Read Pink Buttercream Frosting Online

Authors: Lissa Matthews

Tags: #Romance

Pink Buttercream Frosting (7 page)

BOOK: Pink Buttercream Frosting
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She continued to stroke herself as she watched him. The flogging still echoed through her and that Aidn had witnessed at least part of it turned her on even more. Passing her finger over her clit, she gasped and drew her bottom lip between her teeth. She did it again and tilted her hips up. She wanted to spread her legs wider, dig down deeper inside her pussy. She wanted to close her eyes against the pleasure, but she didn’t want to lose sight of him.

He reached over and touched her then, tweaking her nipple, eliciting a moan as she arched her back in the seat. As though she were a puppet and he the puppet master, she reached for more.

“Good girl.” Her stomach fluttered at his approval and her clit ached for attention, which she gladly gave.

Shifting in the seat, his fingers still teasing her nipple, Bailey fucked her hand, her fingers, until she was straining and lifting up off the seat, the visibility and public display long forgotten in the need to come.

His head turned and his eyes connected with hers and that was all it took. Her groan echoed around the closed confines of the SUV and her hand stilled between her legs, the pulsing of her blood drowning out everything but him.

She didn’t want to be mad at him. She didn’t want to be hurt. She just wanted to enjoy him, enjoy being with him. Hell, she wanted so much with him, but she couldn’t tell him that, afraid that she’d scare him off.

He took her by the wrist and pulled her hand from inside her pants, lifting it to his mouth, sucking and licking at the cream on her fingers in silent approval. “Good girl, Bailey. Very good girl.”

His pleasure in her, his pride in her following his orders flowed through her. She basked in it, hungered for it in ways she couldn’t explain. Before long they were driving down a darkened street and pulling into the parking lot of a trendy condominium complex. “You live here?”

“Yes. I bought one of the first ones, but I have to say, after seeing your townhouse, with your business on the bottom floor and your home above, I’m considering a move.”

“Oh. Are we going to be neighbors?” She tried so hard to sound lighthearted and teasing, but, wasn’t sure she carried it off.

“More than neighbors, my girl.” He pulled the vehicle into a space and turned it off. Turning his head to look at her, he touched her chin and drew his finger down her neck to her chest, sliding his hand across to cup a breast. Bailey shuddered. “I will not be leaving you tonight and I will make sure you utter my name more than in your dreams when you come.”

“Wh…” Bailey just stared at him as he dropped his hand and got out of the car. Uttering his name in dreams? Oh God. Mortification flooded her. Her door opened and he held his hand out for her. She hastily pulled her shirt closed and scrambled out on her own, quickly zipping her jeans. “Is that why you left? I was dreaming and the orgasm woke me up. I was dreaming about you and I must have whispered your name.”


He took her hand and tried to tug her toward him, but she just stood there, pressed against the solid steel. “I want you to take me home. Please.”


“I want to go home, Aidn.”

“No. What you want to do is get in my bed, naked. You want to writhe on the sheets with your legs spread and your ass in my hands. You want to be bound and spanked until your whole body trembles and you’re begging. You want
to make you come. What you don’t want is to go home.”

She deflated. He was right and she couldn’t argue, his words sliding across her like velvet. He stepped closer and pressed his body to hers.

“I could take you out here in the parking lot. No one would know as we’re shadowed enough. I could strip you and bend you over the seat and fuck you from behind, couldn’t I, Bailey?”

Oh yes. Please! She couldn’t form the words so she simply nodded her head.

“I wanted to back at the club. I wanted to fuck you when we got to the parking lot. I wanted to fuck you inside the club while you were bound to the cross. I swear, I’ve wanted to fuck you every day for the last two hellish weeks. And I could have, couldn’t I, Bailey? I could have had you anywhere, anytime, any way I wanted. I could have had you in the bakery the other day, too. I could have taken you there on the counter or bent over your work table.”

Again, she nodded, unable to speak. If he spoke again, she would come a second time. He didn’t say anything else though. Instead, his lips settled on hers in a fiery kiss. His tongue slid into her mouth and his hands covered hers between them and pried her fingers from her shirt.

She whimpered when he opened it and twisted her nipples. She loved kissing him, the way his mouth covered hers, and the way he tasted on her tongue. If she wasn’t careful…

Luckily, he broke the kiss before her thoughts could slide further down that dangerous road. He let go of her hand and stripped her shirt off her shoulders and down her arms until he held it in his hands and she stood there naked from the waist up. The thing had been put on and taken off so many times since the night began, that she might have been better off having left it at home and simply worn a jacket to the club over her bra. He stepped back. “Come on. If we don’t go upstairs now, I
take you.”

