Read Perfect Truth Online

Authors: Ava Harrison

Perfect Truth (2 page)

BOOK: Perfect Truth
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“That’s the biggest load of bullshit I have ever heard. You said that to him, Jules? Seriously?”

Her face turns ashen white, her fingers nervously drawing tiny circles on her thighs. “Yes, what did you want me to say?”

“Jules, you love him.”

“Enough, Ava. It’s just not the right time, leave it.” She won’t look at me and it hurts me to know she’s in pain.


“OH MY GOD, AVA!” She jumps up. “You’re having a baby! We’re having a baby….” Tears well in her chocolate eyes as she waves the white plastic stick in my face.

My vision floods with tears as happiness emanates from every pore of my body. I let out my breath, and a calm falls over me.

I’m going to be a mommy.



familiar sound of the door opening and Alexandre’s keys jingling when he tosses them into the bowl in the foyer. He steps into the living room and his eyes crinkle as he smiles at me adoringly.

“Hey, baby.” He places a delicate kiss on my lips. “I’m going to get a drink. Is there something you want?”

Alexandre's lean physique awakens every nerve in my body. My cheeks flush and I bite back the need that’s arising within me.


“No, I’m good.”

“Okay, I’ll be right back. Think about what you want to order for dinner.”

Once he’s done pouring himself a scotch neat, he sits next to me. I nuzzle my body against him, inhaling his fragrance that feels so much like home.

“So what did you decide?” he asks.

“I’m dying for a cheeseburger.”

His mouth falls open and his eyes open wide as if I’ve grown three heads. “You never want a burger. I had made peace with the idea I was having some fancy salad tonight.”

“Well,” I shrug, “I guess we can get a fancy salad if you want one.”

“Are you kidding me? Hell no. I’ll call the diner down the block. I’m ordering French fries too. Best night ever.” He beams as he pulls out his phone and places the order. “Forty-five minutes,” he says to me as he ends the call. “What do you want to do in the meantime?” There’s a wicked gleam in his eye and as much as I’m dying to do
, I know I have to tell him the news first.

“Knock it off.” I laugh. “How about we play a game?”

He chuckles at my suggestion. “Seriously?”

“Yeah, while Jules and I were running errands, I found this really cool, old-fashion-looking Scrabble game. I used to love playing, so I had to buy it. Would you mind?”

“I guess if you really want to.” He leans back, burrowing his face into the crook of my neck and placing soft kisses down the column. “Sure I can’t persuade you to consider maybe a more hands-on game?” His tongue lightly tickles me and my body shivers.

“None of that. This will be fun!” Pulling away, I grab the box that’s sitting on the coffee table across from me. “Do you mind grabbing me a water after all? I’m feeling kind of lazy. I’ll set up the game.”

He gets up and I make quick work to set up. A minute later, the couch dips and he moves his body toward the game. Excitement courses through my body, my heart beating so fast that I’m sure he can feel the couch shaking. Alex is silent as he takes in the message I have laid out on the Scrabble board.


We re










“We’re expecting? We’re expecting what?”

I reach behind me and pull out the surprise I had hidden behind the pillow. Our eyes meet as I place my hand in his. He looks down and I can see his jaw tremble as he takes it all in.

“Are we…Ava? Am I going to be… Are we going to… We’re having a baby?”

Tears pour down my cheeks and I nod, unable to form words. He descends upon me with soft fluttering kisses all the way down until he is placing tiny kisses on my belly.

“going,” k
“to be,”
“a daddy.”
. “Thank you, Ava. Thank you.”

His lips find mine again and the kisses deepen with hunger. He’s looking for the words to capture his thoughts, his emotions flooding me with love. He continues his passionate assault as he places his arms under me and lifts me, bringing me closer and melding his body close to mine. Supporting my weight in his, he carries me into our bedroom.

His fingers whisper against my skin, a soft caress as each layer of clothing is removed, then his body covers mine his weight heavy and strong above me. I love the feeling. I feel so small next to him. So protected. His fingers stroke my jaw and then gently tilt my chin up, his eyes locking on mine as our bodies slowly come together. We are so close I don’t know where I stop and he begins.

“God, I love you, Ava.”

"And I, you."

5 months later



wicked grin spreads across his smooth face as he tickles my now small but noticeable bump.

“What time is it?” I stretch and let out a soft yawn.

