Read Primitive Fix Online

Authors: Alicia Sparks

Tags: #Romance

Primitive Fix (3 page)

BOOK: Primitive Fix
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Sage would have liked to say she was unaffected by Kenyon, that having his hands on her, or his breath blowing across her face didn’t make her come undone. But if she had, she would have been lying to herself. Here they were, on the eve of doing something very dangerous and they were contemplating something even more so. If she let him touch her, if she gave herself to him the way she always had before, the way she always wanted to, then what? She would be right back where she started.

“I made you a promise today,” he began, his fingers lightly tracing the design on her wrist. “I will honor that promise. If you help me do this thing, you will no longer be indebted to my family.”

His face softened in the harsh light, but he looked even more dangerous now than he had when he’d growled at her. Now, he looked like a man who knew what he wanted and who planned to take it. And he knew she was weak and would give it to him.

“Sage...” Her name on his lips was heaven, and she swallowed a protest as he pulled her flush against him. His hard body immediately reacted to the contact with her, and she swore she melted right on the spot. She closed her eyes and breathed in his scent with both her human and animal senses. He held her in an iron grip, and even though it didn’t hurt, it held the same excitement it would have if it had been a little painful.

When his lips touched hers, it was soft at first, then he let out another low growl before devouring her. He pressed his tongue into her mouth, and she opened for him, pushing herself against him, trying to connect their bodies in any way possible. His free hand snaked around her waist and began pulling her shirt from the waistband of her skirt. The skimpy outfit had helped her gain information earlier, and right now she was thankful for the easy access it provided.

They began moving, his steps forcing her to step backward. She only stopped when she collided with something hard. The wall? A table? She couldn’t tell because his mouth was still on her, hot and demanding. He released her somewhere in the mix, and his hand moved up to cover her throat, to rub against her ear, to trace the curve of her chin. She was trapped between him and the wall. It was definitely a wall, hard and immovable at her back.

In one motion, he reached down and pushed her skirt up around her hips, exposing her panties. She was wet with wanting. God, she needed him so badly. She ached for him to touch her, to flick his hard, strong fingers across her delicate skin. She couldn’t think. All she could do was feel, and she wanted to feel more!

“I can smell you,” he whispered, his words dark and sensual.

She ached for him to be inside her, her pussy begging for him, clenching already, knowing how good he would feel sliding in and out of her body.

His long fingers teased against the outer edges of her underwear, the cotton becoming unbearable against her skin. She wanted him, needed to feel him, and craved to have no barriers between them. He brought out something in her that she couldn’t explain and had long since stopped trying. When she was with Kenyon, everything was primitive and the only thing that mattered was joining her body with his.

He finally pushed aside the fabric, exposing her labia to his warm fingers. She gasped, her breath catching in her throat. He slid one finger deep into her, and she opened for him, clinging to him, wanting more.

“I’ve missed you,” he purred into her neck. “I want to taste you.” His finger slid from her body too soon.

They danced again, his body leading hers in the familiar steps of their mating. Before she knew it, her backside came into contact with the table he had been bent over earlier. He pulled her onto it, then pushed her back so that her legs hung off the edges. He stood between her thighs, low rumblings emitting from his throat as he moved her skirt out of the way.

Expert hands slid her panties to the floor while his fingers traced along her skin with the movement. Her breath caught in her throat again as he dipped down, bringing his mouth into contact with her pussy. She reached for his shoulders and felt his body vibrate with the cat-like sounds which announced his arousal. He pressed his tongue against her clit, wasting no time with teasing her. Then he began to lick in slow, steady strokes, causing a fire to build deep inside her belly.

He spread her lips with one hand while sliding his fingers into her. God, he went so deep, stretching her already. She knew there would be so much more when he finally took her, but she was lost in the movements of his hand as he slid his fingers in and out, her body reacting, wetting them, caressing them, trying to hold them inside her for as long as it could.

Relentlessly, he stroked her clit, nibbling it, making the hard bud swell and ache. She needed the release he would give her, needed to cry out with pleasure, but he wasn’t ready yet, putting just enough pressure there to bring her close to orgasm, then moving the pressure so it became a light kiss.

