Read Peeping Tom Online

Authors: Shelley Munro

Peeping Tom (5 page)

BOOK: Peeping Tom
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“Not yet,” he said. “I want to make sure you’re ready for me. Very ready.”

His face turned serious. Feral. Again. Tomasine shivered but it wasn’t with fear. Definitely not fear.

“Part your legs for me. Let me see—” He broke off to laugh. “Can’t see much in this light but I’ll imagine. I want to smell. I want to feel. Taste.”

“Please,” Tomasine said in a faint voice. Just listening to the smoky quality of his voice twisted her insides. The flare of desire in his sexy eyes decided it. Slowly she splayed her legs, watching his face the entire time.

The golden glow in his eyes intensified. She heard his hoarse breathing and smelled the sharp notes of eucalyptus. Felix palmed her breasts a little roughly but it sharpened 31

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her need. He kissed her bellybutton and used his tongue to lick and tease the sensitive region. Every touch, every sigh drove her higher. Tomasine shifted her hips, eager for his more intimate touch but a little frightened as well. She hadn’t had a man since…

Don’t go there!

“What? What is it?” Felix asked in an urgent voice. He brushed close, the bulge at his groin brushing her outer thigh. “Your eyes are more golden than brown.” Felix stroked a finger across her cheek and she hurriedly shut her eyes. Oops. She was having difficulty concentrating. Aware he was waiting for a reply she murmured, “I haven’t done this for a long time.”

His hand rested on her hip, his touch burning so much she wouldn’t have been surprised to find a brand marking where his hand had touched.

“That makes this extra special,” he whispered. Felix moved, placing himself between her parted legs. He stared down at her for a long moment and Tomasine knew he saw her clearly, that his eyesight was as good as hers in the dark hayshed. Heat pooled in her cheeks but it soon dissipated, heading to regions south under his intent green eyes. Eyes a woman could fall into and lose herself.

“I have to taste you,” he whispered.

Tomasine nodded, afraid to speak in case her heart jumped out her mouth. In that moment she would have agreed to almost anything, anything to have him touch her more intimately.

Felix slipped his hand beneath her bottom and lifted her toward his mouth with no further preliminaries. His tongue licked the length of her cleft. The rough sensation shot her body to new highs. Oh god. No doubting he was a shifter with a talented tongue like that. It curled around her clit and dipped lightly into her entrance on the return journey. A groan pulled from her at the next violent spasm of pleasure. She trembled, wanting more, desperate for just a bit more. Felix lifted his head to look at her. For a long moment he stared and apprehension followed. She could hardly spray perfume there. She prayed the perfume coating the rest of her body and the highly scented bath 32

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products she used would do the trick. Her heart pounded until he lowered his head again and used one hand to part her folds. He licked her again—a long, leisurely lick that skimmed across her nerve endings. He barely touched her swollen clitoris but tremors shook her body anyway as he feasted on her slick folds. Tomasine squeezed her eyes closed and concentrated on the sensation, the feel of his tongue lapping at her flesh. His tongue curled, dipping into her moist pussy. The abrasive sensation shot fire through her. Except it wasn’t enough, not nearly enough.

“Please,” she whispered.

“Please what?”

“Touch my clit properly,” Tomasine wailed.

With a soft laugh, he answered her plea. His tongue circled her clit, sending a shower of tingles through her sensitized body. He massaged it with great attention to detail. Back and forth. Back and forth. Tomasine sucked in her breath. With just a few touches she was so close, so desperate for him to give her more. Felix savored her taste, recognition exploding through him. She tasted of shapeshifter. He’d thought he’d captured a hint of shifter before and pushed the thought away. His heartbeat quickened as he lapped at her juices and teased her closer to orgasm. It hadn’t taken much. He knew she was close because she’d tensed, her entire body like a taut bow ready to fire. A shifter who was hiding her identity. That might answer some of the questions about her persistent queries, but it raised even more. Tomasine whimpered when he brushed his tongue across her clit again. The swollen nub vibrated beneath his tongue and she whimpered again. Dammit, it was almost a purr. Felix curled his tongue around her clit and pressed lightly. Tomasine gasped and he smiled against her flesh. Questions later. Right now they had better things to do.

