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Authors: Stephanie Julian

Over Exposed (8 page)

BOOK: Over Exposed
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Hell, he hoped they were snowed in for a friggin' week.

Cupping her breasts again, he drew on her already erect nipples with his thumb and forefinger. He rolled the tips between his fingers until she moaned, the sound barely audible. Then he pulled a little bit harder.

As he glanced up, her head dropped forward, her hair falling over her shoulders to brush against her breasts. He wanted to feel that hair on his thighs as she sucked on his cock.

He needed to get a better handle on himself, or he wouldn't last more than a few seconds when he got inside her.

Of course then he'd just start all over.

“Bree, look here.”

She didn't obey right away this time and he was ready to ask again when her head slowly lifted and those dark eyes connected with his.

He felt the jolt of that connection straight through his chest, down his spine, and into his balls.

With a groan, he released her breasts to wrap his arms around her and twist her body until he had her lowered onto the mattress beneath him. He covered her mouth and kissed her harder. Cupped her jaw in his hands and held her head at the perfect angle to go deeper. No hesitation, no adjustments.

She fit him perfectly and kissed him like she knew exactly what he wanted.

His cock, still trapped in his jeans, throbbed against her hip. He pressed even closer, the pain a heated pleasure. She tried to turn onto her side, toward him, but he held her steady with a hand on her shoulder.

When she acquiesced, he wanted to pump his fist in the air. Instead, he stroked his hand to her breasts, kneading each one in turn. They felt heavy, her skin soft against his. He allowed himself to play with her nipples while he kissed her, a steady torment that had them both struggling to breathe.

Finally, he had to release her mouth to draw in much needed air. It was that or pass out. And he had too much more he wanted to do to her to allow that to happen.

Like get his mouth on her breasts. She moaned when his lips covered one rigid tip and sucked it between his teeth, nipping at it and making her squirm. Her every move made his internal temperature rise, especially when her hip brushed against his erection.

The urge to rip off his jeans was a gnawing ache, but he didn't want to rush. Not her or himself. Sabrina was younger than the women he usually slept with, and maybe not as experienced.

That thought made him pause, made him lift his head to stare down at her.

What he saw was a beautiful young woman, eyes closed, hair spread out around her on the silk comforter. Her lips were swollen from his kiss and, when he glanced lower, her nipples were slightly red from where he'd been playing with them.


His gaze snapped back to hers, half-lidded and sexy.

“Why did you stop?”

Good question. Right now, she looked like a woman who knew exactly what she wanted.

Him. He let that thought burn deeper into his gut, let it roil and build.

When he didn't answer her right away, she lifted one hand to his hair and sank her fingers into it. Then she tugged.

His lips curved. “I'm not stopping. I'm admiring.”

She blushed, this time from her cheeks to her breasts. Then she tugged on his hair again and he obliged her silent command to come closer. When he didn't completely close the gap between them, she lifted her head and sealed their lips together for a lung-searing kiss that made him groan into her mouth.

When she finally released him, he felt like she'd given him permission. For what, he wasn't exactly sure. Then again, he didn't typically ask for permission.

He'd wanted
, he realized.

Bending, he put his mouth around one pebbled tip, sucking it into his mouth. With a little moan that sent heat arrowing straight to his groin, she grabbed his shoulders and pulled him even closer.

Jesus, she was sweet. He wanted to inhale her. Wanted to get as deep into her as he could.

He sucked harder, impatience riding him until all he could think about was making her come. Feeling her tighten around him while she did, driving deep and hard and having her beg him for more.

With his mouth tormenting her breasts, he smoothed his hand over her soft stomach to the waistband of her jeans. Yanking open the button, he ripped down the zipper and shoved his hand down her pants.

Only to freeze when he heard her suck in a sharp breath and still beneath him.

Shit. Shit. Too fast. Slow down.

