Read Patiently I Wait Online

Authors: J.W. Stephens

Patiently I Wait (4 page)

BOOK: Patiently I Wait
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Shannon decided that she would have one more glass of wine before retiring for the night as well. Megan poured another glass for the two of them and toasted to new friendship before taking the first sip. Shannon smiled, happy that she had found another friend that would be there for her like Julie had all those years. She really hadn’t had anyone else to talk to and not that Julie was a poor friend, but having just one was a bit tough. After the last drop was gone from Shannon’s glass she looked over to see sunlight starting to creep into the window due to the morning arriving. She decided it was time for bed and asked Megan where she should sleep.

Megan took her hand and led her down the hallway to a room about the same size as the one Julie was in.

“You can sleep in here,” Megan said kindly.

She walked Shannon into the room and laid her down in the bed after pulling back the blankets for her.

“It was good meeting you Shannon,” Megan said softly. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

As Shannon said goodnight she was interrupted by Megan’s lips hitting hers for a quick kiss. She didn’t understand if Megan was merely saying goodnight, or if it was something more at the time. She was intoxicated so she was probably over thinking it, she thought to herself. The weirdest part of it was, she didn’t pull away. She kissed Megan back and smiled.

“Goodnight Shannon.”

“Goodnight Megan.”


The act of actually falling asleep must have eluded Shannon as she woke up covered in sweat. She lied there, piecing together the events that unfolded the night before and tried to remember if they were part of a dream or if it was indeed a reality. While pondering the possibilities, Julie walked in the room, fully dressed and wide awake.

“Finally you wake up. It’s two o’clock!” she said to Shannon.

Shannon hadn’t realized she slept that long. While sitting up, a feeling of nauseousness immediately impacted her.

“I drank far too much last night,” Shannon said. “I don’t feel so well.”

“Well, I don’t know what kind of impression you made on Megan, but she won’t stop talking about you,” Julie said, slightly annoyed by the fact it seemed.

Shannon wanted to ask what all she said, or told her about last night, but decided that Julie would have probably mentioned any oddities she knew about. Instead she smiled and shrugged her shoulders as if confused by why she was acting that way.

“Where is Megan by the way?” Shannon asked.

“She went to the store to pick up things for dinner. She wants us to stay another night to get her away from Dan for a bit.”

Shannon nodded just to acknowledge that she understood but was a little skeptical about staying there again. She liked Megan, but didn’t know if things were going to be awkward between them if they were together all night again. She figured it wouldn’t hurt and she had a few more days she could spend in town, so why not?

“Sounds good to me,” Shannon said, after a long pause.

She figured that she would at least see what last night was all about. She wasn’t afraid of talking about incidents like this with people and needed to know what happened. Drunken girls typically do things of this nature, but for Megan to be glowing the next day is a little odd. She was friendly though, and that was probably all it was in reality.

“Where is the shower?” she asked Julie.

“There is one in the room I slept in, I think that is the closest one.”

“Do you think Megan would let me borrow some clothes for the day?”

“She wouldn’t care a bit, just go up the stairs and grab some stuff. Her room is the first one on the right once you get up there.”

Shannon hopped out of bed and quickly went up the stairs into Megan’s room. She opened her dresser drawers one by one in hopes of finding something simple and comfortable for the day. They wouldn’t be doing much of anything so lounging clothes were the goal. She found a tank top that would work perfect and some floral sleeping pants to go along with it. As she closed the drawers and turned to exit the room she heard the front door close downstairs. Megan must have just gotten back from shopping. She wanted to get out of her room before she came in, just to make sure it wasn’t awkward to be in there without Megan knowing. She walked out of the room and made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen where Megan was unpacking the groceries from her shopping trip.

“Hi Shannon. Good to see you are up.” Megan said, chuckling a little.

“Yeah, we were up a little later than I’m use to last night,” Shannon said back with a smile.

“Julie said you wouldn’t mind if I grabbed some comfortable clothes from your room so I got a tank top and some pants.”

“Oh no, that’s completely fine girl; what’s mine is yours.”

Shannon smiled and made her way to the shower down the hallway.

