OWNED by Dominic (Possessed #1) (26 page)

BOOK: OWNED by Dominic (Possessed #1)
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allowed to be alone with our son,” she told Brock, “or alone in this house.”

“Our?” Dom asked.

“What?” She was confused by his question.

“You said our son…”

“I did,” she confirmed. She refused to take it back. Jaxson was hers. By blood or by heart had no matter to her.

“Fucking love you, Princess,” he growled just as his lips crushed hers in a bruising kiss.




The moment the
left her lips, Dom’s cock had grown harder than ever before. She sealed her fate upon claiming his son. She’d already done so in so many small ways, but they’d never talked about it. Never said he would be hers, even though Dom knew it.

His lips molded to hers, taking her breathy whispers into his mouth. When she rubbed her body against his like a cat in heat, he grabbed her ass cheeks in his hands lifting her to wrap her legs around his waist.

“Ewww, Mommy and Daddy are loving!” They heard Jax laugh, running away as he did.

It did the trick though, he pulled away from her tempting body before he did something stupid like strip her in front of her parents.

As her eyes opened, tears immediately fell. “Deidre?” he asked as he wiped them away.

The smile she gave stole his breath, made his chest tighten in the happiness he could see in her eyes, “He called me Mommy,” she responded in awe.

“Because you are, Princess,” His grin matched hers.

Their lives had been on a path to hell from nearly the moment they met. Now they were on a journey to the tallest mountains, past the highest peaks, and straight into a perfect sunrise.

Together they’d found a peace neither had anticipated.




Three months later


“Oh God, Dominic!”
Deidre cried in pleasure.

“Ssshhh, you’ll wake him up.” He smirked at her, knowing he’d won.

“Screw you!” she spat at him as he pumped inside her slowly.

Leaning forward, he whispered in her ear from behind. “I am.” Laughing when she started cursing him again, only to moan when she tightened her inner muscles on him. “Fuck,” he groaned.

“Harder,” she begged him.

Grabbing both of her butt cheeks in his hands, he pounded in and out of her tight ass as she rubbed her clit with her own fingers, while roughly rolling his balls in her other.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she panted.

“Quiet!” he growled again, slapping one cheek as he did. She bit into the pillow under her face.

When he felt her entire body tense, he knew she was seconds from coming again. Loosening the grip he had on her ass, he slid one hand up her back grabbing at the bend of her neck and pulling her body up to his so his cock lodged deeper in her ass as he pumped harder and farther into her dark depths.

“Fucking love how deep and tight you are like this,” he moaned against her neck, biting down sharply.

“It hurts,” she squealed when he slammed into her again just as she began to come on him. “Dominic,” she uttered hoarsely.

“You fucking love it,” he countered as streams of his cum began to pump out of him in long jets, hitting the end of the condom he was wearing. His toes curled, his eyes rolled in the back of his head, and he nearly blacked out from pleasure until she said, “I’m pregnant,” and collapsed in a heap of satisfaction. Snoring softly before he’d even pulled out of her tight ass.

“Fuck. Me.” He whimpered.


She was going to have my baby?

I was going to be a dad again?

Fucking A!




Going to the
mommy and me class the next day with Jaxson was a little hard on her body; her ass in particular. Dominic had held nothing back, and she loved every minute of it—so had he.

She knew that as soon as she told him she was pregnant, he wouldn’t do it. For weeks, she’d dreamed of having him in the most forbidden ways, craving that deep connection. It was everything she’d imagined it would be and more.

Too bad you won’t get it again for a few months
, her inner voice taunted her.

Sighing in defeat because it was true, she helped Jaxson hang his things up in his cubby as she took off her coat and hung it with his.

Over the last few months, as they all adjusted to life as a family, Deidre found that she had a lot of time to think about her own mam and da. They’d explained a little more of what went on, the choices they’d made. Dom believed Brock when he kept telling them he had no intention of letting Bradshaw’s men hurt her or Jax.

Casey was a tougher nut to crack on that one considering he was the one to be shot so they weren’t all killed. She trusted Dom when he said Brock could be tentatively trusted, but she had a harder time than any of them probably anticipated.

She was seeing her mam now. They had a standing lunch date once a week after the mommy and me class they were at. She looked forward to them more now than she did when they started doing it a month ago.

Until she had started to really spend time with her mother again, Deidre hadn’t realized just how much she missed her presence in her life. She was happy to have her mam in her life again, and Jaxson seemed to like having a grandma, too. Letting Brock in was going to be more of a challenge, though.

“Jax!” a little voice called from the mat, pulling Dee from her thoughts.

“Can I?” he asked, wanting to go sit with his new friend Andy.

“Go ahead,” she told him, smiling as he ran to sit beside him.

