Read Preservation Online

Authors: Rachael Wade

Tags: #romance, #Wade, #Rachael, #Preservation, #Fiction

Preservation (15 page)

BOOK: Preservation
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Ryan cleared his throat, shooting me a look through the rearview mirror. “Distract him,” he mouthed, holding his lips tight to hide his smile. I hung my head with a sigh.
Think Kate, think.

As if reading my mind, Crystal spoke up. “Talk British. That always seems to work, right?” she leaned over Carter to question Dean.

“Ah yes, my dear. Bloody brilliant, indeed!” Dean began sipping his imaginary tea, crossing his legs matter-of-factly as he launched us all into a full-blown Cockney conversation. Before I could blink, Carter joined in. He was still sweating profusely, but hey, progress was progress. I’d have to thank Crystal for that one later...

The Gods were on our side that day, allowing us to make it to the top of the mountain and back down in one piece, without the need for Carter to have any paper-bag-breathing episodes. We had lunch in front of Cascade Lake at Moran State Park, then stocked up on water for our hike. By sun down, I was spent, ready to go to bed and sure the day couldn’t have been any better.

I was wrong.

Ryan strolled out of the bathroom after taking a hot shower, towel slung low on his waist. Lean. Cut. Strong. A swimmer’s body. I lifted myself off the bed and made my way to my suitcase, fidgeting with the zipper. No matter how many times I caught a glimpse of him or how familiar his body had become to me over the past few months, I still managed to lose my cool when he was half naked.
I blame it on the damn tattoos

“See something you like, Ms. Parker?” he casually draped his arms across his chest, leaning on the dresser next to me, flashing a cunning smile.
Okay, not just the tattoos.

“Mr. Campbell. So confident in your ability to make me squirm.” I realized I’d been fumbling with my socks. The pairs were mismatched and heaped into a little pile in my suitcase.
How did that happen?
I wondered. My hands seemed to have operated independently of my mind, which was trained on the black indelible ink etched across his chiseled figure.

“Too bad it doesn’t work,” I quipped, regaining my focus and reaching for my nightgown.

“Uh just keep telling yourself that,” he squeezed my ass and retreated to the bathroom to brush his teeth. I managed to slip my shirt off and my nightgown over my head as I felt my cheeks flush.
Damn him and his uncanny ability to make me feel so flustered.
Gathering up some verbal ammunition, I charged towards the bathroom, then stepped in front of him ready to fire.

“Nuh-uh,” he mumbled into a washcloth, wiping his mouth. Snatching me by the wrist, he pulled me out of the bathroom and over to his suitcase. “Pick your battles, baby. We have more important things to talk about.”

Mouth ajar and steam still evident, I crossed my arms like a child and pouted. Curiosity got the best of me, though, and I eyed the suitcase as he unzipped it. He handed me a thick stack of white paper, bound at the corner.

“What’s this?”

“My New Year’s resolution.”

“Oh?” We both sat down on the edge of the bed as I flipped through the first few pages. Landing on the title page, the words “a novel by Ryan Campbell” jumped out at me. “Ry...oh my...” I curled my legs up and pulled the manuscript closer, looking over it intently. “Is this new? When did did I not know? This is great news!”

“Thanks,” he scooted me closer to him, combed his fingers through my hair. “I started it when you enrolled in my class. After I read your first paper, actually. Told you it inspired me.”

“Oh, I can’t wait to read it, I’m so thrilled you’ve kept writing since...” I lifted my gaze to meet his, knowing he didn’t like talking about her. Jamie, the girl who’d broken his heart, the one who sent him into a downward spiral that led to his publishing deal’s demise. He hadn’t told me much, only that she was the trigger for giving up and losing what he loved. In truth, I didn’t want to know every detail. Then I’d have to start reeling off info about my exes. And that was landmine territory. “So, tell me! What are your plans? What do you mean this is your resolution?”

“I’m going to submit it, get back on the horse again. It’s time.”