As she hopped into the shower, with the water starting to beat down on her naked body, she started to think. What she thought about wasn’t normal for her, but at this moment, she couldn’t help it. She hadn’t been intimate with anyone in quite a while and what happened last night was very attractive to her. She had never thought of a girl the way she did with Megan, even for a split second. When Megan’s lips had touched hers, she wanted more, but knew that would have not only been a mistake, but Megan was dating Dan and wasn’t interested in girls that way either. She couldn’t help thinking about it though as it was a thought that had crossed her mind at the time and she couldn’t go back and change that now. Maybe the lack of sexual contact recently, made her think the way she was thinking. She turned off the water and got out of the shower, feeling so much better than she had before getting in. She told herself that she wasn’t going to bring up last night to Megan as she might not even remember it, and if she did, probably didn’t want to talk about it either. It just needed to be a secret that happened one time between them, a drunken mishap. She didn’t know how Megan was with these things and it might have just been a peck that she gives to any of her girlfriends. Regardless, she wasn’t going to bring it up in conversation.

She threw on the pants and tank top, not worrying about her tangled mess of hair or makeup at all. It was only the three of them and she didn’t have anyone to impress. She walked out into the hallway and could tell that Julie and Megan were starting dinner because of the various aromas coming from the kitchen.

“Feel better?” Julie asked as Shannon rounded the corner of the hall into the kitchen.

“A lot better,” Shannon stated. “What are you guys making for tonight, it smells wonderful?”

“Well because you are the guest, we made your favorite dinner.” Julie said, smiling.

Julie had actually told Megan what to get without Shannon knowing, just to make it a surprise. Grilled salmon and broccoli had always been Shannon’s favorite and that is exactly what they were preparing for the night.

“Well thank you girls; I am excited!” Shannon said.

After stopping off in the kitchen, Shannon made her way to the living room to see what she could find on television. She would have stayed in the kitchen and helped out the other two, but there was a reason that she had replaced two microwaves in two years back home. She couldn’t cook to save her life and bad things seemed to happen when she tried.

As she was sitting on the couch, flipping through the channels, she felt a soft breath on the back of her neck and then a pair of soft, cold lips touch softly on her forehead, sending chills up her spine. She spun around to see Megan, smiling at her with big blue eyes.

“Come to my room with me really quick please,” she said as she started up the stairs. “Julie went to get drinks and I want to ask you something.”

Shannon sat there for a minute, confused more than anything. Her legs didn’t want to budge from the floor but her heart was beating fast enough to get them going. She walked up the stairs and into Megan’s room to find her sitting on the bed with her legs crossed, waiting patiently on Shannon.

“Yes Megan? You said you needed to ask me something?”

“Shannon, do you find me attractive?” Megan asked, without flinching in the least bit.

Shannon was a little taken back by the question, not really knowing why she wanted to know the answer, especially from Shannon. The truth was Shannon thought she was gorgeous, as almost anyone else would as well. She was a lot like Shannon really when it came to looks. Megan was tall, slender, and extremely curvy with a smile that was hypnotizing. Her eyes were a mesmerizing grayish blue that pierced your soul when locking in to them. So yes, Shannon thought she was attractive, but how do you respond to that?

“Of course Megan; Dan is a lucky man,” Shannon said, not knowing what Megan wanted to hear. She didn’t want to intrude on Dan’s territory so she made sure to mention him quickly.

“What makes you think that? My smile? My eyes? My body?”

Shannon started to relapse back to when she was in the shower when it came to thinking about Megan. She wanted to tell her what she really thought, but didn’t understand why she felt that way to begin with. She didn’t want Megan to get the wrong impression so she decided to keep it short and generic.

“Well, all of it really. You are a gorgeous girl Megan. Everything about you is amazing, including your looks.”

Megan smiled and motioned for Shannon to come closer.

Shannon walked toward the bed, almost shaking with nervousness. She didn’t know what to expect as she reached Megan and looked down at her.

