Read PolarBearS-express Online

Authors: Tianna Xander

Tags: #paranormal, ménage, erotic romance, shifter

PolarBearS-express (7 page)

BOOK: PolarBearS-express
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Kaitlin arched her back, pressing her breasts into his hands. Her breath came in harsh pants. Her heart pounded in her chest, her body ached for their touch. The music in the background only added to the sensual feelings he brought out in her. Never in her life had music ever fit any moment in her life, until today.

He swayed with her, holding her close as the sound of the music swirled around them. He stopped next to the bed and stepped back. Kaitlin opened her eyes and watched as Angus finally joined them and the two men dropped to their knees in front of her.

As though they had rehearsed it, each of them rested their right hand over their hearts with their left hands outstretched. In their hands were two small boxes, each with a ring. One held a diamond solitaire. The other held a ring with a double band that appeared to hold the solitaire within it.

Reaching out with trembling hands, she touched the rings. “This is what you went to town for?” She looked at each of them in turn. “You didn’t have a car. You walked the fifty miles into town?”

They both nodded sheepishly. “Tae be fair, we traveled most of the way there as bears. We can move faster that way.”

“The trip back was a bit slower since one of us had tae hold the packages while riding the other.” Angus grinned up at her. “It was faster than walking as humans.”

“We know this is fast. We know that ye have every reason to say no, but would you consider staying with us?”

“Staying with you?” Her chest felt tight. Her breathing came in shallow gasps. Were they asking what she thought they were asking, what she
they were asking? If the rings were any indication, they were.

“Will you marry us?”

Tears filled her eyes and her legs nearly gave out. Kaitlin fought the urge to pinch herself. She couldn’t be sure that this all wasn’t a dream—a cruel dream that would leave her alone and wanting when she woke up.

Kat sank down onto the bed and held her hands to her chest. Tears were streaming down her cheeks when she answered with a nod. “It
been fast.” She looked at them and licked her lips. “I hardly know you, but,” she added quickly when their expressions fell, “I have to say yes. Yes, I will marry you. As crazy as it seems, I love you two as well.” She shrugged. “And this feels right.”

Liam took both of the rings in his hands and fitted them together. Taking her left hand in his, he slid the ring onto her ring finger and kissed it before placing her hand in Angus’s where he kissed it as well.

“I cannae tell ye how scared we were tae see the claw marks outside and the door broken down, lass.” Liam ran his fingers through his hair. “We thought we hadn’t gotten back in time tae save ye. I never want tae feel that way again.” He took her hand in his, kissed the back of it reverently, before holding it tight between his own.

Angus did the same with her other hand. “I feel the same way, lass. It will probably be a long, long time before we leave ye alone again.” He chuckled. “You’ll probably wish ye were rid of us in a month or so.”

“No. I would never wish myself free of you.” She smiled down at them. “I’ve been alone these last ten years. I don’t ever want to be alone again.”

Kaitlin grabbed the hem of her t-shirt and pulled it up over her head. “It’s time we got this Polar Bear S-express on the road, so-to-speak, don’t you think?”

Chapter Thirteen

Angus almost laughed aloud at her words until she whipped that shirt off. He swallowed thickly as he stared at their mate. If he thought she was beautiful before, he didn’t know the half of it. Her creamy skin practically glowed in the low light of the bedside lamp. Her dusky rose nipples peeked through the thin lace of her bra. He watched as they hardened before his eyes, either from the chill in the room or the sensuality of her actions.

He looked up at her lovely face. Her lids were half closed as she reached behind her to unclasp her bra. Her lips curved up in a slight smile as their breath hitched. The straps slid slowly from her shoulders, the cups caressing her breasts as it slowly fell forward, almost as though it didn’t want to release the perfect mounds.

All Angus knew was that if she would allow
to cup her breasts all day, he wouldn’t want to let them go, either. His cock throbbed at the sight of her rosy nipples. His mouth watered at the thought of suckling those little berries, laving each one with his tongue until she moaned.

She smiled shyly. “Don’t just kneel there.”

Angus could tell it was all she could do to sit in front of them without covering herself. Both he and Liam leaned forward. Evidently, Liam’s thought ran along the same lines as his own, because each of them drew a hard nipple into their mouths.

