Read Part 1: Mate's Lore Online

Authors: Charlene Hartnady

Part 1: Mate's Lore (2 page)

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don’t do this. Please, I beg you.” The screams had turned to sobs at this point.

couldn’t bear to hear them. Each word struck a nerve.

nodded in the direction of the waiting SUVs.

god, please no,” she was sobbing in earnest.

nerve quickly rubbed raw until Tanya couldn’t take it anymore. “Stop!” She
marched in the direction of the vampire king. “Stop that at once. Let her go.”

king took any notice. Maybe some of the others in the crowd were feeling the
same way as she did because the women parted to let her through. “What you are
doing is nothing short of barbaric.”

crowd hushed.

doesn’t want to go with you. Let her go right now.” Tanya projected, sounding
more confident than she felt.

glanced her way before turning in the direction of the waiting vehicles.

is a sexist, disgusting tradition that needs to be put to an end. Why can’t you
choose someone that’s actually interested in going with you? Why does it have
to be her?”

turned back, his dark eyes zoning in on her. Her breathing hitched. Her heart
rate increased, a whole damn lot.
I just had to get involved. Couldn’t leave
it alone.

woman has been chosen as my mate. What is done cannot be undone.” He turned and
made for the waiting vehicles. Like that was a reasonable explanation.

Leave her alone!” She must have completely lost her mind because she walked
after him and straight into the massive chest of one of the guards. There was
only one thing to do in a situation like this, she beat against the chest in
her way while screaming obscenities at the retreating back of the bastard king.

a low rumble that had her insides vibrating.

looked up into a set of dark, penetrating eyes. She froze. It was Brant. The
second vampire king.

would you like me to do with her?” asked a voice to the right of the king.

eyes stayed on hers. His nostrils flared and his body tightened. It was then
that she realized that her hands were flattened on his chest. She snatched them

Brant?” the voice enquired.

coming with me.” He took her hand and strode towards the remaining vehicles.
She wanted to pull away, to dig her heels in the ground, but her traitorous
feet kept on moving in time with his. It was only when they reached the waiting
SUV and Brant opened the door and gestured for her to enter, that she finally
snapped out of it. Part of her didn’t want to believe this was happening. As
ridiculous as it seemed, King Brant had chosen her.

Surely not.


eyes snapped to hers. Dark, fathomless, deadly.

isn’t happening,” she whispered. Maybe she’d tripped, knocked her head and was
stuck in the middle of a really confusing nightmare.

mouth hitched at the side. Damn, but he was good to look at. His dress shirt
clung to him in all the right places. Dark jeans hugged legs of steel. For a
second she was tempted to get into the car, to forget about her life. To focus
solely on the delicious man in front of her, but who was she kidding? He was a
monster. He drank blood for effort’s sake. It wasn’t going to happen.

lifted his brows.

think you may’ve made a mistake,” she somehow managed to croak out.

to the mob of screaming ladies, she was greatly under dressed. She loved
cupcakes far too much, especially vanilla ones with strawberry icing. As a
result, she had plenty of feminine curves. Her ex had complained on many
occasions, he’d even gone so far as to set up an appointment with a dietician
for her.

mistake,” his deep voice did strange things to her insides. Those dark eyes slid
down the length of her body and a furnace switched on at her core.

climbed into the SUV. How could she not? Once they were somewhere private, they
could talk this out and he would soon realize that he’d made a huge mistake and
take her back.


second thought, maybe they should discuss this now. Brant slid in next to her,
his scent engulfed her. All man. So delicious she bit down on her lip to stop
herself from whimpering.

every last ounce of resolve she had, she turned to face the big vampire. “So
you drink blood?” Damn, that’s not what she meant to say.

lips twitched in anger?…amusement?

Forget it. I don’t know what I was thinking. Do I call you Lord or Your Majesty?”

may call me Brant.” This time he did smile and her heart did a flip flop. The
cutest dimples appeared on either side of his sinful lips. When he swept his
tongue across the expanse of those generous folds, she had to suppress a sigh.

to the blood…” Something flared in his eyes as they dropped to the pulse at her
neck. “I only partake from other vampires, so you have nothing to fear.”

nodded feeling oddly disappointed. It was like she’d actually felt excitement at
the prospect of him biting her.
No freaking way.

is your name?” He stretched out on the soft leather seat, his thigh brushed
hers.  Heat seared at the area where their bodies touched.

took a few seconds for her to register that he had spoken. “Oh, um…Tanya
What an idiot
, she extended her hand out.

eyes crinkled at the edges, he leaned forward and clasped her hand in his much
bigger one. The air must have thinned because she struggled to draw a breath.

is good to meet you Tanya Milan.”

oh man, she was so screwed. She loved the way he said her name. Loved it far
too much for a woman trying to escape.




