my fingers down the side of his face. He still had the scar by his jawbone where he’d fallen on some glass while riding his bike when he’d been a young boy.

“Joel,” I said.

“It’s me, baby.”

“Is this the surprise you had for me? You’ve come back to me?”

“Part of it…only part of it.”

He kissed me. Kissed me in a way only Joel could do. The slow innocence of his mouth on mine followed by the urgent parting of my lips with his tongue.

I opened to him, tasting strawberry ice cream with a hint of the champagne I’d enjoyed the day before. His lips and tongue trailed down my throat, over my collarbone and then onto my breasts. He flicked his tongue at my nipples, making me laugh in just the same way I had on our wedding night.

Joel laughed too. “Still the greatest tits I’ve ever seen,” he said.

He licked one and then took it into his mouth and sucked. I ran my fingers through his wild wavy mane. He still had thick gorgeous hair.

“You need a haircut,” I said.

“I also need a shave, but I didn’t do it because I knew you always like something rough on your pussy.”

He parted my legs, and I knew what he had in mind. He put his head by my thighs and licked my folds. Just as he’d said, his whiskers rubbed the delicate skin around my pussy, making my nerve endings hum.

Joel speared his tongue into my opening, making me buck. He rested his hands on either side of my hips, going to work on me, like only he could.

I was happy and very satisfied. I had him back in a way I knew wouldn’t last. After all, it wasn’t real. The rational part of my brain knew that. The part that was always in denial about the bad things that happen in our lives, made me believe we relived our lives, and this time around nothing would go wrong. For this brief moment in time everything was damn near perfect.

I lifted my hips, forcing him to go deeper, work harder, until he brought about my climax. He lifted his fingers. They shone with my cream.

“That’s my girl.”

Joel raised himself. He held his cock in one hand while parting my pussy lips with his other. Soon he was inside me. After all this time we were back together as one. It seemed like a lifetime ago that we’d been physically joined like this. He moved slowly at first. Just like our first dance as husband and wife. I held him, squeezed his arms, knowing he’d be gone soon, but for now he was all mine.

“Are you going to pull that sexy face you always do when you come?”

“What sexy face?” I asked as he picked up speed.

He kissed my nose as he drove deeper, aiming for my G-spot. “You’ll see.”

A mirror appeared over the bed. I looked up, loving the sight of Joel’s bare ass moving between my outspread legs.

I widened my stance, pulled my legs up and rested my ankles on his butt. He smiled and then kissed me, all the time edging me closer to my grand finale.

My pussy throbbed and pulsed. The room spun and then I was sinking again. This time it was going to be the mother of all climaxes. My heart pounded inside my head. My ears rang and then…

I cried out, holding on to Joel’s cock, making sure it didn’t slip out and that he didn’t leave me. I squeezed my pussy walls tight, bringing about another orgasm. He came too, filling me with a warm liquid that made me suddenly relaxed, but then my body shook from all the excitement it’d been through.

My breath was suddenly labored and my heartbeat picked up tempo.


“I’m here, honey. Don’t fight what they’re about to do to you. It’s for the best.”

I was sure I went to sleep, and when I awoke Joel was gone. I looked up and some bright lights passed over my head. I was being wheeled along a corridor.

“How did she do?” It was a man’s voice, but not Joel’s.

“The procedure went perfectly. I think we have a success. She’s coming around so let’s get her to a room.”

They spun me around, and the next thing I saw was a hospital bed and then I went to sleep again.

Chapter Nine


After my virtual experience with Joel, I realized nothing else, no other man, virtual or real, could take his place. I never went back to Private Pleasures again. Instead, after a month’s leave, I went to the Agency, had my physical and reported to Jonny.

“Come in, Natasha. Have a seat.” He had my folder open.

“I’m ready to go on whatever mission needs me the most,” I said.

“How does a desk job sound?” I looked up at him. “The doctor can’t sign off on your paperwork because you failed your physical.”

“That’s impossible. I’ve been keeping fit. Haven’t had any of the bugs that have been going around.”

“You’re in great health, but you’re pregnant.”

“I’m what?”

He stood and walked around to the front of the desk, reached out and took my hand. “I remembered Joel told me he’d donated sperm and was going to talk to a fertility clinic. He was going to tell you about it…before the accident. He said you’d been talking about having children.”

A tear slid down my cheek. It was what we had wanted the most.

“I took it upon myself to ask that you be artificially inseminated during your virtual session with him. That way it would seem as if you made the baby together.”

The hospital…now everything made sense.

A child. I rubbed my stomach. We’d so desperately wanted a child. However, bringing one into the world by myself scared me.

“You okay?”

I nodded. A part of Joel was growing inside me. Part of him would now always be with me. I’d watch it grow, maybe be lucky enough to see our grandchild grow up too.



My son head toward me. He’d just been on the Solario mission. He looked so much like Joel with his wavy hair and blue eyes.

“Hi, Mom. Did you miss me?” He hugged me so hard he lifted me off my feet.

I wiped a stray hair from his eye. “Your father would be so proud of you, Nat.”

“His medallion kept me safe again.” He pulled out the chain and coin from his shirt.

“So, what do you want to do on your first day back on Earth?” I asked.

“I thought I might take my mom out for dinner.”

“Remember we have to go to Jonny’s sixtieth birthday party.”

“I can’t imagine Uncle Jonny’s that old.” Nat put his arm around me as we headed to the transport hub.

I never knew what to buy Jonny each year so instead I always ended up thanking him for the best gift he’d given me. My son, who would always remind me that I hadn’t really lost Joel. His humor, his wisdom and his life was still in mine, but just in a different body.


The End

About the Author


Vanessa Devereaux pens both erotica and erotic romances. When she’s not writing, she’s tutoring other writers and teaching workshops for various chapters of the RWA. Prior to her writing career, she worked in PR and was a book publicist. She was born in London, England, but now resides in the US. Find out more about Vanessa at her website, and her writing blog,

Also by Vanessa Devereaux


The Pleasure Room


Under the Master



BOOK: Private Pleasures
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