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Authors: Helen Hardt

Primal Instinct (3 page)

BOOK: Primal Instinct
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joining. As though he were made for her, and she for him.

For them.

"Yeah, honey, yeah. So good. Made for me. For my cock."

Nick's voice was low, raspy. Again, like a growl. "You fit me

like a glove." He thrust deep. "Tell me you like it. Tell me you

like it, Erin."

"I like it, Nick." She panted against Landon's hard thigh. "I

love it."

Landon smoothed her moist hair away from her face. "Nick

fucks you hard, doesn't he?"

She nodded, her forehead sliding against the moist tip of

his cock.

"I'll fuck you just as hard, just as good. Maybe even

better, baby."

Hard to imagine better than the commanding fucking she

was getting. Her thighs quivered like jelly. She leaned down

into Landon's balls. Her tongue crept out and licked them.


Primal Instinct

by Helen Hardt

Thrust. Thrust. Thrust.

Nick fucked her deep. He ground into her, forcing her

tunnel to take every last centimeter. Oh, and she was glad to

do it. Glad to take all he had to give. Her tissues stretched to

accommodate him. Slow fiery burn morphed into slick primal


Penetration. Sweet penetration. And then...more.

His finger glided into her ass.

She burst.

"Nick!" Her scream was muffled as she bit into Landon's

muscled thigh. Swirls of heat kaleidoscoped through her. He

hammered her as her pussy clenched around him. She

relished each spasm, each contraction. Still, he pummeled

into her. The more she came, the tighter she became, and

she felt every vein on his magnificently sculpted cock as he

filled her.

"That's it. Come for me." He worked another finger into

her ass. The exquisite stretch catapulted her into another


She unclenched her teeth from Landon's thigh. He stroked

her hair as she nibbled at his balls. Damn, he tasted good.

"Yeah, baby," he said. "Keep coming. Let it happen."

Ages later, as the convulsions slowed, Nick rammed into

her with a final thrust.

"Ah, God!" he roared. "Just like that. Let me fill you. You

hold me so tightly, Erin."

"Good girl," Landon said, caressing her cheek. "You gave

Nick a great orgasm." She tilted her head upward and met his

blue gaze. "And now it's my turn."


Primal Instinct

by Helen Hardt

When Nick slipped from her pussy, Landon gathered her

into her arms and kissed her. Like Nick's, it was strong and

possessive. Not an easy kiss. Lots of nibbling, lots of tongue.

Her pussy throbbed to life again. Would she ever get enough

of these two?

Hot, so hot. Yet she shivered in Landon's strong arms. She

broke the kiss to take a needed breath.

"You can take more, right baby?" he whispered against her

ear. His tongue slid along the outer shell, giving her shivers.

She nodded. "I can take more. I want to take more."

Oh, how she wanted to take more.

Nick returned to the bed and took her from Landon's arms.

"Lan will make sure you're ready. Don't worry. We'll make it

good for you."

Nick laid her gently on her back and nuzzled her neck.

"You'll love it, I promise."

Love what?

Oh. Her ass. Landon wanted to fuck her ass.

She tensed, and Nick petted her. "It will be all right. You

liked my finger, didn't you?"

"Yes." She had liked that. But a cock was a different

matter altogether. Still, she wanted to do it. Wanted to be

with Landon—with both of them—in that way. Why? She still

wasn't sure. But she knew she wanted it.

Landon spread her legs. His blond waves tickled her inner

thighs. "Don't be afraid," he said. I'd never hurt you, Erin."

Somehow, she knew he spoke the truth.


Primal Instinct

by Helen Hardt

He pushed her thighs forward gently and began to

massage her anus. She jerked forward when something

slippery and cool melted against her skin.

"Shh, baby." Landon's fingers slowly caressed her. "It's

just some lube to ease my entry. Make it more comfortable

for you."

More comfortable. That was good.

"Let me help you," Nick said. He rained tiny kisses over

the sensitive flesh of her neck, her breasts, then zeroed in on

a hard nipple.