Chapter 2


delectable so undeniably beautiful he couldn’t help but take her in. Dark hair
that cascaded halfway down her back. Tall for a human. Tanya’s curvaceous body
had him drooling. She wore a shapeless t-shirt that did nothing to hide lush
breasts. Her hips were flared and her ass was shapely enough to take a firm
hold of…if the need arose. His cock twitched at the thought of all that warm
softness underneath him. Brant tried to adjust his seat, needing to relieve the
pressure building behind his unforgiving zipper.

thing he liked was her fierceness with more than enough determination to match.

did Zane…I mean King Zane choose that woman? She didn’t want him. It’s nothing
short of rape.” The moment the words were out, she bit down on her plump bottom
Twitchy as a deer down a hunter’s scope

was with great effort that he managed to lift his gaze. Her large hazel eyes
were beautifully framed by long, black lashes.

understandable that she is afraid, yet you must know that her fear is
unjustified. Zane might be a bastard but he would never force himself on a

doesn’t know him and she didn’t look like she wanted anything to do with him.”

found himself smiling at her…again…how bizarre. “Are you afraid?”

I be?”

heart rate remained even. The only time she’d shown any major physical emotion
was when he’d shook her hand.

here,” he patted his lap.

don’t think so.” Her eyes were wide. They gleamed with defiance.

won’t bite. Not much anyway.”

heart sped up. Tanya made a noise of refusal. Brant leaned forward and clasped
her by the waist and carefully slid her onto his thighs.

Hey stop! I really don’t think that this—” she ended the sentence on a sound of
frustration. The female squirmed but didn’t try to move away. “I’m too heavy to

you weigh no more than a delicate flower.” He left his hands encased around her

blushed. The pink complemented her wine stained lips perfectly.

realize that humans don’t have great senses, so it would help if you put your
nose into my neck.”


you were to scent me, you would understand what it is I need to explain to
you.” He moved his head to the side and gestured to his neck.

really…” She stammered.


obeyed. Her hot breath fanned against his skin. A lesser man would’ve reacted
by pressing her to him, by having Xavier stop the vehicle so that he could take
her. Against a tree, on the soft earth. It wouldn’t matter just as long as he
was inside her.

may be a vampire, but that didn’t make him an animal. She squirmed some more
but his hands held her firmly in place.  If she moved just a little bit higher
she’d know exactly how she was affecting him.

he raised his eyebrows as he spoke.

pulse raced. Her breathing was uneven. The scent of arousal filled the confines
of the vehicle.

what?” her voice was shaky.

you like the way I smell?”

smell…fine.” The scent of arousal kicked up another notch. His driver turned up
the fan on the air conditioner.

chuckled. “My turn.” He buried his face into the soft skin at the base of her
neck and inhaled deeply. Tanya moaned. His cock hardened up a whole lot more.
He ached with the need to bury himself in her. “Fucking delicious.”

tensed. He hadn’t meant to say that.

don’t eat me.”

promise that when I…eat you, you’ll love every minute.” He pulled back catching
her look of shock as her cheeks flushed.

of him wanted to apologize, but she was here as his soon to be mate. His chosen
female. If he were to follow tradition, he would bed her immediately. Seal the
deal as soon as they made it back to the manor house, but some traditions could
be altered. Brant would give her a chance to come to terms with her
circumstances first before making her his.

if you can’t admit what your senses are telling you, I’ll be honest then for
of us.”

tried to look away, so he took hold of her chin. “I love your scent, I will
even begin to crave it once we are mated. Of all the other females at the
ceremony today, I picked you because I could scent that we would be sexually
compatible. On a baser, instinctual level, you will feel the same way about me.
I will not have to force you to my bed just as Zane will not have to force his
female.” Brant had known the second he’d stepped onto the platform that this
human was the one. He hadn’t zoned in on her immediately for fear of Zane
choosing her out of spite. He wouldn’t put such a move past a bastard like him.

lush ripe lip went back between her teeth.


gasped, “Stop what?”

keep biting on your lip. It’s distracting me, makes me want to kiss you.”

eyes widened and she pursed her lips instead. This was going to be a very long
few days. He wanted a relationship born out of mutual respect. If that meant
taking it slow then so be it. Brant would not push her into anything she wasn’t
ready for.

my,” she gasped.

had driven through the main gates and were rounding the bend. The manor house
had come into view in all of its magnificent glory.

this where your people live?”

tried to suppress a laugh, but failed. “No, I live here. The grounds are vast,
no need to share.”


nodded, “And my staff.”

does Zane live?”




turned to stone beneath her. His hands tightened on her waist almost to the
point of pain.

do you want to know so much about him?” His dark gaze held hers.

she didn’t know better she would think he was jealous. “I’m interested and I
don’t want to hear that girl’s screams.”

eyes narrowed. “Any screams you would hear would be screams of pleasure. I
assure you. Unless…” he paused. “Never mind. Zane does not live here. We are
birth enemies. You will not see him again.”

enemies? What does that mean?”

fathers were enemies before we were born which makes us birth enemies.”

talk about holding a grudge.”

shook his head in what seemed like disbelief. A half smile graced his glorious
mouth. “If it helps any, we are no longer at war. A truce has existed for the
last twenty or so years.”

you don’t chat?”

smile grew. “No, we very definitely do not chat.”

not your brother or anything is he?”

