Read Playing for Keeps Online

Authors: Glenda Horsfall

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #BDSM, #Romance

Playing for Keeps (14 page)

BOOK: Playing for Keeps
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Her voice was keening with need “Matt, please…. Please…. Please.” She begged.

The sound of her husky pleas drove him to open his eyes.

“Tell me what you want, kitten.” He spoke softly, watching her intently. “This?” he thrust slowly into her.

“Please….” He refused to move.

Cassie was barely breathing. “You have to tell me, or we’ll stay here all night.” Christ, he was turning into a real bastard.

“Fuck me. Fuck me!” she screamed, her voice keening with need. “I want you to fuck me hard.”

“Lucky me,” he groaned.

And then he started to move. Slowly at first, as he eased in and out. He was determined to bring her to climax before his own release. All the while he kept his eyes pinned to hers as he tried to judge how she was feeling and what she needed. He saw in her eyes that she was very close to her climax. He helped her over the edge by placing a hand between her legs and pinched her clitoris. She yelped as though taken by surprise, and then screamed, as her climax hit. Her orgasm tore through her and swept over him as her pussy gripped and pulsed around his swollen cock.

Thank you, God. Matt didn’t think he could have lasted much longer. He pulled her down hard onto his shaft as he thrust up and his climax burst through. How long they would have stayed entwined against the door he couldn’t guess, but they were disturbed when room service arrived and knocked loudly at Cassie’s back. She giggled and looked embarrassed. He hoped room service hadn’t been on the other side of the door, when their climax had hit its peak.

Matt settled her onto her feet and sent her into the bedroom. He straightened his own clothing before he opened the door to collect their dinner. He strived to appear as though all was normal as he came face to face with the grinning manservant on the other side of the threshold. It appeared that he had heard everything. Oh well, Matt surmised, he had probably seen and heard a lot worse in this place.

Matt stood at the entrance to the bedroom just looking at Cassie. He hadn’t had much time to take in what she was wearing or to assess her outfit properly, but now that he did, he had to admit it was mighty fine. Mistress de Silva obviously knew what a man wanted – Cassie encased in tight satin and lace embodied everything he could wish for. Cassie smiled and twirled slowly, “You like?”

“Oh, I like all right,” his voice was husky, “I’m just not sure I’m going to like others looking and liking tonight.” He didn’t fancy anyone else seeing her as she looked now. For a moment, he actually considered giving the event a miss, but dismissed the idea. The whole point of the weekend, for him at any rate, was to find out what made her tick. He wasn’t going to find out anything new if they stayed closeted in their hotel room for the duration. “Dinner’s arrived, so we had better eat and then get ready to go,” he said. “If we stay here,” he looked around the bedroom and then back at Cassie, “I don’t think we’ll make the party.”

“Okay by me.”

“But not by me! So move it – dining room now, lady. You need to eat. If I know you, you’ve probably not eaten since breakfast and it could be a long evening.”


Chapter 9

A program for the evening’s entertainment had been delivered with their meal and they discussed it over dinner. Cassie had expressed her surprise at the normalness of the entertainments listed. There would be an MC, cabaret, singers and dancers. A casino had been set up in one of the side rooms, and the evening would be finished off with a midnight supper and dance. He realized she had been worried about the form of entertainment that would be available during the evening, given the type of club they were visiting. It amused him that she had thought the entertainment would be a bit kinkier, and that she appeared disappointed when she read the program. The program made it sound like there would be nothing more than an evening of old fashioned, music hall style entertainment, with a Victorian burlesque type theme. He didn’t disabuse her of this idea. He was looking forward to judging her reactions as the evening played out.

After dinner, he followed Cassie into the bedroom, where she told him she wanted to have a shower before they headed downstairs to the party. She had her back to the door as he entered, allowing him to watch as she stripped off her skirt, stockings and the long pantaloons. The sight of her stripping made him hard. Christ, he was going to have to get a grip; he hadn’t been able to leave her alone all weekend. He leaned casually against the doorjamb with his hands in his pockets as he admired the view. He wondered at what point she would realize she was going to need help to get the corset off.