"Sugar nipples." He nibbled and tugged.

Sensation surged to her pussy. She loved to have her

nipples sucked. They were so responsive, so sensitive, and

Nick knew just how to drive her over the edge.

"I'm going to keep you so occupied," he rasped against her

breast, "you won't feel any pain at all."

He licked her tight bud, slithered his tongue in the valley

between her breasts. Moist, warm. So good. A soft sigh

escaped her throat.

Landon worked the lubricant into her opening, and when

his finger breached her, she felt only pleasure. Soon he added

another finger while Nick continued to tongue down her belly,

dip into her navel, then trail up the outside of her thigh.

He brushed a wet kiss to her knee. "She's so beautiful,

isn't she, Lan?"

Another finger plunged into her ass, and Erin tensed, but

soon relaxed as Nick's tongue went to work on her clit.

"Mmm. She sure is," Landon agreed. "Gorgeous red cunt,

dripping with juice. Pretty pink asshole, so tight."


Primal Instinct

by Helen Hardt

Nick's dark hair tickled her belly as he licked her clit ever

so softly. Not enough to really get her going, but enough so

her pussy clamored for more.

She writhed, trying to lift her hips. But she couldn't, not

with her thighs in the air.

"Easy, baby." Landon lifted her bottom. "You're ready for

me now. I won't hurt you."

"I know you won't."

Nick held her hips in the air while Landon sheathed

himself. She closed her eyes, expecting a stab of pain. But as

Landon gripped her butt cheeks and his cock head nudged

into her, she felt only the smallest twinge. He went slowly, as

he'd promised, inch by inch, until he was embedded in her


She opened her eyes and looked at his handsome face

dotted with sweat. His blue eyes were closed, his teeth gritted

together. "Landon?"

"I'm fine, baby. It

Nick sucked her clit between his full firm lips. A jolt of

pleasure ripped through her as Landon withdrew and plunged

into her ass.

"Oh!" So full. Never been this full.

Nick's head remained between her legs. He licked her clit,

nibbled it, sucked it, then forced a finger into her pussy and

massaged her G-spot.

All the while Landon rocked into her ass with his

impressive cock.

Rainbows. Skyrockets. Good God, this had to be nirvana.

Two beautiful men between her legs. Total ecstasy.


Primal Instinct

by Helen Hardt

Nick raised his head, and his dark gaze seared into hers as

he continued to drill his finger into her wet sheath. "Let it go,

honey. Feel it. Savor it. Let the lust consume you. Take you."

She looked to Landon, but his eyes were squeezed shut.

Drops of perspiration beaded on his forehead and meandered

down his cheeks, through his golden stubble.

Faster and harder he plundered her ass, and she loved it.

Loved every nasty minute of it.

She turned back to Nick's sable eyes.
Let it go
, she heard

in her mind.
Let it take you.

Fragments of images blurred in her mind. Mountains.

Streams. Nature. Animals frolicking, copulating. Majestic birds

flying overhead. And in the middle of all of it, Nick and

Landon pleasuring her. Taking her to the highest peak.

And a pleasure so fierce, so absolute, swept her away.

Mmm. Sweet sleep. Erin woke and stretched, sighed again.

Her body still sated from the glorious lovemaking, she leaned

to the right, expecting to encounter a hard body.

Nothing but rumpled sheets on both sides. What? This

hadn't been some sort of fantastic horny dream, had it? She

widened her eyes and let them adjust to the darkness.

Kitchen to the right, living area to the left. No. This wasn't her

cabin. Hers had only a kitchenette and a bed.

Thank God. It hadn't been a figment of her imagination.

But where were Nick and Landon? Why would they leave her

alone in the cabin?

She wrapped a sheet around herself, stalked to the door,

opened it, and stepped out into the moonlit night. Ah, the


Primal Instinct

by Helen Hardt

Rocky Mountains were beautiful. So majestic. Pine trees in

the moonlight were a soft silvery green. Like her eyes.