Felix applied himself to the task at hand. He squeezed her soft bottom and covered her clit with his mouth. Using his lips to tug slightly and his tongue to brush lazily across the swollen bundle of nerves. Tomasine shuddered, a full body tremor seconds 33

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before she came hard with a catlike screech loud enough to hurt his ears. He continued tonguing her with leisurely strokes until the quakes in her body ceased then swept his tongue down her cleft and dipped into her pussy. He smothered a groan at her taste, her scent. His mate. He knew it with every particle in his body and the need to claim her sucked at his control.

Felix moved rapidly. He sprang away from Tomasine and pushed to his feet, making short work of his clothes. His boots and socks were flung off and tossed aside. His shirt fluttered to the ground and his jeans and boxer shorts followed. He stopped to grab a condom from his jeans pocket and hurriedly ripped the wrapping away. Seconds later his cock was sheathed and he turned back to Tomasine.
His mate

A shifter. Felix smiled and dropped to her side. He smoothed strands of hair from her face and felt the sudden need to experience her loose hair drifting over his body. Without asking permission, he sought the clips that bounded her hair and tugged them free. Tomasine lifted her head to help make it easier for him. Gradually, he worked the strands until dark brown hair with hidden streaks of blonde and red tumbled loose around her shoulders. It was beautiful even though it smelled of her horrible perfume. A means to hide her scent and her identity. Now he knew. Felix moved closer and kissed her, reveling in the feel of soft skin against his chest. Their lips met, urgent and needy. Tasting and communicating their desperation for each other. Felix pulled away, breathing hard, the scent of perfume and eucalyptus and underlying shifter playing havoc with his senses. He wanted to enter her from behind in the traditional way. Before he could even verbalize the need, Tomasine turned her back on him and knelt on all fours. She glanced over her shoulder before he had a chance to hide his expression of surprise.

“I…you don’t mind, do you?” Tomasine chewed on her bottom lip, her brown eyes holding sheer chagrin at her slip.


Peeping Tom

Felix didn’t comment. He couldn’t. She’d read his mind and his balls were so tight he was in pain. He didn’t mind one bit. Felix moved behind her and widened her stance a fraction. He guided his cock to her entrance and rubbed the head in her juices. Sheer, unadulterated pleasure snaked through his body, so intense Felix gritted his teeth. The spicy tang of arousal rose to greet him, bringing raw, carnal need. Then a prickle started, the prickle that heralded the change to feline slid seductively across his skin. Astonished, he froze, his heart pounding with fear. He didn’t want to change in front of the reporter. Even though he suspected—no, knew—she was a shifter, he didn’t trust her. He might want to fuck her, he might know she was his mate, but it was too early to give her full access to his life, his brothers’ lives or put the other Middlemarch shifters in possible danger.

Sweat beaded on his forehead when the change continued, his body hair increasing. His hands starting to change to claws, despite his mental screech to stop. He didn’t know what to do. Saber hadn’t mentioned anything like this happening but then they hadn’t seen much of Saber recently to discuss that sort of thing. A faint glow emanated from his hands and he hissed in alarm, fighting the change with everything he had. Panting and gritting his teeth despite the lengthening of his canines.
. The thought popped into his mind and he acted instinctively, pushing deep into her moist flesh instead of dallying. His breath eased out on a purr. It was pure heaven feeling the slick walls of her pussy clenching him firmly. Just being inside her tight channel seemed to ease the desire to change even though he had a desperate need to bite and mark her flesh. Felix relaxed a fraction and pulled out until his cock rested just inside her womb. Tomasine waggled her butt at him, dislodging his cock. They both groaned, a sound of disappointment.

“Hurry,” Tomasine said.

“Why? We have all night.”

