Prim and Proper Fate (Twisted Fate Series Book 2) (23 page)

BOOK: Prim and Proper Fate (Twisted Fate Series Book 2)
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Soon, it was lunchtime, they’d missed their plane, and had plowed through four bottles of wine. The First drank more than her fair share, and was heading toward a solid drunk when she finally stood and announced her flight was leaving soon and she had best be going.

Everyone clamored to their feet and watched with baited breath as the First staggered around the kitchen. Lily lost her patience first and walked up, grabbed the Fate’s arm and firmly guided her through the house and out the front door. The limo driver stood with the door open, waiting for his employer. Prim, Killian, and Brandon hurried outside behind them, while Gaya hovered in the doorway, trying to watch without bringing attention to herself.

“Thanks for visiting,” Lily said politely, as she and the driver helped pour a drunken First Fate into the limo.

“The First considers it a pleasure,” she slurred and flopped back onto the seat. “Tell your Fate to come speak to the First, Chala.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Lily said, and she turned around and motioned for Prim. Naturally, Brandon followed her to the limo.

“Yes, First?” Prim asked, as she bent at the waist to look inside the cushy vehicle.

The First waved her hand in Lily’s direction. “You’ve done well with that one, Prim. Now, the First expects you to find her a good match, so she can give us more Chala to protect.”

“Thank you,” Prim said sincerely, as she blinked back tears. That was apparently high praise, coming from the First.

“Oh, and one more thing. The First bestows you the pleasure of informing
that one
that he no longer qualifies to protect Chala.”

“F-First?” Prim stuttered, her eyes widening.

The First nodded drunkenly. “This Chala was perfectly within her rights. Killian has been an issue for centuries. The First revokes his privileges. If he wishes to earn them back, we can discuss ways he can do so. Now, back off. The First must get to the airport. For some reason, she always gets stuck trying to get through security.” She shook her head, as if she couldn’t quite understand why she, of all people, would be targeted while trying to get onto an airplane. Prim stepped away and Brandon closed the door.

Prim turned to Brandon, her smile wide. “She didn’t take Lily away.”

“You were worried?”

“Yes,” she admitted.

“I wouldn’t have let her,” Lily announced defiantly.

Brandon grinned. “Me neither.”

Prim pulled them both into her arms. “I love you.
of you.”


Six weeks later, it took Brandon two hours to unload the astronomical amount of luggage Prim had insisted upon bringing with her from the island property. He pointed out that her perpetually summer wardrobe wasn’t really appropriate for the climate of northern Michigan, and she’d have to purchase new clothes anyway, but Prim refused to leave anything behind. She was a high-maintenance woman, she reminded him. Lucky for her, he liked high-maintenance women. This one, anyway.

They brought Lily with them, of course, as well as Gaya, Brutus, and Brokk. She had offered to let them stay, if they wanted, but Gaya especially had been practically giddy about the prospect of moving in with a pack of shifters. She hadn’t been inside the house ten minutes and she was panting like a dog in heat.

, Prim thought as she watched the petite brownie take in her new surroundings. Perhaps if Gaya kept them all busy enough, this houseful of Light Ones wouldn’t immediately start sniffing around her Chala. Prim wanted Lily to get adjusted to her new surroundings before she chose a mate. She had a feeling the entire experience might be a tad overwhelming for her naive Chala. Speaking of Lily . . .

“Where is she?” Prim wondered when she realized Lily was no longer in the same room.

“Here I am,” Lily called, as she walked into the room, waving a thin, white plastic stick in her hand.

“What is that?” Prim asked as she walked over to inspect the item more closely. As soon as she drew close enough, she knew. She snatched the pregnancy test out of Lily’s hand.

“Lily! How is this even possible? Who? I can’t even believe—”

“It isn’t mine!” Lily protested. “I don’t even know—”

“It’s mine.”

All gazes swiveled as one toward the sound of the quiet, feminine voice. Sydney stood in the doorway leading to the kitchen, with Gavin hovering protectively behind her. She gnawed on her bottom lip and her cheeks reddened.

“Remember when Gavin wasn’t cursed, and I met him alone at that motel? Well . . . we, ah, we . . .”

“Had sex,” Gavin finished for her.

Lily’s eyes went wide, and Prim sucked in a harsh breath.

“And we didn’t exactly think about using protection,” Sydney admitted, her blush deepening.

“I thought Chala and Rakshasa couldn’t reproduce?” Brandon asked, glancing at Prim.

“I think it’s a case of
,” Gavin said, squeezing Sydney’s shoulder. “We have no idea what will happen now. What it will be.”

“It’s a
,” Sydney said, her tone defensive. She wrapped her arms around her midsection.

“That’s a pretty fucking huge mistake,” Brandon commented. Prim smacked his shoulder and gave him a disapproving look. “Well, it is,” he protested.

“We’ll figure it out.” Gavin pulled Sydney to him and hugged her. “One way or another, we’ll figure it out. We always do.”

Brandon looked at Prim and smiled. She couldn’t help it. She smiled back.

Yes. They always do.

Also from
Soul Mate Publishing
Tami Lund


OF LOVE AND DARKNESS kicks off the new Twisted Fate shape-shifter series. There are two kinds of shifters: Rakshasa and Light Ones. Rakshasa want to snack on human bones. Light Ones want to protect the humans.

Unfortunately, the Rakshasa are currently winning the battle, as the Light Ones are not fertile. Only one type of Light One, exceedingly rare females called Chala, are able to produce offspring. The Rakshasa know this, and have managed to nearly decimate the population.

Enter Gavin Rowan, a cursed Rakshasa who believes he is a Light One. He feels all his Rakshasa urges to kill, but has been cursed to protect the Light Ones instead.

Throw Sydney Amataya into the mix. She is a Chala—except she doesn't know it. At least not until Gavin saves her from a Rakshasa attack and then declares her as his mate.

But that's not how Sydney operates. Encouraged by her cross-dressing Fate, William, she refuses Gavin's claim. If he wants to mate with her—once she gets over the shock of discovering this supernatural world, that is—he's going to have to woo her, impress her, wine and dine her. Romance her. She deserves no less, end of the world be damned.

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BOOK: Prim and Proper Fate (Twisted Fate Series Book 2)
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