Read Outrageously Yours Online

Authors: Susanna Carr

Outrageously Yours (10 page)

BOOK: Outrageously Yours
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But what he noticed the most was her eyes. Her eyelashes were spiky and she didn’t look at him directly. She didn’t want him to see that she had been crying.

“I’m here to apologize,” he blurted out. He was usually smoother than this but his pulse was racing. His chest felt tight.

Claire didn’t blink. She leaned against the door frame and held her bathrobe together. “For what? For interfering with my client, for the psychoanalysis or for taking work away after I’ve proven myself over and over again?”

Jason winced. He had been arrogant and condescending when he had only been trying to show compassion and concern. “Can I come in?”

She hesitated and glanced to the quiet corridor. “Sure,” she said. She stepped aside reluctantly and allowed him to enter. He hoped she didn’t notice how nervous and unsure he was.

“What’s going on?” she asked as she closed the door behind him.

Jason didn’t know where to start. He went with the first thing that popped in his head. “When you told me about how you hard you worked at school and that you still didn’t get what you wanted, I was surprised.”

“This is what you wanted to talk about?” She leaned her head back on the door. “I can’t go over it again. I won’t.”

“I get the sense that...” He was never this tongue-tied. “I said the wrong thing and I want to know what it was.”

She looked down at her bare feet. “You did nothing wrong,” she said quietly. “I was being too sensitive and I took it out on you.”

Jason was tempted to reach out and hold her. Cradle her against his chest. He wasn’t sure if his instincts were correct, though, and he kept his hands to himself. “Claire, I really want to know.”


“You told me something you weren’t comfortable sharing.” His hands were circling in the air and Jason crossed his arms tightly against his body. “You trusted me with this information and I disappointed you.”

“Jason, I explained about my learning disabilities and IQ so you could understand who I am. It was important to me that you knew why I’m tense and quiet. Why I don’t like the spotlight and why I work hard. But you refused to believe me. I struggled with the test results for years. It was depressing to realize that it wouldn’t change. But I’ve finally accepted that this is who I am.”

“No, Claire, it’s only a part of who you are.” He frowned as he considered some things she had said about her childhood. “But your family saw you as your diagnosis, didn’t they? They treated you differently.”

Her gaze darted away. “Just my parents,” she acknowledged. “They didn’t tell my sisters or any of our relatives. They held out hope that it was a misdiagnosis.”

That was why she’d been disappointed when he’d said the experts had gotten it all wrong. She thought that if he didn’t accept this part of her, he couldn’t accept
. How was he going to explain that he didn’t want her to have a lifelong struggle? If he could take her challenges from her, he would.

Jason raked his hands in his hair. “They didn’t tell anyone?”

Claire’s fingers tightened around the lapels of her bathrobe. “They were afraid that I would be mistreated if it got out. I had to be quiet about it.”

He felt a flash of helpless anger. They should have tried to get her the help she needed and find all the resources available to her. No wonder she had become silent and withdrawn as a teen. This also explained why she was reserved and stayed on the sidelines as an adult. “It’s not something to be ashamed about.”

“Yes, it is! I don’t want to go around advertising that I have a low IQ. Do you think anyone would hire me?” She scoffed at the idea. “I would be out of a job. And my friends? They would treat me differently and start using simple sentences when I’m around.”

“That’s not true.” Some clients and friends would fade away, but she didn’t need those people in her life. Claire deserved a close-knit group that supported her through all of the challenges life had to offer.

“Look at how you acted.” She pushed off the door and stood toe-to-toe with him. “Do you see me differently? Be honest, Jason. What do you see?”

He looked down at her face and gave her a lopsided smile. “You are the same woman I knew before you told me your secret. Nothing has changed.”

“How can you say that?” she asked. “Everything has changed.”

Jason shook his head. “The only difference is that you revealed a little more about yourself. Well, and that I won’t tease you anymore about your organizational skills or work habits.”

She reached out and patted him on his arm. “Tease me all you want, Jason.”

“But I won’t let anyone yell at you like Maibe did,” he warned. “That is nonnegotiable.”

Claire rested her head against his chest. “You were right, I didn’t defend myself with Dr. Maibe and I should have. It’s just that I’d made a mistake with Dr. Maibe and I felt like I...deserved it.”

He cupped his hand against the back of her head. It felt good to have her this close, showing her trust. The woman didn’t trust easily. “You wouldn’t treat anyone like that if they were in the wrong.”

“I don’t stand up for myself because chances are it’s going to be my fault. And I hate when my mistake is pointed out. My sisters constantly correct me.”

“You don’t act that way with me,” he said as he gently stroked her back with his other hand. “You always argue with me.”

“It’s not the same.” Her voice was muffled against his chest.

“Because I’m Kim’s brother? Because we’ve known each other since we were kids?”