He watched as she struggled to reach behind and undo the laces. Her contortions caused her to bend forward slightly and thrust her bottom in his direction. He was unable to stifle his moan of desire and she swung round to face him, her face a picture of consternation as she realized she was not alone. She blushed as she caught his eye and then turned quickly away, looking for something to cover her naked lower half. Her frantic actions as she leaned over the bed to reach for her robe amused him. He was intimately acquainted with every inch of her and no matter what she wore, or tried to hide behind, the memory of every curve was burned into his brain.

Christ, she was killing him.

She stood in front of the bed wearing nothing but the red and black corset. The corset made her waist look miniscule and enhanced the flair of her hips. With an almost primal groan from the back of his throat, he strode across the room. He struggled to bring his raging libido back under control as he came up behind her.

“I think,” he said, taking a playful swat at her behind, “that you need a hand.”

“Mm, hm… I think so. Don’t think I’m going to be able to undo the laces myself,” she replied. Considering all they had been through already during the weekend, he was amazed that she was still blushing.

“Right then, let’s see what I can do to help.” His voice was hoarse and barely above a whisper.

With her back to him, she braced her arms against the bedpost as he started to untie the laces threaded up the back. His hands were unsteady as he worked to loosen the lacework as fast as he could. The sight of her backside framed by the corset’s lower edge resembled a perfect heart shape. Briefly, he fantasized about lifting her onto the bed and taking her from behind. His jaw was clenched so tight that his teeth were starting to ache. He had to get out of there before he was tempted to throw her on the bed and take her again. The party was due to start in a little over an hour and they really didn’t have time, especially when he considered that he still wanted to have a serious talk with her.

With the corset undone, he slapped her lightly on the behind. “Go get your shower and I’ll help you redress when you’re ready.”

Her breathing was erratic and he was aware that he wasn’t the only one aroused by the situation. He sensed her confusion as he turned to walk away and cursed himself for being all kinds of an idiot.

In the lounge, Matt poured himself a stiff Scotch and ice, before running the glass across his forehead in an attempt to cool down. She was going to be the death of him. Their love life had been good before, but he hadn’t been able to keep his hands off her this weekend. The role-play they had been indulging in had brought his libido to the boiling point. He was insatiable. He had to get himself back under control before he went back to the bedroom to help her redress.

When he entered the bathroom, estimating that he had given Cassie enough time to carry out her ablutions, he found her in front of the vanity mirrors. She was wrapped, head to toe in a bathrobe as she applied her make-up.

“Come to lace me up?” She was smiling at him, but her eyes looked unsure.

“No, just to admire the view,” he returned, “and to give you this.” In his hand he held out a jeweler’s box.

“Matt, you don’t have to give me more presents. This weekend is enough and you already gave me a present last night.” He watched as her cheeks flushed brightly. He knew she was remembering the nipple clamps.

“Oh I do, and especially this one,” his voice was somber. “I’d like you to wear it when we go downstairs.”

She opened the box and surveyed the contents. Inside nestled a gold pendant, inscribed with an unusual design, an enclosed circle surrounded a cross.

“Oh....” She looked at him, quizzically, “It’s lovely, but what does it mean?”

“Mine.” He struggled to keep the note of possession from his voice.

“What do you mean, mine?”

“That symbol says you are a submissive with an owner. That symbol says you are mine. Nobody but me can touch you when you wear that.” His voice was quiet, but serious. “It’s not a necklace Cassie. This is a Collar, a mark of ownership worn by a submissive for her Master. It protects you from all but me,” he went on to remind her, “but, you don’t need protection from me. You only need to say your safe word.”

Matt watched her closely, apprehensive as he tried to gauge her reaction to his gift. If she chose to accept and wear it, it would mean he was finally getting through to her. Sometimes, even when they were huddled tightly together after making love, he felt as though she was not fully committed to him and their relationship; as if he was losing a part of her, a part of her that he couldn’t hold even as he tried. This weekend had been a last attempt on his part to try to bridge that gap. He hadn’t known what was wrong, only that something wasn’t right. She had mentioned role-play several times and this weekend had been all about giving her what she wanted. What he hadn’t fully understood until they arrived was that his dominance was what she needed.