Enough about Zane.” A low growl.

had to work to keep herself from biting her lip. Having Brant kiss her would be
bad. Oh so very bad considering she still had to convince him to let her go.

vehicles ground to a halt directly in front of a set of stairs that led to
immense double doors. Tanya had meant to ask him how old he was, but she couldn’t
help but stare at the beautiful house and surrounding grounds. Two wings of old
school with a distinctly modern twist. Slanting slate roof tiles with wooden,
roof trusses and enormous glass windows. Flat green lawns, a lake, even a
sprawling forest. Acres of land as far as the eye could see.

cleared his throat. Her eyes shot to his. He looked amused. His big hands
squeezed her waist.

They’d been parked for several minutes
and she still sat on his lap. She scrambled off, turning to face the opposite
door. Brant took her hand. “This way.” He grinned at her and out popped those
dimples. She had the ridiculous urge to kiss them.
Not going there.

iron knocker was shaped like a bat. Someone’s idea of a sick joke? Everybody
knew that vampires did not turn into flipping flapping night creatures.

interior of the house was somewhere beyond impressive, more into the realm of
awe inspiring. Plush carpets, gleaming wooden floors and big crystal
chandeliers. Real crystal no doubt.  A nobody like her didn’t belong in this

you’re seriously loaded?”

chuckled, “Old money.”

a fair amount of it is new…” A tall woman said as she rounded the corner.

was regal in stature. Her short, bleach blond hair was slicked back to her
scalp. Big blue eyes and a full mouth completed the picture. She was riveting.

meet Stephany. My assistant.”

you a vampire?”

winked. “A woman not afraid to speak her mind. I can tell I’m going to like
you.” She inclined her head. “Yes, I’m a vampire.” They shook hands. “I’m sure
you’re tired from your…ordeal, can I show you to your quarters?”

turned to face her. “Stephany will take care of your needs. I’ll see you at
dinner.” He flashed her a half smile.

nodded and allowed herself to be led by the other woman, she could feel Brant’s
eyes on her as she followed Stephany up the tall staircase.

quarters turned out to be bigger than her whole apartment.

mean goodness. This place is stunning.”

tall vampire turned to face her. “I can tell why Brant chose you.”

you mean another reason other than I smell like I might be a good fuck...” She
bit her bottom lip. “Apologies, I’m trying not to swear so much.”

other woman laughed. “Please don’t hold back on my account. All relationships
need to start somewhere and if you ask me, being good together in bed is a good
foundation. You seem”—the vampire walked over to her and ran her hands firmly
down her arms and hips—“sturdy enough.”

choked. When she finally managed to get herself together she asked, “Is sturdy
a nice way of saying overweight?”

It’s just that humans are so soft and fragile, some more than others, our males
can break you very easily. That is why it is forbidden for us to be with your

why the whole every hundred year thing? Brant said that he wouldn’t bite and he
said that although he would eat me”—she felt her cheeks heat—“it wouldn’t be in
the way I was thinking. Now you’re telling me that there’s a chance he’ll break
me? I have to put an end to this. I’m sure he can choose someone else.”

shook her head, and clasped her hands. “He cannot choose another as he has
already chosen you. Once a king has chosen, he may not choose again.”
Stephany’s blue eyes widened. “I’ve already said too much. This is not for me
to divulge. You must speak with Brant.”

Stephany. I don’t want to die. I want to go home.” She squeezed the other
woman’s hand.

is your home. Just be thankful it was Brant that chose you and not Zane.” She
looked away and sighed before putting her glazier eyes back on her. “I
shouldn’t be telling you any of this. Brant is a good man. He will be careful.
There is a risk of damage during mating. Not all humans survive.”

oh fuck.

had to try and get away. As soon as it was dark she’d escape.

she choked out the word. “What do you mean by damage?”

said too much already, I will draw a lavender bath.” She turned and disappeared
through a door. Tanya followed. It turned out to be a huge restroom complete
with a jacuzzi bath. Stephany turned the faucets. “Relax. Freshen up. I’ll send
for Alexandra to massage and dress you.”

As if.
“I still don’t understand.  Why does he need to mate with a human
in the first place? I’m sure they could have their pick of vampire females that
could handle them.”

shook her head, her face clouded. “Although on the rare occasion, it is
possible for vampires to breed with one another, our wombs will not quicken
with royal seed. The whole turn a human into a vampire myth is just that, a

“Are you trying to tell me that they are
taking mates to bare their children?”

heirs. It is imperative that the bloodlines continue, this is for the safety of
the covens. The shifters…or the elven-kind would exterminate our species in
years to come otherwise. If the kings do not take human females then the royal
lines would die out. With the lack of dominant royal blood to rule, our species
would become extinct. The covens would eventually implode.” 

BOOK: Part 1: Mate's Lore
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