Read Pearl's Blaze (Devil's Iron MC #2) Online

Authors: Gm Scherbert

Tags: #Romance

Pearl's Blaze (Devil's Iron MC #2) (4 page)

BOOK: Pearl's Blaze (Devil's Iron MC #2)
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“Why would you have not told me, Pet? I told you that I would be here to take care of you and I meant every word of that!” As I look down into his face I suddenly see the fire in his eyes disappear, quickly replaced by a look of hurt.

“Have you told anyone Pearl?” His hands drop off of my belly and he quickly stands “Have you reached out to the father?”

“Told anyone like who? I haven’t been talking to anyone. I told Madge and Stella but, nobody else. What are you talking about the father? No, I haven’t talked to the father, fuck I don’t even know who the fuck the father…”

Starting to cry I hit the floor and my knees quickly. I can’t believe that I don’t even know who this baby’s father is, I feel like one of those teen drama shows. Fuck My Life!

“Sweetling, no matter, you are mine and I should not have waited so long in taking what is mine.” Heading around his desk he opens the bottom drawer and removes something before walking back towards me.

Leaning down towards me he demands “Lift your hair, Pet and wear the collar that you should have had on since the first day that I buried myself inside of you. I had it started the next day and thought it would go to waste waiting for you to own it. I have imagined it lying on this gorgeous skin showing you are owned by me. We will talk more about this and have a ceremony soon, but I have no patience for waiting any longer right now. You have proven that you cannot be trusted, letting your Master know what you need and want and when you are ready, so I will make this and all other decision for you, starting now.”

He placed a heavy necklace around my neck, that I have yet to glance at, and fixes the clasp. He then quickly wraps me up in his arms and picks me up off of the floor. Carrying me through the office, opening another door as my cries slowly stop and I find myself at the doorway into a bedroom.

“Pet, I will go slowly, but you on your knees at my feet and now you wearing my collar is not something I can hold back from any longer.” Walking me over towards the bed he continues, “Now, I am very displeased with your behavior tonight: in leaving your home without an escort, coming to this club without me, and lastly, but most importantly, trying to negotiate a scene with another Dom. These transgressions will not go unpunished, Pet.”

Placing me softly on the bed he continues, “As we go on, I will have to look more into what I will and will not be able to do to you and your body, seeing that you are pregnant. A small taste of my punishment will not affect our babe in anyway and it is what your Master knows that you need which I will not fight any longer.”

I look up at him and the first thought that crosses my mind is

Chapter 7- Markus

As soon as I received that text message from Stella that they were on their way to the Dungeon, I knew Pearl was done for. The Dom in me doesn’t tolerate that shit and her leaving without protection, coming here without me, and trying to scene with someone else is not going to fucking be tolerated. Not to mention her going a month without talking to me or answering any of my texts or calls about her wellbeing. I have been up in Milwaukee watching over her most nights, and the MC and Dungeon have suffered for it. That shit ends tonight, if she cannot be trusted to believe in me and what I have deemed best for her she and I will come to a mutual understanding very quickly.

“Pet, get up on your hands and knees.” I say before landing a hard smack on her ass after she has turned over and got into position, with her situated with her head towards the headboard and her feet pointed out towards the end of the bed. I flip her skirt up and seeing her black lace panties has me getting hard as fuck. Rubbing her ass as it is turning red I continue “Pet, we need to build trust and your behavior these last few weeks has done nothing to show me that you have any in me. That will be remedied starting now.”

Walking over to the top drawer of my dresser, where my toys have sat untouched for more than three months- since the night I was inside of this beautiful creature. Opening it, I pull out a blindfold, headphones, the remote for the sound system in this room, a candle, a feather, nipple clamps, and a simple wooden paddle.

“We will start slowly and you will use halt as your safe word if you need to stop anything and yield as your safe word if you need to slow down. Repeat what I just told you so that I know you understand your safe words, Pet.”

