Read Preaching to the Choir Online

Authors: Camryn Royce

Preaching to the Choir (2 page)

BOOK: Preaching to the Choir
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              Alana had it in her mind that she didn’t want another baby, but Michael had lost his mind when she asked about getting birth control. She had honestly wanted to wait on having any children, but two was definitely out of the question. Deep down though, she knew Michael was trying his hardest to make it happen.

              “Listen babe, I’m just going to go to bed. I’m really tired.” Alana told him as he turned on the shower.

              “Come on baby, I haven’t seen you all day. I missed you.” He said, trying to undress her.

              Alana couldn’t believe he was trying to play her for a fool. Yet and still, she felt herself melting as he planted small kisses on her neck while sliding her pants down. Alana knew it was no use. Michael knew he had her right where he wanted her, and as he pulled her into the shower with him, Alana knew her miserable existence would only get worse after tonight.

* * *

              Milan sat in Madison’s nursery, rocking her slowly in the big wooden rocking chair that had been handmade by her grandfather when her mother had been born.

              “See, baby girl? It says right here in the Bible. ‘As for God, his way is perfect.’ Daddy’s crazy to think God made a mistake with you. You’re perfect, baby.” She whispered, kissing her sleeping daughter’s curly head.

              Michael hadn’t been home since yesterday morning, and she’d already called his phone twice. After sending him as nice of a text message as she could manage in her irritated state, she laid her daughter in her crib and gently shut the door behind her.

              Heading to the bathroom, she took a long look in the mirror. Michael would be pissed if he was to walk in and see her in her pajamas at 2 in the afternoon, let alone without any makeup on. With a heavy sigh, she hopped in the shower quickly, knowing that she had to look perfect when her man walked in the door.

              As the hot water poured over her toned body, she began to wonder why she was going to such incredible lengths for a man who couldn’t even stay faithful to her. But she knew why. She loved him wholeheartedly, and there was nothing that could change that, not even another woman.

              Just as she’d finished applying mascara, she heard the front door open. Hurrying to fluff her big curly hair, she slipped on the skin tight red dress that Michael loved and stepped into her heels. As she left the bathroom, her eyes went to the clock on the wall. It was nearly 6 in the evening.

              “Baby, where you at?” she heard his voice and instantly became wet.

              Making her way down the stairs, she ran right into Michael who had started up them. She could tell by the look on his face that he was pleased with what he saw.

              “Damn.” Was all he muttered before Milan wrapped her toffee colored arms around him and kissed him slow and sensually.

              Michael wrapped his large hands around her tiny waist as he kissed her back, his thick penis sprouting up through his slacks and rubbing her thigh. Milan moaned into his mouth and reached down to grab the part of him she’d missed the most.

              “Where’s Maddie?” he whispered as he pushed her into a sitting position on the carpeted stairs.

              “She’s napping, but she’ll be up soon.” Milan responded as she opened her legs to reveal no panties.

              Michael dropped his pants and boxers quickly, seeing she was already wet and ready for him. She bit her lip as she stared at his long, thick chocolate penis. She loved the vein that ran up the length of his shaft, and she grew more excited as he grabbed it and stroked it a few times as he stared down at her.

              “Did you miss me?” he asked with a grin.

              Milan sat up to one eye level, taking him into her mouth immediately. Michael grabbed the railing with his right hand and her curly hair with the other as she slow sucked him with expertise. In her mind this was her dick, and nobody could treat it the way she could. It was the first and only one she’d ever had, and 16 years later, it was still the only one she wanted, needed, craved.

              Michael knew if he didn’t push her off of him soon, he’d be finishing in her mouth. He had other plans, so he pushed her back by her shoulders and flipped her over. Her dress had ridden up, exposing her perfect handful of an ass. Michael slapped it roughly, leaving a red handprint behind as he allowed her to reach down and slide him inside of her.

              He loved how he always had to force himself all the way inside of her tightness, and he loved how she always shivered and came as soon as he did. Reaching down with one hand, he grabbed her throat as his other hand gripped her right ass cheek tightly. He slammed into her fast and rough, just the way they both liked it.

              “I’m cumming again!” she half squealed, half-whispered as her walls became even tighter around his rod.

              Michael suddenly seen stars as his whole body tightened, his explosion so powerful he almost fell backwards. He slowly stroked her for a few minutes as his penis grew softer inside of her. Only then did he release his grip on her throat and ass. He stayed inside of her, enjoying how they fit together like lock and key.

              “She’s not awake yet.” Michael said as he pulled Milan off of the stairs and led her to the couch in the living room.

              After she turned the baby monitor on, Michael yanked her out of the skin tight dress and devoured her breasts one at a time. Milan moaned as she ripped open his button down shirt and pulled up his undershirt. She loved his rock hard chest, and after he stood to undress completely, she left nail marks all across it as he bit into her neck roughly.

              “Ride this dick for daddy.” He demanded as he sat down on the couch and pulled her on top of him.

              Milan obliged, easing down onto him slowly as he gripped her ass with both hands, guiding her at the speed he preferred. Just as Milan felt her climax coming yet again, Maddie’s cries blared out over the baby monitor suddenly. She went to climb off of Michael but he wrapped both arms around her and held her in a bear hug.

              “Shhh, give me a second to make you cum first, and then I’ll go get the baby for you.” He said gruffly before biting her neck and pumping into her quickly and ferociously.