She smiled as warmth enveloped her. Nick and Landon had

made her feel beautiful. Beautiful and desirable. She hugged

the sheet around her breasts.

Fresh mountain air stimulated her lungs. Deep and calming

breaths soothed her, but again she wondered where the two

men had gone. She'd been the victim of a one-night-stand

before, but never had a guy left her at his place.

Somewhere within her soul, she knew they hadn't left her.

But that didn't ease her curiosity about where they'd gone.

She closed her eyes and breathed in the invigorating scent of

pine once more. Mmm.

When a rustling met her ears, she opened her eyes. In the

distance, two animals wrestled. Her heart lurched. Icy

prickles stabbed into her neck. Were they mountain lions?

Bears? Wolves? She squinted to see better as she backed

toward the door of the cabin.

What? Her pulse skittered as she blinked.

Her eyes must be playing tricks on her.

The animals were lions. Two maned males. One a pale

honey like the moonlight that shone on his coat, the other a

deep tawny gold. Both wild and beautiful. Her heart thumped.

When the pale one opened his mouth and a roar rocked the

ground beneath her, she fled into the cabin and locked the


Perspiration dripped from her hairline as she thunked her

body against the wood door.


Primal Instinct

by Helen Hardt

Lions? In the Rockies? Surely she was seeing things.

Mountain lions, yes, but these had been true lions. The kind

from Africa.

She closed her eyes and tried to steady her erratic

breathing. No lions. Her eyes were bad. But her ears, too?

She had heard that roar as sure as she could feel her own

skin bristling now.

A loud knock on the door vibrated against her back.

"Erin?" Nick's voice.

"It's us, baby," Landon said. "Let us in."

Thank God. They'd protect her. She twisted the deadbolt

and jerked the door open. Her two lovers stood, stark naked,

moonlight flowing across their sweat-glistened bodies.

She launched herself into them. Tears flowed from her

eyes. "I am so glad to see you. Where have you been? I was


Four arms encircled her and two bodies nudged her

through the entryway. Landon shut and bolted the door, then

hit the light switch while Nick continued to embrace her.

"You never have to be afraid again, Erin," he said. "Not

while we're around."

His soothing words consoled her, seemed to sink right to

her heart. She nuzzled his damp chest. "You're not going to

believe this. I thought I saw lions outside."

Nick's voice rumbled against her ear. "Why wouldn't we

believe you?"

"Because it's silly, that's why. There aren't any lions in

Colorado. Other than mountain lions, I mean." She shook her

head, and his chest hair tickled her cheek. "I...all that


Primal Instinct

by Helen Hardt

lovemaking must have made me a little crazy. I was

amazing. I've never come so many times, so hard..."

Landon nudged into her from behind, his cock rigid against

her back. "We'd believe just about anything," he whispered in

her ear. His tongue tickled her lobe. She shivered.

So warm, so moist, their bodies slid against hers. Her

pussy responded with an exquisite ache. She puckered her

lips against Nick's chest and kissed him. His groan was her


"Back to bed?" he asked.

"Mmm." Landon hummed against her ear. "Works for me."

"Oh yeah, works for me," Erin echoed. They nudged her

toward the rumpled bed. "To think. Lions." She shook her

head and giggled. "I've definitely lost it."

Nick nibbled at her neck. "I don't know. You'd be amazed

what you can find up here in the mountains."

She laughed again. "Maybe. But lions? Impossible."

Landon purred against her shoulder and stroked it with his

soft tongue. Heat flooded through her. Her breasts were still

plastered against Nick's sweaty chest. She rubbed them

against his nipples. Mmm, nice. So nice and moist.

But why was he moist? Why were they both dripping with

perspiration? And why had they been outside naked? Did it

matter? That bed tempted. Beckoned...

Gathering all her willpower, she slid from between their

bodies and stepped away from the bed. "I'd love nothing

BOOK: Primal Instinct
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