Kat groaned and grasped their heads, her fingers sliding through their hair as she pulled them closer. He suckled her fragrant flesh, reveling in her sweet scent. How could he not love the smell of his mate? How could he not love suckling her flesh, giving her pleasure as he, in turn accepted his pleasure from her?

Liam moved next to him, his hand reaching up to cup her full breast as he, too, suckled their mate.

With a moan, he pulled his mouth from Kat’s nipple with an audible pop and shed his clothes. He couldn’t wait to feel his skin sliding against hers. He needed to feel her warmth pressed against him and he wanted no barriers between them when the time came to make her theirs.

When Liam moved to do the same, he knew that his friend felt the same urgency as he, that he needed to feel their mate against him just as much.

Standing, they both leaned down and suckled her nipples once again. They pushed Kat back on the bed, their hands moving to her jeans. Liam released the button, while Angus pulled the zipper down. They both grasped a leg and yanked her pants off before she could think to protest. He groaned when he saw the lacey thong she wore beneath them.

“You’re killing us, lass,” Liam growled as he leaned down and ripped the garment from her with his teeth.

“Not any more than what you’re doing to me,” she said panting, her head thrashing on the coverlet.

“We haven’t even begun, lass,” Angus said with a chuckle. “We haven’t even begun.”

Chapter Fourteen

Kat gasped. She couldn’t believe how good it felt to have two hot mouths drawing on her breasts as they moved over her. Each of them suckled her breasts in their own way. It seemed that Liam liked to use his teeth. He nibbled his way over her skin, his teeth raking over her taut nipples as his hand slid lower.

Her body wept in response. She could feel the thick cream sliding out of her channel, sliding through her hot slit, soaking the bed beneath her.

Angus, on the other hand, used his tongue more, flicking it over her tight flesh, rasping the rough velvet over and over her sensitive flesh until she groaned.

When Liam’s mouth left her breast to kiss his way down her body, Angus did his best to take his place. His attention alternated between her breasts, suckling on one while he pinched and twisted her other nipple.

Liam continued to kiss his way down her body until he reached her belly button where he stopped, laving her navel before moving lower. She felt him move between her legs and she stiffened. She’d heard of oral sex, of course, but Ray had never been into it. Sure, he would let her suck his cock, but he’d never returned the favor for some reason.

She felt him lean forward as his wide shoulders brushed against her inner thighs. He pulled her labia apart and slid his tongue through her wet folds. The tip of his tongue caressed her clit and she jerked.

Oh God!
How would she ever face him after this? He was between her legs,
her, his tongue sliding over her most private parts. Heat blasted through her like an oil rig on fire. He continued to eat at her, his tongue caressing parts of her never before touched in such a way.

He worked his tongue up inside her, and moaned.
moaned as though it brought enjoyment to him, as though he wasn’t rocking
world, but his own. She jerked again when his tongue stroked over her clit again.

Using his preternatural strength, Liam lifted her hips, pulling her thighs over his shoulders and held her in place while he circled her clit with his tongue. He teased the hood, laved the sensitive little pocket she felt while masturbating.

It was as though her very blood caught fire. Her body tingled, burned and she arched her back. At least she tried to. Liam still held her in place at the mercy of his wonderful, marauding tongue.

Kaitlin screamed when he pushed two, then three fingers inside her, scissoring them as he thrust them in and out ruthlessly. He set up an unbelievably fast rhythm designed to push her over the edge into orgasm. She could feel it coming as pressure coiled low in her middle, tighter, tighter until he sucked her clit into his mouth. He drew on her clit until every nerve ending inside her exploded into a million starbursts behind her eyelids. Wave after wave of heat and pleasure tore through her and her world shattered around her for just a second.

Liam stood, moving to lie on the bed next to her. “Have ye ever taken a man in the ass, baby?” He asked before he kissed her, letting her taste her cream on his lips.

“No.” She shook her head. “But I’ve used toys on me.” She felt her face heat. She really was going to have a difficult time facing these two in the morning.

“Toys?” he asked with a smile. “What kind of toys, lass?”

She pointed to the nightstand. “They’re in the drawer.”

