Read Pradorian Mate Online

Authors: C. Baely,Kristie Dawn

Pradorian Mate (17 page)

BOOK: Pradorian Mate
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Chapter 13


The night of the blood ceremony finally arrived, and the palladium was filled with the hustle and bustle of numerous voices within the great hall. Small podiums had been placed in the hall, enough for exactly twenty-one couples. Rich lights glowed brightly, illuminating the whole room, and Pradorian females scattered colorful petals over the floor.

Sara sat in the bedroom wearing a long dress of dark midnight blue with bright opal lines running around her slim waist. She had been instructed earlier by Toria to wait in the room until Archail came to escort her to the great hall.

He had been distant again for the last two days. He left her alone in the daytime and only returned to her late at night, never disturbing her or making any attempts to touch or even talk to her. She was prepared for tonight’s ceremony, but she was resolved that she would demand her rights.

When the door opened, Archail entered wearing a dark-blue leather cover that matched the opal accents of her own clothing. She stared at him, and her heart stopped for an instant. Sara hesitated for a moment, but the glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes when he saw her helped her regain her composure. She walked steadily toward him. Ignoring his outstretched hand, she walked past him, and with her head held high, she headed into the corridor.

She stood still outside the bedroom door, waiting for Archail. He moved to stand next to her, silently took her cold hand in his, and led her into the great hall. 

Sara looked about the room and spotted the other couples. They each kneeled before a podium set up toward the front of the room, silently looking toward the wall on Sara’s right. As her head turned, Sara stared at five Pradorians dressed in lengthy colorful robes of dark blue and bright orange with stripes of yellow running down to their feet. They were seated on stone chairs that protruded from the long onyx-ivory looking wall. Two female and three males all rose in unison as Sara and Archail entered the vast room.

Archail, holding her hand tighter now, led her to the front podium, which stood alone before the rest. Applying a little pressure to her hand, he pulled her down to follow him as he knelt.

One of the robed Pradorians took a step forward and spoke aloud for everyone to hear. “We are gathered here with open hearts and minds to give a new life, a Pradorian life, to these women and accept them as equal subjects within Prador. Pradorians and partners, raise your hands and place them on the podiums.” As he spoke, the Pradorian males, each clasping a female hand, did as they were instructed.

The robed Pradorian then continued, “When the ceremonial knives cut your flesh, you will be united in blood and soul. Your thoughts will become one, and each other’s history will become your own. Begin!” He then stepped back into perfect line with the other robed Pradorians, who all sat with the same synchronicity as when they had stood.

Sara’s heart threatened to run off without her as she tried to pull her hand from Archail’s, but he held her firmly. Archail lifted their clasped hands, and using a long, sharp knife in his other hand, he drew a long cut along his arm in one fluid movement. When Sara saw him bleeding, she instinctively tried to pull away. She watched the sharp knife moving toward her arm. Her calm exterior faltered, but Archail kept her in place. With one determined movement, he cut her skin, causing a stabbing pain to jolt along Sara’s nerves. He then took her arm, and touching it to his, he united the two cuts and allowed their blood to mingle through the fresh wounds.

Throughout all of this, not a single spectator so much as blinked, especially the more imperial-looking Pradorians on the right wall.

At first Sara felt like laughing, thinking this ceremony ridiculous, but it wasn’t long before her hand began to feel a little numb. To her surprise, the numbness rose up her arm and flowed like a waterfall into her body, making her shudder. She felt strange as the numbness rose to her head, which then fell back involuntarily. A sea of emotions passed through her: pain, loneliness, hope, strength, and passion. Sara knew these feelings were not her own, but she could feel them, and the impact they had on her made her dizzy. The haziness made it difficult to concentrate on what was happening around her. In her dream-like perception, she saw the robed Pradorians rise again and speak in harmony. “The union is complete.” They then fell into line and left the great hall followed by the other spectators.

Sara wanted to pull away from Archail. She tried to move, but the weakness did not subside. In fact, it grew worse, and she was unable to stay upright any longer. Archail lifted her up into his arms where she lay like a rag doll. He carried her through the doors leading to the corridor and moved quickly toward the bedroom. On entering the room, he immediately laid her down gently on the bed and gazed at her carefully. He spoke in a clear soft voice. “Everything will be alright, Sara. It will pass.”

Archail’s voice sounded loud and distorted to Sara’s ears. The room was turning in so many different directions, making her feel sick. She tried to move again but couldn’t achieve any control over her limp frame. Then darkness finally came for her.

* * *

Sara awoke in the middle of the night to the soft breeze from the open balcony doors blowing over her naked body. She felt strangely rested and stronger than she had ever felt before. Lifting her hand, she touched her body, and feeling her naked skin under her palm, she tried to remember undressing herself, but no recollection of it came to mind. Someone drew in a deep breath, and she turned her head to see Archail lying beside her. His head rested in one hand, propped up by his forearm, while he watched her, waiting for her to wake.

What happened?” she mumbled, unable to remember much of the earlier events.

You passed out,” he informed her in a gentle voice.

Why am I naked?” Heat rose in her cheeks.

I undressed you so that you could rest more comfortably.” His voice was almost sincere.

Sara wished there was a blanket to cover herself from his intense perusal, but remembering what he expected of her, she recalled her earlier decision and felt suddenly empowered. “It’s not going to happen, Archail.” She sounded determined, although her heart started pounding a little faster as she spoke. She couldn’t explain why she felt different now, but it was as if her strength of will had doubled or even tripled.

“And what is it that isn’t going to happen, little one?” He feigned ignorance. She could tell from his voice that he was toying with her. What did he know that she didn’t? Did he have anything to do with these new feelings that coursed through her?