Never had she imagined standing in a parking lot topless with a man like him. With any man for that matter. He was so far removed in personality and temperament from her ex-husband that she wasn’t sure anymore what she could or couldn’t imagine doing. She made a feeble attempt to grab her shirt from him, but he laughed and put it behind his back.

“Try that again and I’ll paddle your ass and make you scream loud enough that everyone will be looking out their windows.”

She stopped walking and looked at him with wide eyes, questions flooding her mind. Paddle her? Out here in the parking lot? He couldn’t be serious, could he?

Well, of course he could,
the voice inside her head whispered
. He had you ride all the way from the club with your shirt open and your hand down your pants. You think he won’t give it a second thought to spank you outside?

“Like that? Want to try it?” He raised an eyebrow and studied her for a moment. “I can read you, Bailey. It’s what you want, isn’t it? To be guided and controlled? You want to be used, taken, owned body and soul.”

Goose bumps covered her body, whether from the cool night air against her bare flesh or from his whispered words, she wasn’t sure, but the effect the man had on her was unmistakable.

The walk to the elevator was uneventful and the ride up to his condo was silent. What was he thinking? The elevator doors opened on the top floor and Aidn drew her out behind him. She noticed a wall of windows to her right that overlooked a lake, and in the distance, the bright lights of the downtown area that they had just left. She watched the reflection in the glass of their forms walking down the hallway.

“You’re lagging.”

“Oh, sorry.”

“Do you like the way we look together?” he asked from behind her. His hands came around her and cupped her breasts in his hands.


Her eyes were riveted on their reflection in the window. The top of her head didn’t even reach his shoulder, but there was something about them together that she couldn’t turn her gaze away from.

He steered her around and they walked another few feet before he stopped and unlocked the door with the number thirteen on it. Was it a sign? Thirteen was her favorite number.

“Inside, Bailey.”

She slipped in ahead of him. The foyer was dark save for one small lamp, and straight ahead were windows that overlooked the same landscape as the ones in the hall. She walked over to them, stopping when she was right against the glass, close enough she could feel coolness radiating off it, and her nipples formed tight little buds.

“You’re beautiful like that. Your breasts bared,” he said from across the room.

Her cheeks grew hot, but she made no move to cover herself or turn around. Instead, she looked at him through the reflection in the glass. “It doesn’t bother you, does it? That I was shirtless in the club, that I’m standing here now against the window, exposed.”

“No, it doesn’t. It wouldn’t bother me to strip you naked and fuck you in front of the windows or in front of all the patrons of the club. I don’t care if others see you. What I do care about is how it affects you, how you feel about it, how you react, and how you obey.”


“Don’t. Don’t pretend you have no idea what I’m talking about. I know you have experience, that you’ve been educated. I know he had a submissive and that you haven’t had a dominant of your own. I don’t know exactly what or how much you’ve been taught, but any dom worth his salt would have had you on your knees obeying him. Submission comes natural to you.”

He wasn’t telling her anything that she didn’t already know. She wasn’t a pushover or a doormat submissive, she wouldn’t follow blindly, but submission and surrender were at the very core of her being. It wasn’t something she did, it was who she was. She’d tried to get her husband to accept her that way, to at least talk with her about the things she was discovering about herself. He never would, however. And though her mentor would have kept teaching and guiding her, Bailey needed to find a dominant that was going to be hers, not one that she was simply borrowing from time to time.

“Other than tonight, have you had any experience playing publicly? I know over coffee you said you prefer to play in private, however I get the feeling that there’s more to it and that tonight wasn’t the first time in view of others.”

“All have been private encounters with my friend’s dom or with other friends I have in the lifestyle. I have participated at private parties where there were multiple players, but never in a scene like tonight.”

“Come, I want to show you something.”

Bailey turned from the windows and followed him farther into the condo. Through the foyer was a hallway and with doors on either side that must be bedrooms and likely a bathroom. He opened one of the doors and stepped in. She stopped just inside the doorway, her mouth agape, her eyes wide. “Oh my.”

On the far wall was a large, black, X-shaped cross, much like the one she had been bound to earlier. On the left side of the room stood a single cabinet made of mahogany. On the right side of the room was a black padded spanking bench on a frame of chain links, an elegant wrought-iron cage with dildo impalers and a smaller cabinet. Her pussy quivered and flooded at the thought of being put in the cage and filled with the steel phalluses.