Megan stood up and gave Shannon a huge hug around the waist, surprising Shannon and instantly relieving a lot of the nervousness. Shannon threw her arms around Megan’s shoulders and hugged her back as well. As she pulled away from Megan her eyes lit up as she felt her cold hands running up her back, underneath the tank top Megan had let her borrow earlier. As Shannon looked at Megan, questioning her with her eyes, Megan smiled and leaned in to kiss her. Shannon leaned to her as well and when their lips locked this time it wasn’t just a peck. It was a long kiss, a deep sensual one that only lovers share. Megan lifted the tank top over Shannon’s head and spun her around, laying her down on the bed. She looked down at her for a moment, admiring her body and perfect exposed breasts before straddling her and leaning in to continue kissing her. Shannon was breathing heavily and wanted every bit of it but then suddenly Dan crossed her mind and she had to say something.

“Megan, wait. What about Dan?”

“I want you Shannon, and only you. I will tell Dan the same thing.”

Shannon started to ask her another question when she was interrupted by the feeling of Megan’s hand running in between her legs. She gasped and bit her lip, pulling Megan closer to her and kissing her even more deeply. Megan sat up and pulled her shirt over her head as well so they could be even closer together as their warm skin made direct contact. Their breasts rested on each other as they continued to kiss like lovers. As she was exploring Shannon’s body, Megan slowly pushed her hand inside of the floral pants Shannon had borrowed earlier, touching her bare skin softly. Shannon hadn’t had this feeling in years and grabbed Megan’s hand, not to pull it away, but forcing her to become rougher with her.

“I want to feel you inside of me,” said Shannon. “Please Megan, I can’t wait any longer.”

Megan didn’t say a word as she slid the pants down to Shannon’s ankles and used her hand to pleasure Shannon the way no one had before. Shannon gasped loudly, gripping onto Megan’s body tightly, trying not to scream out but nothing could stop it. She let out a loud moan that could have been heard anywhere in the house if anyone would have been present.

Megan backed off but didn’t stop caressing her by any means. She used her hands to explore Shannon’s entire body as she lay there, trying to catch her breath. She leaned back down and kissed Shannon like she had never been kissed before. Megan’s soft lips made her happier than she had been in some time and she didn’t want to let them go.

After she was settled again, Shannon sat up and hugged Megan tightly.

“I am going to miss that in a couple of days,” Shannon said with a smile, feeling on top of the world after what had just happened.

“Well, you don’t have to Shannon,” Megan said. “You can stay here with me if you want, for as long as you want. I am not going to see Dan anymore as I have found what I really want and am going for it.”

Shannon was shocked, happy, and sad all at the same time. She had millions of thoughts running through her head and couldn’t really make sense of any of them. She wanted that feeling that she had just experienced to stay with her, but school was starting back in a couple of days and she was so close to finishing. She didn’t see a way for it to work but wanted it badly. Megan had stolen her heart in two nights and that was unheard of in Shannon’s world. She didn’t fall for people that quickly and that deeply either. She was contemplating how to make it work when she caught herself and started thinking of how to respond to Megan in the best way.

“Megan, that was amazing. I want to feel this loved and needed all the time. It’s what I have been searching for and can’t seem to find it anywhere. I go to school down south though and can’t change that. I am almost done with my degree and don’t want to mess that up, you know?’

“I would love to stay here with you,” she said as she leaned in and kissed Megan again, “but I have a lot going on right now and that is why I haven’t been with anyone in so long.”

Megan’s smile faded and she looked destroyed by Shannon’s response.

“Well then, you will have to enjoy the next few days here with me while I try to change your mind then, right?”

Shannon smiled at Megan and reply with a simple, “I’ll be glad to let you try.”

They sat quietly, staring into each other’s eyes for a moment until they heard the door open downstairs. Julie was back and they were still sitting half naked on Megan’s bed. They scrambled to get their shirts back on and make themselves look a little less messy before heading downstairs. They rounded the corner, letting go of each other’s hands at the last moment to see Julie standing there, looking up the stairs at them with her hands behind her back. They stood frozen, not really knowing what she had or was going to do next. Did she hear them? Was it obvious what was going on? As she pulled what was behind her back into plain view, they breathed a sigh of relief.

BOOK: Patiently I Wait
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