Tomasine tensed for an instant. He felt it when he gripped her hips to guide himself back into her pussy with delicate precision. A pent-up breath eased out when he 35

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pushed inside. Secrets. The woman held them close to her chest but now he knew they were there… Felix thrust hard and deep, no longer worried about the change since the need seemed to have receded now that they were making love. He leaned over her, dominating her pliant body with his strength. Felix thrust, setting up a rhythm that pleased him, slow and steady and deep. He nuzzled at her neck and couldn’t resist licking the delicate skin behind her ear. The taste of shifter leapt across his taste buds. She’d missed a spot when she’d sprayed the perfume. He licked again and she purred, a low, rough sound that vibrated through his body straight to his balls. She tasted of the earth, of nature and all things wild and exotic. He couldn’t resist a tiny nibble and felt her womb clamp down hard on his cock. Felix grinned and increased the speed of his thrusts. As much as she tried, she couldn’t hide her identity from her mate. His hands caressed her shoulders before dropping to cup her breasts. He tugged at a distended nipple and her cunt clasped him tightly again. This woman responded to his every touch. Felix repeated the move, twisting his fingers a little to add a brief shard of pain. Tomasine wailed and bucked beneath him, shuddering tightly while he almost went cross-eyed with the heavy pulsating of her womb. She was close. Felix swallowed. And so was he. Felix raked his tongue across the curve of one shoulder while he fingered and tugged at her breasts. He’d slowed his thrusts despite the increasingly urgent hunger that rippled through his body. She was moist and felt like molten fire clutching at his cock.

Tomasine rode through the hard knife-edge of pleasure that came with each of his thrusts. He was rough but it excited her. He was nothing like Bernard. Nothing. She shoved the past away to concentrate on the present and the sheer physical perfection of his body as he pounded into her womb. His nimble fingers taunted her, tugging at sensitive nipples until she wanted to purr with the intensity of it. A rumbling purr slipped free even as the thought occurred. He thrust and swiveled at the same time. Oh yes! Just the right place. Tomasine squeezed her eyes closed, balanced on the threshold of magic. The first time had been good but this…this promised to travel far beyond the realms of good. He thrust again. Tugged sharply at her nipple. Felix made a dark sound 36

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deep in his throat. It vibrated through Tomasine, the feline in her rejoicing at this joining. Frissons of excitement coalesced in one achy spot.

“Oh god,” he gasped.

. He felt impossibly large inside her. And filled her to perfection.

“Yes,” she whispered. So good. So very, very good. His thrusts took on a measure of urgency. His teeth scraped across her shoulder, making her tremble anew. The mating spot. Part of her wanted him to bite down with sharp canines, to draw blood and release enzymes to bind them. And she definitely wanted to bite him. The need ate at her.

He squeezed one nipple and she toppled from the magical peak, exploding on a white-hot tide of pleasure. Tomasine gasped at the heat, the savage throb of her body as she shattered.

A true mating…

She gasped just as another series of shock waves hit her. Her womb clamped down on his cock and he tensed with a deep, heartfelt groan that reverberated through her body. His cock spasmed inside her pussy, jetting his semen in hard blasts that drew a satisfied purr from deep in his chest. She felt it while she luxuriated in a haze of afterglow. She smelled their combined scents, the perfume made stronger by the heat they’d generated. Tomasine hated it, would always hate this smell, but she was stuck with it until their safety was ensured.

Felix stilled and swept aside her hair to kiss her spine. His chest was damp and a little sticky as he pressed against her still in the dominant position. Tomasine sighed. She liked this male but she needed to test him before she gave her full trust and accepted him as a possible mate.


Shelley Munro

Chapter Three

When Felix entered the family home, it was quiet. Still early. Saber and Emily were asleep. Felix glanced at his watch. Seven o’clock. They’d been holed up in their bedroom since yesterday afternoon. It was time they came out for air. He stalked along the passage of the old homestead, the wooden floors creaking beneath each determined step. Felix pounded on the door, thinking of the expression on Tomasine’s face when they’d parted. A timid smile. After much thought, he’d decided to talk to his family and formulate a plan before he spoke of her feline genes. Before he let Tomasine know her secret was out.

They’d spent most of the night in the hayshed—he didn’t think he’d be able to enter one again without getting a hard-on and imagining sex. At dawn, they’d walked hand in hand across the hill and watched the approach of the day. Felix had never felt so comfortable with a woman but the mystery was killing him. “Dammit, wake up!” He pounded on the wooden door with his fist.

“Go away,” Saber snarled, albeit a muffled snarl.

Busy. Too bad. Felix pounded on the door again.

“Unless the sky is falling come back in two hours,” a feminine voice said. His sisterin-law Emily.

BOOK: Peeping Tom
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