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Authors: Harlem Dae

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Pleasure and Danger (6 page)

BOOK: Pleasure and Danger
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Fifteen minutes before our meeting, I drove the short distance to the supermarket. I reckoned I would be okay after just one merlot, and besides, it was creepy walking out when the streets were so deserted, the night so black and still. I really hadn’t fancied it.

After clicking my VW locked, I glanced around the car park. There were six vehicles there, not including mine. I had no idea what Gabriel drove, but I hoped his was one of them so we only had five staff to contend with. Sounded about right—one on tills, a security man at the front door and a few stacking shelves or cleaning.

I tugged my leather jacket shut, dragged up the zip then shoved my keys into my pocket. It was pretty damn cold, especially when not wearing much.

Luckily, as I stepped into Bestco a blast of hot air hit me and the automatic doors slid shut, trapping the warmth inside.

An overweight security bloke sat at a small station that held a gray monitor. He glanced up at me.

“Hi,” I said, smiling.

His gaze dropped down my body. He nodded, once, then went back to reading a paperback. I didn’t think he’d give me any cause for concern. I’d hazard a guess he only moved from where he sat to go and grab pies from the canteen.

The lights were dazzling after being outside, full-on fluorescent. Gabriel had instructed me to leave my mascara streaked after our morning fuck, said he wanted me looking like a ‘little slut’. I wasn’t into taking orders, but when he’d said I’d tapped into him pretty well that had given me a good measure of him—oh yeah, I was efficient at that. He liked the slut thing as much as he enjoyed being called Sir.

Well, I could do slut. I could be his slutty butterfly all night and all fucking day if that was what he wanted.

There were two ladies on the tills, sitting next to each other, chatting. I couldn’t hear what they were saying and they took no notice of me. I wondered if maybe there were more customers in the shop and I wasn’t such an oddity. Two cashiers seemed excessive when no one was paying for anything. Maybe they were just getting away with it, being paid for gossiping.

Good for them if they were.

The magazine aisle called me first, and knowing I had a few minutes to spare I perused the racks of glossy covers. The men’s one piqued my interest. I liked the words on the front, the enticements, headlines to make men curious enough to pick up the goods. Was that really what men wanted to read?
Six pack in six days. What does her sleeping position tell you about what she ‘really’ wants in bed? Protein diets are the new must-do.
How dull. I was sure men really wanted to read things like
Get her to suck your cock the way a man would
, because surely men ‘got’ exactly how to do it, and
Drive her so wild with your box of toys she’ll still be screaming your name when the sun comes up
Want anal? Teach her to love it

I laughed a little at my own silly headlines. I was sure they’d sell more magazines, though.

Passing farther into the shop, I came to the fruit and veg section. This was where we’d said we’d meet. At three a.m.

Fuck, I hoped he’d show. What if he didn’t? Here was me in my whorish get-up, out in the middle of the night, and if he was a no-show, what the hell would I do? Buy some groceries and go home, I supposed.

I trip-trapped to the salad section. Thought about what I’d said earlier to Gabriel about bananas and cucumbers being like cocks.

I picked up a cucumber, one that had a cellophane wrapper on it, kind of like a condom, tested its weight and its girth then passed it from one hand to the other.

Gabriel had a nice cock. Heavy and thick, long too, but not too long, just right. I liked the fact that he was circumcised—that always appealed to me. Cocks looked pretty when flaccid without that extra bit, but each to their own. I wondered if it hurt when…

“Excuse me, Miss.”

I spun at the sound of a deep, familiar voice.

Gabriel stood next to me, hands in the pockets of a navy jacket that bunched at his hips, the sparkle of dew in his hair. His cheeks were flushed and the scent of night rushed off him.

I guessed he’d walked.

Had he needed a drink, more than one, before meeting me? Or did he live really near to the supermarket?

“Yes?” I replied, tipping my head questioningly.

We had a deal—a deal to pretend we didn’t know each other.

Well, we didn’t know very much about each other. Not really. I didn’t have a clue what his surname was, his age or what job he did. I knew other stuff, though, fun stuff.

“I was wondering,” he said, “since you’re holding one, if you know a good recipe for cucumber.”

He set down the empty basket he was carrying and I realized I’d forgotten to pick one up.

Oh well.

“Yes, actually I do.”

I half smiled as I took in the stubble on his chin and down his neck. It hadn’t been there this morning—he’d been freshly shaved then. But I liked this just-got-out-of-bed look. It matched his slightly roguish features—the bump in his nose, the heaviness of his eyebrows. He wasn’t model handsome—more rough and ready in an expensive suit, a delicious combination for a bad girl like me.

“Are you willing to share your recipe?” He picked up a cucumber of his own. Curled his thumb and index finger around it, like he was stroking a cock, and gave a few lazy rubs up and down it.

I swallowed tightly and a sudden thought of watching him do that to his cock blustered into my mind. Damn, that would be so hot, to watch him wank. I hoped it would be on our agenda. If not, there was another fantasy to keep me warm at night.

“Sure,” I said, “take one cucumber.” I paused and positioned my cucumber as if it were a dick protruding from my groin. “And a pot of cream. Smother the cucumber in the cream, add a little spice if that’s your thing, then let it marinate, slowly. To allow the flavors to soak into the ripe, moist inside of the cucumber, let the cream coat it all over. Best way to do this is by sliding it in and out of the cream…”

His face broke into a grin. “Just as well I like cream, then.” He bent his head to mine. “
cream. I could taste it on my fingers all fucking day. Kept me hard—hard for you. Damn it, lose the cucumbers and let’s go and do this.”



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About the Author



Lily Harlem and Natalie Dae have been writing together for several years now on top of their individual author projects. Their joint name is now Harlem Dae. They enjoy being represented by traditional houses including HarperCollins and Totally Bound as well as self-publishing their sexy stories on Amazon.


Both live in the UK and gain great satisfaction from bouncing characters and their raunchy antics back and forth, growing, nurturing and stoking plot lines until they steam off the page and push boundaries. They consider themselves to be solitary, whacky, spontaneous and desirous for many things including perfection and are frequently caught sending messages back and forth referring to each other as Rodney and Delboy.


[email protected]


Lily and Natalie love to hear from readers. You can find their contact information, website and author biography at



Also by Harlem Dae


A Bit of Strange: Beauty and Pain

A Bit of Strange: Pain and Pleasure


Also by Lily Harlem and Natalie Dae


That Filthy Book


Also by Lily Harlem



Escape to the Country

Treble: Orchestrating Maneuvers

Stand to Attention: Who Dares Wins

Christmas Crackers: Candy Canes and Coal Dust

Bollywood: The Unwholesome Adventures of Harita


Also by Natalie Dae


A Gentleman’s Harlot

Shadow and Darkness

Lincoln’s Woman

Fantasies Explored: Think Kink

Fantasies Explored: Thinking Kinkier

Fantasies Explored: Kinky Thinking

Stiff Upper Lip: Minute Maid

Bound to the Billionaire: Waiting for Him

What’s Her Secret?: The Submissive’s Secret







Totally Bound Publishing




BOOK: Pleasure and Danger
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