She lifted her head and gave him a small smile. “No, I argue with you because you listen to me. You respect my opinion. You may not follow it—and you don’t half the time—but you want to hear what I have to say.”

“I will always want to hear what you think, Claire.”

Her mouth parted. “Thanks. That means a lot.” She hurriedly looked away as her skin reddened.

“Don’t turn away,” he said. “You don’t need to hide anything from me.”

“I can’t hide anything from you,” she complained. “You noticed that I was pulling away before today. I regretted telling you about my diagnosis. I didn’t want to see judgment in your eyes.”

“That’s never going to happen.” He bent his head and brushed his lips against the top of her head. “So we’re good?”

She frowned at the chaste kiss. “Yeah, we’re good.”

“Okay.” He forced himself to step away and walk to the door. “I’ll see you Friday at the party.”

“You’re leaving?” She couldn’t hide her crestfallen expression. “But...I mean...”

“Was there something else?” He kept his tone light while eagerness pulsed through his veins. He didn’t want to leave but she had called off the fling.

“No,” she drawled with uncertainty.

“Claire, you can tell me,” he reminded her. What if she didn’t want to restart the fling? He would find a way to convince her. Somehow he was going to make Claire Miller his, and his claim was going to last longer than a week.

The pink darkened across her high cheekbones. “I spoke in the heat of the moment earlier when I said you were out of my system.”

The corner of his mouth twitched as relief zipped down his spine. “I know.”

She gasped. “How?”

“You can’t hide how you feel when we’re naked in bed.” His smile grew.

Her eyes widened in horror. “That can’t be true.”

She made it sound like a bad thing. Her expressive face and audacious moves were the only things that had given him hope that she felt something more than lust for him.

“Claire, a woman who clings to me one night while having multiple orgasms would not have me out of her system the next day.”

Her skin was bright red but Claire ignored what he had said. “I want to continue our fling.”

Satisfaction welled in his chest. “Same rules? Same deadline?”


“Until Max arrives in town?” he asked harshly. He didn’t like the idea of giving up Claire so she could pursue another dream. But she was going places and he was staying put.

“Uh, right. About this job.” She squirmed under his intense gaze, shifting from one foot to the other. “I’m not sure if it’s the right fit for me. The right job.”

“I’m not going to let you talk yourself out of it.” She wanted to retreat into the shadows, longing for her comfort zone. It was tempting to encourage her to abandon the job interview and stay in Woodinville. But he wouldn’t be yet one more person in her life that didn’t believe in her potential.


“I mean it, Claire. Not one word. This is your chance to get your dream job. I’m not going to let anything or anyone get in your way.” Including him.


said in a ragged voice as he motioned for her with the curl of his finger.

A delicious ache warmed her belly. She should be ashamed that she was turned on by his voice this quickly. He only had to crook his finger and she was moving toward him.

But she didn’t want to play any games. This fling wasn’t going to last forever. Claire knew what she wanted from him and she wasn’t going to wait any longer.

Jason reached for the sash to her bathrobe and pulled her against him. He was a solid wall of muscle. Claire smoothed her hands over his chest, learning the planes and angles beneath his shirt. She reached his collar and fanned her fingers along the thick column of his neck.

Claire looked up and stared into his light blue eyes. “I want you to stay the night.” Her voice was husky and low.

“What else do you want?” he asked with a smile.

“I want you to kiss me.” Her pulse skittered as she was about to reveal another fantasy. She pressed her mouth against his jaw. “Everywhere.”

She heard Jason’s sharp intake of breath before he roughly cradled her head and claimed her mouth with his. He nibbled and licked her lips before dipping his tongue into her welcoming mouth. She drew him in deeper but he was still in command of the kiss, taking everything she had to offer until she clung to him.

He lowered one hand and untied the sash to her robe with a strong tug. Claire moaned against his mouth as he slid his hand beneath her robe and cupped her naked breast with his big hand. Her nipple tightened and tingled as he played with it.

Claire tore her mouth from his and she whispered his name. She knew her lips were reddened as she gulped in air. Jason left a trail of urgent kisses down her jaw and throat before pressing his mouth against her collarbone. He caught her flesh between his teeth and sucked. Her body flooded with heat as her knees buckled.

Jason caught her by wrapping his arm around her waist. She grabbed the front of his shirt as he leaned her back. Her world tilted but she knew she was safe. Jason kissed a path down her chest, licking, tasting, curling his tongue against her flushed skin, until he reached the tip of her breast.

Claire thrust her chest out, eager for his lips. His breath wafted over her tight, aching nipple before he straightened. She whimpered as he gathered her close to him, her bare skin rubbing against his cotton shirt. “Jason?”

He gave a soft shush before he gently lowered her onto the floor. Jason knelt between her legs and flattened his hands on either side of her. He swooped down and took her nipple deep into his mouth. Claire gasped from the hot, wet sensations. She arched her spine and stretched her arms over her head, ribbons of lust unfurling inside her.