Looking around for Andy’s mom, she didn’t see her but noticed another woman watching him, looking extremely shy. She was barely five feet tall with the whitest blonde hair Dee had ever seen, and startling blue eyes that matched when they met with her own.

Walking towards the other woman, she introduced herself. “Hi, I’m Deedee, Jaxson’s mom,” she smiled as she stuck out her hand.

Looking around like she wanted to escape, she finally shook her hand. “Evelyn Moore, Andy’s aunt.”

“Nice to meet you. Where’s Lacey?” she inquired.

Evelyn looked nervous like someone was about to jump out at her. “She had to work, and Andy wanted to come.”

Nodding her head, she made a note to talk to Dom about her when he got home that night. He’d always praised her on reading people and alarm bells were going off like crazy with Evelyn.

Class began, and they sang songs, played games, and had snacks. When Evelyn and Andy left abruptly before it was over, she knew she had to find out what was going on.




“Dude, why are
we here?” Case complained as they pulled up to the run down strip club Dee’s new friend worked at.

A week ago she had come home demanding answers about the obviously troubled woman, so Dom had promised he’d look into it for her.

“Deedee wants to know if this woman’s all right. She hasn’t seen her or her sister at mommy and me in a few days. This is where she works; now shut the fuck up. You’re at a strip club, dude.”

As soon as they entered the club, Dom went to the bar wanting to see a manager while Case wandered off to who knew where.

“What can I getcha?” the bartender asked him.

“A manager,” he told him.

“One of the girls not giving you what you want?” he asked, a cold look crossing his face.

That pissed Dom off immediately. “You let these girls hook for you?” he demanded to know.

“You a cop?” He backed up.

“Worse,” Dom told him coldly.

As he ran to get the manager, Dom turned and took in his surroundings. The lights were so dim you could barely see. Three stages were spotlighted with women dancing on each and bouncers standing in front, but not doing their jobs as men were grabbing at each of the girls while the bouncers felt up the waitresses.

Shaking his head in disgust, he looked to the side where girls were coming and going from. When he saw a young woman matching the picture he’d found of Deedee’s friend, he began to make his way over when another man pushed her against a wall. He didn’t need to hear her scream to know she was.

A loud roar caught his attention as Case barreled his way through the crowd faster than Dominic could, reaching her just in time to rip the man off of her and toss him into a table, knocking it over.


He watched in fascination as his friend, the man who hadn’t been gentle with any woman other than Dee, her mom, and Angela, held out a hand to her. She shakily took it as he pulled her to his chest, cradling her head in one hand and holding her waist in the other as she visibly shook.


He turned as the manager finally came out to meet him.

“How can I help you, sir?” He had a greasy sleaze ball look to him.

Dom knew instantly that something more was going on than met the eye. “Well, you can tell me all about her?” He pointed to where Case was currently getting his ass reamed out by the girl he’d just saved.



The end!

About the author:


Like y’all don’t know about me already! Wait, you don’t? Well let me tell you!

I am forever 29 years old (For real my birthday says I’ll be 30 this year, but I refuse) I have been with my amazing husband for 12 years and together we have 4 stunning children! (Biased again!) For the last 8 years I have been a stay at home mom to care for them and now that they’re all older I can finally do something for me.

That something is most definitely writing! I love creating stories and sharing them with the world! I don’t get to read as often as I used to but you better believe my TBR list is longer then me! I absolutely love to hear from my fans so please feel free to contact me at anyone of these places:








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More books from KL Donn


The Possessed Series

Bullied – Book 0.5

OWNED by Dominic – Book 1

One Dance for Case – Book 2 – Coming Oct 2016 (
Goodreads link

Tattooed & Alone for Christmas – Book 2.5 – Coming Nov 2016 as part of an anthology

Goodreads link

Lost & Found – Book 3 – Coming Feb 2017


The Protectors Series

Keeley’s Fight

Emily’s Protectors

Kennedy’s Redemption


Sshhhh I’m working on another series to come Spring of 2017!


Special note from Me!


Are you sick of me yet? I don’t blame you if you are. I just wanted to quickly say thank you the amazing support I’ve received from you all, whether you’re a new reader or an older one, thank you for taking a chance on Dom’s book. He’s very special to me and I hope that you’ll keep begging me for more!


I also wanted to give a great big shout out to a few amazing ladies, and hopefully introduce you to a few new authors too! Their support has been the best!


CM Steele

Alexa Riley

Winter Travers

Mary B Moore

Eve Monte

Elena M Reyes

Alana Sapphire

Dani Wyatt

Annelise Reynolds

Ashley Wheels

Aria Cole

FG Adams


And a couple of brand new authors with books coming soon;

S Van Horne

Paige Conners


I hope you’ll give them all a try and see just how amazing they are!!


BOOK: OWNED by Dominic (Possessed #1)
11.45Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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