Digging her nails into his back, she bunched up his shirt in her fingers, urging him forward, arching her hips against him. She wanted him to bury his face in her body, devour her with his teeth and tongue, make her come.

“My little wolf,” he murmured against her. “I have missed you.”

Her words stuck in her throat as she saw the heat in his gaze. Sliding her hands inside his shirt, she felt the hard muscle there. He rose above her, those yellow eyes flashing at her, dangerous, predatory, sexual.

“Are you ready for me, wolf?”

She nodded. It was all she could manage. He pushed away from her long enough to pull his black shirt off over his head and reveal the striped skin that haunted her every dream. Then he unfastened his pants and slid his zipper down, revealing his cock, before pressing it against her. She was already so wet, there was no barrier between them, but he still had to nudge himself in slowly, stretching her with the movement. She gasped against him, feeling the entire length of him sliding into her. It was even more erotic to know that he couldn’t be bothered with undressing completely. He had to have her then. There. Now. Just like this.

His arms braced against her, holding her so he could angle himself to move. His cock slipped in and out of her body, the friction building within her with each movement. Her breasts ached against her bra, her nipples puckering, wanting to be released, to be touched, to feel those big hands on them. But he didn’t stop. Instead, he buried his face in her chest and breathed against her as he continued to move inside her body.

There was something so raw and intense about this movement as he didn’t try to pound into her with wild abandon. Instead, he sought to keep their bodies connected, to keep his cock inside of her, pressed into her as she clung to him for dear life.

The growls emitting from his body, from deep within his chest, made a shiver go up her back as he rose to face her. He threw his head back and let out a long, low growl, then covered her mouth with his. His teeth grazed against her lips, then moved to her cheeks and finally to her neck. She turned her head to the side to give him access to her throat. He ran his tongue along her skin before taking it into his mouth and gently biting her neck.

She raked her nails along his shoulders as his movements became more frenzied. Her own animal noises joined his as he continued to nip at her flesh. Finally, his movements quickened and he tensed his entire body around her. Her orgasm ripped through her core as he let out one last growl which sounded more like a roar. He stiffened before he shot his orgasm into her body.

She didn’t think she breathed when he collapsed on top of her, his breathing ragged and spent. Running her fingers through his dark hair, her eyes closed, and she concentrated her entire being on how good he felt in that moment. He was her mate. She could fight it all she wanted, but she knew that every time she was near him, the primitive part of her, the animal part of her, craved his touch. 

All of her senses had been focused on him, but now the room was swirling around her as he loosened his grip on her and slowly helped her stand. She pulled her skirt back down, covering herself, avoiding his eyes. He didn’t move. He stood in front of her, his chest rising and falling, gasping for breath. She tucked her shirt back into her skirt and finally looked up at him.

He reached for her, his eyes filled with a kind of gentleness she was not used to seeing. They were still yellow and still dangerous, but there was a softness that wasn’t there before. He tipped her chin up so she had to face him, unable to look away.

“I know what I promised,” he began, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. “But I want you to know something. No matter what happens tonight. No matter what happens tomorrow. You. Are. Mine.”


This was unusual to say the least, but Kenyon had already decided there was no way he was letting Sage go. At least not yet. The way she had responded to him back in the barn told him everything he needed to know. She may be at odds with their destiny, but he wasn’t. Every fiber of his being told him that she was his and always would be. All he had to do was convince her of this fact. And live to see another day.

The meeting with the cousins had gone well and everyone knew what their job was and where they were expected to be the following night when they would put Operation Tigergate into motion. Sage would be invaluable as a distraction, which didn’t sit as well with him today as it had a day ago, before he’d touched her again, before he had time to realize just how much she meant to him. Now, he wanted her as far away from the mission as possible, but he knew she would never agree to that.

Truth be told, she had put herself in much more dangerous situations in the name of her causes. Always trying to save the animals. He’d heard that she had managed to steal a dolphin that was being kept on a college campus as a mascot. If she could pull that off unscathed, surely rescuing a tiger would be child’s play.

She didn’t speak on the way back to the motel room. He had insisted they ride together mostly out of fear she would bolt as soon as he turned his back on her. That was a chance he wasn’t willing to take. He needed her to understand what was going on inside his head, all the feelings crashing around him and telling him he had to hold onto her with everything he had.

