Read Pleasure Bay Online

Authors: Maddie Taylor,Melody Parks

Pleasure Bay (3 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bay
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His tongue found every crease and nerve ending, making her squirm in her seat. Her breathing became labored as his tongue dipped lower, gathering her wetness. The smell of her arousal had him near to exploding as his tongue worked tirelessly, making her moan. Her fingers curled into his hair, her grip tightening.

“Faster,” she cried.

Her milky thighs trembled against his cheeks as he pushed her higher. He felt her pussy clench as he reached deeply into her with his tongue. The need to make this woman come apart drove him mad as he sucked, licked, and nibbled. Her clit throbbed wildly as he pulled it between his lips, flicking his tongue over it rapidly, making her moan.

Her legs encircled his shoulders, pulling him in more as her hips began bucking softly against him. He could barely breathe as she smothered his face, her pussy undulating beneath his lips until her body went rigid and her raspy breathing became a shrill cry of passion. Her nails pressed into his scalp as she bucked fitfully during her powerful orgasm.

The image of her coming undone sent Shane over the edge. A deep growl filled his ears as his hot seed erupted forcefully, surging repeatedly against his belly. Opening his eyes, he looked down at the mess. When had his hand reached into his pants? Relaxing back against the couch, he let his body recover from the immense orgasm.

Looking at the array of papers scattered around him, he smiled. Eighteen thousand might seem a tad steep, but if just thinking about his fantasy woman could make him spend that hard, he could only imagine what it would be like for real at Pleasure Bay.


* * *


“Hello?” Jen answered, pulling the towel from her head, the long wet strands of her copper locks falling against her back.

“Is this Ms. Reed? Ms. Jennifer Reed?” the man asked.

“Speaking,” she said spryly.

“Dimitri De Luca, calling from Pleasure Bay. Our staff has been looking over your application. Regrettably, we do not normally allow the type of fantasy you have requested. We are happy to work with you on your second choice, but you failed to answer.”

Before Dimitri could say more, Jennifer interrupted. “I don’t have a second choice. If I can’t have the fantasy I requested, please disregard my application. I’m sorry to have wasted your time. Have a good day, Mr. De—”

“Please don’t hang up, Ms. Reed. As I said, we don’t
allow this type of fantasy. I’m sure you can understand our concerns. We have done so in the past for regular clients, but never a first timer. If we were to make an exception, we would need you to complete some additional legal documentation. A full disclaimer that states your unequivocal consent and a release of liability for both the resort as well as the partner we have arranged for you.”

Jennifer felt a stirring in her belly when the man told her they had found her a partner. Could it be that her topmost secret fantasy might actually come true for her after all? She had inquired at a few BDSM clubs and applied to a couple of other fantasy-based resorts, but until now, all of them had flat out rejected her request for the same reason Dimitri had stated. She realized it was risky, but that’s the kind of girl Jennifer was, overly passionate about everything in her life—her job, her friends, her car, and especially her sex life.

“I’ll sign anything you need me to, sir,” she said excitedly, doing a happy dance right there in her kitchen, almost losing her towel in the process. “I can’t believe it. Thank you so much.”

“Don’t thank me just yet, Ms. Reed. In addition to the disclaimer, we need to go over a few things before we can give you an actual decision. Your application and fantasy summary are quite extensive, and I must say, we really appreciate that. However, unless we can reach a compromise on some of the details of your fantasy, I’m afraid we won’t be able to accommodate your request.”

“Oh, don’t say that,” she whined. “I was so happy just a second ago.”

“We understand that you want everything to be as real to life as we can make it, but we insist that you have a safeword before arriving. And that you allow us to assign a member of our security team to keep an eye on you at all times.”

“What?” she asked, shocked. “I don’t want some security dude watching me while I’m… um, getting busy.”

“He won’t be watching you in the act, Ms. Reed. He will be assigned outside of your room to make sure we can act promptly if anything should arise. Allow me to continue with our contingencies. You will not be permitted to request or use any gags while you are here. Due to the nature of your request, we don’t feel comfortable inhibiting the use of your safeword. Lastly, both you and your partner will be required to visit the main house at least once a day to check in with me.”