Kaitlin covered her face with mortification when he opened the drawer and pulled out the two life-sized dildos.

“There’s no need tae be embarrassed, lass. It’s a natural thing tae want tae pleasure yourself.”

“But it’s not natural for human women to want to make it with two men. In my culture it’s considered deviant.”

“It’s not deviant in our culture, my beautiful Kat. It’s quite common.” He put her toys away. “Ye won’t need these anymore.” Liam smiled. “If ye want two cocks in ye, we’ll be happy tae oblige in whatever way ye wish.”

“Whatever way I wish?” She looked at Angus and licked her lips. “What I want right now, is one of you inside my pussy and the other inside my mouth.”

“That certainly can be arranged, lass.” Liam grinned and situated himself more fully on the edge of the bed. “Come straddle me, love.” He rested his hand on his cock, stroking it slowly.

Kaitlin moved closer, first dipping her head to his cock to lick the drop of thick fluid from the tip. It was a bit bitter, but she’d expected that. They were part bear and carnivores, after all. She’d read somewhere that men who ate a lot of red meat had a slightly more bitter flavor, though it wasn’t bad.

Liam groaned as she took her time sucking the pre-cum from the head of his cock. She ran her tongue around the glans and licked her way down the thick vein that ran from the tip all the way to the base of his large shaft.

Lifting her head, she smiled when she saw his rapt expression. On her knees, she cast one leg over Liam and slowly lowered herself over his hard cock. It was her turn to moan then. Never had she had a cock so large inside her. The rumors of girth must be true after all. Apparently, thicker and wider
better, after all. Her body tingled when he gripped her hips and thrust into her, making her  gasp.

What would it feel like with both of them inside her? She wanted to find out, but feared it as well. If Angus was a similar size, they would stretch her to the limits and she wasn’t sure it wouldn’t hurt.

Angus dug in the drawer where she kept her toys and found her bottle of lubricant. She breathed a sigh of relief. At least he didn’t plan to go in unprepared.

“Now that I’m inside you, it’s Angus’s turn, love.” Liam thrust deep inside her. His hands lifting her hips, before pulling her down on his cock with such force she gasped. “Take his cock into your mouth, lass. I want tae see him driving his cock down your throat.”

“Yes.” She moaned as he reached between them and stroked her clit.

Angus moved next to them, holding his cock in his hand. Standing, he was almost at face level as she rode Liam on the bed. Leaning forward, she grasped the base of his cock and kissed the tip in much the same way as she did Liam’s. Angus groaned when she drew the large head into her mouth, her tongue caressing the small slit.

Fisting the base, she spread her lips wider, trying to take more of him into her mouth. Angus grasped her hair, pulling her head closer, wedging his cock down her throat. Slowly, he thrust in and out, his head thrown back, his own throat working as though holding back another groan.

After several minutes, he pulled away with a gasp. “I can’t take anymore. If ye keep sucking my cock like that, I’ll spend myself and ye said ye wanted tae get the mating done with tonight.”

Reaching behind her, Liam pulled her down to suckle her breasts while Angus poured a generous amount of lubricant over her anus and worked it into her flesh. He inserted one finger, then two. When he worked the third finger into her ass, Angus began thrusting them in and out slowly at first, then faster and faster, until Kat whimpered.

“Please, Angus. I need you inside me. I
you inside me.” Her entire body quivered with the need to feel both of them thrusting deep inside her. She wasn’t sure if it was because she wanted them or if it was because it was a part of their mating ritual.

Like an idiot, she had never asked them what to expect. Apparently, their taking her together was, at least part, if not all of it.

Liam still suckled her breast. He moved his hand between them, his thumb thrumming her clit.
Come for me again, Kat. I want to feel your tight cunt clasping my cock as ye fall apart in my arms.

Their connection was stronger than before. It was as though Liam reached out to her, instead of having to focus her energies on listening to him.

She bucked when his thumb stroked over a particularly sensitive spot. Angus moved up behind her and pressed the head of his cock against her ass. He felt
! It might have been the fact that she already had Liam buried deep inside her, or maybe he’d grown a bit since she’d had him in her mouth. Whatever the case, she wasn’t sure she wanted him to squeeze that monster inside her.

BOOK: PolarBearS-express
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