As soon as they cleared the door of the motel room, his hands were on her, sinking into her hair, pulling her mouth against his, delving his tongue into her depths. She didn’t protest, didn’t put up a hand between them to stop or slow him. Whatever it was he was feeling, it was pouring into her as well, lighting a fire deep within her. He could tell by the way she clung to him, her body humming against him, practically vibrating with every touch. She was the only woman he had ever wanted, the only one he’d ever shared his body with, and to have her respond to him like this was a gift he would cherish forever.

Even if he had to let her go.

He pushed thoughts of tomorrow from his mind. They had a long way to go before they could say good-bye, and he was bound and determined to give her a difficult choice. Walking away from him this time would not be an easy thing.

A whimper escaped her throat when his teeth came into contact with the tender flesh of her neck. Her nails dug into his skin, making him ready to be rid of his shirt. He wanted to feel those nails graze against every part of him, down his back, across his chest, everywhere she dared to touch. Knowing she would leave a mark on him, he reveled in that fact, thinking how beautiful his skin would look with red marks left by her. Of course, he planned to do the same and worse. He would sink his teeth into her later, leave his mark on her, bruise her skin in a way that made it hard to deny she was his.

It was the way their mating always went. Hard, wild, two beasts of different temperaments meeting with the intention of branding the other. He reveled in the thought as he spun her around and guided her toward the bed. Slow and easy was gone from his head. As much as he would like to take his time and memorize every moment, he wouldn’t allow himself to think of this as his last time between her thighs. If he slowed himself, he would have to admit that after tomorrow, she was likely to be out of his life.

His scent still covered her from earlier, making him even hotter as it filled his nostrils, making him feel lightheaded. Every part of his body felt dizzy, wild, the room was spinning as he drank in more of her kisses, more of her essence. She hadn’t spoken since they walked in the door, but the way her hands darted under his shirt to trace against his stripes proved to him she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

“I can’t live without you,” he murmured against her, the words seeming right coming from his throat.

“Don’t talk.” She pulled him to her, covered his mouth with hers, opened for him, letting her tongue dart against his.

There was so much he wanted to say, but he was lost in the moment, in the swirl of the pleasure threatening to overtake him. When she wrapped her hands around his cock, he thought he was going to lose his mind, but when she let out a low snarl and flipped him onto his back, he knew he was lost.

His pants disappeared somewhere near the foot of the bed at the same time her mouth came into contact with him, hot, wet, open for him. God, he was going to die! She ran her tongue along his length, teasing the tip, tasting him before opening and pushing as much of him between her lips as her tiny mouth could hold.

Hands fisted into the sheets, tearing them from the mattress as his hips rose against her, his back arching to give her better access. The way her hair fell across his stomach and teased against his chest made him want to regain control, to put her on her back and sink into her, but his knees wouldn’t work.  His hands couldn’t move beyond dragging into the sheets, twisting around, a moan of surrender tearing from his lips.

He was hers. God, he was hers. If she walked away from him after this, he would die. When his cock hit the back of her throat, he lost control, his body beginning to spasm, the orgasm shooting through him. The rumble in his throat became a roar in the air, filling the room with its intensity. Instead of releasing him, she was relentless, her tongue lapping against him, cleaning every drop from his skin.

Yes, he was going to die. Right now. Sink into the bed and disappear.

Then she looked up at him, a lazy, sexy smile on her lips, a look of satisfaction clear in her face, and he did something he never thought he would do.

“I love you.” Even as the words came out, he wasn’t sure he’d said them, nor if she had heard them. When her face clouded over, he knew she had.

Every emotion that had played on her face seconds before was gone, her face an unreadable mask. Sage pulled herself up and snuggled against him, wordlessly tracing his stripes, her head on his shoulder.

He didn’t think he would breathe again until she finally spoke. “I love you, too. So what are we going to do about this?”

Swallowing hard, he tipped up her chin and covered her mouth with his. “We’ll figure it out,” he managed.

But the world hadn’t stopped spinning and something told him the confession was a small reprieve in what was about to become a very dangerous situation. 

BOOK: Primitive Fix
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