              Milan closed her eyes and opened her mouth as he stroked her so fast she came almost instantly. Michael then laid her on the couch, turned off the baby monitor, and sucked her clit the way he knew she liked. She shook and moaned loudly as her orgasm intensified.

              With a smile, Michael quickly redressed and went to tend to their daughter. Milan lay there with shaky legs, knowing that no other man could ever satisfy her the way her husband did. They were a perfect match.

* * *

              Alana was right. After missing her period two weeks later, Alana knew Michael had achieved his goal. She sat on the king-sized bed in the room she and Michael shared and cried. She cried because Michael controlled her every move. She cried because Michaela gave her such a hard time. She cried because she had no desire to keep the baby that was now inside of her against her will. But more than anything, Alana cried because she regretted letting her life get this way.

              “Mom!” Michaela shrieked from the doorway, snapping Alana out of her thoughts.

              “Yes, daughter?” Alana replied as Michaela toddled up to her.

              Michaela signed “eat” with her hands, part of the sign language Michael insisted she learn. Alana climbed off of the bed and scooped up her child, heading for the kitchen. As she made her way through the living room, she heard a faint buzzing sound. Stopping for a moment and causing Michaela to become impatient, Alana listened again. There it was.

              Following her ear, Alana found the source of the buzzing: one of Michael’s three cell phones lay on the all glass coffee table, vibrating. Against her better judgment, Alana picked up the phone as it stopped vibrating. Her hands began shaking as she read the name of the person the phone was alerting her she’d missed a call from. Milan. The chick from the doctor’s office.

              Alana’s arms became weak and she knew if she didn’t sit down soon, her and Michaela would be on the floor.

              “Mommmm!” her child whined, signing “eat” over and over.

              “Okay baby, give mommy a second.” Alana said breathlessly as she sank onto the sofa, staring blankly.

              Her throat was so dry she couldn’t have spit on Michael if he was on fire. Not that she would, now that she knew for a fact her child’s father and Madison’s father were one in the same. Not only did she look just like him, she had his last name. Michael’s narcissistic ass wouldn’t have it any other way. Lucky for Alana, though, it was a red flag that she knew would lead to her catching him playing house with another woman.

              If Milan was anything like her, she would call another one of his other phones until she got an answer. That is, if she was special enough to know he had more than one number. Either way, Alana couldn’t risk it. With shaky hands, she selected Milan’s number and prepared to call her back. Before she could, the phone vibrated again, this time with a text message alert.

              Alana scooped her increasingly impatient child up with one arm as she stood and opened the text message with her other hand. It was from Milan.

“Babe, I know you’re busy with work but Maddie and I just called to tell you we love you and can’t wait for you to get back. Call me when you can.”
Alana read aloud as she set Michaela on the kitchen floor and began to fix her a midday snack.

              As she scrolled up to read the other messages, she could see that Milan had sent similar texts over the course of the past few months, starting around the time when Michael got this new phone.

              Slamming the iPhone on the counter, Alana was blinded by fury as she cut up a hot dog into bite-size pieces and put her child in her high chair. While Michaela busied herself with hot dogs and a piece of string cheese, Alana chewed on her thumbnail, debating on calling Milan and making herself known.

              Instead, Alana decided not to say anything. Even though she had rock-solid proof that Michael was not only cheating on her, but the father of this other woman's child, she knew there was no arguing with Michael. She simply had to leave.

* * *

              “Hey love, sorry I’m late.” Michael said cheerfully as he walked through the living room into the kitchen.

              Milan stood from her seat at the bar style countertop and turned to face him, her arms folded. Michael leaned in to kiss her lips only to have her turn away.

              “I’m not
late.” He said, setting his briefcase down on the counter.

              “Da-da!” Madison squealed happily from her high chair.

              Milan shook her head and went over to the stove to check the food as Michael scooped his daughter up into his arms.

              “Hi princess!” he cooed before kissing her face. “Since when do I get the silent treatment from my wife?” he asked, walking up behind Milan as she stirred the seafood gumbo she was making.

              “Since you decided to start lying to me again. I called the church this morning, Michael. You weren’t there.” She simply said, slamming the spoon down and turning to face him. “So where were you?”

              Michael shook his head and set Madison back down in her chair.

              “I was at the doctor’s office with Alana. I told you she’s pregnant again, Mimi. I gotta be there for her.”

              She rolled her eyes and threw her hands in the air, walking over to the refrigerator.

              “So you couldn’t tell me that you were taking her to the doctor?”

              Retrieving a bottle of wine, she walked back to the counter and poured herself a glass as Michael watched.

              “You know, it was your constant drinking that pushed me into her arms in the first place.” He said, watching as she guzzled down a glass before pouring another.

              “Don’t you
make excuses for the fact that you cheated on me! Because
made that choice!” she shouted, startling Maddie into tears. “If you’re so ashamed of who you really are, then quit playing both sides of the fence and go be with her,
Pastor Matthews
.” She spat, snatching her bottle of wine and turning to walk out of the kitchen. “Oh wait, that’s right…” she said, turning back around as he comforted Maddie. “…she has no idea about the church does she? She thinks your own car dealerships or some shit, right?” she asked, chuckling. “Whatever, Michael.”

              “You trippin’ tonight I see.” He said, following her to the living room.

              Milan said nothing as she sat down on the couch and poured herself a third glass.

              “Mi-Mi, you need to chill with all that drinking. We’ve talked about Alana more than once already, so what’s this really about?”

BOOK: Preaching to the Choir
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