She struggled to make her voice sound steady. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”

Archail sounded very calm as he spoke. “All I know is that you have agreed to this. We have gone through the Trial of Blood, and we are now one with each other.”

Sara spoke louder to emphasize her words. “No. I have the right to deny you.”

“Do you now?” he said almost mockingly.

You know I do.” She tried to control the pounding of her heart. The trial of blood must have been what they’d gone through earlier. Hazy recollections started to replay in her mind. She had felt weak, nauseated, and hot, yet cold, all over. She hadn’t known which way was up or what was going to happen.

Maybe I do, but my question is, do you honestly want to deny me?” He watched her carefully as he waited for a response.

Sara could hear her heart pounding in her ears as she caught herself considering his question. Unable to reach a decision, her will wavered. “You…cut me didn’t you?”

Archail’s shoulders bunched slightly, and his voice sounded less sure than before. “I had to. It was necessary for the ceremony. We are connected now.”

Connected how?” Sara inquired.

He shifted position. “Sara, by blood we have been connected in a way that no other beings ever have been or ever will be again. We have exchanged ties that go back generations. I know more about you, and you likewise know more about me. Our minds are now linked, and there is nothing that can undo this.”

“Wait. Are you telling me that we’re telepathically linked or something now?”

Archail’s head shook. “Nothing as severe as that, but our emotions are stronger within one another. There have been severe instances in the past where couples have felt the same pain as each other, but I do not foresee that happening with us. We have a better understanding of each other now. Surely you can feel it?”

Sara’s head dipped as she searched the silky sheets beneath her for helpful answers, but none came. She
felt stronger, and she wasn’t afraid or angry anymore. She felt a new sense of calm she hardly understood. However, if she could feel this way, then how must he feel? Did he feel how she felt? There was so much she still didn’t know about him and his world, but she now felt at least a little closer to that knowledge and closer to him in some strange way. Sara bit her bottom lip and nibbled lightly as she thought. “I can’t be yours. You wouldn’t want me anyway.” Her sad eyes watched his deep yellow-flecked jewels, waiting for his rejection. Maybe that would be for the best.

Wouldn’t I?” He sounded surprisingly amused.

No,” replied Sara confidently, as she wondered why he sounded so confused.

Why is that, little one?” A small smile tugged at one corner of his mouth.

Because the only reason you want me is to carry your child.”


I cannot have children,” she stated coldly, as she looked at him with icy certainty, expecting her words to be a blow to his ears.

Archail stared at her for a moment and then unexpectedly burst into laughter, leaving Sara aghast as she watched him with an open mouth. She thought he must be in shock as she closed her mouth and observed his deep chuckling. She had never heard him laugh like that before, and it made quite an impression on her. It sounded so joyful compared to the cynical laughs she’d always heard from her previous husband. It sounded heartfelt.

Slowly he came to a stop and regained his composure. He looked down at her again. “Is that what concerns that pretty head of yours?” He sounded serious again, but now he was smiling warmly at her.

Don’t you see? This won’t work! I cannot bear any of your offspring. That’s what you brought us here for isn’t it?” She looked back at him as if he was deranged.

He simply stared at her, his warm smile unfaltering.

“Now that you know the truth, you don’t need to sleep with me because I will never get pregnant anyway. There’s no reason to take me as your mate, and you don’t have to keep putting up with my presence.” She lifted her eyes slightly in frustration like she was talking to someone who was slow in the head.

I see.” It seemed as if he was finally considering her point, but he surprised her. “It is alright, little one. Contrary to what you may think, I do not just want you for breeding purposes.” A long, strong hand gently wrapped around her shoulder. “I have strong feelings for you that will not go away simply because you want them to.” He paused for a long moment, gazing at Sara’s shocked face before continuing, “As for the fertility issue, I would not let that trouble you. I am sure it will resolve itself in its own time. Is there anything else you would like to tell me?”

She stared at him. Her eyes widened in amazement.

“No,” she almost whispered, still stunned from his reaction. It wasn’t what she had expected at all, and she couldn’t help but stare dumbfounded at him.

Archail leaned over to claim her lips with his in a soft, slow, searching kiss.

Sara remained frozen for a moment as she felt his lips softly stroking hers. His tongue tasted her gently before his lips again claimed her, stroking her mouth and willing it to open to him. She felt her body voluntarily relaxing under his touch. Without any further thought, she allowed her mouth to open to him, giving him free access as his tongue slipped inside and probed further, leading her passionately in a responsive dance between their tongues.

A soft moan escaped her, giving him implicit permission to claim more of her. One hand moved to her belly’s soft skin, and he drew his fingers upward in a light stroking movement. Then he claimed one of her already hardened nipples. He circled the aroused tip with his thumb and waited for her to respond under his persistent soft stroking.

She didn’t disappoint him as she lifted her chest softly and arched her back to allow his hand better access to her sensitive skin. He left her mouth, kissing her chin and slowly following the line of her long neck. She moaned in anticipation as he reached for the tip of her other breast. Taking it in his mouth, he stroked it long and firm with his tongue before gently biting and pulling until she gasped in rising excitement.

He then did the same with her other breast, giving it the same intense attention until her body stretched under him. Low sounds of pleasure escaped her lips. His mouth followed a path downward as he lowered himself, kissing every inch of her trembling body. Sara’s anticipation built as she felt him move lower.

He moved slowly until he reached the triangular folds hiding her soft wet center. Rising to his knees and placing himself between her legs, he pulled them gently open and lowered himself to taste the soft pink skin. He began licking her, tasting her, and stroking her playfully with his wet tongue. When she screamed from the building tension, her hands came down to sink into his hair, pushing him closer to her body and silently urging him to not stop.

BOOK: Pradorian Mate
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