Read Playing Passion's Game Online

Authors: Lesley Davis

Playing Passion's Game (9 page)

BOOK: Playing Passion's Game
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“Trent, I want this one.”

Trent turned her attention back to Kayleigh to see what game she was pointing to. “An excellent choice. That will be a great game. I’ve seen some of the previews, and it looks amazing. Let me get you a pre-order slip and you can pick it up on its day of release.” She reached under the counter for the necessary paperwork. “You going to leave a deposit on it?”

“How much?” Kayleigh said, obviously enjoying having Trent’s full attention.

“Give me one hundred dollars and you can buy mine for me too.” Trent gave Kayleigh a sly look and was pleased to see her laugh.

“I don’t have that much!”

Trent pretended to be disappointed. “I’ll buy my own game, then, penny pincher.” She started to fill in the form for Kayleigh. “Give me ten dollars for a deposit and you’re set.”

Kayleigh whipped a bill out of her purse. “That I have.”

“Excellent.” Trent finished her form and ripped off Kayleigh’s copy. She ran the money through the register and stapled the receipt to Kayleigh’s form. Then she made sure Kayleigh tucked the slip safely away in her purse. “In two weeks’ time, the game is all yours.” Trent nudged her gently. “Or if you can’t make it, have your sister call me and I’ll bring it by after work for you.”

“You’d do that for me?”

“Only for you.” Trent found Elton and Juliet still deep in conversation. “What are they up to?” She figured if anyone would know, it would be Kayleigh.

“I think Elton’s asking Juliet about Monica.” Kayleigh cupped a hand to Trent’s ear. “I think he likes her a lot.”

Trent nodded. “I think so too.”

“My sister says she’s going to dig in your backyard when she’s not in the bank. Can I come help?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think I’m allowed to go anywhere near it either while Monica is working.”

“She’s a landscaper. Juliet says that is way more important than a gardener.”

“A lot more,” Trent said. “And I think she’s in charge.”

Kayleigh frowned, then let out a pitiful sigh. “Guess I’ll be told to stay at home, then.”

“You can come see it when they’re all finished. It will look better then.”

“What will look better?” Juliet asked, coming over to join them at the counter.

“The yard once you and Monica have finished with it.” Trent caught Zoe gesturing toward Kayleigh, and Trent nudged her so she would see what Zoe wanted. Kayleigh grabbed up her purse and left them alone.

“She just made a ten-dollar deposit for a game that’s out in two weeks. It’s perfectly suitable, and she’s going to love it.”

Juliet gave her a curious look. “I trust you, Trent. I don’t think you’d steal Kayleigh’s birthday money from her.”

“I’m just keeping you informed. The receipt is in her purse so you can see what deposit she made.”

“She was so excited about coming here today. Seeing where you all work. I managed to get off work early to go fetch her. She wanted to see you.”

“And what about you?”

“I’m trying not to let my mind wander as to things I could do with you and that tie you’re wearing.”

Trent blinked at Juliet’s casually spoken words; her face flamed as her own mind conjured up images. “Damn it, you can’t say things like that to me here.”

“Why not?” Juliet’s voice was innocent.

“Because the storeroom isn’t as private as I’d want, and you’re testing my limits.” She was pleased to see Juliet shiver at her words. She could smell her subtle scent as Juliet leaned toward her and spoke very quietly for Trent’s ears alone.

“I deserve more than a quick fuck.” She deliberately returned Trent’s words to her.

A soft sound escaped Trent’s lips at the sensuous tone in Juliet’s voice.

“Monica wanted to know if she could start work at your place tomorrow, seeing as she has the day off work?”

Trent was more than a little thrown by Juliet’s ease at changing the subject. She slipped the necessary key from her key chain and held it out for Juliet. “Tell her to just let herself in through the side gate. I’m in here from nine a.m. tomorrow. The yard will be all hers.”

“I thought I might swing by after work to help her clean up.”

“If I promised you a meal when you were done, would you eat with me tomorrow night?”

“I’d love to.”

Trent didn’t censure the words in her head before they tumbled out of her mouth unbidden. “Then it’s a date.”

Juliet’s delighted look made her chest ache with the need to pull her close and kiss her. She looked toward the storeroom door and was caught by Juliet’s-all-too knowing eyes.

“You drag me in there and the whole place would know what we were doing.”

“Would I be dragging?”

