Read Peace Online

Authors: T.A. Chase

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Peace (14 page)

BOOK: Peace
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She nodded. “Go. We’ll be ready to move when you get back.”

“Thank you.”

He edged clear of her then gathered his power. After focusing on the image in his mind, he closed his eyes and released it. Darkness filled his vision.

Chapter Thirteen




“Lam,” Seth called from his cell.

“What?” Lam shuffled over to his door then peered out.

Seth grinned. “Have you planned how we’re going to break out of here?”

Lam snorted. “I just decided yesterday that I was going to try to escape. Doesn’t give me a lot of time to set up a plan.”

“I thought you might have gotten inspired by something,” Seth joked. Then he said, “Just kidding. Actually, I wanted to let you know that if I’m guessing right, the guards should be stopping by soon. I’m hoping they remember that you’re human and need to eat.”

“They haven’t been feeding you?” He should’ve been horrified, but he wasn’t. The angels probably wouldn’t think about important things like that.

Seth chuckled. “Yes, they’ve been bringing me food, though, as a Watcher, I don’t need to eat. I was thinking more along the lines that they might not remember you’re mortal now and would need food as well. Plus they stop by this time every day. Not sure why. It’s not like I’m going anywhere.”

Lam rolled his eyes, yet didn’t comment about that. “We need to pay attention to what they do and how long they stay. I would like at least one full day to watch their routine then I’ll figure something out.”

“How many prisons have you’ve escaped from?” Seth didn’t sound convinced.

“None, but I’m sure we can get out.” A thought hit him. “If you have some kind of magic, why can’t you get out of here?”

Closing his eyes for a second, Seth took a deep breath then said, “I don’t have any kind of power that would help us escape. My magic is just enough to make sure no one notices me. To be honest, it’s not very useful.”

Another thought hit Lam. “Wait. If it makes sure you won’t be noticed, then you could make them think you’re not in your cell. Which could cause them to open the door.”

“Then I can jump them and take them out.” Seth’s grin seemed rather gleeful at the thought of doing something to the men.

Lam turned to look at the other side of his own cell. “Are you sure you can take them? They’re angels—even low-level ones are stronger than mortals.”

Seth pursed his lips. “Maybe. Maybe not. But if I try, it might distract them from you and you can have a chance to get away.”

“I’m not leaving without you, Seth.” He wasn’t interested in using Seth as a diversion. Of course when he was an angel, he hadn’t concerned himself with others—not really. He would’ve figured that Seth deserved to be imprisoned, not worried about him being in there.

“Don’t worry about me. I know I wanted you to take me with you, but know what? You’ll come back for me when your guy comes to bust you out of here. He’ll be shocked to see you didn’t need him to save you.” Seth laughed.

Day will be surprised, but he’ll also be proud. He’ll tell me I’m not thinking like an angel anymore.
Lam scrubbed his hand over his hair, grimacing at the oily feeling of the strands. He wanted out so he could take a shower and warm up.

A noise from down the hall caught their attention and Lam glanced at Seth, who nodded. He didn’t anticipate busting out right then. All he wanted was to study what they did then he’d decide how best to use their combined abilities. After easing away from the door, Lam crouched in the corner.

His cell opened and a tray was tossed on the floor in front of him. He wrinkled his nose at the rather horrid smell.

“Here’s some food for you, traitor,” one of his captors snarled from the doorway.

Lam didn’t speak. No point in chatting them up when they believed what the Quad told them. He simply nodded before reaching for the plate. He wasn’t going to eat it. After becoming mortal, he’d discovered he couldn’t eat just anything. As an angel, he hadn’t needed nourishment.

He kept his eyes on the guards, noticing only one came into the cell while the other two stayed out in the corridor.
That’ll make things a little more difficult. If two came into the cells, maybe Seth could overpower them both.

Seth started shouting for help and the guards glanced at each other before dashing over to Seth’s cell.

Then they moved across the hall to Seth’s cell, leaving Lam’s door open. He studied their movements. Two went into Seth’s cell while one stayed in the hall. He tried to work out a plan, hoping they would do that all the time.

