Passions Pique (Passions Pique Satin's Passion) (6 page)

BOOK: Passions Pique (Passions Pique Satin's Passion)
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“Why is this happening?”

Derrick was suddenly aware of another presence on his right side. He turned to look, half expecting it to be Satin. It wasn’t. Instead, he was being greeted by Gwen Pastel. Roland Pique’s secretary.

“Good evening Mr. Billings. How are you?”

Derrick took a minute to take in how beautiful this woman actually was. Gwen was an extraordinarily small woman to be such a renowned powerhouse in their industry. At 5’1 and 105 pounds, there was nothing physically opposing about her, though she was the picture of health. Clearly she was a fitness enthusiast. She had incredible muscle tone and her skin was always so clear and smooth. She wore no make. She didn’t need it. The woman was just a natural beauty. But she carried herself with a strength and a dignity that commanded authority and class. She was impressive to say the least. Ever the gentleman, Derrick got up from his chair to address her.

“I’m good Gwen, how are you?”

Gwen’s smile seemed genuine enough.

“Are you expecting company or dining alone this evening?”

Derrick took a quick glance at the empty chair on the other side of the table.

“My date cancelled at the last minute. Have you had dinner yet? Would you care to join me?”

Gwen’s smiled broadened.

“Why thank you Derrick, I would be honored.”

Derrick step to the other side of the table and pulled the chair out for Gwen. Likewise, she stepped around the table and took her seat. Derrick sat back down and offered Gwen some wine.

“So, what was the occasion for this set up?”

Derrick maintained his poker face.

“No occasion at all. I just believe that if a woman is gracious enough to bless me with her time and attention, at the very least, I can show my appreciation with some fine dining and good conversation.”

Gwen nodded her approval.

“If only more men were so considerate.” She chuckled. “Too bad she missed out on this. My goodness, you pulled out all of the stops didn’t you? Were you expecting to get lucky?” She smiled.

Derrick paused to gauge where Gwen was going with this. Was she flirting with him right now?

“Oh, I don’t believe in luck, Gwen. Luck is for people too afraid to take control of their own destiny.”

Gwen raised an eyebrow.

“Is that your way of saying that you didn’t need luck to get laid after this dinner?” Her smile never wavered.

“Actually, Gwen,... no. That’s my way of saying that I didn’t even need the dinner if getting laid is what I truly wanted.”

“Well now, I see you’re not suffering from any lack of self-confidence.”

Derrick was sure of it now; “Yep, she’s flirting with me.” He thought to himself. They enjoyed the meal, the wine and the conversation. Derrick hadn’t even realized how much time had gone by. They had been there for over 2 hours just conversing. Gwen could tell from his demeanor that he would not be the aggressor in anything sexual between them. He was too much of a gentleman. So she took the initiative herself.

“Care to walk me to my suite?”

Derrick was leaving a tip for the waiter.

“It would be my pleasure.”

The two strolled arm in arm towards the elevators making small talk. Gwen found herself genuinely interested in everything Derrick had to say. He was funny and extremely intelligent. Quick witted and charming. Gwen had never been with a black man sexually. She had never met one capable of holding her attention for very long. That wasn’t the case however with Derrick.

“Would you like to come in for a nightcap?”

Derrick openly scrutinized her invitation.

“Hmmm, that depends; what exactly did you have in mind as a nightcap?”

Gwen didn’t even hesitate with her reply.

“I was thinking some mutually satisfying oral sex as a starter and then we could just see how things progress from there.”

She was completely straight faced and waited patiently for him to reply before she put her key in the door. Derrick looked like a deer caught in the headlights of a truck. Gwen knew that she had caught him completely off guard.

“Oh, come now, Derrick, the worse that could happen is that I’m more woman than you can handle and you end up cumming in my mouth before you’re ready.”

Derrick was struggling for a counter.

“And what’s the best that could happen?”

Gwen took a step closer and got a firm grip of Derricks hard on.

“That I am more woman than you can handle and you end up cumming in my mouth before you’re ready.”

Gwen gave Derrick a quick smile and then kissed him fully on the lips. Letting the tip of her tongue trace between the crease of his upper and lower lips.       

“Mmmmmm,... I’ve never had chocolate before.”

Derrick could feel the flame of his passions being fanned, but he wasn’t going to let temptation get the best of him. Not that easily.

“Wow. Gwen,... thank you, but I can’t. I’m in a relationship.”

Gwen pressed herself into Derrick’s chest and gave his cock a firmer squeeze.

“So am I, Derrick, of a sorts. That’s why I’ve come to you. It seems my lover has taken an unhealthy interest in your lover. And it occurred to me that it would be best for all parties concerned if you and I worked together to get our respective mates back in their proper places.”

Gwen’s words were like a smack to the face. It stunned him and he found himself sobering up very quickly.

“What are you talking about Gwen?”

His tone had changed dramatically. Gwen didn’t want this to start spiraling out of control before she could bed him.

“Come inside so that we can talk in private Derrick.”