“So, will you wear the collar?” he asked, “and, live with all it entails?”

She looked elated. Maybe, he surmised, she needed the proof that he cared. Actions obviously spoke louder than words. They had seldom talked about the future, or even if they had a future together. Even after ten months together, he had not been sure they had one. Suddenly it felt right and he wanted to claim her in every way possible.

He wanted her to realize that by accepting his gift, she was committing herself to him. He wanted her to know that collaring in the BDSM world was akin to marriage, that she would be accepting him as her Master forever. He held his breath as he awaited her reply.

“Oh, Matt….” She reached up to kiss him enthusiastically on the side of his mouth “I will gladly accept your gift…. I only ever want to belong to you.”

Thank you, Lord. His sigh was heartfelt as he pulled her tightly into his arms and allowed his lips to devour hers at last. When they broke for air, he gently turned her and fastened the collar around her neck before standing back to admire her. He was one lucky man being able to claim this woman as his own. He couldn’t keep the grin from his face.

“Now hurry up, we need to get ready. I’ve one more little surprise for you before we go downstairs.”

She looked at him perplexed, but he only shook his head, smiled at her enigmatically and said, “Later.”

Matt was lounging against the wall looking out of the window when she walked into the lounge fully dressed and ready for the evening. He was deep in thought but none the less aware that she took a moment or two to admire his outfit. He knew the dark close fitting trousers with the long boots molded to his calves, emphasized his maleness. The high collared, white shirt fit like a second skin and he appeared broader, leaner, and stronger. He turned slowly, giving her time to assess him from across the room. She smiled broadly as she looked him over. He felt his stomach muscles tighten as she admired him and the heat in her eyes caused his muscles to quiver in anticipation of her touch. Her obvious admiration pleased and fed his libido. The weekend was turning out far better than he could have ever imagined. He didn’t want to risk putting a damper on the evening ahead, but he knew he still needed to have a serious discussion with her. He needed to clear the air before they set out to party.

Feeling serious and slightly apprehensive as to how she would react, he crossed over to the large sofa in the center of the room. He put out his hand beckoning her to join him. “Come here, Cassie. I need to talk to you for a moment before we join the party.”

He couldn’t help that his tone was suddenly brusque and he knew Cassie would be wondering what had gone wrong during the time it had taken her to get ready.

The light in her eyes dimmed. “What’s the matter?” she asked him nervously.

“Nothing for you to worry about,” he replied, “I just want to get a few things clear. Make sure we both understand what we’re doing.”

He held her hand lightly in his, the tips of his fingers smoothing and gentling over the pulse point at her wrist.

“Do you understand what kind of relationship we have entered into this weekend?”

“Yes, of course I do,” Cassie replied.

“You understand that you have to be open and truthful with me, tell me what you’re feeling, what you’re thinking and particularly what you want?”

“I understand all of that, Matt,” she responded earnestly.

“Do you understand that I am now your Master, that my word is law?” he continued, watching her closely.

She nodded her head in reply, her eyes steady. “Answer me Cassie. A nod will not do.” Matt was forceful in his command.

“Yes, I understand that you are now my Master.” She sounded breathless and just hearing her say the words, in that husky tone, made his cock twitch. Then he remembered the seriousness of the discussions he needed to have with her.

“Do you have anything to tell me?” His tone was harsher than he intended, but he couldn’t help that. He wanted her to open up and be honest with him. He needed her to trust him. “Anything happen today that you think I should know about?”

He watched as her face flushed. It was obvious she was remembering what had gone on in the bathroom back at Madams. Was she going to tell him?

“Mmm…. Such as?” she stalled.

“Such as,” he growled, pulling her so she lay across his knee with her backside in the air, “you letting some other man bring you to climax with his finger up your backside!”

BOOK: Playing for Keeps
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