“The large armoire holds paddles, floggers, whips, crops and cat o’ nines. The small chest of drawers holds dildos, plugs, clamps, collars, leashes and all kinds of vibrating toys.”

She walked farther into the room. The walls were painted a neutral color, not tan, not beige, and not white. She wasn’t sure how to describe it other than soothing, calming. Behind the door on the same wall as the large armoire was a desk. The only thing on top of it was a telephone.

He must have seen the questions lurking on her face because he laughed when she looked at him.

“At one time I had planned on using this as a home office and giving up the one downtown, but once I started acquiring the toys and furniture, I changed my mind and never moved the desk out. Now I use this room for the private parties and training sessions I host.

“But if you were here…” He reached out and touched her cheek, slid a hand behind her neck and tugged her closer. Her breath caught in her throat as her nipples grazed across the fabric of his shirt. “Can you imagine being tied to the bench, naked, with a gag in your mouth and a plug in your ass, waiting patiently for my attention while I work? Maybe we’ll try that tomorrow.”

She could imagine a hell of a lot. Tomorrow? Did he say tomorrow?

Her gaze traveled across the room to the spanking bench. It truly was a beautiful work of art. The black chains gleamed in the light and the leather where she would place her knees and arms looked soft, supple, welcoming. Yes, she could imagine being bound to it, waiting for him to take his pleasure from her body and she hoped they would indeed try it tomorrow.

“But for now, get the rest of your clothes off.”

Chapter Seven

Bailey didn’t hesitate. Aidn smiled and followed the movement of her fingers as she unbuttoned and unzipped her pants. The faded denim slid down her legs followed by her panties.

He pulled his shirt off over his head, then pulled at the buttons on his jeans. He couldn’t wait to be inside her, fucking both their brains out. “I was going to take you in the bed, but I can’t wait for that. Kneel on the bench and hold on tight.”

She stared at the spanking bench for a moment before moving toward it. Slowly, she knelt on the black padded knee rests and leaned forward, resting her arms on the arm rests. She wrapped her hands around the chains and waited. He had never seen anything quite so erotic. Her curves teased him and he wrapped his hand around his dick, stroking.

Stepping up behind her, he slid his cock against her pussy, opening the outer lips, feeling wetness caress him. He groaned before he could stop the sound, but didn’t care. He didn’t care anymore if she knew how much he wanted her. In fact, he needed her to know, needed her to feel it.

When he slid inside her, all the way to his balls… “So fucking hot, Bailey. You’re so hot inside.”

Her answering grunt was all the answer he got. Slowly, he stroked in and out of her.

“Now, about that paddling…” He punctuated his statement with a swat on her bare ass.


“Like that, do you?”

“Oh yes, but…why?”

Aidn held still while he spanked her other ass cheek. “Because I can. And because I know you want it.”

Another few slaps and he started moving again, steadily speeding up the pace. “Your face in the club…you were so beautiful, so lost in the physical sensations of the flogger. You were dropping into subspace. You would have let him do anything to you, said yes to anything. Up on that cross, you were his.”


“But you’re not his. You’re mine. I will use everything on you. I will see stripes on your skin from every tool I own and then I will get more and try new ones. You need the physical release, the physical use and I need to give it.”

“Mmm. Yes. Anything.”

In and out, he fucked her, used her as he’d been dreaming about doing since he first met her at the club, since he’d seen her outside the bath shop, since he’d taken her back to her place, since he let her walk out of his office. He couldn’t hold back the lust that flowed through him and he hoped she sensed it, craved it as much as he did. Lust was powerful for him, deeply rooted and embedded in his veins. It hummed through his blood and this woman made it sing.

He gripped her hair in his fingers and leaned down against her back. His lips kissed her shoulder and his teeth nipped at her neck. Faster and harder, his thrusts pounded her and within seconds he was pouring into her.

His mouth was at her ear and he moaned her name into it. She relaxed and her cheek drew up as she smiled. Just his voice touched and moved her. She squeezed her muscles around him, held him tight inside and his cock responded with a small jolt. She giggled and turned her head toward him.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

He was gasping for air and she was giggling? She needed a paddling for a whole different reason next time. “For?”

“This. Tonight. For knowing me.”

“It’s more than knowing, girl. It’s a part of you just as it’s a part of me. You can’t run from it and though I’ve tried, been trying for years, I know I can’t run from it anymore either.”

He kissed her lips as he pulled out of her. Sliding one hand down her back and over her ass, he dipped a finger inside her soaked pussy and brought it to her lips. Eyes locked, she took it on her tongue, licking the creamy offering from him.