“Ryan...” I took his face in my hands, planted a kiss on his lips. “Good for you. I think that’s awesome, and I just know it’s going to be picked up.”

“You haven’t even read it,” he chuckled, prying it from my hands.

“Well if you’ll just
me,” I pawed at it, reaching across him to snatch it from his grasp.

“Not now. Because it’s time for
New Year’s resolution,” he stuffed the manuscript back in his suitcase and pulled out a single sheet of paper, holding it close to his chest. “You have to promise me you won’t be difficult. Or scream at me. Or run away with Carter and break my heart.” His eyebrows raised and he bit his bottom lip.
Damn him and that sexy lip.

“Fine. Come on, let’s see it,” I waved, waiting. “Aren’t I supposed to make my own resolution, by the way?”

“I said no being difficult,” he hugged the paper closer to his chest. “And you can’t argue with me about this because I did it before I even knew you dropped your spring classes.”


He handed over the paper. “I made the arrangements with your landlord a few days ago. So you can take some time off to finish the novel, or focus on school for a while. Whatever you want.”

The single piece of white paper glared back at me, with bold, black printed ink that read ‘six months paid in full.’ “This is a lease statement.” I remained still as stone, but my heart was pounding through my chest. “You paid the remainder of my lease off,” I said more to myself than to him. This was the kindest, most generous thing anyone had ever done for me. I glanced down at my toes, contemplating whether or not my tired feet could carry me downstairs, past the street, and onto the ferry. My reflexes, mind, and racing pulse all told me to bolt. He was so serious about me.
were serious. This whole thing was turning into...something serious. My instinct brought them to a screeching halt.
Accept this. You have to accept this. He wants to do this for you.

“You could afford this?”


“You don’t want me to be difficult.”


“This is for real?” my voice squeaked. He nodded gently, waiting with a cautious smile. “How is this a resolution...I don’t understand.”

“By accepting this, you’re making a resolution to take compliments. To accept gifts. To be doted upon, taken care of. Something you’re not very accustomed to, in my humble opinion.”

Now I understood.

Putting the edge of the paper to my lips, I fixed my gaze on the dresser in front of me, catching my reflection in the vanity mirror. An uncertain girl. Cautious. Hesitant. Safe and cozy in her stone tower, tucked high and far away from the dangerous world down below.

“Thank you, Ryan.”I turned to face him. “This is singlehandedly the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me and I gladly accept the gift.”

Ryan beamed, pretending to keel over, gripping his chest like he was having a heart attack.

“Yeah, go on and enjoy it while it lasts, Mr. Campbell. No one sticks to resolutions, you know. I’m accepting this
, but I’m not going down without a fight.” I nudged him playfully, folding the paper in between my fingers.

“Kate Parker, I’m at an utter loss for words,” he pulled me onto his lap, tickling me because he knew I hated it with a passion. Anything to get me smiling and riled up. My crippling laughter only encouraged him more.

“Ryan!” I squealed, wrestling with his arms before wrapping my legs around him, forcing him onto his back. Placing one knee at each of his hips, I ran my hands up and down his bare chest, feeling him pulse with desire through the towel beneath me. He exhaled when I reached his navel, a low growl rumbling through him. I barely had time to let my gaze wander up and down his body, to take in his firm, beautiful form. He grasped me by the hips and flipped me over, pinning me underneath him in a split second.

“I’ve had enough of your defiant demeanor for one day, Ms. Parker,” he brushed his hand down my side to ride my satin gown up my leg, cocking a brow when he caught sight of the jeans that I hadn’t removed before my attempted bathroom attack. “I told you I’d warm you up tonight and I intend to do it my way, whether you like it or not.” He lowered himself down my body and popped the button on my jeans with his teeth. “Now hold still and try your damndest to let me lead, will you?”

My fingers clawed the sheets when he moved to pull down the zipper next, and I shut my eyes, unable to bite my tongue. “Only if I get extra credit, Mr. Campbell.”