Even more yelling came from Seth’s cell and Lam heard the sound of skin hitting skin. Lam jumped to his feet then dashed across the stone floor to tackle the other guard.
What the hell? Why is Seth doing it now? I told him we needed to watch a few times before we could do anything.

Head-butting the angel, Lam gritted his teeth to keep from crying out from the pain.
Darn! That hurt.
His captor grunted but stayed standing.
I forgot he’s stronger than me right now. I’m not an angel anymore.

Not wanting to hurt someone who used to be a compatriot, Lam tried to think of something but nothing came to mind. His captor threw a punch into Lam’s stomach, causing him to double over, and the angel laughed.

Anger swelled in him. After lifting his arms, he wrapped the chains around the angel’s neck then applied pressure. He couldn’t kill him, but Lam could cause him to lose consciousness. Seth and he needed as much time as possible to get out of the prison. Once they were out, he’d send Seth away before going into hiding himself. Lam had no doubt that Day was on his way.

His guard fell to his knees and when he passed out, Lam loosened his grip. “Seth, are you okay?” He stalked over to Seth’s cell.

“I’m fine. Search him. He should have the key,” Seth called.

After returning, he knelt then dug through the pockets until he found the key ring. “Don’t you think this was a little too easy? And why the heck did you do it now? I thought we were going to wait until we got their routine down.”

Seth moved out into the hallway and Lam got his first good look at the Watcher. Tall and thin, he didn’t look anything like Paisley. He was pale as well, which Lam thought might have been because he’d been held inside for a while. His dark-auburn hair waved in disorderly curls down past his shoulders. There were bruises appearing on his skin while he stood there.

“I saw an opportunity and took it.” Seth held out his hands and Lam unlocked the chains. “Sorry.”

Lam held his hands, hoping Seth would get the hint. He rubbed his wrists once the manacles dropped to the floor. He glanced around the hall and cells. “Let’s lock them in one of the cells. It might not hold them when they wake up, but it’ll keep others from seeing them for a little while. We need to get out of here.”

Seth dragged Lam’s victim into the cell with the other two. Lam locked the door after Seth rejoined him.

“Do you know how to get out of here?”

“I have an idea. If I remember correctly, they dragged my ass in through that door.” Seth pointed to the right where a set of stairs led up. “They thudded my head on every step on the way down. I should’ve hit them harder.”

Lam grasped Seth’s shoulder then pushed him forward. “I’m glad you didn’t. We do serious harm to them, we get in a lot of trouble.”

Seth glared at him over his shoulder. “You’re an idiot. Do you think I’m stupid? We’re in a lot of trouble as it is. Breaking out of this place hasn’t been done before, as far as I know. Most people rot in here.”

“Have there been a lot of people through here?” He peered into each cell—each one was empty.

“You’re the only one they’ve brought in here since I got thrown in.” Seth cleared his throat. “Those were conversations I overheard. The guards talked as though I wasn’t in the room with them. You didn’t know about this place when you were an angel?”

Lam snorted. “I knew it existed, but not where it was. I didn’t concern myself with the people confined here. When I asked, the Quad told me the people were being punished for disobedience. They wanted them reformed instead of banished.”

Shaking his head, Seth snorted. “You believed that bull shit?”

“What can I say? I wasn’t looking for the Quad to treat other angels like that.” Lam scuffed the ground with his toe.

“Even though you were sleeping with Daystar? You thought he was lying to you about all the shit that went on between him and the Quad?” Seth climbed the stairs to a wooden door at the top. “That’s not right.”

Poking Seth in the back, Lam growled. “It’s not that I didn’t believe Day. By the time we actually started sleeping together, I knew he was right and the Quad had tossed him out because he questioned their authority. I just chose to turn a blind eye to what they were doing.”

“Good way to not take responsibility for all the bad shit they’ve done.” Seth shoved open the door then peered around the edge. “It’s empty. Let’s go.”


* * * *


Day studied the angels who stood in front of him. There were three of them and he couldn’t believe that he’d actually got that many.
I talked big about getting an army, but I knew I’d be lucky if I got one to believe me.

“Are you sure the Quad kidnapped Lam?” Corsin stared at him. “How are we supposed to believe you? I mean, you are the infamous Lucifer Daystar.”