He lifted his head from her breasts, but not before pressing an open-mouth kiss directly between them. He thought about taking his hand out of her pants but his fingertips just grazed the top of her mound and the silky hair there was too much of an enticement to leave. But he didn't press any further.

The lust glazing her eyes was unmistakable. It made his cock throb against his zipper.

“You need to tell me if I'm going too fast, Bree. Okay? I've been thinking about you here, like this, for months. If I listened to my body, you'd already be naked and I'd be fucking you until we both collapsed.”

Her pretty, pink, kiss-swollen lips fell apart as he spoke, but he couldn't mistake the hitch in her breath for anything but desire.

Unable to resist temptation, he moved to seal her mouth with his. This time, her tongue pushed its way past his lips, her hands grabbing onto his shoulders before slipping to his back.

As the kiss deepened, she curled her hands and let her nails dig into his flesh, scoring light lines down his back.

He wanted those nails running along his shaft and making his balls tighten.


Hell, much later, because if she touched his cock right now, he'd come in her hand. He couldn't remember being so lost in a woman that he couldn't control himself. At least not anytime recently.

And holy hell, had he missed it.

With her nails digging into his back, he felt her thrust up into the hand on her mound, giving him tacit permission to continue.

He hadn't realized he'd been waiting for it. But now he wasn't stopping or holding back unless she pushed him away.

Releasing her mouth and pulling his hand out of her pants, he rose to his knees then stood beside the bed, grabbing her legs and pulling her closer to the edge of the mattress. As he stripped the jeans off her legs, she propped herself up on her elbows. Heavy-lidded eyes watched his every move as she wriggled and arched to help him.

Her jeans had been loose enough that he hadn't snagged her underwear, and he smiled at the sight of black lace panties that teased at the golden brown hair on her mound and covered more interesting secrets.

He reached for them but she grabbed his hands. “What about your jeans?”

“Those are staying on for a while. I'm not done using my mouth.”

The flush on her cheeks deepened, but she said nothing as she released him so he could reach for the strings holding the back and front of the panties together. He wanted to rip them off her but he had too much appreciation for Kate's work to do it.

Instead, he pulled them down achingly slow. He could see they were wet, and the scent of her arousal made his mouth water and his heart pound even harder. By the time he pulled them away from her ankles, he could barely stop himself from dropping to his knees and spreading her legs.

Too fast. Need more time to play.

She'd closed her legs as soon as he'd released her so now he reached for her knees. But instead of holding her open, he ran his hands up her thighs, soaking in the feel of her skin. Damn, the girl was soft. Her thighs were smooth, her skin dotted with pale freckles he planned to lick later.

Watching his every move, she caught her bottom lip between her teeth, her stomach rising and falling with each breath.

She'd trimmed the hair on her mound to a small triangle and when he ran his fingers over it, the softness tempted him to sink farther between her legs.

A small, husky moan slipped from her lips, making him smile.

“A little impatient, babe?”

Her eyes narrowed, glittering at him in the hazy light coming from the windows. “Maybe you're just too slow.”

“Don't you know good things come to those who wait?”

“Says the man who makes movies I need Dramamine to watch.”

He laughed, a little surprised by her willingness to play with him. Most of the women he'd bedded would've pulled out the “ooh, baby, I want you, please do me” sex kitten act. And that's all it was with them—an act.

This woman wasn't playing a role. He
fucking liked that.

“Well, I can guarantee you won't need Dramamine now. But I will promise to feed you afterward. You'll need to replenish your energy.”

He'd deliberately baited her, waiting—

Her eyebrows lifted. “You do know I'm more than ten years younger than you, right? Maybe you'll need a nap.”

Now his smile became a full-blown grin and her eyes widened. Goddamn, he liked her.

“Oh, baby, if I need a nap, you can be damn sure you'll be passed out cold beside me.”

Rising onto her elbows again, her head dropped back and she started to laugh, making her breasts jiggle and drawing his attention to them again. He wanted to rub his cock between her tits. They'd feel like the finest silk against his shaft and—

Her foot brushed against his erection, rubbing him through his jeans, making his grin widen.

