Read Overheated Online

Authors: Laina Kenney

Tags: #Siren Classic

Overheated (5 page)

BOOK: Overheated
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Dash smiled. He stepped forward and took the towel from her, ignoring her gasp and her protesting hands, and proceeded to dry her skin as tenderly as a mother with her baby. Sara was relaxed and sleepy from the heat of the water, and she subsided and let him do it. She was starved for this man’s touch.

He seemed absorbed in his task, running the soft terrycloth over her, causing the delicate scent of peaches that clung to her skin to rise in the air. He kissed her shoulder as he wrapped the towel around her and secured it. It was large, sized for his big body, and he had to pull it around her twice. He nuzzled her neck, her ear, her cheek. He buried his nose in her damp hair.

At first Sara stood docilely and accepted his attention. But soon, his gentleness wasn’t enough. Her body was beginning to wake to his caresses, humming with want. She pushed her fingers into his thick black hair, trying to steer his roving mouth toward her lips. She needed his kiss, needed the burning pleasure of his taste.

“Please,” she whispered. “Dash, please.” Her breath was coming faster, but she still couldn’t coax him to give her that flaming passion she had experienced with him earlier. She had sensed it in him from the beginning. The fire in him called to something in her, something free and wild that only he could touch, and she wanted it again.

“Please what, Sara? What do you need?” His voice was low, muffled. His words indistinct.

“Please.” She could hardly speak through her gathering desperation. She could feel her body dampening, clenching. “Please, kiss me.”

“I am kissing you.” His mouth was against her breast. “I’m kissing you all over.”

Sara’s body flushed wildly at his words, and he caught her against him as her knees buckled. His delighted laughter rumbled in his chest and the deep sound of it only pushed her higher. He moved with her in his arms, pressing kisses into his skin wherever she could reach.

When he lowered her to the bed and tugged her towel off, she kept her hold on his hair, pulling him down on top of her. Her sigh of pleasure at the feel of his weight on her almost finished him right there.

“Damn, Sara, I’m trying to go slow here.” Dash pulled away slightly, whipped his shirt off over his head and flung it away. His hands and lips returned to her body immediately, stroking over her pale, gleaming skin, suspending her in a world of sensation, making her dance sensually against his black satin sheets.

* * * *

He could feel every beat of his heart in the throbbing of his hard cock. Sara was so open to pleasure she was driving his arousal higher and higher. Everything he thought he knew about himself, every limit he had, was destroyed by her natural sensuality. There was no limit to how high sweet Sara could take him. He didn’t think she was even aware she was still whispering the word please with every breath, begging for his mouth, his hands, his cock. And he was happy to share his body for her pleasure.

She moaned into his mouth when he finally kissed her, and the soft sound reverberated in his head. He freed his aching cock, pushing one big finger inside her to test her readiness to receive him. She was very wet. Her softness rippled around him, clutching and tugging at his probing finger, and thoroughly destroying his good intentions.

He had just enough restraint to enter her slowly, pushing the wide head of his penis steadily further and controlling her wild motions with his hard hands. She was whimpering now, completely lost in the moment, and he was enthralled by her uncivil beauty. He thrust in to the hilt, holding himself there in full extension, feeling her hot sex stretching to accommodate his deep penetration. The rush of wetness that accompanied her frenzied cry blasted through his resolve and he lunged repeatedly, driving them both to the jagged edge of their endurance.

When he leaned down and nipped her throat, Sara bucked and wailed her release.

With a final deep thrust, his hot semen burst from him in hard spurts, setting off a second intense orgasm for her. He collapsed on top of her, completely drained.

After a long moment, he anchored her hips and rolled to his back, keeping his softening cock inside her. She murmured and snuggled her face into his throat, going boneless in seconds. And just like that, they slept.

Twice in the night, Sara came awake to the feel of him moving inside her, riding her gently into a dreamy series of soft orgasms. She didn’t even open her eyes, content to let him do as he would. She drifted back to sleep immediately after, and his hard arms held her gently through the dark hours until dawn.

Chapter 6

When Sara finally woke, the bedroom was bright with sunshine. Feeling dazed, she looked around for a clock, but there wasn’t one in sight. She wasn’t even sure what day it was, actually. The only thing she knew for certain was she hadn’t felt so good in her entire life. Her body was tender in places and her thighs were sticky, and she had been thoroughly enjoyed by a strong, virile man.

It felt wonderful.

She stretched in the bed, smiling slightly and remembering Dash and his magnificent body driving her into a frenzy of lust, over and over again. Truly the best night of her life.

That was how Dash found her when he arrived with her breakfast tray and the soft, smug look on her face made his well-used cock throb.

He had put that expression on her face, and looking at her he had a sudden memory of that famous painting called
Mona Lisa
. It was that same feminine knowing, that understanding of beauty and passion in her smile that had cast a spell on viewers for hundreds of years. It was captivating, and it drew him as a man so powerfully, he was at her side before he realized it.

Sara opened her eyes to see Dash watching her. She felt a new rush of heat and moisture as she took in his appearance, broad, tanned chest bare, muscles rippling as he moved, blue jeans zipped but not buttoned. She wriggled seductively, loving his eyes on her.

Dash cleared his throat and dragged his wandering attention back to the tray in his hands. “I brought breakfast,” he said. “Coffee with real cream, omelet, toast, and sliced melon. I’m sorry I didn’t have any strawberry jam. I know you love it, so I added it to the grocery order. Grange will pick it up today.”