“10 am.”

“What? I can’t remember the last time we slept this late.”

“Well, enjoy sleeping in on Saturday while we still can. Another four months and we won’t have that luxury anymore.”

“This is true. So what do you want to do today?”

His expression grows serious as he grits his teeth and a line appears between his brows. “I told my father I would stop at the apartment to sign some paperwork he’s had drawn up for the baby’s trust. How about we head over there and then we can grab brunch?” He smiles, trying to reassure me it will be okay.

“Okay.” I nod once and then lift the blanket off my body to prepare for the day but Alex grabs me and pulls me toward him.

“Hold up,” he says between kisses. “Where do you think you’re going? There’s no rush, baby.” His mouth descends again, slowly nipping at my bottom lip. He breathes me in, fusing us together, exploring my body, possessing me. Fluttering my eyes closed, I wrap myself tighter around him. My body trembles and waves of ecstasy throb through me as I’m engulfed in passion and love.



we hop a cab to the upper east side.

I used to love the smells of New York, even the smell of the dirty cabs. The city is a lifeline to me, a part of myself that I hold so dear, but since becoming pregnant, that’s no longer the case. Lucky for me, the nausea stopped around the twelfth week of my pregnancy. Leave it to a NYC cab ride to make it rear its ugly head again.

I can’t wait to just get there already.

A chuckle erupts from my mouth. Those are words I thought I’d never think.



the prime central park real estate makes my queasy stomach lurch up again. A light sweat breaks out across my brow despite the cool March air. This place brings unease, no matter how often I visit.

Alexandre nods to the doorman as we make our climb to the penthouse. The luxury apartment spans two-floors, boasts floor to ceiling windows and is well over 5000 square feet. All the modern luxuries of a mansion sitting on top of the world.

Alex turns the key and we are transported to a frozen tundra preserved in pristine condition. The foyer leads into a massive open space with white walls and scarce decorations. If someone required open-heart surgery, they could perform the surgery in this location. In the distance, the chatter of voices, the crackle of laughter and the icy tone of Lenore’s voice can be heard.

My hand becomes encased in warmth as Alexandre secures it within his own, protecting me, giving me his strength. My lips turn up in an appreciative smile. Our steps echo through the barren space until we enter the formal dining room. Amongst fancy china and spectacular spreads are all the ladies in the Harrison family.

All of them
sans one.

The one empty spot across the table screams at me.
That should be my spot.

My hand begins to hurt as Alex’s squeezes tightly around mine, the realization of what we have walked into hitting him as hard as it has rocked me. Every Harrison woman has been invited to this family gathering…except me. My brows draw together as tears begin to prick my eyes.

I will not let her see me like this.

I am stronger than this.

I am better than this.

“Mother, a word please.” Alex’s nostrils flare.

“Must it be now? The ladies and I are just about to enjoy lunch.” Her lips turn up in a smile but her eyes squint ever so slightly, betraying the truth behind her words. I have seen those eyes before. Alex has seen those eyes before.

Turning slightly, I angle myself toward him.




” he bites out.

Her eyes open wide.
This is the first time Alex has ever openly been aggressive to his mother. Hell, I’m in complete awe.

Lenore leans towards the table, addressing her guests. “Please start, I will be just a minute. I hear the tuna tartare is outstanding.” She walks past us, her movements slow and graceful yet commanding respect, commanding we follow her through the door that leads to the kitchen. Once inside, Lenore turns to faces us. She purses her lips, a thin tight smile now present.

“What is this all about? What is so important that it couldn’t wait?”

Alexandre’s body shakes slightly, anger radiating off him in waves, each movement bearing down for the storm that is about to ensue. “Are you serious right now, Mother? Have you really no idea why I need to speak to you?”

“Honestly, dear, stop being so cryptic and get to the point. You’re embarrassing me in front of my guests,” Lenore huffs.

? You mean the ladies of the Harrison family?” He cocks his head at her in defiance, a boldness I had never seen before. His pupils are larger than normal and I could see the rise of his chest as he tried to keep his anger at bay.

“Yes, and it’s quite rude, you know, to interrupt.”

“Funny.” He steps closer to her, his anger palpable. “You know what I think is rude, Mother?”

“I do not appreciate your tone of voice.” She places her hands on her hips and straightens her back.

BOOK: Perfect Truth
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