“No, I’d be quite willing, but I don’t want to give my little sister any more fodder for what she already tells strangers about her big sister.”

“I’m not a stranger anymore.”

“There’s still so much about you I just don’t know. Maybe tomorrow you’ll open up and tell me about yourself.”

Trent tried not to let her fear show.
You’ve already gotten closer than anyone has in years. I don’t know how much closer I can let you get.

Chapter Ten

Juliet Sullivan, tell me you didn’t walk out of your tight-assed building dressed like that and didn’t call me so I could come witness the resulting chaos?”

Juliet looked down at her ripped jeans and red V-necked T-shirt. “What’s wrong with these? These are my rattiest clothes that you requested that I wear, but they’re still decent.”

Monica paused in her digging and rested on the handle of her spade. “Sweetheart, that T-shirt shows off the kind of cleavage I would kill for, and your jeans have very enticing flashes of flesh. Now, while in and of themselves your clothes are fine and very sexy on you, I just wish I’d been there to see your colleagues’ reactions as you walked past them looking like the truly gorgeous woman I know and love.”

Juliet cocked her eyebrow at her. “Next time I’ll just borrow a pair of Dad’s overalls and save you the show.”

Monica reached over for the extra shovel and picked her way over toward Juliet. She handed it to her as if it were a prized sword. “It’s not me who’s going to want to explore those holes.” She looked Juliet up and down admiringly. “Each and every tantalizing one of them.”

Juliet caught her drift and waved her comments away. “I’m going to be covered in dirt and God knows what when she comes home. I’m not going to be in the least bit desirable.”

“You really don’t see it, do you?” Monica returned to her digging. “You are the quintessential femme, so perfectly suited to your studly gardening-impaired butch.”

“Do you really think so?”

“Hey, if she doesn’t want to rip those jeans off by that particular frayed hole in the thigh, then she’s either crazy or too damn shy, and I don’t think she’s either, do you?”

Juliet considered divulging with Monica Trent’s apparent restraint when a high-pitched voice shouted hello over the fence at them.

“Monica dear, you shouldn’t have!”

Monica rushed over to the fence to speak with the old lady trying to peer over the fence.

“Mrs. Tweedy, you have the most beautiful Fryclimbdown Crimson Cascade that I’ve ever seen. How could I not help by cutting it back for you? It was wasting its gorgeous flowers over in this yard. Now they can be trained to bloom all in your own again.” Monica reached over the fence to touch at a rose with its dark red petals. “They feel like velvet. It’s the perfect rose for a Goth, the deep red splashed against the black of our dresses.”

“But you’re so busy, you shouldn’t have.”

“It was no problem, a five-minute job. Now it can continue flowering in all its glory for you.” Monica gestured for Juliet to join her. “Mrs. Tweedy, this is Juliet. She’s helping me in the yard.”

Mrs. Tweedy eyed Juliet closely. “So you’re another of Trent’s friends? She certainly knows some pretty girls.”

Juliet liked the old lady on sight. “It’s lovely to meet you.”

“So you’re both working on that yard at last? I’ve told Trent so many times she needed to get it sorted. She can’t have a nice young girl over and have a messy yard. How can you sit and watch the stars together when the yard is so overgrown?”

Juliet was startled at Mrs. Tweedy being so open about Trent’s sexuality.

“Don’t you think she’s a handsome woman?” Mrs. Tweedy asked suddenly, her question directed straight at Juliet.

“Yes, she is.”

very pretty.”

Juliet was taken aback by her bluntness. “Thank you.”

Mrs. Tweedy nodded at Monica and uttered something like
under her breath. “Trent’s coming home around six o’clock tonight, isn’t she? It’s a shopping night. She always brings me a cake when she goes shopping, and whatever else I ask her for. She’s a good girl.” Mrs. Tweedy disappeared from behind the fence. “Anyone deciding to hurt her would have me after them with my walker. I barely use the blessed thing, so it could stand a few dings!”

Juliet stood open-mouthed at the sound of retreating feet. She turned to Monica. “Why do I get the strangest feeling I’ve just been warned?”

Monica shrugged. “She already knows about me and Elton, so she must figure you’re in the running for her neighbor’s attentions.”

“You’ve barely been here a day and already you’ve been gossiping with the old woman next door?”