“Yes, Sir”

“No, Pet. Not Sir, never will I be your Sir. I am your Master and you will address me as such. Try it again, Pet.”

“Yes, Master. My safe words are halt to stop and yield to slow down, Master.”

“Yes, Pet very good. I love the way my name rolls off of your tongue, I cannot wait to hear it while you are begging me to let you cum, but that is for another time.”

As I walk towards her I notice her breathing hitch as I near her. I slowly stroke my hand down her head, neck and back towards that luscious ass, noticing her instant reaction to my touch. She relaxes into the touch and her breathing again evens out bringing me joy knowing that my pet enjoys my touch as much as I enjoy giving it to her.

“I am going to blindfold you, put headphones on you so that you cannot hear what is coming and this will begin our trust exercise. I will not give you any warnings as to what else I will be doing to you though. Remember that this is a trust exercise, but you are also learning my discipline and I am not one to go easy. Although, I have never wanted or had a pet before, so this will be a learning curve for both of us. I do not want to hear you speak other than your safe words which you can still use at any time you feel the need.”

I position myself above her and slowly tighten the blindfold around her head making sure it fits snugly over her eyes. After securing the blindfold I grab the stereo remote and find a playlist that goes hand in hand with my mood. I adjust the volume with the headphones before placing them over her ears so that the only sound she hears is the soundtrack I have selected.

As I find myself stroking and soothing this gorgeous creature, I am worried with how quickly I find myself getting lost in her.

I situate myself underneath her laying on my back perpendicular to her. As I glance up at her breasts which are swaying under their weight I notice nipple rings pierced through each. As I begin to remove one than the other ring I hear a small moan escape her lips and smile to myself. My pet sure does love herself some nipple play- that is good to note for later sessions, which might be something that I can help her explore and enjoy.

After positioning and tugging lightly on the nipple clamps I hear yet another moan escape my pet’s lips. Knowing she cannot hear me I say to myself “Hush Pet, it is encouraging to know that you enjoy nipple play as much as I do! I cannot wait to explore all the things that I can do to you knowing that.” Sliding out from underneath Pearl I run a hand over her ass and notice her drenched panties and slowly roll them down her thighs before leaving them gathered around her knees.

I walk over to where I have left my other implements. Glancing down at the feather, paddle, and candle that are left to be used, I decide on the paddle and feather to use on her next. Slowly rubbing a hand over her ass I quickly bring the paddle down in a series of blows to her ass which has her crying out only momentarily. I then see what can only be described as the most delicious sight. Her essence runs down both of her thighs. She is truly and utterly turned on by both the nipple play and paddling that I am giving to her.

Oh Fuck Me! My Pet is such a dirty fucking bird. I switch it up and lightly run the feather over the flesh of her ass that is now a nice shade of red. She shivers with the tickling touch and arches her back up into the feather that is now caressing her.

As I switch back and forth between the paddle and the feather I notice that Pearl’s breathing has evened out and she is finding this very enjoyable indeed. Finding her the release she has needed these last few weeks will not be difficult.

Contemplating this, I find it extremely difficult to keep my eyes off of her dripping pussy. I cannot help myself from leaning in and running my tongue around her cunt, the tasting of which only makes me want more.

I lean around and reach to the headphones to take them off of Pearl’s ears before saying “Pet, Your Master wants to taste and fuck you. I know that we have not discussed either of these, and if you have a strong opposition to it I will stop, only if you use your safe words, though. Let me know that you understand.”

“Yes, Master I understand you would like to taste and fuck me. I have no problem with either one of those Master, and hope that you enjoy yourself and my body.”

“Not, your body Pet. My pussy, my mouth, my nipples, my body, my everything.” Is all I manage to get out before I am again positioned behind her with my mouth quickly suckling at her pussy. I slowly run my hands up her thighs and over her ass, when I reach her shoulders I push down sharply so that she is now positioned with her shoulders down on the bed and her ass high in the air, perfect for the mouth fucking it is about to receive.