Jason groaned with pleasure as he squeezed and licked her breasts. She watched his cheeks turn ruddy as he feasted on her. Claire rocked her hips as raw need coiled tightly in her belly.

Jason reached down and cupped her sex as if he knew the ache was almost too much to bear. She bucked against his possessive touch. She needed more, so much more.

Claire grabbed the back of his head with both hands and clutched his hair with tense fingers as he kissed his way down her abdomen. Her hips squirmed as he nipped her with the edge of his teeth. “I want you in me,” she said in a guttural groan. “Deep inside me.”

Jason stroked the folds of her sex with his fingers. Claire’s breath caught in her throat as her body throbbed. She gripped his hair as she rocked her hips. “More.”

He chuckled against her stomach as he dipped his finger into her core before he withdrew. Claire hissed between her clenched teeth as he drew a circle around her navel with the tip of his tongue. She flattened her feet on the wood floor and spread her legs wider. “Please, Jason.”

He pumped his finger into her wet heat. Claire gave a satisfied sigh as she met his rhythm with the thrust of her hips. He stopped to hook her thighs over his shoulders before he pressed his mouth against her sex.

Claire cried out from the intense pleasure. She speared her hands through his hair and held him close as she rode his tongue. The climax was sharp and sudden as it ripped through her like a jagged fork of lightning.

She slumped against the floor as her body pulsed from the aftershock. The blood roared in her ears as she drew in a ragged breath. She silently watched Jason as he hurriedly grabbed a condom from his wallet before he shoved his clothes off. Her core pulsed with anticipation as she saw his erect cock. His fingers trembled as he rolled the condom on before he slid his hands under her ass.

Jason plunged into her with one smooth thrust. Their groans mingled in the air as he filled her to the hilt. He retreated and surged forward again and again, following a wild and relentless rhythm. Claire gripped her thighs around his body and tilted her hips, drawing him in deeper. She felt another climax building inside her. The tension was growing tighter until finally it broke free.

Claire tipped her head back and cried out as her flesh clenched around his cock. Jason’s thrusts became unpredictable as he began to chant her name. He thrust deep into her and his spine bowed as he gave a hoarse cry of release.

Jason slumped on top of Claire. Their breaths echoed in the room as she gathered him close. Claire wished she could hold on to this moment. She wanted more moments like this, more chances to hold him. She was his and would always be, long after the fling was over.

* * *

up as the weak sunlight streamed through the window blinds. She stretched and her foot bumped against Jason’s leg. Claire blinked her eyes open and saw he was still asleep. She sagged deeper into her pillow and watched him. He looked peaceful. Satisfied.

She was in awe of his masculine beauty. Claire was tempted to stroke her hands all over his body, from his blunt cheekbones and broad shoulders to his washboard abs and impressive cock. She wanted to watch pleasure chase across his face before she brought him to a climax.

After all, he had done the same to her. Jason had made slow, sweet love to her throughout the night. He had carried her off to bed, cradling her in his arms. He had been extraordinarily gentle because of the bruises on her arms and legs. She hadn’t known he could be that tender, or have that much willpower, as he’d driven her wild over and over until he finally entered her welcoming, trembling body.

Claire carefully disentangled herself from his embrace and got out of bed. She only had two more days of this fling left and she didn’t want it to end yet. How could she extend it? She was afraid to bring up the topic. Jason was allergic to commitment. If she suggested they continue the fling, would he agree or would he end it right there?

She couldn’t find her bathrobe or slippers in her bedroom and was reluctant to make any noise in case she woke up Jason. Claire padded barefoot to the kitchen to make some coffee when she heard a beep from her phone. She walked over to the other side of the counter to the electronic charging station and grabbed her phone. She read the text and gave a sigh of annoyance when she saw it was from Max.

How is the reinvention assignment going?

Claire rolled her eyes. She couldn’t deal with Max first thing in the morning. She leaned against the kitchen counter as she pondered how to respond.

She noticed that she didn’t feel any anxiety as she had a week ago. She was now confident she could reinvent herself for this interview. But was she still interested in a job that asked her to be someone she wasn’t? It was a position that so many of her peers wanted, but was that the only reason she was considering it?

Recovering from my Roller Derby injury
, she replied. Claire added a picture from her night roller-skating. There was no way she could have faked flying through the air like that and she had the bruises to prove it.

She suddenly wished she hadn’t sent the picture. Why had she felt compelled to share it? His attitude and treatment toward her no longer meant anything. She knew who she was and what she wanted in life. So why was she too proud to show that side of herself? Maybe she hadn’t truly accepted who she was.

Her phone rang and Claire almost dropped it on the counter. She hissed when she recognized the number. Max Blair. She took a deep breath and answered the phone.