Sara sat up. “You sent Grange shopping?” The image was incongruous, like walking a panther down Main Street. The idea of that cool, dangerous man in the grocery store pushing a cart and choosing from brands of jam tickled her, and she giggled.

The happy little sound made Dash’s heart stutter in his chest. He wanted to hear it every day for the rest of his life. Sara’s happiness was so beautiful to him.

“Well, I have to stay here and keep you satisfied,” he teased, “so someone else has to do the shopping.”

She tilted her head to one side and considered him with a smile. “Yes,” she said. “You do.”

While he gaped and struggled to breathe against the hot rush of blood to his groin, she calmly took the tray and settled it over her lap. “Thank you for the lovely breakfast.” She took a bite of the omelet and moaned. Heavenly.

Dash collapsed on the bed beside her and pretended to clutch his chest. “I had always heard that beautiful women can be cruel, but I never believed it until now. Woman, you just gave me heart failure. I may never fully recover.”

She giggled around a mouthful of toast. His teasing was so precious to her. He treated her like a friend, like a lover, and she was soaking it up. She held out her toast and he took a growling, playful bite, lazing comfortably on the bed and talking with her while she ate breakfast.

Sara stole glances at him as she chewed, marveling at the changes that had taken place in her life. After the experiences of the day before, she could hardly believe she had held him off for four months. If she had known how incredible the sex with him would be, how powerful the need he could create, she could never have stayed away so long. Many times she had felt his bewilderment at her avoidance, and now, she was almost as surprised herself.

His blue eyes, intense and watchful, his devil-black hair, and the strong, muscular body that fascinated her all seemed designed specifically to please. His innate intelligence, his caring, and his drive to protect those smaller and weaker than himself made him a man without equal in Sara’s eyes.

“You’re my dream,” she said softly.

Dash sat up slowly and looked at her questioningly.

“I’ve been alone, always on the outside. My parents were so much older, and they both died when I was in college. And then Martin, one of my course advisors, took an interest, helped me through the funeral planning, and made me finish my class work when I really didn’t care. Even through my relationship with him, I still felt cold inside.” She stopped, trying to find the words to make him understand what he offered to her. “You are like a dream for me. When I’m with you, I’m normal. I don’t feel cold.”

Dash took the empty tray from her and set it beside the bed. He wrapped her up in his arms and leaned back against the pillows, letting her talk.

“I don’t mean to put some kind of pressure on you,” she said seriously. “I just need you to know what you’ve given me. And,” she paused, unsure of how to continue, “no matter how long these affairs usually last, I want this feeling. I want to be with you.”

* * * *

“Do you see me going anywhere?” Dash was torn between fierce joy and exasperation. The mind of a woman was a fascinating thing to him. He had done everything but tattoo her name on his chest to show his intense need for her, and if he understood this conversation, she was giving him permission to leave her in a few weeks or maybe months. However long she thought his
affairs lasted.

The poor thing still had no real idea of what he had in mind.

He smiled. “Sara, I want you,” he began.

“I want you, too, more every time.” She twisted in his arms to face him, sliding her lips along his neck and his chest. She nuzzled and nipped along his collarbone, and he groaned.

“Sara,” he tried again, “let’s talk about this, about us.” Damn, he sure as hell had never said that before. “Slow up, woman, I can’t think when you’re doing that.” What she was doing was rubbing her nose along his taut belly, following the line of hair down to where his erection strained against the denim.

He tried to pull her up, but she grabbed his hands and held tight. The top of his head nearly blew off when she put her lovely face down right on his cock and took the zipper in her white teeth.

She pulled it down slowly, so slowly.

Dash was panting, every muscle in his body rock hard, when she let go of his hands and reached to pull out his hard penis. A pearly drop glistened on the broad head, and her pink tongue licked out delicately to gather it in. Sweat broke out on his forehead as his cock flexed.

* * * *

Sara moaned as the wild taste of him hit her tongue. The heat of his male flesh in her mouth was provocative.

She had never done this before, this act that men seemed to crave. But she could quickly come to crave it, too. His musky male scent, his taste, the way his big body shook as she opened her lips over him. She moaned aloud.


She held the large, plum-shaped head in her hot mouth until he shuddered then moved to take more. A few slow strokes up and down and she was getting the rhythm, sinking over him to take his cock deeper and sucking as she pulled away. His hips were following her hypnotic motions, gently at first and then with more strength, more force, until he was cupping the back of her head in one hand and shoving his penis through her pursed lips.

Sara’s eyes were heavy, the blatantly sexual act arousing her, also. Her gaze met his and she tightened her mouth around him and reached to cradle his balls in one cool hand.

He shouted as he came. His powerful neck corded, and pulse after pulse of hot semen splashed against the back of her throat. She moaned and suckled him, drinking him down. She took all he had to give until his head rocked back to thud against the wall and still he came.

His muscles went limp suddenly. Sara held him inside her mouth for a long moment, and then gradually let him slip free.

She still felt aroused herself, but a curious satisfaction slid through her, curling around her heart and burning away the last of the coldness. She moved up beside Dash and laid her head on his hot shoulder. His arm came around her weakly to draw her closer.

“Damn, Sara,” he whispered, his breathing still labored. “That was the hottest thing.”

“I read about that,” she said shyly.

Dash groaned and laughed. “Your first time? God. You’re a natural, sweet Sara.”

BOOK: Overheated
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