Read Passionate Addiction Online

Authors: Eden Summers

Tags: #Rock Star

Passionate Addiction (9 page)

BOOK: Passionate Addiction
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Her head fell to the side, giving him better access to work his magic. “None of your business,” she moaned.

“How can I make it my business?” he murmured.

Something sparked to life inside her, something heated and fluttery and overwhelming. She wanted nothing more than her whole life to be his business. For them to share everything. However, the distance between their lives made it seem unobtainable.

“Blake.” She straightened, needing his attention to be able to read his eyes.

He didn’t pull his lips away from her neck. “Hmm?” He kissed her again, delicate and light. “What will it take, angel?” His hands slid around her waist to grip her ass. “For me to be your everything?”

She closed her eyes and shuddered. Pleasure overtook her—at his words, his touch, his emotion. He brought her to life, but she knew that would fade once they were no longer together. The thought was too much to bear.

“What’s going to happen to us once I come back from Melbourne?” she asked.

He stopped kissing her. “You’re coming to Melbourne?” He straightened and slid his hands to her waist.

She nodded up at him. “Yes.”

His eyes flashed. “Is it too much to ask you to come home with me?”

Her heart squeezed at the vulnerability in his tone. She wished it was as easy as listening to her heart and saying, “yes.”

Gabi couldn’t leave. Not so soon, anyway. Her Bachelor of Hospitality Management was mere months from completion. And she needed to graduate. She
to graduate. Six years of part-time education, including six months of overseas study and one deferred year to recover from Greg’s death, and she was ready for this stage of her life to be over.

“Blake, I’d love to, but you know I can’t. Not yet.” It wasn’t like she hadn’t dreamed of running away with him for years. She would give up her world to be with him, if only he would wait a little longer.

“I know.” He shot her a sad smile. “I didn’t expect you to. It was more of a wish, I suppose.”

You’re killin’ me.

He was so strong, so loyal to his friends, and still he didn’t believe his own worth. If only he knew she’d been mentally planning their wedding and picking out baby names since they first started voice Skyping. Moving to America wasn’t an issue.

Placing her hands around his neck, she peered up at him, staring into those dark eyes until she had his full attention. “I
move to be with you.”

Hope flickered in his irises and he bit his lip, waiting.

“I just can’t do it right now. I need to finish my degree. But after that…”

He cupped her face, searching her expression, reaching into her soul to take another tiny piece of her. “You’d move for me?”

There went her heart again, aching at his vulnerability. “I’d do anything for you.”

A kaleidoscope of emotions flickered in his features—disbelief, awe, happiness, and then his cocky persona settled back into place, and a wide grin tilted his lips. “I might have to test that theory.”

She raised her chin, ignoring the way he hid behind a thin veil of arrogance, and pulled the strap of her handbag higher on her shoulder. “Test away.”




“Teach me to surf.”

It sounded like a good test at the time—he was in Queensland, Australia, the place of the mighty surf and scorching sun. Now, he’d gone well past second guessing the profound stupidity of his suggestion. What had he been thinking? Well, he’d been thinking exactly what any guy would’ve been thinking
. Gabi in a bathing suit? Rock on!

What Blake hadn’t anticipated was the unrestrained erection tenting his swim trunks or the mass of people staring at him. Women, children, even men.

“Just lie on the board and pretend you’re paddling.” Gabi bent over above him, her feet at the head of the board, her delicious rack tempting the unyielding shit out of him. “Then what I want you to do is, jump up—”

“Gabi, this isn’t gonna work,” he muttered.

Not even the discomfort of sand scratching his stomach could lessen the eagerness of his cock. He doubted an electric sander against his balls would. There was no way he could “jump up” in his current state without scandalizing the locals.

“It’s easy. All you have to do—” She bent lower, her breasts hovering above his head.

Yeah, get Gabi in a public place, dressed in a teeny, tiny, black string bikini. Fucking brilliant idea.

“Gabi,” he growled and leaned on his elbows to look up at her. “If you don’t get the twins outta my face, I’m going to fuck you where you stand. You got me?”