I hear a small moan coming out of her mouth at what I can only guess is the nipple clamps rubbing mercilessly against the smooth sheets of the bed. As I attack the pussy that has tormented me the last few months, I get lost in the moans that are coming from my pet. Within a few moments her thighs are shaking and she is holding herself back from a blooming orgasm.

I wonder if I will have to remind her to ask for permission, but that is quickly pushed aside when she starts to beg.

“Master, I need to cum please, Master, Please. May I cum?”

A smile comes to my face before I quickly move away from her delectable cunt to answer. “Yes, Pet you may, but I need to see those big brown eyes I have been dreaming of and be buried deep inside you the first time you come tonight.” Slowly removing the blindfold and gently rolling her onto her back, catching myself looking at this gorgeous creature who is all mine. I situate her back onto the pillows and remove the nipple clamps one at a time slowly suckling on each nipple to soothe away the ache. I then catch myself running my hands over that beautiful bump with our child underneath.

Moving off of the bed I slowly start removing the clothing that has brought my throbbing cock nothing but pain while I have been devouring my pet. I glance up and notice that Pearl’s eyes have not left my body the entire time I have been undressing. “Pet, do you like what you are seeing? I noticed that you have not taken your eyes off of my body” I say running a slow hand down my torso and start pumping my cock a few times to entice her further.

“Yes, Master. You are, I am, yes, Master I like what I see very much,” she says licking her lips.

Stalking up to the edge of the bed I quickly find myself on top of Pearl kissing her with everything that I have. As I pull away our breaths mix and we stare into each other’s eyes while I quickly impale her on my engorged cock. As a quick gasp leaves her lips I stop my attack for a moment letting her adjust to my cock filling her up. When a few seconds have passed I start to pump in and out of her with abandon. Knowing that there is no fucking way in hell that this is going to last, seeing that it is going on three months that I have not been inside this woman, fuck, any woman as a matter of fact.

We can finish up here and get back to my place so that this night can continue as it really should, long and hard with as little clothing as possible.

Chapter 8 - Pearl

I am not sure what has happened in the last two hours since I first felt him behind me on the club floor. I feel like I am flying high now, though. While Markus has been worshiping my body I forgot all the trouble and stress that has been eating me alive for the last weeks.

As he works himself deeper inside of me I am struggling to hold off an orgasm. Which he quickly takes note of while grabbing my legs and trusting them up near my head, to bury himself deeper inside my quivering pussy. “Please Markus, Please Master, I need, I want, Please may I,” is all I get out before I hear him say “Yes, Pet. Fly with me, Pearl.”

After the tremors have subsided and we both have a moment to breathe, he slowly slides off of me and onto his back next to me. The way I feel him staring through me right now leaves no question in my mind that he owns me body and soul.

I feel him moving on the bed and imagine that he is grabbing for his phone off of the side table. The bright light that then illuminates the room proving me right.

As I turn my head from side to side slowly looking around this bedroom, I am quickly reminded of the collar that is now securely fastened and weighing heavy around my neck. It starts to pull at the hair on the nape of my neck and I let out a sharp screech.

“Pearl, What’s wrong? Is it the baby? Was I too rough? Fuck” I hear growled in my ear as Markus gets to his elbow and grabs for my chin.

“Nothing, I just got some hair caught on this” slowly reaching my hand up to touch the collar for the first time. “Can you help me take this off now?”

“No, Pet. That stays on permanently, especially when we are in this club. You are mine and I will let there be no one misunderstandings about that. As soon as I can, you will have my ink on you as well. That, however, I don’t think is safe to have happen while you are carrying our babe though.”

Placing a hand on my bump I think to myself
My Baby

“Markus, I just think that this is moving…” I trail off as my eyes look up into the mirror to finally catch sight of the collar. It sparkles in the dim light and as my eyes adjust to the lighting and focus on the necklace, my hand again comes up to my neck and traces lightly over the collar. Diamonds blaze and sparkle with white and black pearls weaving in and out of them. “Markus” comes out on a gasp as I continue to trace my fingers around and spin this gorgeous piece between my fingers.