“You don't have any confidence problems, do you?”

None that he'd ever admit to. And honestly, right now, with the woman he'd been lusting after for months laid out in a bed right in front of him, with her foot teasing his cock, he said, “Not at the moment, no.”

Something passed over her expression, a vulnerability that gave him pause. But she still hadn't said no.

He held out his hands and watched her frown for a second before she reached for them and let him pull her up into a sitting position, and then to her knees. The top of her head still barely reached his chin, and he bent to kiss her at the same time he put her hands on his jeans.

Her fingers began to move immediately, working the button loose and then grabbing the zipper tab and pulling it down.

A groan rumbled in his chest as she released his aching cock by tugging the jeans over his hips and down his thighs. The boxers he'd been wearing went with them, exposing his cock to the slightly cooler air in the room. It jerked in anticipation, as if it had a mind of its own and wanted her to take notice.

It didn't have long to wait.

She abandoned his jeans around his knees, cupped his balls in one hand, and wrapped her fingers around his erection with the other. He nearly came in her hand.

“Holy fuck, yes. Harder.”

Wrapping his hands in her hair, he tugged her head back and let himself kiss her like he hadn't yet. With the full force of his desire.

Her hands clenched tight around him and her head bent farther back as he devoured her. His lips demanded more and more and, after a few seconds, she gave it to him. She met him kiss for kiss and her hands tightened on his cock and balls with purpose.

Then she started to play with him, stroking his cock from root to tip. Way too gently. Almost as if she was teasing him. He wanted harder and faster, but just the fact that it was Sabrina was enough to make it better than any other hand job he'd ever had.

Her other hand massaged his balls, rolling and squeezing his sac. Gently. Making his cock throb and a drop of liquid form at the tip. On her next stroke upward, she caught that drip on her fingers and spread it down his shaft.

The lubrication made her hand pick up speed, and his pulse began to pound in his ears. Releasing one hand from her hair, he reached for her breast, cupping its weight. He wanted to pet her all over, wanted to get his hand between her legs and feel if she was as wet as he wanted her to be.

He held back his inclination to toss her on her back and plow between her legs. Even though it was exactly what he wanted to do, there was another part of his brain that wanted to make sure she was just as satisfied.

Yes, she had her hands all over him but this wasn't some jaded thirty-something who'd been around the block more than a few times.

This was a twenty-three-year-old small-town girl who worked for his best friend.

Who seems to want you as much as you want her.

She kissed him with a passion nearly equal to his own, her hands caressing him with increasing surety. Her body responded to his every touch like they were connected on another level.

Right now, she was totally his.

And it was time to prove it.

Grabbing her hips, he lifted her off her knees, breaking their kiss and her hold on his cock, then laid her on her back. Okay, maybe he tossed her just a little. He had the supreme pleasure of watching her sprawl there for a second, hair fanned out on the silk, dark eyes blinking up at him.

He grinned as he kneed her legs apart then sat back on his heels. Now he had her spread out in front of him like a willing sacrifice and there was no more time for doubts.

“So fucking pretty.”

Letting his gaze drift down her body, he noted her bottom lip caught between her teeth again, the puckered nipples, the rapid rise and fall of her chest, and the quiver of her belly.

Finally, he got to that tiny vee of hair on her mound. She obviously trimmed that darker brown hair and waxed between her legs. Smooth, pink flesh beckoned.

Putting one hand on her left thigh, he pushed her open even more. She didn't resist, let him move her leg where he wanted it, her fingers curling into the comforter beneath.

Then he reached for her with his free hand, laying it flat on her stomach before drawing it down her body. He ran his fingers through that soft hair then twisted his hand to cup her, the heel of his palm pressing against her clit while his fingers slid along her pussy lips.

She moaned and he glanced up for a second to see her eyes close and her lips part before he returned to watching his fingers play with her most sensitive flesh.

BOOK: Over Exposed
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