“Merry Christmas, sleepy head,” Ryan’s voice hummed in my ear, stirring me from the deepest sleep I’d had in a long time. Our legs entangled, we held each other under the sailboat-pattern quilt, thoroughly relaxed and snug. The windows were frosted up, but thankfully there was no snow on the ground.

“Mmmm, do we have to get up?” I stretched and sprawled across him, squeezing his torso tight, running my fingers down, down, lower...

He growled. “Yes, we do,” he snatched my hand underneath the blanket. “As much as I’d love to bury myself in you and break the shit out of this headboard, I have one more Christmas present for you,” he wiggled out of my grasp and kissed my forehead, reaching to the bedside table drawer. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and eyed the bathroom, desperately wanting to brush my teeth if there was going to be headboard-shattering sex taking place. But the sight of Ryan’s muscular back contracting as he reached for the drawer quickly averted my focus away from the bathroom. “Here we go,” he returned with a black, velvet jewelry box and sat up. The box lingered in his hand a moment. He cleared his throat. “Well, are you going to open it?”

“Of course,” I reached for it, sitting up.

“Breathe, Kate. I’m not getting down on one knee yet.”

I smiled at him and popped open the box, looking down to find a silver locket in the shape of a globe, the lines of the continents clearly engraved in fine detail. “Ryan, it’s gorgeous...”

“You like it?” his voice perked up and he leaned forward to rest his arms on his knees. Our eyes met and I froze. His boyish eagerness and bright eyes reeled me in and I found myself struck by his sudden vulnerability, in awe at his bravery to put himself out on a limb for me, even though he’d been hurt himself before. Here was the first man I’d ever genuinely loved, and I’d returned most of his gestures with nothing but armor and football field-length force fields, ready to deflect any gesture that attacked my comfort zone. I wasn’t playing fair; I needed to give a little. Maybe I
start looking at my apartment as our place, like he saw it. Baby steps.

“Like it?” I held it up, watching it spin in front of me, the morning light bouncing off the shiny silver globe. “I
it, Ry.”

His shoulders visibly relaxed and sleepy smile widened. “Well I know how you feel about the your mom’s dreams to travel meant so much to you, and how you share the same wanderlust. So...”

“It’s perfect. Absolutely perfect.” Peering down at the vintage rabbit pendant I already wore, I reached for the clasp and slipped the new globe locket onto the chain.

“The silver doesn’t exactly match the color of your other pendant...”

“I don’t care. I want to wear them together,” I grasped the globe tight between my fingers, raising my head to meet his gaze. “One will remind me of where I came from and the other of where I’m going.”

“Where are you going?” Ryan reached out and brushed my hair over my shoulder.

“Wherever the atlas takes me. I’d like to go overseas to write, see Europe for a while.”

“I couldn’t think of a better way to find inspiration. We’ll have to work on getting you there.” Playing with the end of my tendrils between his fingertips, his gaze turned warmer, smoldering. “The world is at your feet.”

A magical charge filled the quaint bedroom, sparking an irresistible, gravitational pull between the two of us. Ryan’s hands suddenly knotted my hair and he pulled me on his lap, his tongue wound with mine. Hard and hot beneath me, he hitched my nightgown up my thighs and then cradled my back and neck, gazing up at me as he positioned himself between my legs.

“That what you want?” He pressed his erection against me, lips aligned with mine.

“Hmmm. Headboard breaking it is then,” I whispered.

“Damn straight.”

The knock on the door sent me flying off his lap. Dean made his grand entrance, looking like he came straight from a Boy Scouts meeting. Ryan and I quickly covered ourselves with the quilt, but Dean was not the least bit deterred.

“My dear Kate, I have your morning report. I’ve just spoken to the naturalist downstairs and have been informed that they’ve been spotted off San Juan and we can catch the 8:10 ferry if you hustle.” He adjusted the canteen at his hip and the binoculars around his neck. “Chop, chop!” he clapped his hands together, spinning on his heel to make his dramatic exit.

BOOK: Preservation
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