She stared at him wide-eyed, her tongue sliding out to moisten her curving lips. The sight alone had him squeezing his eyes closed.

“I’m not sure about US law, but that’s totally illegal here,” she whispered with a chuckle.

“I. Don’t. Fucking. Care.”

Her laughter increased, and when he opened his eyes again, her taunting mounds of flesh were jiggling up and down, her nipples hard and beading against the thin material of her bathing suit.

“You were warned.” He pushed off the board, moving to stand in a rush, and swept her off her feet.

She squealed and swung her delicate arms around his neck. As he ran into the waves, her hold tightened, her squeal turning into demands to put her down. He ignored her until his third leg was out of view, doused by the warm Australian water.

He concentrated on the waves. The sound of the ocean distracted him, and the hot midday sun made the tainted darkness inside him a little brighter. He’d never felt so at home. Even in a foreign country, with a woman he’d seen for the first time last night, his heart felt full.

He’d never truly belonged. Anywhere. In high school, he’d been the poor kid with the dead-beat parents. Other students teased him about his secondhand clothes and barely wearable shoes. Close friends had been hard to come by, and even those tended to stab him in the back when he needed them the most.

His only solace had been music, and more specifically, the music teacher who tried to steer Blake away from the wrong crowd by occupying him on lunch breaks with guitar lessons. From the first moment he held the cold wood of a bass in his hands, he’d known what he wanted to do with his life. And it took a lot of unpaid gigs and determination to get there.

Then came Reckless Beat. The guys didn’t judge him on anything other than his ability to rock the strings. Even his position as bass guitarist didn’t seem secure, though. He held too many secrets and made too many mistakes to ever feel like his place within the group would last forever. One day his skeletons would fall from the closet, and he’d be kicked to the curb without a second glance.

Now, here with Gabi, he knew he had someone to belong to. A person he yearned to make a permanent fixture in his life, even if he didn’t deserve it.

“You’re a tease,” he whispered into her ear, jumping over the first waist high wave. He needed to keep moving, to drown himself under the salt water until blood flow went back into his brain, instead of his cock.

She chuckled and kissed his jaw. “Maybe.”

He looked down at her and took another hit of water. “That was deliberate?”

Her grin widened.

“The tits in my face? The rubbing up against me? The smallest fucking bikini known to man? You did all that on purpose?”

Her cheeks lifted, her smile growing to show dazzling white teeth as she shrugged.

“You’ll pay, my gorgeous angel.” He leaned into her, the water now lapping at his chest, and took her lips with his own. There was nothing delicate about his kiss. It was hard, unyielding and unremorseful, just like the thickness growing between his legs.

Gabi clung to him, hitching her thighs around his waist, sparking his arousal to new heights. The lust and love he held for this woman beat so hard through his veins that he wanted to kneel at her feet and beg her to be his. Not for a weekend. Not for a month. Forever.

She broke the connection with a gasp and glanced behind him. “Wave!” she shouted, then pushed off his chest, diving into the deep blue.

He had a second to peer over his shoulder and follow her under before the water crashed, pounding at his kicking ankles. When he came up for air, Gabi was in front of him, her shoulder length hair now slicked back in light curls.

“Come out further. There won’t be as many waves.” She grabbed his hand, entwining their fingers while they walked to deeper water.

When another swell formed, she released her hold and dived under the approaching rush—so fluid and lithe. This time when he dived after her, he opened his eyes, ignoring the sting of salt water, and grasped her around the waist. She didn’t flinch, didn’t even falter as he pulled her into his arms and brought them up for air.

He gave her a second to catch her breath before he plastered his mouth against hers, his tongue delving between her lips. His chest rumbled, voicing the fierce demand his body made for this woman. He didn’t care if he drowned in the process of kissing her. Breath seemed like a far second to passion in his current state.

She wrapped her legs around him again, grinding her heat against his length. His body jolted with the pleasure, demanding him to pull her bikini to the side and take her. Right here. Right now. Surrounded by surfers and swimmers and parents and children.