“What can I say, I’m the friendly sort.” She slipped down from the fence. “Do you know that Mrs. Tweedy very rarely sees anyone go into Trent’s house?”

“So? She’s private.”

“She says she never seems to have friends over.”

“Monica, she just lives next door. She can’t know everything.”

“She’s the unofficial neighborhood watch. She sees all and reasonably hears all.” Monica began digging at a very stubborn root. “There are already two lesbians living together across the road, with two dogs
a chicken.” Monica paused. “Mrs. Tweedy gets free eggs from it. Can you imagine?”

Juliet found her own patch of dirt to turn over. “You two together are truly frightening.”

“Want to know what I think?”

Juliet bit back her sigh. “I’m sure you’re going to tell me anyway.”

“I think you’re either falling for a lean, mean, and downright sexy heartbreaker, or you have someone who is very careful who they let get close to them. From what I understand from the little Elton has revealed, I think you have the latter.”

“She is a marvelous blend of contradictions. So sexy and passionate, yet so sweet and respectful. Kayleigh absolutely idolizes her.”

“And what about you?”

“I’m falling harder every time she looks at me with those deep brown eyes.”
But I’m not pushing. I want to get to know her without frightening her away.

“Your sister and that games tournament have a lot to answer for.”

Juliet had to laugh at the look Monica spared her. “You and Elton are perfect for each other.”

“He’s fiercely loyal to Trent. There has to be a story behind that because he loves her so much. Thankfully, I know it’s nothing to be jealous of, but he’s very protective. It does make a girl curious.”

“They’ve been friends for years; friends are like that.” Juliet was glad to hear Elton was the kind of friend that didn’t spill confidences.

“I’m glad you came back to Baydale to us. I love having you living with me. It’s so cool to have you closer than just at the end of a telephone.”

“I missed you too.”

“Guess you coming back here was all fated. You come here and through you I meet the man of my dreams, and you…”

Monica’s sentence hung in the air. Juliet knew what she was waiting for.

“Do you really want me to say it out loud?” Juliet said.

“No, I want you to say it to
. She’s the one to hear it. I just want you to

Juliet continued to dig. She had already realized what Monica suspected, but realizing and doing something about it were miles apart.


Trent let herself in through her front door and juggled her shopping bags in her arms to hurriedly turn off the alarm beeping out its few seconds’ warning. With a well-placed heel against the door, she pushed it closed. Heading into the kitchen, Trent tried to clamp down on the excitement she could feel simmering away inside her. She laid her bags down and looked out the kitchen window. She saw Monica wrestling with a large overgrown bush. Then Trent’s breath caught in her chest. Juliet was nearby, bending over to tug at something fixed firmly in the ground. Trent’s eyes lingered just a little too long on Juliet’s shapely rear encased in denim. A piece of pale skin was peeking out on Juliet’s thigh.
It’s official. She’s trying to kill me!
Her elbow hit the bowl in the sink with dishes left in and they clattered together, startling Trent from her pensive staring.

She forced herself to do something responsible and quickly stored the perishable items in the fridge and laid out the makings for the meal she had to prepare. Trent was excited and yet nervous she was about to see Juliet again.
Damn, this woman throws me off balance
. She smoothed a hand down her tie and made sure her shirt was tucked in smartly, then she ran a hand through her hair. It fell back across her forehead where she left it. Trent unlocked the back door’s multiple locks and then stepped out into her backyard. She was astounded by how much work had already been done. There was more visible light pouring into the yard and it seemed so much bigger. Trent sought out Juliet first and was the recipient of such a welcoming smile that she forgot everything but the need to kiss her. Trent took a step but found her path impeded by a gathering pile of yard debris blocking the path. She kicked at it in frustration.

“Hi, Trent, mind you don’t ruin your clothes on the thorns hidden in that mound.”

Trent dutifully stepped back at Juliet’s warning and had to settle for just looking at her over the pile. Juliet was smudged and grubby and had loose bits of foliage in her hair, but to Trent’s eyes she looked so happy that she could have hugged her, dirt and all. “You’ve done a lot of work. I didn’t expect you to get so much done in such a short space of time.”

“Monica’s done all the hard work. I’ve only been here for an hour or so.” Juliet held up her filthy hands. “But I got stuck straight in to earn my keep.”

Trent wrinkled her nose at the sight of Juliet’s dirt-covered hands. “You can take a shower if you like before I feed you. I’m sure I can find something for you to wear to save you having to put your banker’s garb on again.”