Aidn smiled and stood, helping her to stand as well. Looking down, he watched as some of his come leaked down her thigh. It was in that moment his heart kicked. He was part of her and she part of him. She carried him inside her belly, inside the most womanly part of her.

“Aidn? What’s wrong?”

“I…I just need a shower is all.” He turned and left her standing there.


Bailey glanced around. What the hell just happened? Didn’t he say he had to stop running? She walked out of the room and down the hall to what must be his bedroom. Dark wood furniture sparsely populated the large room. A four-poster bed stood front and center and images floated through her mind of being bound to all corners, of a whip stripping the clothes from her body, of Aidn’s cock sinking into her ass as his hands rubbed at the marks left behind.

She mentally nudged herself out of the daydream. The shower was running in the adjoining bathroom and she went in. She stilled when she opened the shower door. He stood under the spray of water like some ancient God rising from the sea. He was every wet dream she’d ever had, hotter than any Hollywood actor or rock star. The lust crush was turning into so much more. He was the devil, wicked and unholy.

“Bailey, close the door. I’ll be out in a minute and then we can talk.”

“No, dammit. We’re going to talk now.” With that said, and in spite of his stunned look, she bullied her way into the shower stall with him, closing the door firmly behind her. It wasn’t a very submissive move, but… Her thoughts were only of him, of pleasing him, and something was keeping him from letting her in, even though he demanded that she open up to him.

“There’s not enough room in here for the both of us.”

“Then you shouldn’t have walked away.” He sighed and looked a little miserable. Should she give him the time and space he wanted? Nah. “Why did you run? Why
you always run?”

“It’s too personal, this thing between us.”

“Oh. Hmm…and?”

“This isn’t easy for me. I’m not used to it.”

“No, that’s no excuse, Aidn. I can’t keep doing this. I want you, I want to be trained and owned. I’ve wanted it ever since I found the lifestyle and it’s why I had to leave my husband. It’s what I crave and dream about, that submission, giving up control, being on my knees. I’ve been through emotional hell since you walked out that one afternoon. One afternoon is all it took for me to know I want this with you. I know I probably shouldn’t have been so bothered by it, even told myself not to fall, but…” She waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. “Best laid plans and all that.”

“It was wrong of me. I get it.”

“You get it? Good. Then help me get it. You want me, then you don’t want me… You drag me out of a club, making a public spectacle of us both. You bring me here, show me your toys, fuck me, give me a pretty speech about not running anymore and then what do you do? You run.”

“I never wanted another submissive, Bailey. I never again wanted the responsibility, the attachment, the goddamned vulnerability. With you, I can’t say that anymore, though. I can’t say I don’t want it because I do. I want you in ways I can’t even begin to describe or imagine without it stopping the breath in my body. It scares the fuckin’ shit out of me.”

“You want me? Like that? As yours?”


She watched as he tilted his head back and let the water slide down over his face. She didn’t know what to say. And while she wasn’t sure exactly what to do in a situation where the man of your dreams just admits, albeit reluctantly, how much he wants you, she stepped back against the shower wall and knelt on the tiles. Clasping her hands together behind her back, she used her tongue to draw his cock between her lips and inside her mouth. He might be fighting his want of her, but he wouldn’t be able to say she didn’t try to show him through obedience and selfless acts of pleasure that she was worth it, worth being vulnerable for. With the flat of her tongue, she licked around the head and down the length of him, thrilled when he started to grow hard.

One of his hands touched the top of her head and her lashes lifted to find his eyes fixed on her face. He pressed her tight against him, his balls rubbing against her chin, the crown of his cock filling the back of her mouth.

“Oh, Bailey girl,” he murmured.

His eyes closed then, but she didn’t look away. She watched the play of emotions on his face; the way his lips tightened when she used her teeth lightly, the way his eyes squeezed and his brows knit together when she slid her mouth off him and swallowed him whole again.

He was right. Her submission was a part of her. Nothing that she could turn off, nothing that she could run from. She needed it. It was why she went to the club. It was why she went to private play parties. She hungered for it, to be near it, to be part of it, to be who she was meant to be.

Her husband had never understood, had never tried to. Her friends thought it was fun and kinky. But, Aidn? Aidn got it. Aidn got what it was like to need it with every fiber of your being. Aidn understood what it meant to hold the very life and trust of a girl in the palm of his hand and God, she yearned to be that girl.

Her tongue wrapped around him and she slid her lips to the tip of his cock and suckled before working her way back down to the base and settling there, working her throat against the tight, sensitive skin.