Infamous? Really? How dramatic.
He refrained from rolling his eyes. “Do you really think Lam’s the type of angel to go against his duty? Even for someone like me?”

Corsin eyed him suspiciously then shook his head. “Lam was the best of us. Totally by the book. Which is why we were shocked when the Quad told us he’d done all that crap.”

Basel cleared his throat. “But he did get involved with you, and that’s completely against the rules.”

“True. What if he did it to weasel his way into my good graces and get me to trust him?”

“Why?” Parker asked.

Day curled his lip. “Because getting in deep with me means he knows what I’m doing. He can keep the Quad apprised of my movements then they can stop me and take all the credit for themselves.”

All three of the angels looked puzzled and Day really didn’t have time to convince them about why Lam would do such a thing. “You can believe me or not, but I am telling the truth. The Quad kidnapped Lam to try to blackmail me into doing what they wanted.”

“Like that would ever work,” Corsin remarked, shifting while propping his fists on his hips.

“It was worth a try, I guess. Come on,” Day muttered as he gestured vaguely. “We need to get back to my other friends and make a plan on how to get Lam away from them.”

Parker lifted one shoulder. “Why don’t we just pop in to wherever they’re holding him and pop out again? We can do that. Can’t you?”

Day took a hold of Parker’s arm then motioned for him to take Corsin’s. “Take a hold of each other. I’ll get us to where the others are. Do you know where the Quad keeps the people they dislike? If you do, then we can do that.”

Basel shook his head. “I have no idea.”

Corsin and Parker did the same.

“I thought so. They aren’t about to tell anyone where they stash the troublemakers. I can’t go to where he is, but I have someone who can show me where he is.”
Not yet anyway. I need to talk to Paisley then I’ll rescue Lam. After that, he and I are going to a deserted island and not bother ourselves with any other situation in the world.

“You’re the most powerful creature on Earth. You really can’t just pop into the prison and grab him?” Basel sounded amazed.

Day sighed. “I
have any idea where they’re keeping him. Now that he’s mortal, I can’t get a bead on him, so no, I can’t just pop in and grab him.”

Parker grunted. “That sucks, man.”

“Yes, it does. Shut up and take a deep breath. We’re going on a trip.”

A few moments later, Day opened his eyes to find them surrounded by the former Horsemen. Gatian eyed the four of them then shook his head.

“This is your plan?” Gatian rolled his eyes. “Seriously?”

Day shrugged, letting go of Corsin and Parker. “To be honest, I never thought I’d get this many.”

Aldo and Baqir glared at him.

“You’re kidding, right? How are we supposed to take over the heavenly realm and free Lam with nine people?” Kibwe crossed his arms over his chest.

“I’ve changed my mind. I don’t give a damn about what the Quad’s doing anymore. They can run their world—or whatever they want. All I’m interested in is getting Lam back. Then I’ll threaten them to leave us alone.” Day pushed past them to stalk to the window.

Gatian snorted. “And you think that’ll work?”

“I’ll put the fear of God into them.” He shot a glance over his shoulder. “That is what you mortals say, isn’t it?”

“But you say God doesn’t exist,” Aldo pointed out. “Why should the Quad be afraid of you?”

After turning back to the glass, Day watched black clouds build on the horizon. A storm was rolling in, though he knew it was because of him and not the natural way of the weather. Anger swirled in his gut. Thunder boomed overhead then lightning crashed. The others jumped, but he didn’t move.

“You need to calm down,” Baqir said as he grasped Day’s shoulder. “There’s no point in going into this thing in a rage. You might mess up, which we can’t have, because the most important thing is getting Lam back.”

“Tell us why the Quad should be afraid of you. Why would threatening them cause them not to go after you? If they are worried about what you might to do them, why would they take Lam in the first place?” Aldo brought them back to the original conversation.

Corsin spoke up, “I assume they did it because they thought they could blackmail you. They’ll hurt Lam if you don’t keep your nose clean.”

The others burst out laughing while Day stared at the wet beach stretched out in front of his house.
Why am I still here? I should head to the heavenly realm and search for Lam.

“They’re scared of me because I’m far more powerful than them. I’ve said this before and yet you don’t seem to understand that.” He stuffed his hands in his pockets as he faced the others.

BOOK: Peace
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