“Pet, this is not moving too fast. I told you when you needed me and were ready I would be here to Master you. Don’t take my care and concern for weakness, after I have discussed the babe with Nurse and talked with the Doctor you will be open to me and my full attention. For now, we should get our stuff together and head home. We need to get home to continue this evening; I am not nearly done with you yet.”

As he takes a few steps closer to me, pulling his shirt over his broad chest, he has no shame (or should he) that this is the only article of clothing he has on. He quickly steps into me and engulfs me in his arms as he continues and I feel his cock riding against my hip.

“Madge and Stella took the car and an escort back to Milwaukee and got home safely, I checked in on them and the girls. The girls have been sleeping since Doc and I brought them here with us from Milwaukee.” With a sharp crack on the ass he continues, “Get a move on Pearl, let’s get home and check on the girls before we continue this.”

“The girls are here Markus? Why would you bring the girls here? I cannot do that to them again. They were absolutely heart broken when HE left. I will not submit them to that again Markus. FUCK! Why did you have to bring them down here? I, we, I just can’t do this again. When you leave I can’t do this again. I just can’t!” I say struggling to get away from this man. It does not work at all as he again steps into me and wraps his arms around me tightly, instantly soothing some of my worries away.

“Pet, hush. This is how it will be. I am not leaving, ever. I told you that once I had you that you would be mine. I meant every word of it. I am not fucking Tank, and I will not leave you, so get those thoughts out of your head. Do not doubt what I feel for you again, Pearl.”

As he slowly strokes his hands over my ass, back, and shoulders he grabs the hair at the nape of my neck and tugs sharply.

Raising my eyes to him he finishes, “We will discuss this more, but let us get home, check on the girls, and get comfortable before we dive into such heavy discussions.”

“Markus, I just don’t know why you would bring the girls down here. They are too young to be involved in this, and they do not need to wake up in a new place with people they do not know or”

“They are with Doc and Trip for fucks sake, Pearl. These are the same men that you have had no problem opening your home to and sharing dinners with. Don’t belittle the men that have been watching over you and keeping you safe for the last two months. They have given up a lot to keep you all safe so stop being a brat and show some respect for the sacrifices that they have made for you and the girls.”

“I have not asked them to give up anything, Markus. Don’t try to push that shit off on me. I didn’t, and don’t even want them watching over me for fucks sake.” Trying unsuccessfully to push myself out of his grasp I go on, “There is nothing going to happen to me: Layla and her brother don’t give a fuck about me and my girls anymore, they did what they did and it’s fucking done. They haven’t even been heard or seen so why are Doc and Trip still watching me like hawks? Just let me be and leave us the fuck alone.”

“STOP!” He screams loudly at me as he tugs my hair again. Forcing my eyes off of the floor where they have dropped as soon as his voice was raised.

“Look at me, Now!” He growls out as I struggle to keep the tears at bay from his harsh tone of voice and gruff demeanor. While I slowly bring my eyes to meet his in the dim lighting of the room, which causes me to squint to see him and a few tears slip out from under my lashes.

“Tears will not help, Pet. In fact I find it quite fucking appealing to know you cry so prettily.  This is not the time, and I will not take you again while you are so distressed over the girls. I know what is best for you all. We will go over this only one more time, Pet, and then this part of the discussion of our relationship is fucking put to ground.”

Picking me up off the floor, he strides quickly across the room, through the doorway, over to his desk in his office and places me down on the chair behind his desk. He quickly leans against the desk so that his body is right in front of me, facing me. He grabs the armrests of the chair and learns down into my space as he starts in on what I am sure will be the lecture of my life.

BOOK: Pearl's Blaze (Devil's Iron MC #2)
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