“Check in for what? Isn’t the security guard enough?” Jennifer’s hopes began to dwindle. She wasn’t about to fork over 25K for a fantasy and not be allowed to have it the way she wanted.

“Because sometimes appearances alone do not tell us that you are indeed safe and secure, Ms. Reed. The type of fantasy you are requesting can have consequences that we are not sure
are fully aware of. We will need to monitor your psychological well-being as well as your physical state. If you agree to these stipulations, we will take care of the additional paperwork upon your arrival. We will also require that you meet with our psychologist for evaluation before final approval. If she doesn’t feel you are fit to handle the fantasy, your deposit will be fully refunded, and you can enjoy one of our complimentary guest huts until your departure on Sunday.”

Jennifer chewed at the inside of her lower lip. She wanted her fantasy to come true, but she wanted it to be uninhibited. She didn’t mind the safeword, or the restriction on the use of gags, or even the preliminary psych test, but having to report once a day would kill the realism that she was looking to experience.

“Ms. Reed?”

“Sorry, I was just thinking that having to report for a mini mental-health check every day was going to detract from the enjoyment of my fantasy.”

“I can assure that you will enjoy your fantasy. Like our website promises, satisfaction guaranteed. So what do you say, yes or no, Ms. Reed?”

This was probably the closest she was ever going to get to safely fulfilling her most secret sought-after desires. She wasn’t going to let a few rules ruin it completely for her, was she?

“Yes!” she said resolutely. “I’ll agree to your contingencies.” Her belly clenched again with renewed hope and anticipation.

“Very good, you can expect your confirmation email in a couple of days. We look forward to seeing you this weekend.”

“As do I, sir. Have a good day.”

Jennifer slapped the cordless phone into the charger and happy-danced her way back to the bathroom. Finally, she was going to get her abduction fantasy. How would they arrange it, she wondered, applying her makeup and doing her best with her stubborn hair. Surely, they wouldn’t introduce him to her. That would kill the best part.

Would they send her to the grotto spa for a private massage and maybe while the man was rubbing her down, he’d tie her hands behind her back and tell her that he wasn’t going to let her go until she agreed to please him—every way he liked. Naturally, she wouldn’t agree, at least not at first. She would call his bluff and offer to report him if he forced himself on her.

“Why would I force you? You’ll be begging for my cock before I’m through,” he’d say as he tied her dainty ankles to the corners of the table.

She would be at his mercy, bound to the table while he rubbed her legs down with oil. Moving his skillful hands purposely between her thighs, kneading and squeezing as he inched his way up, he’d pause at the lower curve of her buttocks. Would he pry open her ass cheeks and peer into the furrow? Maybe he’d run a finger slowly across her sensitive hole, causing her to shudder and clench.

Without a word, he would oil up a finger, work it into her rear as he listened to her moans and enjoyed how she wiggled her hips. “You like that, don’t you?” he would whisper next to her ear.

She would nod her head and feel his finger withdraw, followed seconds later by his large flat hand crashing down upon one of her bottom cheeks. “Answer me, girl.”

Jennifer’s pussy clenched at the thought of the sexy man dominating her, manipulating her body, and teasing her to the point she’d forget her own name.

It had been so long since she’d lost control… really lost control. She longed for the kind of weekends she used to have with Richard. More than once, she had called in on a Monday, too sore and spent to do anything more than sleep. Richard wasn’t afraid to tickle her dark side, when it suited him, of course. He enjoyed pushing her to the edge of her limits and then skillfully coaxing her past them. Some might call her a bit of a freak for allowing some of the things she’d done with Richard, but the truth was she missed him. She longed for the carnal lust, the rough and sometimes raunchy sex, and the way he was able to make her come at his command.

She knew that Pleasure Bay wouldn’t be able to find a man like Richard; she didn’t really expect them to. But they could provide her with a long-awaited fantasy and put some spice back into her sex life.

The low chimes of her grandfather clock alerted her that it was time to get to work. It was going to be hard to keep her mind on her job this week while thoughts of how she might be grabbed, lured, or captured kept popping into her head.