“Hello, Max,” she said in friendly tone.

“You are very committed to this reinvention,” he said.

“I always give my projects 100 percent,” she said. She pressed her lips together. Why was she telling him that? She was still interviewing for the job she was having second thoughts about. “And I have to get ready for a meeting. Are you still flying in to Seattle tomorrow?”

“Of course. I didn’t think I could spare the time to do this workshop but the tech company who hired me is paying me an obscene amount of money. They really wanted me to share my expertise.”

Claire felt her nostrils flare with aggravation as he bragged. “That’s wonderful, Max.”

“You should come to my workshop, Claire.”

She had no interest in paying to hear the man talk for hours about himself and his accomplishments. “It’s okay to have a few empty seats.”

“It’ll be standing room only,” he said with indignation. “I’m inviting you because you might learn a few things.”

She squeezed her eyes shut. His words no longer wounded, but they still had the power to sting. “Thanks for your concern but I keep up-to-date on what’s new and cutting-edge.”

“I disagree,” Max said. “I’ve looked at your website and portfolio. The work you do is basic and outdated. You haven’t come up with any fresh ideas.”

“That’s not true.” She shook her head at her answer. She needed a better comeback than that.

“You play it safe. Too safe,” he decided. “If you don’t innovate, you’re going to be out of business within the next year.”

It was as if he could sense her deepest fears. Sometimes she did play it safe and she often worried that she was going to wake up one day and realize the industry had changed and left her behind.

“Your clients don’t see what I saw at the conference. At least, not yet,” Max said, ignoring her silence. “You are not an expert like I am. You are a follower and not a leader.”

Why would he think that? Because she was shy and reserved? She enjoyed sharing her ideas with clients and guiding them to making the best choices for their business. Her style was different from his, but it didn’t mean she was a weak leader.

“Of course, if I hire you,” Max said breezily, “I would have to erase what you have learned and teach you everything from the beginning.”

She gripped her cell phone closer to her ear. She couldn’t have possibly heard that correctly. “What are you saying?”

“I start all of my employees at an entry level, of course.”

Claire frowned. It sounded as if he was hiring an intern instead of a colleague. “Why did you think of me for the job?”

“You aren’t very creative but you understand the business. You know how to manage a project and you can hold down the fort when I’m away from the office.”

The realization hit her squarely in the chest. Max had noticed her at the conference because she was organized and had an attention to detail. He wanted her as his assistant. His errand girl. He needed to find someone who preferred to be behind-the-scenes, work hard and put in the long hours. Someone who could hide his weaknesses and make him look good while he took all the credit.

Max hadn’t admired her drive or her portfolio. He’d suggested she reinvent herself not to show she could manage his clientele but to see if she could fit the image of his office. He didn’t envision her as an up-and-coming manager. He wanted a grinder, not an innovator. “I don’t know, Max...” Her mind still whirled at the realization that she had gotten it all wrong. What had she missed? What had been the signs?

“You would gain the respect you crave if you worked for me.”

She noticed that he said
him. Not
him. He didn’t see her as a protégé, let alone an equal. He never would, even if she came up with an idea that everyone wanted to copy. “That’s a vague promise. You have to convince me.”

“Fine, I will speak plainly. No one noticed you at the conference, Claire. They didn’t ask your opinion or share your success stories. You need a mentor who could help you gain respect and authority. You need someone like me.”

No, she didn’t need him. Max needed
. He was knocking down her confidence so she would be grateful for the job opportunity. She was mildly curious about the employment package. It would probably be insultingly low. He thought he could get her cheap because she wasn’t assertive.

“Max, I am more than happy to show you all that I did for an event tomorrow night. In fact, you should come to the party and see how well I promoted it.”

“The higher-ups at the tech company are taking me out to dinner, but I might be able to make an appearance,” he said loftily. “And you can show me around afterward. I’m looking forward to finding out how you cultivated your party-girl image.”

No, he wasn’t. Claire grimaced at his words. He wanted to find out how she would cater to his every whim while trying to get the job. She couldn’t believe that she’d wasted all this time and effort for his so-called job interview! That she had been willing to give up the business she had created out of nothing, along with everything she knew, for a chance to work with Max Blair.

“I wish I could, Max, but my guy won’t tolerate it if I left the party with another man. He’s the possessive type.”

There was a beat of silence—he hadn’t expected her to have a lover. “Is it serious?” he asked.

It was for her. She’d fallen in love with a man who was only supposed to be a temporary lover. “No, it’s just a fling. Why?”

“You wouldn’t have the time for a relationship if you work for me,” he said with a chuckle. “Even a long-distance one.”

Claire knew that if Max had his way, she wouldn’t have the time to achieve any of her goals and dreams. Her talents would be wasted on him.

BOOK: Outrageously Yours
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