Fuck the world. They didn’t matter. Nothing did. Except Gabi. Her sweet body milking him, taking him to a place he’d never been before.

He deepened the kiss, gripping the back of her head with his hand, while the other grasped her ass. The pull of the ocean tugged against his thighs and he broke their connected mouths to find a massive wave forming.

“We’ll make it over.” Gabi released her grip on his body and swam ahead, rushing to get over the wave before it broke.

He took off after her, trying damn hard to ignore the erection-made rudder that slowed his progress. They both reached the top of the wave as it began to break and sailed down the back end, a yard apart, staring at each other with feverish need.

When the water leveled, he dived under again, resurfacing against her body. He didn’t have time to kiss her or grasp her hips, before she was on him, her tongue in his mouth, her hands on his chest. Her touch slid lower, over his waist, to grab his cock, causing him to jerk.

“Holy hell.” He was close, so hyped on touch and taste and lust that it wouldn’t take long for him to blow. “Careful, angel.” He treaded water, the ocean lapping at his chin. Taking Gabi’s hand, he swam a few feet back to shore where he could feel the sand between his toes. Once he had his footing, he grasped her hips and pulled her into his waist. “I wanna make you come.”

She pressed her lips together and smiled. “What’s stopping you?” Her gaze turned seductive, peering up at him under wet lashes, her hair dripping around her face.

He growled and smashed his lips against hers, breaching her mouth with his tongue while his hand slid from her hip to the crotch of her bikini bottoms. She sucked in a breath.
. They were both a bundle of hypersensitive nerves. He held her around the waist with his free hand and swiped her pussy lips with the hand already nestled against her heat. Her body shuddered against him, her eyelids fluttering while her back arched into his chest.

The ocean surged around them, dragging them off the ground and closer to the shore before receding. His fingers teased her entrance while his mouth devoured hers. The pleasure of her body made him burn, made him hunger to drag her to the shore and take her in front of a beach full of strangers. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t even take her in the depths of the water where their actions would be hidden under the deep blue waves. He didn’t have protection and hadn’t had an STD check in six months. When he played, he played safe, and he would never risk Gabi’s health for his gratification. Knowing he would have to wait until they were back at her place only made the ache throb harder.

“You want me to make you come?” he growled into her ear.

She mewled and nodded into his neck.

He smiled, loving how he could make such a beautiful woman needy and dazed with passion.

“You sure?” he teased, stroking his fingers back and forth down the centre of her core.

“Oh, Blake, please.” She dug her nails into his skin and rubbed her erect nipples against his chest. “It won’t take much… I’m… Just stop teasing me, please.”

With a soft slide, he drove his fingers into her. She moaned, the walls of her core immediately clamping down on his digits.

“You’re so damn beautiful,” he whispered in her ear.

Her lips were parted, her eyes closed, her cheeks warm and pink. Water rushed around them as they glided over a forming wave. He ignored it, tuning out the world around them. He wanted to give Gabi something to remember him by, something to think of every time she looked at the ocean. And pleasure was one thing he excelled at.

Working his fingers in and out of her body, he found a rhythm. He pulled her tighter against him and worked his thigh between her legs, adding pressure. His balls pulsed, his cock throbbed, yet he focused solely on her. Everything was for her.

“Does it feel good, angel, to be out here in front of hundreds of people with my fingers in your pussy? I never would’ve picked you to be a naughty girl.”

She whimpered into his neck, sinking her teeth into his skin. “It…feels…so…good.”

He moved his fingers faster, stretching the material of her bikini to rest his thumb against her clit.

“Oh…shit,” she panted and bucked against his hand. She raised her leg, wrapping it around his thigh, giving him better access to her tight heat. “More, please.” Her mouth sucked at his skin and her touched travelled down his body, underneath the waistband of his trunks. “Please, Blake.” She gripped his erection and began to stroke.

He clenched his jaw, swallowed hard, and thought about basslines, airport delays, anything to drag his focus away from the rhythmic stroke of her silken grip. They’d been making love all night, and he couldn’t get enough.

He had no immunity to this woman.

BOOK: Passionate Addiction
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