Chapter One



He walked into the conference room, pleased to see his team had assembled. As he moved to his seat at the end of the long table, he eyed the chair to his right—one member was conspicuously absent.

“Has anyone seen Mariah?” His deep voice rang out with quiet authority. The hint of an Italian accent was almost imperceptible, the rolling ‘r’ and emphasis on the second syllable giving him away to only a trained ear. Dimitri De Luca was a stickler for timeliness. When he called a meeting, it was meaningful enough for everyone to attend, or he wouldn’t waste their time in the first place. The weekly staff meeting was of critical importance, taking place before the guests arrived. Everything had to be precisely and meticulously planned in advance in order to prevent errors, dissatisfaction, and melodrama, all of which Dimitri hated and none of which were tolerated on Pleasure Bay. As the owner of the island and exclusive pleasure resort, he had the power and responsibility to make sure that nothing unexpected or untoward happened.

Vance Lebrock, his security chief answered. “She was having words with Chef Byron about twenty minutes ago, D.”

“Trouble?” Dimitri asked, concerned, and rightfully so. Byron was a world-renowned chef, but as stereotypical and as temperamental as they come. He ran his kitchen like a five-star general with military precision and the expectation of perfection. He was arrogant, bold, and brash, making Chef Ramsay look like an altar boy by comparison. His temper was foul and he’d been known to bite the head off more than one sous-chef, often sending them running to Dimitri or for the plane home, whichever was closer.

“Nothing Mariah can’t handle. I noticed she was nodding and flashing those baby blues at him. I didn’t stick around because I hate to see a strong man turn to putty beneath the power of her persuasion.”

“Damn straight. She’s so subtle when she does it, a man doesn’t know she’s worked her magic until he’s agreed to put shelves together for her apartment or promised to fly to Kingston to pick up paper lanterns that are
just perfect
for the welcome party.” This came from Jaxon St. Clair, Vance’s assistant; second in command of island security, he was also their resident computer expert. A topnotch surveillance expert with military training, he could finesse a background check detailed enough to know what a potential guest had for breakfast a week ago last Friday—well… almost.

“She got you too?” Doc asked.

Vance laughed. “What did she con you into, Doc?”

“Not telling,” their resident physician said with a shake of his head.

Dimitri looked with sympathy at his old friend Grayson Jensen. Gray enjoyed being the on-site medical provider for the resort. He was paid well for his time and discretion, such that he’d given up his private practice in Boston. As he watched him now, a flush crept up his neck and tinged his ears; he looked entirely uncomfortable. Dimitri hid his amusement while he wondered what Mariah had been up to now. She’d obviously rooked Gray into helping her out with something embarrassing. It had to be humiliating for the seasoned dom to be so manipulated by such an innocent-seeming sub.

Jaxon provided the missing information as he elbowed Vance and said in a stage whisper, “I know. I’ll tell you later, but it had something to do with baby powder and leather.”

“The hell you say!” Dimitri exclaimed. Everyone knew that Mariah was off limits. If anyone were going to claim Mariah, it would be him. Dimitri’s angry eyes zoned in on Grayson, who was quick to defend himself.

“I swear, D, it was quite innocent. You see, she’d ordered some club wear and wanted to make sure the men’s gear was up to snuff.”

Jaxon chuckled. “Up to snuff… that’s rich. Doc ended up in a private fashion show for our little guest relations manager. I swear, boss, it was a sight to see.”

Doc glared at the younger man as laughter filled the room. “Exactly how did you find out? Spying?”

“Please,” Jax scoffed. “I was installing new equipment in the ballroom. It’s not my fault it coincided with your leather fetish show.”

Doctor Jensen’s face flushed darker. He was blond and blue-eyed, and if he got too much sun, he turned red as a lobster. Similarly, when he was emotional, color often stained his cheeks, making him easy to read. Right now, he looked like he wanted to separate Jaxon’s head from his shoulders.

Vance intervened, elbowing Jax in his side. “Not cool, man.”

“It’s also not a secret.” He looked a bit chagrined as he met Grayson’s eyes. “Sorry, Doc, I don’t know how else to tell you, but the rumors are making their rounds. I was running wire with three of the men.”

BOOK: Pleasure Bay
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