“Are you politely telling me that I smell?”

“No, I was merely pointing out that you might prefer to sit for our meal refreshed from a shower after your exertion in this warm sun.” Trent folded her arms across her chest at the urge to reach out and wipe away a particularly tantalizing droplet of sweat that was traveling toward Juliet’s cleavage. “I’ll even let you loose with the rubber duck in there.”

Juliet wiped at the sweat on her forehead and inadvertently smeared a streak of dirt across her skin. “Sold.” Juliet paused in what she was doing and ran her eyes up and down Trent’s body until Trent had to shift under the concentrated gaze.


“We’re not exactly the same size. You’re so tall and lean and I’m…”

“Smaller yet much more voluptuous,” Monica said.

“Thank you, Monica, for your observation.” Juliet gave her a look.

“I have some things that will be suitable, so don’t worry,” Trent said.

Monica checked her watch. “Time to quit. We’ll start clearing up and I’ll get going.” She picked up her shovel. “We can leave the tools in the shed.”

“I have a shed?” Trent said.

Monica pointed a sharp finger at her. “You…go inside now! Get back into your house and hang your head in shame! Yes, you have a shed. It was buried behind all the trash in that corner.”

Trent looked over to where she gestured, and sure enough, there was an old wood-paneled shed revealed.

“Well, would you look at that?” Trent turned to Monica. “I have a shed.”

Monica just scoffed at her. “Yeah, like you’re ever going to use it.”

Trent winked at her as she backpedaled toward her door. “Doesn’t mean I’m not excited to have one.” She leaned against the frame lazily, giving Juliet her full attention. “I’ll go start cutting and chopping, Juliet, so I’ll see you shortly.” She caught Monica’s attention. “Monica, keep the key so you can just come and go as you please back here. And thank you for what you have accomplished so far. It looks so much better already.”

“Thanks, Trent, I’ll do that.”

Trent reluctantly stepped back inside and took off her shoes out of habit. She raced up the stairs to find Juliet some clothing.
Though I like her in those jeans
especially that rip that just screams for me to go exploring there
. She couldn’t help the length of the sweatpants she found, but she reckoned Juliet could be comfortable in a sweatshirt she had that was a “one size fits all” make that she’d won at a tournament and had never been able to wear. Trent laid out the items on the bed along with a clean pair of socks, then grabbed a clean T-shirt to change into. Loose jeans replaced her black suit trousers, and Trent trotted back down to the kitchen to start their meal. She had everything washed and diced and was just preparing to open a beer when there was a tentative knock at the back door. Trent opened it to find Juliet leaning against the wall tugging her boots off.

“Come on in.” Trent held the door open for Juliet to enter.

“My jeans are filthy. I really don’t want to walk through your house like this, but I didn’t feel right taking them off outside in full view of your neighbors.”

Trent went warm at both the thought and the wicked glint shining in Juliet’s eyes. “If you’d rather leave your jeans down here I promise to avert my eyes so you can escape upstairs.”

Juliet’s hand went to her waistband and she began to undo the button. Trent was unable to turn away, mesmerized as Juliet slid the zipper down slowly.

“There are towels in the bathroom ready for you, and I’ve left clothing on the bed.” Trent could hardly breathe. Her gaze was drawn to the bright flash of color being revealed beneath the denim. “I didn’t think my underwear would be of any use to you.” She swallowed hard as Juliet began to slip her jeans off her hips, and only then did she turn away to give her privacy.

“You not into lace, Trent?” Juliet’s voice teased from behind her.

Trent had seen the intricate lace that covered Juliet’s skin, and her mind had conjured up images of her running her fingers over it, tracing the patterns, before edging beneath them. “Not on me personally.” Trent was grateful to hear her voice didn’t sound as strained as she thought. “I wear boxer shorts. I didn’t really see you wearing those, and I can see I was right.

Trent tried to dismiss the vision from her mind of Juliet dressed only in her underwear and bit back the groan that washed through her gut.

“Are you going to show me where your bathroom is?”

The sound of heavy material hitting the floor by the door made Trent clench her fists. “That would require me turning around, and I’m trying so very hard to be chivalrous.”

“Trent, I have nothing I’m ashamed of, so you might as well turn around.”

BOOK: Playing Passion's Game
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