“Stop. C’mon, Bailey.”

Bailey shook her head without letting go. His plea for her to stop only served to make her more determined. He needed to know, he needed to believe she was worth the effort of his dominance, worth the responsibility. He needed to know he could trust her with the small, ritualistic things like her kneeling with his cock in her mouth and his come down her throat. If she could show him her trust with the basics of sexual submission and service, surely he could learn to trust her with his faith and his heart.

She had no idea where the confidence came from, the determination, the audacity and contradiction to defy him when all she really wanted was to surrender to him. She’d never fought for a man before, but Aidn was special and there was no way she was going to give him up that easily. Even if it meant she had to fight him for him.

He fisted his fingers in her hair and held her head still as he pulled his cock from her mouth. “Aidn, please. Please, let me.”

“You want it?” he ground out.

“Yes, sir.”

“Open your mouth.”

He let go of her head with one hand and wrapped it around his cock. She watched him stroke it in short, steady bursts. His come hit her chin, then her tongue. He brought her mouth toward him and slid the head between her lips, his hand still pumping semen from it.

For the second time that night, he emptied himself inside her. She swallowed. It was hot and thick and smooth going down. It wasn’t bitter or sweet, it was just… Aidn. When the last drop was swallowed, she licked him clean until he was once again soft. When she was done, she unclasped her hands and he helped her to stand. He wiped her chin with his fingers and fed the sticky remnants to her before kissing her forcefully; a hard, bruising kiss of lips, tongue and teeth.

It was the hottest kiss she’d ever shared with a man. No one had ever kissed her after they’d come down her throat, and it turned her on far more than she expected it would. He wasn’t afraid of it, wasn’t scared of the taste of his own pleasure. When he lifted his mouth from hers, he reached back and turned the water off. They got out and toweled off in silence.

Naked and cold, she wrapped a towel around her body only to have it taken from her and tossed on the floor.

“Do you want me to take you home?”

Take her home? Did she really have a choice? Looking into his eyes, she had her answer. Yes, she did have a choice. He would take her home and let her go. “No.”

“If you stay…”


Fire lit his eyes and his lips quirked. Bailey nibbled her bottom lip afraid of having spoken too soon, being too eager and aggressive with her response.

“On your hands and knees then, sweet sub girl, and crawl to the side of the bed.”


“You heard me. Now.”

She hesitated for just a second, and then dropped to her knees, lowering her hands in front of her. Embarrassment edged the chill from her skin, and she crawled, trying not to imagine what she must look like from behind. She’d never crawled naked before, never had the…pleasure. Yes, that’s what it was. She found pleasure in it. The notion surprised her and she smiled, almost giddy with the realization that she’d wanted this and was now getting it. She wanted submission, wanted dominance, and she was getting it. And him, she was getting Aidn.

At the side of the bed, she simply knelt and waited. When he didn’t say anything, she looked back over her shoulder at him. He was still standing in the bathroom, naked, and had his arms crossed over his chest. He was watching her, a serious expression on his face.

“In the bed, Bailey.”

She climbed up onto the bed and pulled the covers back. She wasn’t sure if she was supposed to lie down or kneel or what. She took a chance and lay down, leaving the sheet at her feet.

Again, she looked over at him.

“The first night I noticed you at the club months ago, I wanted you. When I watched you in the bath shop, sniffing that lotion, I wanted you. Every day since, I have wanted you, thought about you.”

He came to her and sat on the side of the bed, pulling the sheet up, covering her body. Smoothing her damp hair away from her face, he lightly traced her features. She melted under his tenderness. As much as she craved his unrelenting possession of her body, her soul craved his fierce care and protection.

“I’ve trained submissives and mentored dominants. I played in the scene for many years before that, but as I said earlier, I never wanted another girl of my own. Until, you…you I want all to myself and when I saw you in the club tonight all I could think about was, ‘that’s MY girl’.”


He took a deep breath, shook his head, and that’s when the shadows crossed through his eyes.

“She took her collar off. The girl I owned long ago. She took her collar off. You see, she had fantasies of being given, shared with other men for their use, to serve their sexual needs. I didn’t mind it and together, we set up boundaries for that part of our relationship. She enjoyed it, it made her happy, and to be honest, it was a turn on for me, knowing that my girl got them off, pleasured them beyond their wildest dreams. Up until this one particular night, I had always been there when she was serving them. I had always been there to watch over her, to bring her home, to bathe her, to take her to our bed and remind us both to whom she belonged.”

BOOK: Pink Buttercream Frosting
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