Derrick pushed Gwen’s hand from between his legs.

“What’s going on? Who are you in a relationship with? How do you know who I am in a relationship with? And what makes you think that something could be going on between them?”

Gwen took a step back so that she could look Derrick squarely in the eyes. Was that concern or jealousy or simply curiosity that she was seeing reflected in his eyes?


     “Derrick, let’s just go inside so that we can talk.”

Now, he was getting agitated.

“I’m not going anywhere with you. I asked you a question. I want to know what’s going on. And I want to know now.”

Gwen openly smiled. Seeing this kind of passion coming from a man was gratifying. Gwen turned and unlocked her door and then stepped inside before turning back to face Derrick.

“The lover that I was referring to is Roland Pique.  And he just spent the better part of the day having sex with the woman that you love, Satin Silverstone. You and I actually have a great deal to talk about so for the last time, are you coming in or are we going to have this conversation later?”

Derrick was completely blown away. Was this really happening? Derrick stepped inside of Gwen’s suite.

“I’m going to need a drink.”

Gwen smiled again.

“Oh, I have something much better than that in mind.”




     Satin had finished a rough draft of what she needed to do and decided to call it a night. She checked her phone for messages and realized that it was well after 10pm. There were no messages from Derrick at all. No texts, no missed calls, no voicemails. She decided to give him a call. Her conscience was tugging at her for how she snapped at him earlier this evening. Derrick was a good man and didn’t deserve the betrayal that she was preparing to commit. But there was a bigger picture here. And their relationship should be strong enough to withstand a single week of impropriety. She had reasoned to herself that this was one of those rare occasions where the end justifies the means. And if by some misfortune, their relationship wasn’t strong enough to survive it, then it simply wasn’t meant to be. Satin dialed Derrick’s number. After the tenth ring Satin hung up the phone.

“He must be angrier than I had realized.”

Satin decided that she didn’t want to leave things this way. She grabbed her keys and headed downstairs to Derrick’s suite.



     Derrick was
sitting on Gwen’s sofa pouring his third glass of scotch. Gwen had gone into her bedroom to change out of her dress and heels.

“Could all of this be true? Satin and Roland?”

Gwen emerged from her bedroom completely naked. And she was far more beautiful than Derrick had realized. There was not a blemish on her anywhere. Her skin really was perfect. And she was so graceful in everything that she did. Her stride, the mere turning of her head. It was like watching a ballerina that never stopped performing. Gwen walked directly over to where Derrick was sitting on the couch and kneeled on the floor between his legs. Derrick was at a complete loss for words. Every bone in his body told him that he needed to get out of there right now, but his fill of alcohol for the evening had him sluggish. And even if it hadn’t, he knew that he was completely captivated by this woman’s beauty.

Gwen began taking off Derricks shoes when he protested.

“Gwen, please stop. We’ve both had too much to drink. This is not what either of us truly want.”

She had just gotten his left shoe off and was working on the right one when she replied.


     “Derrick, from about 9:45am until about 6pm tonight, the woman you love and the man I adore fucked each other’s brains out in the name of business today. Roland is a master of a great many things. That’s why he is, who he is. I have been his right arm, his personal assistant, his servant and his lover for a long time. I know him, Derrick. And I’ve seen how he is when he is entertaining a passing fancy. A man like Roland needs more than any one woman can give. But this thing that he feels for Satin is different. And he has become fixated on her. And unlike the others, her presence in his life, threatens my position and all that I have worked for. I cannot and will not allow this.”

Gwen’s words again had a sobering effect on him. She had his shoes off and was now tugging at his pants leg. She wanted him out of his clothes.

“We have one shot at stopping this before it goes too far and at saving our relationships. But I need your dick right now Derrick. So you are going to have to excuse me for a second. I need to get this out of my system. Gwen pulled hard on his pants and Derrick found himself lifting off of the couch to aid her. This was all happening too fast. But before Derrick could regain control of the situation, Gwen had her hot, wet, mouth down over the head of his cock. Derrick’s eyes closed for a moment as the sensation of her taking in his entire shaft washed through him. The suction from her jaws was incredible. It felt like she was literally trying to draw the seed from his shaft in a single move. Gwen pulled back and gave the helmet shaped head of his dick a passionate kiss. And then she stared at it as if it was something separate from Derrick himself.

“Magnificent.” She mumbled.

Derrick was already fully erect and leaking pre-cum.

“We don’t need to waste anymore time with foreplay Derrick. Let me show you what this is really all about.”

And with that, Gwen jumped up from the floor and into Derricks lap. She reached behind herself and grabbed Derricks hard on and guided it directly to the entrance of her slick hungry slit. Derrick tried to slow her down.

“Wait, what about protection?”

Gwen smiled at him.

“Oh don’t worry Big Boy, I’ll try not to hurt you too bad.”

Derrick realized that she was beginning to sink down on his cock. He could feel his shaft penetrating her depths as her walls squeezed and contracted around his girth.

BOOK: Passions Pique (Passions Pique Satin's Passion)
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